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PDEV 111 Exam Study Guide: Personal Development

PDEV 111 week 1-10 - This is under the principle of relative
to professional integrity which is social
Humanities and Social Sciences (AMA Computer University)
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_______________ is the degree to which someoneis socially accepted by peers.
Answer : Peer acceptance
Teens are fast learners and can ________ quickly to their environment. They can handle change well.
Answer : adapt
Adolescence is characterized by the struggle between to __________ and the need to belong. Answer:
stand out
Teens are susceptible to anxiety, eating disorders and __________.They are still learning to manage their
emotions more maturely.
Answer : Depression
Teenagers tend to take ______ risk in the presence of their peers compared when they are alone.
Answer : more
Choose the correct answer from the list. You can only use each of the words once.
Routines and repeated behaviors are part of our ________.
Answer : Habits
By knowing ourselves, we learn to maximize our strengths and interact with others. These can lead to a
more positive personal _________.
Answer : Growth
_____________ includes abilities and skills that a person shows a high level of proficiency.
Answer :Strengths
Your _____________ is the combination of the characteristics or qualities that form an individual. It
includes a range of personal qualities and traits.
Answer : Personality
Families, friends, peers and other people are few of the people we interact with. These ___________
relationships can also affect our development.
Answer : Interpersonal
________________ of who we are, our strengths and limitations is essential to our growth. Answer :
Sometimes referred to as weaknesses, ____________ are skills and abilities that a person lack or needs to
improve on.
Answer : Limitations
_____________ is the time when physical and sexual characteristics change due to hormonal changes.
Answer : Puberty
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The developmental stage between puberty and adulthood is _____________
Answer : Adolescence
Our ____________ experiences help shape our personality. It includes the unique and significant events
and experiences from our childhood to the present moment.
Answer : Individual
It a process or act of natural growth.
Answer : Development
What can be inferred from this statement about holistic development ?
Holistic development is a process of self-actualization and learning that combines an individual's mental,
physical, social, emotional and spiritual growth.
Answer : Holistic development is the complete development of the whole person
It a process or act of natural growth.
Answer : development
A _________ is a daily record, usually private, especially of the writer's own experiences, observations,
feelings, and attitudes.
Answer :Diary
Locus of control describes the level that individuals perceive control over their own behaviors and those
which are external to themselves.
From this statement, we learn that impulsive actions that result to negative consequences should be
accepted as inevitable and excusable.
Answer : False
_______________ is the practice of turning your attention to a single point of reference. It can involve
focusing on the breath, on bodily sensations, or on a word or phrase.
Answer: Meditation
These activities can contribute to good physiological growth, except:
Answer: the cafeteria serving del\icious food that are high in sugar and fat that students love to eat
Low self-esteem is a _________ disorder. A person views him/herself as inadequate, unlovable, or
incompetent. This results to negative thoughts, developing faulty assumptions and self-defeating behavior.
Answer: thinking
Choose the correct answer from the list.
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You should know how to __________ your emotions, both the positive and negative ones. Answer :
Later as you venture into your career of choice, ____________ development will ultimately help you deal
with the stress and rewards of having a career.
Answer : Professional
__________, journal and reflections are some activities you can do to know more about yourself.
Answer : Meditation
Ultimately, you are in control your own ____________ growth and development.
Answer: Personal
Holistic development is geared towards developing the ________person. It covers all aspects of
Answer : Whole
______________ skills helps us manage our emotions especially when handling our emotions and dealing
with other people around us.
Answer : Interpersonal
We should address the needs of each aspect of our development to lead to a __________ personality.
Answer : Mature
Most people forget that their __________ is important. We also need to take time to rest, relax and take
care of our physical needs.
Answer : Health
A ____________ personality development program is one that address the physiological, cognitive,
psychological, spiritual, and social development.
Answer : Successful
If you focus on your locus of control the less you become ___________.
Answer : Stressed
Jack failed his Math test again. When he was in elementary his mom used to be able to help him with his
lesson. High school is different. They can't afford a tutor. He knew he needed to try to find a solution. He
joined after-school remedial classes instead of playing basketball. He asked help from his classmates to
understand the lesson.
What characteristic has Jack shown in this situation?
Answer : meet the demands of increasingly mature roles and responsibilities
Read and analyze the situation:
Ryan and James are brothers when they were kids when they fight their mother make face each other to
apologize. As teens, they still fight but most of the time they try to handle it between them. They still ask
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for their mom's help when they think they can handle it.
