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Years of Hijrah: Key Events & Battles in Early Islam

11 Years
of Hijrah
By Aayan Alam 9-C
1 Year
of Hijrah
Construction of Mosque
The first thing that the Prophet did after arriving in Madinah was to build a
mosque. A suitable place was selected for the construction and the Prophet
bought it from two orphans(Sahal and Sohail) for 10 gold coins.
The Masjid was square in form, facing towards the north. The walls of the masjid
were made of mud bricks, the roof was covered with palm leaves, twigs supported
by the trunks of palm trees and the floor also made of palm leaves.
The mosque came to be known as Masjid-e-Nabwi. A few rooms were also added
for the Prophet and his family. It wasn’t only a place of worship but also a meeting
place, parliament house and a military headquarter.
In Madinah, a problem arose. The Prophet wanted to set up a way to
summon the Muslims for prayers. Some suggested to blow trumpets like
the Jews do or strike the bells like the Christians but the Prophet didn’t
like these customs.
Umar and Zaid both had a similar dream about learning the words of
azaan. The Prophet was pleased by this wording and decided to adopt this
custom. Bilal was appointed as the first person to deliver the azaan.
The Muhajireen from Makkah had arrived in Madinah in a state of
helplessness. They had left their properties and belongings for the sake of
their faith and were in a state of great distress.
Because of this, the Prophet established a brotherhood between the
Muhajireen and Ansars. This brotherhood is also known as ‘Mawakhaat’.
Each Ansar became a brother of the Muhajireen and they shared their
wealth and property with them.
The Brotherhood produced very healthy results as it finished extremely
old enmities between the two tribes. It also helped to establish a powerful
Muslim army.
Charter of Madinah
After establishing brotherhood between the two tribes, The Prophet
turned his attention to the establishment of healthy relations between the
Jews and Muslims. In this regard, the Prophet signed a treaty with the
Jews and following are the conditions:
Jews and Muslims are politically one nation. If someone evades Madinah, they will defend
it together.
Jews of Madinah will not give refuge to the Quraish and their allies.
In case of disputes, the decision of the Prophet will be final.
In case of an attack, Jews and the Muslims will help each other.
All the people of Madinah will bear the loss of the battle and share the benefits together.
Murder will be prohibited in Madinah.
The Jews and Muslims are free to follow their religion. They will show respect and
tolerance towards each other.
2 Year
of Hijrah
Fasting, Zakat and Sacrifice
At the end of 18 months of Hijrah, Fasting was made an obligatory ritual
in the month of Ramadan.
It was during this year that the payment of Zakat was also made obligatory
by Allah.
Furthermore, the sacrifice on the occasion of Eid Ul Adha was also advised
during this year. The Prophet offered Eid prayer and sacrificed two goats.
Change of Qibla
Qibla is the direction in which a Muslim faces while their praying. When
the Prophet migrated to Madinah, the qibla was the Al-Aqsa Mosque.
However the Prophet wanted to face the Kabah while praying and Allah
granted his wish.
In the month of Shaban in 2 A.H, the qibla was change from Jerusalem to
Kabah as a result of the divine revelation during the Zuhr prayer in a
masjid, which is known as Masjid-e- Qiblatain.
Battle of Badr
The Quraysh were greatly displeased with the people of Madinah for giving shelter to the
Prophet and the Muslims. When they asked the people of Madinah to hand them over,
they rejected the offer which further aggravated them. So, to maintain their superiority
they decided to fight the Muslims.
Abu Sufyan was returning to Makkah with a trade caravan from Syria and the Prophet
decided to intercept it on its way. However Abu Sufyan found out in time and diverted his
route and also informed the Quraysh who sent a army of 1000. After Abu Sufyan reached
safely, he called back his army but Abu Jahl insisted on advancing towards the Muslims.
The battle took place in Badr, in 624 A.D on 17th Ramadan. Both the armies encamped at
Badr and Muslims had a army of 313 men. Soon the battle began and three people from
each side came forward to fight. From the Muslims Ali, Hamza and Ubaidah came and
from the Makkans Utbah, Shayba and Walid stepped forward.
Battle of Badr
The Muslims won the individual combat. Then the general fight commenced and
the Muslims emerged victorious despite being heavily outnumbered.
Seventy pagans were killed and many were taken as prisoners. 14 Muslims were
martyred during the battle
The victory at Badr was the most important and decisive victory for the Muslims as
it was their first battle. The victory inspired the Muslims and increased their faith in
Allah. Seeing this many tribes of Madinah embraced Islam and many important
leaders of the Quraysh had been killed.
Expulsion of Banu Qainuqa
Banu Qainuqa was the first Jewish tribe to break the treaty of Madinah
with the Muslims. During the battle of Badr, the tribe didn’t help the
Muslims even though they were bound to do as according to the treaty.
