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Research 1 Answer Key: Data Collection & Analysis

Rsch 121 answer 2nd quarter
Practical research 1 (AMA Computer University)
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RSCH-121 Research in Daily Life 2 (2nd Quarter)
RSCH-121 / ► Week 11: Understanding Data and Ways to Systematically Collect Data / ► Learning
Activity 019
You want to know if the Apple Cider Vinegar effective or not effective.
Answer: Experimental Research
You want to know the Number of Faculty Members
Answer: Survey Research
You want to know the effect of Manga leaves to your skin diseases
Answer: Experimental Research
You want to know who is better Section A or Section B.
Answer: Survey Research
You want to explore who is dominant Doctor of Philosophy or Doctor of Education.
Answer: Survey Research
You want know what is effective in skin diseases Orange or Mango.
Answer: Experimental Research
You want to know who is better in learning public or private.
Answer: Survey Research
You want to know what school in the city offering quality education.
Answer: Survey Research
You want to know who is stronger Male or Female.
Answer: Survey Research
You want to know what is effective Duhat Leaves or Santol Leaves in curing stomach ache.
Answer: Experimental Research
RSCH-121 / ► Week 11: Understanding Data and Ways to Systematically Collect Data / ► Learning
Activity 020
It is the characteristics of quantitative research that the DATA is usually gathered using structured
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It is the characteristics of quantitative research that the results are BASED on larger sample sizes that
are representative of the POPULATION
It is the characteristics of quantitative research that the research study can usually be replicated or
It is the characteristics of quantitative research that the researcher has a CLEARLY defined research
question to which OBJECTIVE answers are sought
It is the characteristics of quantitative research that all aspects of the study are carefully DESIGNED
before data is COLLECTED
RSCH-121 / ► Week 11: Understanding Data and Ways to Systematically Collect Data / ► Short Quiz
You want to know what university in the country offering quality education.
Answer: Survey Research
You want to know if the Banaba Juice is effective or not effective. In curing internal diseases.
Answer: Experimental Research
You want to know who is stronger Girl or Boy
Answer: Survey Research
You want to know who is better in learning section 1 or section 2.
Answer: Survey Research
You want know what is effective in skin diseases Grapes or Strawberry.
Answer: Experimental Research
You want to know the effect of Guava leaves to your skin diseases
Answer: Experimental Research
You want to know what is effective Kalamansi Leaves or Lagundi Leaves in curing stomach ache.
Answer: Experimental Research
You want to know who is better Section Narra or Section Santol
Answer: Survey Research
You want to know the Number of Students in San Jose NHS.
Answer: Survey Research
You want to explore who is dominant graduate of BSED or BEED.
Answer: Survey Research
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RSCH-121 / ► Week 12: Nature of the Study / ► Learning Activity 021
You want to know the positive behavior of seven years old Manny.
Answer: Observational Research
You want to the effect of drinking too much beer to the urinary tract infection.
Answer: Correlational Research
You want to know the ethnographic of Zimbabwe origins
Answer: Observational Research
You want to know case of 6 years old boy named Joshua.
Answer: Observational Research
You want to know whether the boy Ethan can walk at 5 years of age.
Answer: Observational Research
You want to know the ethological study of primate behaviour in the wild.
Answer: Observational Research
You want to know the origin and traditions of Iskimo Boy named Raphael.
Answer: Observational Research
You want to know the researches about cigarette smoking examine the conversation cigarette smoking
and a variety of lung diseases
Answer: Correlational Research
You want to know the effect of drinking alcohol and variety of kidney diseases
Answer: Correlational Research
You want to know the number of receptors on the postsynaptic neuron that has been found to be
increased in depression.
Answer: Correlational Research
RSCH-121 / ► Week 12: Nature of the Study / ► Learning Activity 022
What kind of sampling if your sample is every 21st of the participants from the 1800 participants in the
training seminar?
Answer: Systematic Sampling
What kind of sampling if your sample is every 2nd of the participants from 1-100?
Answer: Systematic Sampling
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What kind of sampling if your sample is Professor IV from the Universities in the Region IV A?
Answer: Stratified Sampling
What kind of sampling if your sample is religious affiliation from each of the fifty states?
Answer: Stratified Sampling
What kind of sampling if your strata were gender, you would sample both men and women?
Answer: Stratified Sampling
What kind of sampling if your strata were individual manager in the Business World of Makati, you
would randomly select perhaps 150 managers and interview them about their success in life?
Answer: Cluster Sampling
RSCH-121 / ► Week 12: Nature of the Study / ► Short Quiz 009
What kind of sampling if your sample is every 4th of the participants from 1-500?
Answer: Systematic Sampling
What kind of sampling you were going to use if your sample is every 18th child in the 1500 children in a
single row?