Answer : resolve personal issues and personal conflicts
Read and analyze the situation:
Vivian feels left out. All her friends are interested in going out with friends and dating. Most of them are
wearing make-up and stylish clothes just to go to the mall. She thinks that it does not suit her at all. She
wants to be belong but she's not sure if she is ready.
Answer : adjust to sexually maturing bodies and feelings
The following are concerns and issues that affect teenagers in terms of interpersonal relationship, except
Answer : career planning
Choose the best solution in this situation:
Mary, Jane and Anna have been best friends since preschool. They do everything together, but Mary and
Jane had a big fight. Now they don't even talk to each other. Anna feels torn between the two, when they
asked her to choose between them to remain friends with.
Answer : Explain that she does need to choose and offer to mediate to solve the issue between the two
Everything is doing it why shouldn't she. Lisa's friends are sneaking in alcoholic drinks in school to enjoy
after school. She didn't like the taste, nor it's after effects. She wants out but she doesn't want to be alone.
They keep on nagging her a kill joy and should live a little.
Which developmental task/skill does she need:
The correct answer is: form friendships that are mutually close and supportive
Which statements differentiates the words SYMPHATIZE and EMPHATIZE?
Answer: Sympathize means to feel the same as the other person, while to empathize means to understand
the feelings of others and why they feel that way
Stella got a scholarship to study abroad for senior high school in America. She feels that it is a fantastic
opportunity, however her parents think that she too young and America is too far. They insist that she
should just stay. Stella offered her parents a way that they can reassure for her safety and activities
through social media and online communication. She showed them the student support activities that the
school has for their international students. She also recounted the times that she showed she can handles
Answer: renegotiate relationships with adults in parenting roles
Mario was adopted as a child. When he found out, he rebelled and hated biological parents who gave him
away. He felt unwanted. It was later on that he realized that he should have been more thankful instead to
the adoptive parents that loved him.
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This shows that he was able to:
Answer: established a positive view about his identity
Bullying is something hurtful and humiliating. It is __________, or not an accident.
Answer : Intentional
When you are making a _________ about someone else, imagine how you would feel if someone said
that about you
Answer : Comment
A person being bullied has the _____ to be safe.
Answer : right
Never _____ your passwords, private photos, or personal data online, not even with friends. Answer :
______________ is the use to technology in bullying which includes sending mean text messages,
posting videos, stories, or photos that ridicule someone, and spreading rumors through social networking
Answer : Cyberbullying
Bullying is different from the usual ____________ or conflict that occur between friends or classmates.
Answer : Disagreements
________ before you post. If you’re upset, sad, or angry, wait to post or respond.
Answer : Think
Bullying can happen to ________. Bullying is about someone’s behavior.
Answer : anyone
Students who are bullied may also have lower ___________ and less self-confidence.
Answer : Self-esteem
Adolescence are susceptible to the effects of bullying because of their need for _______________
Answer : social-acceptance
Adolescent should learn how to manage their ______ so they avoid anxiety and depression Answer :
There are two factors that affect a person development, nurture (environment) and __________ (genes,
inherited traits).
Answer: nature
Adolescence is marked by physical, emotional and mental changes. Due to the________ changes.
Answer: hormonal
Lindy wants to attend a party this weekend but her examinations starts on Monday. She knows she needs
to study but all her friends will be there. She thinks she will feel left out as everyone will talk about it.
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Which statements accurately summarizes this situation?
Answer : Adolescents are beginning to enhance their decision-making skills.
______ is very important among adolescents. It addresses their strong need to belong.
Answer : social acceptance
Boys and girls experience the same changes during adolescence
Answer : False
The adolescent ________ is an early sign of maturation. It is the sudden increase in height. Answer :
growth spurt
Adolescents often _______ in risky behavior. That may cause them injury or even death. Answer : Engage
One of the most important task in adolescence is the search for _______. They may try different roles that
does meet the expectation of others.
Answer : Identity
Most adolescents, learn to _______ their emotions as they reach maturity.
Answer : Manage
Teenagers need support and guidance from their family and other _______ groups.
Answer : Social
Conflicts between _______ and their teenage children can happen during the adolescent years. Answer :
For most teenagers, ______ are more important to their family. Feeling they are the ones that understand
Answer : Peers
Adolescence is developmental stage where physical, psychological and emotional ________ happen.