Moreover, some tribe members insulted a woman in the market which
started a fight and as a result a Muslim and a Jew were killed which
further weakened their relationship.
The Prophet surrounded their fortresses until they accepted defeat and
were expelled from Madinah.
3 Year
of Hijrah
Battle of Uhud
The Makkans could never even dream about the defeat at Badr. Due to this defeat,
they had a fire burning in their heart for revenge. They wanted to crush the
Muslims as they were a threat to their political influence and trade in Arabia.
Defeat at Badr also put their pride and respect at stake. They couldn’t bear this
insult and wanted to reclaim their superiority.
The battle was fought in 625 A.D on 15th Shawwal. The Quraysh had an army of
3000 people including women. The Prophet got this news 3 days before their arrival
and immediately held a meeting. They marched out of the city with a 1000 men,
including 300 men of Abdullah Bin Obayi.
The Muslims took their position upon the Uhud mountain to protect themselves
from attacks. The Prophet also appointed 50 archers to guard the pass with strict
instructions not to leave the position at any cost.
Battle of Uhud
When the war ensued, the Muslims fought bravely and killed many non-believers. In terror
and confusion, the Makkans started to flee leaving behind their equipment. A number of
Muslims started to seize the booty and the archers also left their post. Seeing this, Khalid
Bin Waleed seized this opportunity and went round the mount and killed the archers. The
Muslims found themselves in a hopeless situation and a confusion prevailed among them.
A rumor was spread by the Makkans that the Prophet had been killed which disheartened
the Muslims. However the Prophet was guarded by his companions. When the rumor had
been exposed everyone rushed towards him for his protection. After that the battle
continued and Hamza was martyred by Washshi, a slave of Hinda, wife of Abu Sultan to
avenge the death of her father at Badr. After some time, the battle concluded and the
Muslims faced a loss.
Battle of Uhud
The loss at Uhud was a great setback for the Muslims. Many important leaders were
martyred during the battle such Hamza and Musab Bin Umair.
The loss at Uhud was a great lesson for the Muslims to remain loyal and united in
times of distress. This shows the importance of working together and avoiding
disunity and greediness.
4 Year
of Hijrah
Exile of Banu Nadeer
After the loss at Uhud, the Jews of Banu Nadeer became very vocal about their
opposition to the Muslims. They made contacts with the Quraysh and hypocrites
in Madinah in an attempt to destroy the Muslim state.
The Prophet went to Banu Nadeer for the share of the blood money who were
mistakenly killed. They received him politely and asked him to sit beside a huge
wall and secretly contrived a person throw a boulder on the Prophet.
Jibreel came to inform the Prophet and Prophet returned to Madinah without
saying anything. The Prophet sent them a message to leave within 10 days and
when they refused to do so, they sieged their fortresses until they were exiled
from Madinah.
Prohibition of Alcohol
Alcohol is forbidden in Islam as it makes the person lose their senses and
impairs judgement. The prohibition of alcohol came gradually.
First Allah explained the harm in alcohol far exceeds its benefits.
Then the final prohibition came down explaining that alcohol leads to
misguidance and forgetting of Allah.
5 Year
of Hijrah
Battle of Trench
After the Jews of Banu Nadeer were exiled from Madinah, the Jews wanted to take revenge
from the Muslims. Therefore some Jewish leaders went to Quraysh to convince them to
attack the Muslims and promised them full support. They also gave the same promise to
the tribe of Banu Ghatafan and Banu Sulaiym. The victory at Uhud motivated the Makkans
and the other enemies of Islam.
The Battle of Trench was fought in 627 A.D. This time the Quraysh prepared an army of
10000 well-equipped men. When the Prophet got to know about this, he held a meeting. In
the counsel he highlighted the opinion of Salman Farsi of digging a trench around the city
to fortify it. The trench was completed in 20 days by 3000 sacred hands.
When the Quraysh reached there, they were unfamiliar of this strategy. The Muslims also
compelled them to stay away from the trench by throwing stones and arrows.
Battle of Trench
The siege lasted for around 30 days and they made several attempts to cross the
trench but they failed. They were running out of supplies and the icy cold winds
were getting to them.
Allah sent a windstorm towards their direction which kept blowing their tents and
cooking gear away and also sent angels to set terror into their hearts. They
hurriedly left, leaving behind their possessions.
The Muslims only lost 9 men during this battle. The battle of Trench proved to be
decisive as it wasted all of the Makkan’s supplies.