Answer: Systematic Sampling
What kind of sampling if your sample is doctorate degree holder form he 20 Divisions in the NCR?
Answer: Stratified Sampling
What kind of sampling if your sample is member of the club and organizations from each of the fifty
cities in the Philippines?
Answer: Stratified Sampling
What kind of sampling if your strata were sex, you would sample both boy and girl?
Answer: Stratified Sampling
What kind of sampling if your list was the phone book, it would be easiest to start at perhaps the 8th
person, and then select every 150th person from that point on?
Answer: Systematic Sampling
What kind of sampling if your sample is Professor I from the Universities in the Region IV A?
Answer: Stratified Sampling
What kind of sampling if your sample is every 22nd of the participants from the 1900 participants in the
training seminar?
Answer: Systematic Sampling
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What kind of sampling if your strata were individual school in the Division of Rizal, you would randomly
select perhaps 35 schools and test all of the students within those schools?
Answer: Cluster Sampling
What kind of sampling if your strata were individual supervisor in the Tiger City of Mandaluyong, you
would randomly select perhaps 250 supervisors and interview them about their success in life?
Answer: Cluster Sampling
RSCH-121 / ► Week 13: Research Instruments / ► Learning Activity 023
120 and 160
Answer: 40
15 and 35
Answer: 20
100 and 125
Answer: 25
126 and 129
Answer: 3
2 and 12
Answer: 10
RSCH-121 / ► Week 13: Research Instruments / ► Learning Activity 024
Academic Level and Age
Answer: YES
Family Income and Family Status
Answer: NO
Pencil and Ball pen
Answer: NO
Academic Grades and Academic Achievements
Answer: YES
Tardiness and Economic Status
Answer: YES
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Height and Weight
Answer: YES
Educational Qualification and Teaching Style
Answer: YES
Academic Rank and Salary Grade
Answer: YES
English and Mathematics
Answer: NO
Father and Mother
Answer: NO
RSCH-121 / ► Week 13: Research Instruments / ► Short Quiz 010
15 and 17
Answer: 2
211 and 219
Answer: 8
12 and 127
Answer: 115
500 and 625
Answer: 125
10 and 20
Answer: 10
420 and 960
Answer: 540
426 and 429
Answer: 3
213 and 314
Answer: 101
105 and 305
Answer: 200
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40 and 70
Answer: 30
RSCH-121 / ► Week 14: Finding Answers through Data Collection / ► Learning Activity 025
Using the baking soda in cleaning the comfort room
Answer: Interviews
Asking the clients which is better Cloud phone or Samsung
Answer: Experiments
Cooking the banana leaves to cure foot disease
Answer: Interviews
Examine the blood type of Grade 6 pupils
Answer: Experiments
Asking the teachers which method of teaching is effective.
Answer: Experiments
Listing the response of the manager which is advantage credit card or cash
Answer: Experiments
Examine the grade of the Grade 3 pupils
Answer: Experiments
Distributing the checklist on the favorite bag of the Grade 2 pupils
Answer: Interviews
Classifying the oregano leaves to produce vitamin C.
Answer: Experiments
Cleaning the banana leaves to use in the cooking for preventing skin diseases
Answer: Interviews
RSCH-121 / ► Week 14: Finding Answers through Data Collection / ► Learning Activity 026
Fruit and tree questionnaire
Answer: No
Web based questionnaire
Answer: Yes
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Experimental questionnaire
Answer: No
Survey questionnaire
Answer: Yes
Field questionnaire
Answer: No
Table and chair questionnaire
Answer: No
Sand and rock questionnaire
Answer: No
Checklist questionnaire
Answer: Yes
Plate and fish questionnaire
Answer: No
Paper and pencil questionnaire
Answer: Yes
RSCH-121 / ► Week 15: Data Gathering Procedure / ► Learning Activity 027
Can be fully automated using computer assisted telephone interviewing saving data processing time.
Answer: Advantages
Less time consuming
Answer: Advantages
Less expensive
Answer: Advantages
Researcher has ready access to anyone who has a landline
Answer: disadvantages
Saves the interviewer from carrying around hundreds of questionnaires
Answer: Advantages
The response rate is not as high as the face-to-face interview
Answer: disadvantages
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Saves time involved in processing the data
Answer: Advantages
The sample may be biased as only those people who have landline phones have contacted.
