Uploaded by Anh Quan Nguyen

Globalization: Definition, Impact, and Examples

What is globalization?
Globalization is...
When something is
launched globally &
around the globe to
make a product.
Examples of
global brands are:
“Apple”&” Dole”,
Here are some global brands in Vietnam
The main goal to reach
Vietnam is...
To get money and
popularity for the
brand. This gave
them also a chance
to get good
tourism for the
country which
increases the GDP
of the country.
Disadvantages and advantages
of globalization
Advantages of globalization to a…
-Personal level : You love the product
- National level : The country get money
- Global level : the company grew and grew and become rich
in doing so.
Disadvantages of globalization to a…
-Personal level : You will hate the product and that makes
you very mad
National level : GDP down
Global level : Bankruptcy
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