EU ASEAN Sources Integration merchandise Integration services Integration capital Integration labour Instances The European Union (EU) has The EU has made significant strides in There is free movement of capital The EU permits free movement of labor, European Commission, European achieved a high degree of economic integrating service trade, with the within the EU, enabling investment enabling EU citizens to work in any Parliament, European Council, ECB integration in merchandise trade removal of barriers and the establishment without restrictions across member member state without the need for work through the establishment of a of a single market for services. This states. permits. single market without barriers includes harmonization of regulations and It includes the elimination of tariffs the mutual recognition of professional and quotas among member states, qualifications. as well as the implementation of common external tariffs. ASEAN has made progress in ASEAN has made efforts to liberalize Restrictions and controls still exist in Labour mobility in ASEAN is limited ASEAN Summit, ASEAN reducing tariffs through initiatives service trade, but progress has been some member countries although with agreements primarily focusing on Coordinating Council, ASEAN like the ASEAN Free Trade Area slower compared to the EU, and barriers there are efforts to enhance financial skilled labor, and there are significant Secretariat (AFTA), which reduces tariff still exist in many sectors. integration barriers for broader workforce mobility. barriers significantly among members. But many trade barriers still exits, and the degree of integration is lower compared to the EU. eu/single-market/services_en (EU) eu/regulation-and-supervision/capital- catId=470 (EU) (EU) (EU) communities/economic-community/ content/uploads/2020/12/Framework- agreements/view/757/newsid/869/aseanagreements-an-overview/ (ASEAN) Agreement-on-the-ASEANagreement-on-the-movement-of-naturalInvestment-Area.pdf (ASEAN) persons.html#:~:text=The%20ASEAN% 20Agreement%20on%20the,of%20stay% 20of%20natural%20persons.(ASEAN) Processes Complex legislative process involving the Commission, Parliament, and Council. Directives and regulations must be transposed into national law Other Currency: Uses a common Cultural and Social:The EU currency (Euro) in 19 of 27 promotes cultural and social countries, governed by the ECB cohesion through various (European central bank) programs Consensus-based decision making; resolutions require unanimous agreement among members Currency: No common currency or central bank Cultural and Social: ASEAN's efforts are more oriented towards cultural exchange and solidarity without binding social policies. https://european-union.europa. https://european-union.europa. https://www.consilium.europa. eu/institutions-law-budget/euro_en eu/priorities-and-actions/actionseu/en/council-eu/decision(EU) topic/culture_en (EU) making/ordinary-legislative (EU) communities/asean-socio cultural-community/ (ASEAN) au/australianoutlook/aseanscommitment-to-consensus/ (ASEAN)