Answer: disadvantages
Higher response rate than the mail questionnaire
Answer: Advantages
Requires the interviewers have telephone
Answer: disadvantages
RSCH-121 / ► Week 15: Data Gathering Procedure / ► Learning Activity 028
Obtaining relevant data from management information system
Answer: YES
Riding in the jeep going to Cubao
Answer: NO
Observing and recording well-defined events
Answer: YES
Taking a bat for more than 3 hours
Answer: NO
Sleeping in the sopa bed to relax
Answer: NO
Shopping in the different males to take advantage for the sales
Answer: NO
Dancing in over the tree
Answer: NO
Conducting experiments in Science Laboratory
Answer: YES
Administering surveys with closed-ended questions
Answer: YES
Using cellphone in texting the chat mate
Answer: NO
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RSCH-121 / ► Week 15: Data Gathering Procedure / ► Short Quiz 011
The response rate is not as high as the face-to-face interview
Answer: False
Higher response rate than the mail questionnaire
Answer: True
Less time consuming
Answer: True
Requires the interviewers have telephone
Answer: False
The sample may be biased as only those people who have landline phones have contacted.
Answer: False
Saves the interviewer from carrying around hundreds of questionnaires
Answer: True
Saves time involved in processing the data
Answer: True
Researcher has ready access to anyone who has a landline
Answer: False
Can be fully automated using computer assisted telephone interviewing saving data processing time.
Answer: True
Less expensive
Answer: True
RSCH-121 / ► Week 15: Data Gathering Procedure / ► Long Quiz 003
It is neither the subject nor the experimenter knows whether the subject is in the treatment of the
control condition
Answer: Double Blind
It is kind of validity that addresses the issue of being able to generalize the results of your study to other
times, places, and persons.
Answer: External Validity
In this kind of interview the researcher ask a standard set of questions and nothing more.
Answer: Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing
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It is kind of research that tests for relationships between two variables.
Answer: Correlational Research
This is the population in research to which the researchers can apply their conclusions.
Answer: Accessible Population
In this kind of interview is a form of personal interviewing, but instead of completing a questionnaire,
the interviewer brings along a laptop or handheld computer to enter the information directly into the
Answer: Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing
The power of a test is the probability of finding significance if the alternative hypothesis is true.
Answer: True
Paper-pencil questionnaires can be sent to a large number of people and saves the researcher time and
Answer: True
It is a group used to produce comparisons.
Answer: Control Group
In this sampling we sample either proportionately or equally to represent various strata or
Answer: Stratified sampling
One of the disadvantage of computer assisted personal interviewing is expensive to set up and requires
that interviewers have computer and typing skills.
Answer: True
A researcher will represent and manipulate certain observations that they are studying.
Answer: True
It is defined as any set of persons/subjects having a common observable characteristic.
Answer: Population
It is kind of research that uses interviews, questions, and sampling polls to get a sense of behavior with
intense precision.
Answer: Survey Research
It is a series of actions or steps performed on data to verify, organize, transform, integrate, and extract
data in an appropriate output form for subsequent use.
Answer: Data processing
Correlational research involves comparative. In this research the study of two or more groups is done
without focusing on their relationship.
Answer: False
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In this sampling is conducted by randomly selecting a first case on a list of the population and then
proceeding in the nth case until your sample is selected.
Answer: Systematic sampling
When conducting research, one must often use a money of the population as opposed to using the
entire world bank.
Answer: False
It is kind of research that is not conducted between the two groups on each other rather than look
solely for a statistical relationship between two variables.
Answer: Casual Comparative Research
It is kind of validity that refers to inferences about whether it is reasonable to presume conversation
given specified alpha level and the obtained variances.
Answer: Statistical Conclusion Validity
In this scale are the ultimate nirvana when it comes to measurement scales because they tell us about
the order, they tell us the exact value between units.
Answer: Ratio Scale
It is kind of validity that uses an example in the study are pretest, an experimental treatment and followup posttest.
Answer: Internal Validity
It is true experiments but use naturally formed or pre-existing groups.
Answer: Quasi-Experiments
The research study can usually be replicated or repeated, given its low reliability.
Answer: False
It is a subject that has an equal probability of being selected for either the treatment or control group
Answer: Random Assignment
One of the disadvantage of telephone interview is the response rate is not as high as the face-to-face
interview as but considerately higher than the mailed questionnaire.
Answer: True
Casual-comparative research is the bedrock of most sciences most specifically natural sciences.
Answer: False
In this scale it is the order of the values is what is important and significant but the differences between
each one is not really known.
Answer: Ordinal Scale
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The level of measurement refers to the relationship among the values that are assigned to the attributes
for a variable.
Answer: True
It is unprocessed or unorganized source data, such as the data from an eye tracker which records the
coordinates and movement of the eye very millisecond.
Answer: Raw data
In this kind of interview are less time consuming and less expensive and the researcher has ready access
to anyone on the planet that has a telephone.
Answer: Telephone Interview
A descriptive study establishes only associations between variables; an experimental study establishes
Answer: True
It involves actions and methods performed on data that help describe facts, detect patterns, develop
explanations and test hypotheses.
Answer: Data analysis
This is the population in research to which the researchers can apply their conclusions.
