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Management Skills: Critical Role & Leadership

The Critical Role of Management Skills
ACTIVITY 1 : Discussion
What is the overlapping between
Management & Leadership ?
Management vs. Leadership
"Management is about
coping with complexity...
● Leadership is about coping
with change“
(John Kotter, Harvard Business
Review, 1990)
(John Kotter, Harvard Business
Review, 1990)
Management is based on
position, the authority of
the job title.
● Leadership is not necessarily
Management is a function.
Management is
concerned with task (taskdriven).
based on position, but is a
quality of the modern manager.
● Leadership is the relationship.
● Leadership are more
concerned with the end result
Management vs. Leadership
The skills that make a good manager and a
good leader are not the same.
● Today’s organizations need employees with
both sets of skills.
Management Skills
Management skills are the
building blocks upon which
effective management rests.
Kỹ năng quản lý là nền tảng để quản lý hiệu quả
Essential Management Skills
trao quyền
và ủy quyền
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ACTIVITY 2 : Discussion
What is the characteristics of
Characteristics of an effective Manager
sáng suốt
1. Ability to take decisions
2. Leadership
3. Integrity (thanh liêm, ngay thẳng, chính trực)
4. Enthusiasm
5. Imagination
6. Willingness to work hard
7. Analytical ability
8. Understanding of others
9. Ability to spot opportunities
10. Ability to meet unpleasant
11. Ability to adapt quickly to
12. Willingness to take risks
13. Enterprise (gan dạ, mạo hiểm, táo bạo)
14. Capacity to speak lucidly
15. Astuteness
16. Ability to administer
17. Open-mindedness sự sắc sảo
18. Ability to ‘stick to it’
19. Willingness to work long
20. Ambition
tâm đạt
21. Single-mindedness quyết
được something
22. Capacity for lucid writing
23. Curiosity
24. Skill with numbers
25. Capacity for abstract
though suy nghĩ trừu tượng
* According to the result of a survey of successful chief executives on the
attributes most valuable at top levels of management. (Thomas, 2004)
giao tiếp bằng lời nói
nêu lên tầm nhìn
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The importance of competent managers
A study of 968 firms, representing all major industries in the
United States, organizations whose managers effectively
managed their people—that is, they implemented effective
people management strategies and demonstrated personal
competency in management skills—had, on the average,
➢ decrease in turnover of more than 7% turnover: tỷ lệ nhảy việc
➢ increased profits of $3,814 per employee, $27,044 more in sales
per employee, and $18,641 more in stock market value per
employees compared to firms that had less effective people
management (Huselid, 1995; Pfeffer & Veiga, 1999).
2. In a follow-up study of 702 firms, shareholder wealth was an
amazing $41,000 per employee higher in companies
demonstrating strong people management skills than in firms that
had a lower emphasis on people management (Huselid & Becker,
Mintzberg’s Ten Management Roles
người có vị trí leader
nhưng không có thực quyền
- communications giữa workers/groups
- người giúp mn làm việc gắn kết
người truyền bá
người phát ngôn
người xử lý xáo trộn/nguy cơ
người phân bổ các nguồn lực
người thương lượng
ACTIVITY 3: Discussion
What is a Leader ?
An overheard conversation:
“Leaders are born with special qualities. Some
people stand out from the crowd. You’ve either
got it or you haven’t.”
Argument 1: Leaders are born with special qualities.
Partially true: Some people might have natural charisma, intelligence, or decisiveness that
make them well-suited for leadership roles.
Partially false: Leadership is also a skill that can be developed through experience,
training, and learning.
“Nonsense. Anyone can become a leader. It’s
a skill and can be learned like any other.”
Partially true: Leadership skills like communication, delegation, and decision-making can be learned and honed.
Partially false: Not everyone might have the same level of interest or aptitude for leadership roles. Some people might prefer individual contributor roles or lack the confidence to lead.
A balanced perspective:
Effective leadership is likely a combination of both nature and nurture. Some people might have a natural predisposition for leadership, but everyone can improve their leadership skills through
effort and learning.
•Do you agree with either of these arguments?
•Give a brief reason for your answer.
Things to Remember
A high IQ alone does not guarantee
success in life and work.
● Management skills can be improved with
the proper balance of conceptual learning
and behavioral practice.
Competing Values Framework
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The Future is Change!
“Only a few dozen computers will be needed in the entire
world.” Thomas Watson’s founder of IBM
“The light bulb will never catch on.” Thomas Edison
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