6 Year
of Hijrah
Treaty of Hudaibiyah
In the month of Shawwal 6 A.H, when the Prophet saw in a dream that he was shaving his
head after hajj, it meant that he should go on a pilgrimage. The Prophet decided to
perform pilgrimage with his companions in the month of Zul-Qadah 6 A.H. Prophet along
with 1400 Muslims left for Makkah in 628 A.D. When the Quraysh heard about their
intentions, they prepared to resist. The Muslims adopted an unfamiliar route and stopped
at Hudaibiya. Makkans sent Urwah to convince Prophet to return to Madinah but he was
impressed by the faithfulness of the Muslims. Despite what Urwah told the Makkans about
the Muslims, they still refused the entry. It was then that Uthman went to Abu Sufyan to
seek permission for the performance of Umrah and assured them that there will be no
harm. In the Muslim camp, a rumor spread that Uthman had been murdered. Prophet
took a pledge under a tree to fight until death to take revenge of Uthman’s death.
Treaty of Hudaibiya
However Uthman returned soon after and the negotiation continued. This time
The Quraysh leaders concluded a 10 year treaty. It included the following
1. Muslims shall return this year without performing Umrah.
2. They may come next year for Umrah but not for more than 3 days.
3. They shall visit the city unarmed.
4. Muslims will not take back any Muslims living in Makkah.
5. Peace between both parties would last for 10 years.
6. Any one of the Arab tribes may enter into an alliance with the Prophet.
7. Any Quraysh who flees to Madinah shall be returned, but any Muslim that flees
to Makkah will not be returned.
Treaty of Hudaibiya
The Muslims weren’t satisfied with the conditions of the treaty as they regarded it
as insulting to them. The treaty reflects Prophet’s inclination towards a peaceful
resolution to all problems.
This was a great victory for the Muslims because they weren’t occupied in wars or
battles. The number of people who accepted Islam after the treaty was more than
the preceding six years.
7 Year
of Hijrah
Message to Kings and Emperors
The Prophet prepared ambassadors among his companions for the rulers of the world to
invite them to Islam. Prophet selected some companions and entrusted them with messages
to various kings and rulers.
Diyah was sent to Hercules, the Roman emperor, who was much impressed by what he was
told but he didn’t accept it.
Abdullah was sent to Chosroes, the Persian emperor, who tore the letter into pieces. On
hearing this, Prophet prayed that may Allah tear his empire into pieces.
Amr was sent to Negus, King of Abyssinia, who confessed his faith in Islam and wrote a
reply addressing the Prophet.
Hatib was sent to Maquqa, King of Egypt, who didn’t accept Islam but sent gifts to the
Message to Kings and Emperors
Amr Bin As Sahmi was sent to the ruler of Oman and Bahrain. Both of them
accepted Islam.
Salith was sent to the Chief of Yemen who asked for a share of the Prophet’s
kingdom in exchange of accepting Islam but Prophet refused to do so.
Shuja was sent to Harith Ghassani, Governor of Syria, who was very angry and
ordered his army to attack the Muslims but they never came.
Expedition of Khayber
The treaty of Hudaibiya led the Jews to thinking that the Muslims were weak. Therefore
they got into touch with those who wanted to attack the Muslims. When the Prophet got
to know about this, he initiated a strategy to counter them. He considered it more
appropriate to march to Khayber. Thus he set out with 1600 believers from Madinah in the
month of Moharram of 7th A.H and reach Khayber. Qamus was the strongest fort whose
ruler was Marhab who was considered to be stronger than 1000 horsemen. The first battle
was in Naim. A fierce battle took place and the fort was conquered. They captured other
small forts with ease as well. But when they reached Qamus the fight prolonged to 20 days.
Marhab came out of the fort and invite Ali for a combat who killed him in the first attack.
Then a fierce battle started and the Jews surrendered. After losing Qamus, it was the end
of the Jews.
8 Year
of Hijrah
Battle of Muta
The Prophet sent Harith to the ruler of Busra to invite him to Islam. When Harith
reached there, he was killed by Shurabil, one of the governors of Hercules. Killing
Harith was a declaration of war and the Prophet prepared an expedition of 3000
Muslims under the command of Zaid Bin Harith. When they reached Syria, they
were greeted by an army of 200,000 soldiers. A fierce battle took place and Zaid
fought well until he was martyred. Then Jafar took the flag and fought to his death
as well. Then Abdullah bin Rawahah carried the flag until he was martyred. Then
the lead was passed to Khalid Bin Waleed who adopted a different strategy to
escape the destruction. He was successful in this and only 12 Muslims were
martyred. The courage of the Muslims to stand up to the Roman Empire had many
effects as many Arab tribes in Syria accepted Islam
Conquest of Makkah
The Khuza tribe had entered into friendly relations with the Prophet while on the other
side Banu Bakr allied with the Quraysh. The Quraysh incited Banu Bakr to attack the
Khuza tribe. One night when the Khuza were sleeping Banu Bakr attacked them and killed
many of them. The Quraysh openly helped Banu Bakr and the Khuza tribe took shelter in
the Kabah, but Banu Bakr still didn’t stop killing them. After Prophet found out about this
he sent them 3 options. Either to pay blood money, The Quraysh have nothing to do with
Banu Bakr or they should declare the treaty null and void. Quraysh chose the last option
and on the 10th of Ramadan, Prophet set out with 10,000 people and marched towards
Makkah peacefully. A little fight took place and 12 Makkans died while two Muslims were
martyred. The Makkans took refuge in their homes or Abu Sufyan’s house. Prophet
marched towards the Kabah and destroyed all the idols inside while the Quraysh were
silently watching.