Answer : Changes
Anxiety and __________ among teenagers. This can lead to self-destructive behaviors.
Answer : Depression
_________ from parents is crucial in helping adolescents develop and mature into adulthood. Answer :
Adolescents are too focused on their own feelings, thinking and interests. Sometimes it makes hard for
them to _________ the point of view of others.
Answer : Understand
Choose the correct answer from the list.
The correct answer is: Later as you venture into your career of choice, ____________ development will
ultimately help you deal with the stress and rewards of having a career. – Professional,
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We should address the needs of each aspect of our development to lead to a __________ personality. –
Ultimately, you are in control your own ____________ growth and development. – Personal,
Most people forget that their __________ is important. We also need to take time to rest, relax and take
care of our physical needs. – Health,
A ____________ personality development program is one that address the physiological, cognitive,
psychological, spiritual, and social development. – Successful,
You should know how to __________ your emotions, both the positive and negative ones. – Manage
, ___________, journal and reflections are some activities you can do to know more about yourself. –
Holistic development is geared towards developing the ________person. It covers all aspects of
development. – Whole,
If you focus on your locus of control the less you become ___________. – Stressed,
______________ skills helps us manage our emotions especially when handling our emotions and dealing
with other people around us. – Interpersonal
The following are concerns and issues that affect teenagers in terms of interpersonal relationship, except
Answer: career planning
Ryan and James are brothers when they were kids when they fight their mother make face each other to
apologize. As teens, they still fight but most of the time they try to handle it between them. They still ask
for their mom's help when they think they can handle it.
Answer: resolve personal issues and personal conflicts
Adolescence is characterized by the struggle between to __________ and the need to belong.
Answer: stand out
Jim's dad is an OFW. Due to recession in the Middle East, his father is now working with a significantly
lower salary. He was the eldest of four children who are still studying.
Answer: Jim offered to be transferred to a good public school nearby and he plans to apply for a college
scholarship in the future.
These activities can contribute to good physiological growth, except:
Answer: the cafeteria serving delicious food that are high in sugar and fat that students love to eat
The adolescent ________ is an early sign of maturation. It is the sudden increase in height.
Answer: growth spurt
The Department of Education implemented the School-Based Program that provides feeding programs
that primarily aims to improve the nutritional status of the beneficiaries by at least 70% at the end of 120
days. It aims to increase classroom attendance by 85% and improve the children's health and nutritional
values and behavior.
Answer: Learning and development is more than just meeting the academic needs of students.
Locus of control describes the level that individuals perceive control over their own behaviors and those
which are external to themselves.
From this statement, we learn that impulsive actions that result to negative consequences should be
accepted as inevitable and excusable.
Answer: 'False'.
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Which statements differentiates the words SYMPHATIZE and EMPHATIZE?
Answer: Sympathize means to feel the same as the other person, while to empathize means to understand
the feelings of others and why they feel that way
______ is very important among adolescents. It addresses their strong need to belong.
Answer: social acceptance
_____ during the adolescent years can bring physical, psychological changes.
Answer: Hormonal changes
_______________ is the practice of turning your attention to a single point of reference. It can involve
focusing on the breath, on bodily sensations, or on a word or phrase.
Answer: Meditation
There are two factors that affect a person development, nurture (environment) and __________ (genes,
inherited traits).
Answer: nature
Teenagers tend to take ______ risk in the presence of their peers compared when they are alone.
Answer: more
What can be inferred from this statement about holistic development ?
Holistic development is a process of self-actualization and learning that combines an individual's mental,
physical, social, emotional and spiritual growth.
Answer: Holistic development is the complete development of the whole person
Teens are fast learners and can ________ quickly to their environment. They can handle change well.
Answer: adapt
Lindy wants to attend a party this weekend but her examinations starts on Monday. She knows she needs
to study but all her friends will be there. She thinks she will feel left out as everyone will talk about it.
Which statements accurately summarizes this situation?
The correct answer is: Adolescents are beginning to enhance their decision-making skills.
Teens are susceptible to anxiety, eating disorders and __________.They are still learning to manage their
emotions more maturely.
The correct answer is: depression
Mary, Jane and Anna have been best friends since preschool. They do everything together, but Mary and
Jane had a big fight. Now they don't even talk to each other. Anna feels torn between the two, when they
asked her to choose between them to remain friends with.