Answer: Cluster sampling
It is often classified as a type of observational research
Answer: Surveys
It is kind of validity that include subjects apprehension about being evaluated, hypothesis guessing on
the part of the subject.
Answer: Construct Validity
It is very difficult to introduce your own views but your job is to find out what other people think and do.
Answer: False
This research may include case studies, ethnographic studies, ethological studies whose primary
characteristics is being observed or recorded.
Answer: Observational Research
In this kind of interview have a distinct advantage of enabling the researcher to establish rapport with
potential participants and therefore gain their cooperation.
Answer: Face-to-Face Interview
This research examines the conversation of two or more variables.
Answer: Correlational Research
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This is the group that receives the experiment treatment. Manipulation, or is different form the control
group on the variable under study.
Answer: Experimental or Treatment Group
In this sampling we take a random sample of strata and ten survey every member of the group
Answer: Cluster sampling
It is very important when conducting survey research that you work with statisticians and filed service
agents who are reputable.
Answer: True
This is refer to the entire group of individuals or objects to which researchers are interested in
generalizing the conclusions.
Answer: Target Population
This research is often thought of as laboratory study. It is also defined as an experiment conducted
where an effort is made to impose control over all other variables except the one under study.
Answer: TRUE Experiment
In this scale it is used numeric scales in which we know not only the order, but also the exact differences
between the values.
Answer: Interval Scale
It is kind of research that though questions may be posed in the other forms of research and that is
guided by a hypothesis
Answer: Experimental Research
It involves collecting or adding to the data holdings.
Answer: Acquiring data
Quantitative research focuses on gathering numerical data and generalizing it across groups of people or
to explain a particular phenomenon.
Answer: True
In this scale it is used for labeling variables, without any quantitative value. It is also called labels.
Answer: Nominal Scale
It is kind of research that though questions may be posed in the other forms of research and that is
guided by a hypothesis.
Answer: Experimental Research
RSCH-121 / ► Week 16: Validity of Measurement and Reliability / ► Learning Activity 029
VALIDITY means that a tool MEASURES what is sets out to measure.
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INTERNAL and EXTERNAL validity relates to the over-all study design.
INTERNAL validity relates to the extent to which the design of a RESEARCH study.
EXTERNAL validity relates to whether or not research findings can be generalized beyond the immediate
study and sample SETTING.
FACE validity is a simple form of CONTENT validity.
RSCH-121 / ► Week 16: Validity of Measurement and Reliability / ► Learning Activity 030
The reliability of two tests constructed the same way, from the same content is test-retest reliability.
Answer: No
The consistency of a measure evaluated over time is what you called observer reliability.
Answer: No
A more rigorous way to assess content validity is to ask recognized experts in the area to give their
opinion on the validity of the tool.
Answer: Yes
Criterion validity is usually measured using content coefficient.
Answer: No
Validity can be thought as consistency.
Answer: No
Concurrent validity uses an already existing and well accepted measure against which the new measures
can be compared.
Answer: Yes
Concurrent or predictive validity are both measures of construct validity.
Answer: No
The consistency of results across items often measures wit Cronbach’s Alpha.
Answer: Yes
Construct validity is usually measured using correlation coefficient.
Answer: Yes
When the correlation is high, the tool can be considered valid.
Answer: Yes
RSCH-121 / ► Week 16: Validity of Measurement and Reliability / ► Short Quiz 012
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The consistency of results across items often measures wit Cronbach's Alpha.
Answer: True
Concurrent or predictive validity are both measures of construct validity.
Answer: False
The consistency of a measure evaluated over time is what you called observer reliability.
Answer: False
Concurrent validity uses an already existing and well accepted measure against which the new measures
can be compared.
Answer: True
Validity can be thought as consistency.
Answer: False
Construct validity is usually measured using correlation coefficient.
Answer: True
A more rigorous way to assess content validity is to ask recognized experts in the area to give their
opinion on the validity of the tool.
Answer: True
When the correlation is high, the tool can be considered valid.
Answer: True
The reliability of two tests constructed the same way, from the same content is test-retest reliability.
Answer: False
Criterion validity is usually measured using content coefficient.
Answer: False
RSCH-121 / ► Week 17: Measures of Central Tendency / ► Learning Activity 031
Solve the mean of the following set of give numbers. Type your answer in the space provided.
12 79 59 87 43
Answer: 56
Solve the mean of the following set of give numbers. Type your answer in the space provided.
160 780 540 820 400
Answer: 540
Solve the mean of the following set of give numbers. Type your answer in the space provided.
15 75 55 85 45
Answer: 55
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Solve the mean of the following set of give numbers. Type your answer in the space provided.
162 788 514 812 404
Answer: 536
Solve the mean of the following set of give numbers. Type your answer in the space provided.
16 78 54 82 40
Answer: 54
Solve the mean of the following set of give numbers. Type your answer in the space provided.
