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1713342438 S3- Midterm - study note

IOT (Internet of Things) :
Nowadays, devices connected to the Internet network are not that numerous. With IOT, every
electrical device will be connected to the Internet network.
IoT stands for Internet of Things.
The concept is called IoT (Internet of things) that allows the user to control any device he
is using.
The major purpose of IoT is connecting physical devices to the internet
The IoT is the network of physical objects connected via sensors, software, and other
technologies. It links and exchanges data with other devices and systems over the
internet. For example, smart devices can help turn on or off light.
The IOT is a network that connects all devices having the following characteristics:
1. The device must be supplied with a WIFI connection.
2. It can be programmed from a computer
3. It contains sensors that make it interactive with its environment. Sensor (IoT hardware) is
used to detect changes in the environment
Advantages of IoT
Disadvantages of IoT
1. Easy Access
1. Dependency on Technology
2. Quick operation. You can finish
2. Loss of Data
many tasks very quickly because
of the inflow of data
3. Data security , A lot of information
is available on the Internet as it
3. Monitoring Data
connects to all household
4. Following New Standards
A Smart Object needs the following components in order to be connected to the IOT
A set of sensors considered as Input Devices.
An Internet connection to WIFI.
A Screen considered as an Output Device.
A MicroController considered as the brain of the device.
A MicroController is an electronic board that links input devices to output devices. By
linking the 3 components (MicroController, input, and output devices), you can obtain a
Smart Object.
Micro-Controllers are found everywhere: in the Car, in the Washing Machine, in the
Fridge, in the Air Conditioner, in a Robot, etc.
The diagram below illustrates the microcontroller system as a collection of parts or
devices with three features: input, process, and output. A system accepts at least one
input device, performs some action on that input, and produces one or more outputs.
The definition of Arduino:
Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware
and software.
Arduino is an electronic board considered as a Microcontroller that links the computer
with all the components that can't be directly linked to the computer. It can be connected
to the motors, the LEDs, the sensors, etc…
With Arduino, it is possible to realize a prototype circuit to understand the IOT world
Ardunio can interact with buttons, leds, smartphones, and sensors.
The Arduino IDE is built on C/C++ language.
Arduino components:
A USB connection (USB socket) to link
the Arduino board to the computer to:
Supply a 5 volt.
Download programmes.
A 9 V for Battery power (Power socket).
A series of [Digital Pins] from 0 to 13 = 5
GND=Ground, it is the [Digital Pin] that
provides 0 volt.
Power Pins
Analogue Pins
Tinkercad is an online platform that allows users to design and simulate 3D models. It is a free
and easy-to-use tool that is designed for beginners and experts alike. One of the most exciting
things about Arduino and Tinkercad is that they can be used together. Tinkercad has a range of
electronic components that can be used to build circuits and control devices, and it also has a
built-in Arduino simulator that allows users to program and test their circuits in a virtual
environment. This makes it easy to prototype and test new ideas before building them in the real
Creating the led circuit: LED
Switch ON at the beginning,
wait for 1s and then switch