The correct answer is: Explain that she does need to choose and offer to mediate to solve the issue
between the two
Most teenagers most likely try to fit in with their friends rather than experience ____________. It
addresses their need to belong.
The correct answer is: social isolation
Low self-esteem is a _________ disorder. A person views him/herself as inadequate, unlovable, or
incompetent. This results to negative thoughts, developing faulty assumptions and self-defeating behavior.
The correct answer is: thinking
Most teenagers would experience ___________, when they try distinct roles that may be different from
what is expected of them. This is the time they try to figure out who they are.
The correct answer is: role confusion
Vivian feels left out. All her friends are interested in going out with friends and dating. Most of them are
wearing make-up and stylish clothes just to go to the mall. She thinks that it does not suit her at all. She
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wants to be belong but she's not sure if she is ready.
The correct answer is: adjust to sexually maturing bodies and feelings
Mario was adopted as a child. When he found out, he rebelled and hated biological parents who gave him
away. He felt unwanted. It was later on that he realized that he should have been more thankful instead to
the adoptive parents that loved him.
The correct answer is: established a positive view about his identity
Boys and girls experience the same changes during adolescence
The correct answer is 'False'.
Puberty begins when the ____________ triggers the pituitary gland to release testosterone, estrogen and
The correct answer is: hypothalamus
One of the most important task in adolescence is the search for ____. They try out different roles and
personality until they find what suits them.
The correct answer is: Holistic development is the complete development of the whole person
Adolescent should learn how to manage their ______ so they avoid anxiety and depression
The correct answer is: emotions
Everything is doing it why shouldn't she. Lisa's friends are sneaking in alcoholic drinks in school to enjoy
after school. She didn't like the taste, nor it's after effects. She wants out but she doesn't want to be alone.
They keep on nagging her a kill joy and should live a little. Which developmental task/skill does she
The correct answer is: form friendships that are mutually close and supportive
_______________ is the degree to which someoneis socially accepted by peers.
The correct answer is: peer acceptance
Hormonal changes lead to teenagers to response more _________ emotionally loaded pictures or
The correct answer is: intensely
Your beliefs become your thoughts,
Your thoughts become your words,
Your words become your actions,
Your actions become your habits,
Your habits become your values,
Your values become your destiny.
~ Mahatma Gandhi
Which statement summarizes the main idea of the quote?
The correct answer is: Our beliefs about ourselves and the world around us can ultimately affect our
future actions
What does this quote say about personal beliefs?
The correct answer is: Our beliefs about ourselves and the world around us can ultimately affect our
future actions
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A _________ is a daily record, usually private, especially of the writer's own experiences, observations,
feelings, and attitudes.
The correct answer is: Diary
Read this short excerpt from an online article:
SEOUL, South Korea - After my older brother fell ill from the stress of being a student in South Korea,
my mother decided to move me from our home in Seoul to Vancouver for high school to spare me the
intense pressure to succeed. She did not want me to suffer like my brother, who had a chest pain that
doctors could not diagnose and an allergy so severe he needed to have shots at home.
What part of aspect of his brother's development do you think needs to be addressed?
The correct answer is: Psychological
Personality development is a______________ process. It starts from childhood and into late adulthood.
The correct answer is: continuous
Jack failed his Math test again. When he was in elementary his mom used to be able to help him with his
lesson. High school is different. They can't afford a tutor. He knew he needed to try to find a solution. He
joined after-school remedial classes instead of playing basketball. He asked help from his classmates to
understand the lesson.
The correct answer is: meet the demands of increasingly mature roles and responsibilities
Stella got a scholarship to study abroad for senior high school in America. She feels that it is a fantastic
opportunity, however her parents think that she too young and America is too far. They insist that she
should just stay. Stella offered her parents a way that they can reassure for her safety and activities
through social media and online communication. She showed them the student support activities that the
school has for their international students. She also recounted the times that she showed she can handles
The correct answer is: renegotiate relationships with adults in parenting roles
Adolescents are often characterized by _____ behaviors and attitudes. They are too focused on their own
feelings, thinking and interests.
The correct answer is: egocentric
It a process or act of natural growth.
The correct answer is: development
Adolescence is marked by physical, emotional and mental changes. Due to the________ changes.
The correct answer is: hormonal
Negative coping strategies usually only produce a helpful distraction in the short term.