165 785 545 825 415
Answer: 562
Solve the mean of the following set of give numbers. Type your answer in the space provided.
10 70 50 80 40
Answer: 50
Solve the mean of the following set of give numbers. Type your answer in the space provided.
166 788 544 822 490
Answer: 556
Solve the mean of the following set of give numbers. Type your answer in the space provided.
106 708 504 802 400
Answer: 504
Solve the mean of the following set of give numbers. Type your answer in the space provided.
13 77 56 84 90
Answer: 64
RSCH-121 / ► Week 17: Measures of Central Tendency / ► Learning Activity 032
Identify the mode on the following set of numbers.
165 765 545 165 415
Answer: 165
Identify the mode on the following set of numbers.
160 160 540 820 406
Answer: 160
Identify the mode on the following set of numbers.
112 112 519 112 519
Answer: 112
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Identify the mode on the following set of numbers.
100 700 500 800 100
Answer: 100
Identify the mode on the following set of numbers.
415 475 455 485 415
Answer: 415
Identify the mode on the following set of numbers.
116 788 514 788 400
Answer: 788
Identify the mode on the following set of numbers.
400 708 504 802 400
Answer: 400
Identify the mode on the following set of numbers.
162 788 788 788 404
Answer: 788
Identify the mode on the following set of numbers.
113 777 516 824 113
Answer: 113
Identify the mode on the following set of numbers.
166 788 544 166 490
Answer: 166
RSCH-121 / ► Week 17: Measures of Central Tendency / ► Short Quiz 013
What is the median of the following set of numbers. 12 13 14 15 16?
Answer: 14
The following are the set of numbers 234 235 236 237 238, what is the median of the following set of
Answer: 236
Find the mode of the following set of numbers
76 23 14 23 76 23 12.
Answer: 23
The price of the different bread brand is as follows 87 54 23 12 54, what is the mode of the prices?
Answer: 54
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What is the median of the following numbers 107 102 104 103 106 105 108?
Answer: 105
What is the mean of the following set of numbers 765 435 987 123?
Answer: 577.5
Compute the mean of your grade is Science as follows
89 87 86 90 94 96
Answer: 90.33
What is the mean of the four numbers 765 123 900 143?
Answer: 482.75
What is the mean if the numbers are 21-27?
Answer: 24
Your grades in Mathematics are as follows 98 89 90 95 96, what is the mean of your final grade?
Answer: 93.6
RSCH-121 / ► Week 18: Reporting and Sharing / ► Learning Activity 033
One of the general guideline in writing and reporting the respondents or subjects of the study is the first
PARAGRAPH should discuss the topic or SUBJECT of the research.
One of the general guideline in writing and reporting the respondents or subjects of the study is the size
of POPULATION and its important characteristics in relation to what is STUDIED.
One of the general guideline in writing and reporting the respondents or subjects of the study is it
include the sample SIZE and the SAMPLING technique used.
One of the general guideline in writing and reporting the respondents or subject of the study is it include
also the VARIABLES considered in case there are equating factors, the strain case of stratified sampling
or percentages in case of PROPORTIONAL sampling.
One of the general guideline in writing and reporting the respondents or subject of the study is a
distribution TABLE for the sample size which is followed by a DISCUSSION.
RSCH-121 / ► Week 18: Reporting and Sharing / ► Learning Activity 034
One of the general guideline in reporting and writing the data analysis and interpretation is an
introductory PARAGRAPH is provided at the start of the CHAPTER.
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One of the general guideline in reporting and writing the data analysis and interpretation is the
SUBTITLES sections are based on the questions in the statement of the problem, stated in DECLARATIVE
form, single-space bold.
One of the general guideline in reporting and writing the data analysis and interpretation is the table
and figure numbers and titles are written in CAPITAL lower case at the center, single SINGLE. Title
should come after the number, arranged in inverted pyramid.
One of the general guideline in reporting and writing the data analysis and interpretation is the tables
and figures should be in CONTINUOUS numbering. It should be presented first before discussion.
Enclosed tables with DOUBLE line on top should be used. Graphs should be colored.
One of the general guideline in reporting and writing the data analysis and interpretation is the
discussion should follow the FORMAT, presentation of the table, the table itself, analysis and
interpretation, then implications. Related literature and studies may be used to support the FINDINGS.
RSCH-121 / ► Week 18: Reporting and Sharing / ► Short Quiz 014
One of the general guideline in writing and reporting the respondents or subject of the study is it include
also the variables considered in case there are equating factors, the strain case of stratified sampling or
percentages in case of variation sampling
Answer: False
One of the general guideline in reporting and writing the data analysis and interpretation is the
discussion should follow the format, presentation of the table, the table itself, analysis and
interpretation, then implications. Related literature and studies may be used not to support the findings.