Conquest of Makkah
The Prophet showed an exemplary forgiveness to his enemies. He and his followers had
been brutally tortured and oppressed in Makkah for 13 years. Their cruel persecution
compelled the Muslims to migrate to Madinah. Yet they were all forgiven, even the most
bitterest enemies by the Prophet.
The Conquest of Makkah was a great achievement of the Prophet. It was a victory against
the enemies who had tortured him cruelly and driven him out of this city. When Prophet
emerged victorious, he did not hold any grudge against those who had abused them.
Because of this act many people in Makkah accepted Islam.
Battle of Hunain
The ruling tribes of Taif , Banu Thaqeef, and Hawzain were still inhabiting the area
between Makkah and Taif, and were still enemies of Islam. The Hawzain regarded
Prophet as a threat to their religion. Malik Bin Auf, their chief, gathered 20,000
men and encamped in Hunain. When the Prophet heard about this, he left Makkah
with 12,000 men. The Muslims were very well equipped and they were over
confident about their victory. Malik appointed his best archers on the surrounding
hills and the Muslims were met through a shower of arrows. Later wards, the fight
recommenced and Muslims attacked the enemies in all fury. The enemy turned and
fled to Taif. The victory was a severe blow to the Hawzain. The Muslims captured a
booty of 24,000 camels, 40,000 sheeps, 4000 silver pieces and 6000 prisoners which
was distributed amongst the soldiers.
Siege of Taif
Hawzains as a precaution stored enough provisions in Taif. After the battle,
Prophet marched towards Taif. On reaching there he laid siege to it for a month.
The enemies killed a number of Muslims and wounded them with shooting arrows.
The Prophet consulted this with the Companions and they decided to return with
conquering it. Later onwards Banu Thaqeef sent a deputation to Madinah and
accepted Islam.
Victory over Hawzain establish the superiority of Islam. All tribes now submitted to
Islam almost without fighting.
9 Year
of Hijrah
Tabuk Expedition
The relations between Christians of the Syria and Muslims got tense after the battle
of Muta. The Christians could not tolerate the spread of Islam and the growing
unity of Arabia under Prophet. They became jealous of the fast growth of Islam.
Romans collected a huge army at the borders of Syria. When the Prophet found out
about this it became necessary to defend and protect Islam. It was a hot summer
and there was hardly anything to eat. Prophet was able to ask the wealthy Muslims
for supplies. He was able to collect an army of 30,000 men and 10,000 horses, the
biggest army in the Arabian history. When Muslims reached Tabuk, they found out
that the Romans got scared and retreated deep into their territory. The Arab tribes
agreed to pay Jizya tax and many converted to Islam.
10 Year
of Hijrah
Farewell Pilgrimage
In the 10th year of Hijrah, Prophet told about his intentions of going on Hajj to
Makkah. He sent messengers to all parts of Arabia to join the great pilgrimage. Tens
of thousands of people responded and the number exceeded 100,000 people.
Prophet left Madinah on 26th of Zul-Qadah, with his companions. After going 6
miles, he put on Ihram at Dul-Hulaifah. On the 5th of Zul-Hijjab, the Prophet
reached Makkah and he stayed there till 8th Dhil Hajj. On the 8th of Zul-Hijjah,
Prophet left Makkah for Mina and passed the night there. From Mina, he left for
Arafat on the morning of 9th Dhil-Hajj.
The last sermon of the Prophet is about the first universal charter of
human rights. It declared the sanctity of life and property. It proclaimed
equality and brotherhood. It also forbids usury or interest and bloodshed.
It also protects the rights of wives and slaves.
of Hijrah
Demise of the Prophet
Two months after performing the farewell pilgrimage, the Prophet fell sick but
carried his duties as usual. Prophet continued offering prayers in congregation until
he became so sick that he could not move. After that Abu Bakr was ordered to lead
the congregational prayers for several days.
Four days before his demise, he felt some relief and took a bath before Zuhr.
Afterwards he came out to the masjid supported by Abbas and Ali. After the prayer
ended he addressed his companions.
Then the illness became more serious. He felt better on the morning of Monday,
12th Rabi-ul-Awwal 11 A.H, but in the afternoon his condition worsened and in the
evening he took his last breath.