Answer: False
One of the general guideline in writing and reporting the respondents or subjects of the study is the size
of population and its important characteristics in relation to what is studied.
Answer: True
One of the general guideline in writing and reporting the respondents or subjects of the study is the first
paragraph should discuss the topic or subject of the research.
Answer: True
One of the general guideline in reporting and writing the data analysis and interpretation is an
introductory paragraph is provided at the start of the chapter.
Answer: True
One of the general guideline in reporting and writing the data analysis and interpretation is the table
and figure numbers and titles are written in capital lower case at the center, single. Title should come
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after the number, arranged in inverted pyramid.
Answer: True
One of the general guideline in writing and reporting the respondents or subjects of the study is it
include the sample size and the sampling technique used.
Answer: True
One of the general guideline in reporting and writing the data analysis and interpretation is the tables
and figures should be in continuous numbering. It should be presented first before discussion. Enclosed
tables with double line on top should be used. Graphs should be colored.
Answer: True
One of the general guideline in reporting and writing the data analysis and interpretation is the subtitles
of sections are based on the questions in the statement of the problem, stated in declarative form,
single-space bold.
Answer: True
One of the general guideline in writing and reporting the respondents or subject of the study is a
distribution table for the sample size which is not followed by a discussion.
Answer: False
RSCH-121 / ► Week 19: Summary of Findings, Conclusion and Reccommendations / ► Learning
Activity 035
Conclusions must be one is to one correspondence, that is, if there are five specific problems, there will
be five SUMMARY of findings and five CONCLUSIONS
Conclusions are inferences, deductions, abstractions, implications, interpretations, general statements,
and/or generalizations based upon the findings. Conclusions are the LOGICAL and valid outgrowths
upon the findings. They should not contain any numeral because numerals generally limit the forceful
effect or impact and SCOPE of a generalization. No conclusions should be made that are not based upon
the findings.
Conclusions should appropriately answer the specific questions raised at the beginning of the
INVESTIGATION in the order they are given under the statement of the problem. The study becomes
almost meaningless if the questions raised are not PROPERLY answered by the conclusions.
Conclusions should point out what were factually learned from the inquiry. However, no conclusions
should be drawn from the implied or INDIRECT effects of the FINDINGS.
Conclusions should be formulated CONCISELY that is, brief and short, ye they convey all the necessary
information resulting from the study as required by the SPECIFIC questions.
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RSCH-121 / ► Week 19: Summary of Findings, Conclusion and Reccommendations / ► Learning
Activity 036
The SECTION is introduced FIRST.
SUBTITLES of the summary of findings should follow the statement of the problem. Only averages or
means and FINAL values should be mentioned.
There should be e brief statement about the main purpose of the study, the POPULATION or
respondents, the period of the study, method of research used, the research instrument, and the
sampling DESIGN.
The findings may be lumped up all together but CLARITY demands that each specific question under the
statement of the problem must be written first to followed by the findings that would answer it. The
SPECIFIC questions should follow the order they are given under the statement of the problem.
The findings should be textual generalizations, that is, a summary of the important data consisting of
text and numbers. Every STATEMENT of fact should consist of words, numbers, or statistical measures
woven into a meaningful statement. No deductions, nor inference, nor interpretation should be made
otherwise it will only be DUPLICATED in the conclusion.
RSCH-121 / ► Week 19: Summary of Findings, Conclusion and Recc... / ► Long Quiz 004
It is a method often make use of checklist and rating scales.
Answer: Questionnaires Method
It is other known as face validity.
Answer: Content Validity
It is the most frequently occurring value.
Answer: Mode
In finance, standard deviation is a statistical measurement; when applied to the annual rate of return of
an investment, it sheds light on the historical volatility of that investment.
Answer: True
It is a new and inevitably growing methodology is the use of internet based research.
Answer: Web based questionnaires
It is a statistical technique that assesses potential differences in scale level dependent variable by a
nominal-level variable having 2 or more categories.
Answer: Analysis of Variance
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Summary of findings must be one is to one correspondence, that is, if there are five specific problems,
there will be five introduction and five conclusions.
Answer: False
The specific questions should follow the order they are given under the statement of the problem.
Answer: True
It is also a frequently used of central tendency.
Answer: Median
It refers to the number of independent variables-not the number of categories in each variables.
Answer: One-Way ANOVA
The introduction is one of the most important paragraphs. An effective introduction introduces the topic
and purpose of the report or essay and outlines your approach.
Answer: True
One of the advantages of this questionnaire method is can be sent to a large number of people.
Answer: Mail Questionnaires
It is calculated as the square root of variance by determining the variation between each data point
relative to the mean.
Answer: Standard deviation
It is the distribution of the chi-square statistics.
Answer: Chi-Square distribution
This validity can be provided by comparing the results obtained with the results obtained using other
test, other characteristics of the individual or factors in the individuals environment which would be
expected to affect test performance.
Answer: Construct Validity
In order to have a random selection method of sampling that utilizes some form of random selection.
Answer: True
Conclusions should not point out what were factually learned from the inquiry. However, no conclusions
should be drawn from the implied or indirect effects of the findings.
Answer: False
Conclusions are inferences, deductions, abstractions, implications, interpretations, general statements,
and/or generalizations based upon the findings.
Answer: True
This reliability the consistency of a measure evaluated over time.
Answer: Test-Retest Reliability
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It is a measure of the dispersion of a set of data from its mean
Answer: Standard deviation
It is the midpoint of a distribution.
Answer: Median
For experimental or scientific researches, an operational procedure of the experiment should be
presented in which can be supported by a flow chart for clarity.
Answer: True
It refers to the administration of psychological tests that are objective and standardized measure of a
sample of behavior.
Answer: Psychological Testing Method
The subtitles of sections are based on the questions in the statement of the problem, stated in
declarative form, single-space bold.
Answer: True
It is more structured method than in qualitative research compare to quantitative research.
Answer: Interview Method
It is used to find out if the variances between the two populations are significantly different.
Answer: F-Test
It is the end or finish of an event or process.
Answer: Conclusion
In is simply the sum of the number divided by the number of numbers.
Answer: Arithmetic Mean
Psychological Testing Method is one of the most common methods for qualitative data collection,
participant observation is also one of the most demanding.
Answer: False
In case of researcher-made instruments, validation process should be discussed and figures or results
must be presented when statistical measures were used.
Answer: True
It refers to an ANOVA using 2 independent variable.
Answer: Two-Way ANOVA
It is a list of behaviors, characteristics, or other entities the researcher is looking for.
Answer: Checklist
One of the advantages of telephone interview is less time consuming and less expensive.
Answer: True
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It is used to find out if the means between two populations is significantly different.
Answer: T-Test
Conclusions should not be formulated concisely, that is, brief and short, they convey all the necessary
information resulting from the study as required by the specific questions.
Answer: False
The findings should be textual generalizations, which are summary of the important data consisting of
text and numbers.
Answer: True
Reliability is directly related to the validity of the measure.
Answer: True
It is the most common measure of central tendency.
Answer: Arithmetic Mean
A score on a well-constructed test is believed to reflect a psychological construct such as achievement in
a school subject, cognitive ability, aptitude, emotional functioning, personality, etc.
Answer: True
Conclusions should appropriately answer the specific questions raised at the beginning of the
investigation in the order they are given under the statement of the problem.
Answer: True
It means that a tool measures what it sets out to measure - for example, that a pain assessment tool
measures pain intensity rather than axiety.
Answer: Measurement Validity
Tables and figures should not be in continuous numbering. It should be presented first before
discussion. Enclosed tables with double line on top should be used. Graphs should be colored.
Answer: False
It is the most common methods for qualitative data collection, participant observation is also one of the
most demanding.
Answer: Observation Method
Table and figure numbers and titles are written in capital lower case at the center, single spaced. Title
should come after the number, arranged in inverted pyramid.
Answer: False
Recommendations are not based on important results and conclusions.
Answer: False
This reliability the degree to which different raters/observers give consistent answers or estimates.
Answer: Inter-Rater/Observer Reliability
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This reliability the consistency of results across items, often measured with Cronbach's Alpha.
Answer: Internal Consistency Reliability
RSCH-121 / ► Week 20: Second Quarter Exam / ► Second Quarter Exam
Requires the interviewers have telephone
Answer: False
It is the most common measure of central tendency.
Answer: Arithmetic Mean
Identify the mode on the following set of numbers.
400 708 504 802 400
Answer: 400
What kind of sampling if your sample is Professor I from the Universities in the Region IV A?
Answer: Stratified Sampling
It is neither the subject nor the experimenter knows whether the subject is in the treatment of the
control condition
Answer: Double Blind
213 and 314
Answer: 101
A researcher will represent and manipulate certain observations that they are studying.
Answer: True
Identify the mode on the following set of numbers.
165 765 545 165 415
Answer: 165
This reliability the consistency of results across items, often measured with Cronbach's Alpha.
Answer: Internal Consistency Reliability
One of the general guideline in reporting and writing the data analysis and interpretation is the subtitles
of sections are based on the questions in the statement of the problem, stated in declarative form,
single-space bold.
Answer: True
In order to have a random selection method of sampling that utilizes some form of random selection.
Answer: True
Downloaded by Hoc son (roshannegarbo6@gmail.com)
It means that a tool measures what it sets out to measure - for example, that a pain assessment tool
measures pain intensity rather than axiety.
Answer: Measurement Validity
211 and 219
Answer: 8
What kind of sampling if your list was the phone book, it would be easiest to start at perhaps the 8th
person, and then select every 150th person from that point on?
Answer: Systematic Sampling
2 and 12
Answer: 10
Solve the mean of the following set of give numbers. Type your answer in the space provided.
16 78 54 82 40
Answer: 54
Identify the mode on the following set of numbers.
100 700 500 800 100
Answer: 100
What kind of sampling if your list was the phone book, it would be easiest to start at perhaps the 17th
person, and then select every 50th person from that point on?
Answer: Systematic Sampling
What is the median of the following set of numbers. 12 13 14 15 16?
Answer: 14
Solve the mean of the following set of give numbers. Type your answer in the space provided.
12 79 59 87 43
Answer: 56
You want to know the Number of Students in San Jose NHS.
Answer: Survey Research
Saves time involved in processing the data
Answer: True
The power of a test is the probability of finding significance if the alternative hypothesis is true.
Answer: True
Less expensive
Answer: True
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In this scale are the ultimate nirvana when it comes to measurement scales because they tell us about
the order, they tell us the exact value between units.
Answer: Ratio Scale
This reliability the reliability of two tests constructed the same way, from the same content.
Answer: Parallel-Forms Reliability
A score on a well-constructed test is believed to reflect a psychological construct such as achievement in
a school subject, cognitive ability, aptitude, emotional functioning, personality, etc.
Answer: True
Recommendations are not based on important results and conclusions.
Answer: False
This is the population in research to which the researchers can apply their conclusions.
Answer: Accessible Population
The specific questions should follow the order they are given under the statement of the problem.
Answer: True
In this scale it is the order of the values is what is important and significant but the differences between
each one is not really known.
Answer: Ordinal Scale
Solve the mean of the following set of give numbers. Type your answer in the space provided.
15 75 55 85 45
Answer: 55
One of the general guideline in reporting and writing the data analysis and interpretation is an
introductory paragraph is provided at the start of the chapter.
Answer: True
For experimental or scientific researches, an operational procedure of the experiment should be
presented in which can be supported by a flow chart for clarity.
Answer: True
It is the midpoint of a distribution.
Answer: Median
It refers to an ANOVA using 2 independent variable.
Answer: Two-Way ANOVA
You want to know who is better in learning section 1 or section 2.
Answer: Survey Research
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In this scale it is used numeric scales in which we know not only the order, but also the exact differences
between the values.
Answer: Interval Scale
The consistency of results across items often measures wit Cronbach's Alpha.
Answer: True
What kind of samplingif your sample is every 21st of the participants from the 1800 participants in the
training seminar?
Answer: Systematic Sampling
Solve the mean of the following set of give numbers. Type your answer in the space provided.
106 708 504 802 400
Answer: 504
15 and 35
Answer: 20
What kind of sampling if your sample is religious affiliation from each of the fifty states?
Answer: Stratified Sampling
What kind of sampling if your strata were individual school in the Division of Antipolo City, you would
randomly select perhaps 20 schools and test all of the students within those schools?
Answer: Cluster Sampling
This research may include case studies, ethnographic studies, ethological studies whose primary
characteristics is being observed or recorded.
Answer: Observational Research
This is the group that receives the experiment treatment. Manipulation, or is different form the control
group on the variable under study.
Answer: Experimental or Treatment Group
One of the general guideline in reporting and writing the data analysis and interpretation is the tables
and figures should be in continuous numbering. It should be presented first before discussion. Enclosed
tables with double line on top should be used. Graphs should be colored.
Answer: True
It is true experiments but use naturally formed or pre-existing groups.
Answer: Quasi-Experiment
It is a subject that has an equal probability of being selected for either the treatment or control group
Answer: Random Assignment
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Correlational research involves comparative. In this research the study of two or more groups is done
without focusing on their relationship.
Answer: False
What kind of sampling if your sample is doctorate degree holder form he 20 Divisions in the NCR?
Answer: Stratified Sampling
You want to explore who is dominant graduate of BSED or BEED.
Answer: Survey Research
What kind of sampling you were going to use if your sample is every 20th child in the 1000 children in a
single row?
Answer: Systematic Sampling
You want to know who is better Section Narra or Section Santol
Answer: Survey Research
Casual-comparative research is the bedrock of most sciences most specifically natural sciences.
Answer: True
Saves the interviewer from carrying around hundreds of questionnaires
Answer: True
A descriptive study establishes only associations between variables; an experimental study establishes
Answer: True
Tables and figures should not be in continuous numbering. It should be presented first before
discussion. Enclosed tables with double line on top should be used. Graphs should be colored.
Answer: False
This reliability the degree to which different raters/observers give consistent answers or estimates.
Answer: Inter-Rater/Observer Reliability
It is more structured method than in qualitative research compare to quantitative research.
Answer: Interview Method
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