Which of the following is a negative coping strategy?
Answer : drug and alcohol use
Teens is yearning for more ________. So they might appear that they pulling away from their parents.
They are starting to assert themselves.
Answer : Independence
Honest and open ______ is necessary among parents and teens. This can help both parents and child can
share each other's feelings and any pressing issues.
Answer : Communication
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It is crucial to encourage young people to develop ______ coping strategies. This can help them respond
productively to stress.
Answer : Positive
The teenage years are accompanied by many stressors and significant _____ stages.
Answer : Life
All of these are positive affirmations, except:
The correct answer is: I am limited
Youth oriented groups, like the Sagguniang Kabataan, aims to develop leadership and civic involvement
among the youth.
Which of the following statements supports this idea?
The correct answer is: Young adults need to take more responsibility to enhance their decision-making
Any positive or negative expectation about circumstances, events, or people that may affect a person's
behavior toward them in a manner that causes those expectations to be fulfilled
Which of the following situations shows this concept?
The correct answer is: Mary used to always fail in class. She was not smart but hardworking. She kept her
motivation high and she graduate with distinction.
What are the significant stressors among adolescents?
The correct answer is: hormonal changes, peers and sense of identity
Psychologists have identified some of the factors that make someone resilient. The includes having a
positive attitude or being ________, having the ability to regulate emotions and knowing how to accept
helpful feedback.
The correct answer is: optimistic
Which of the following school programs facilitate the growth of student's mental health
The correct answer is: peer counselling
Stress ____________ refers to the wide spectrum of techniques and strategies that is focused on
controlling a person's levels of stress.
Answer : Management
______ uses breathing techniques, exercise and meditation.
Answer : Yoga
_____ and arts can be relaxing and creative ways to relieve stress.
Answer : Music
There are two kinds of strategies to manage stress. There are positive and _______ strategies. Answer :
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Due to the increasing demands coming from school family and peers. Adolescents must learn to______
their time well.
Answer : Manage
Keeping a ______ or an activity done regularly in one’s leisure or pleasure.
Answer: Hobby
Some pressing concerns can be address through _______. A trained professional can help the adolescent
manage their anxiety
Answer : Therapy
______ should play a significant and active role in helping their adolescents become mature adults.
Answer : Parents
Positive _______ can help create positive behaviors and attitudes.
Answer : Affirmations
It is crucial to encourage young people to develop positive coping strategies. This can help them
respond_________ to stress.
Answer : Productively
Which of these are most common stressors among adolescents are from
Answer: interpersonal relationships and school
What coping strategies being shown by the following individuals?
Mina's mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. She was scared at first, but decided to find out more about
it. She browsed the internet, asked her teachers and even her friends. Mina thinks that more she knows
about it the less scared and prepared she will be.
Answer : Information seeking – observation
Around 25% of adolescents will encounter at least one significant stressors in their lives. Answer :True
Findings from research have shown that experiences handling ____ challenges are important to the
development of adolescents.
Answer : manageable
Stressors can result to mental health and behavioral problems which includes ____.
Answer :depression, aggression and antisocial acts
The outcomes of stressful life events and daily hassles will be positive or negative depending on how
adolescents respond to them.
The correct answer is 'False'.
What coping strategies being shown by the following individuals?
Louie feels that his teacher in Algebra is deliberately making his life miserable. He hates the subjects and
failing it anyways. He decided to skip his Algebra class by going to the clinic or skipping school.
The correct answer is: Escape - Behavioral avoidance
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Functional coping strategies are the following, except:
The correct answer is: wishful thinking
__________ coping strategies target the causes of stress. It aims to reduce or remove the cause of the
The correct answer is: Problem-focused
Occasionally, the best way to de-stress is to take your mind away to a more _________ place. Answer ;
Teens need ______ they need to grow and think clearly. Tired people can't learn as well and can be
impatient and irritable.
Answer : Sleep
You should _______ daily to control stress and build a strong, healthy body.
Answer : Exercise
_______ trouble from the beginning is better than having to deal with them later.
Answer : Avoiding
_________ can help with big projects. It breaks the big projects into smaller and more manageable tasks.
Answer : Timelines
_________ your problems does not make it go away, it can usually turn worse.
Answer : Ignoring
If you ______ their energy worrying about things you can't change you will not have enough energy left
over to fix the things they can.
Answer : Waste
Young people have a sense of _________ feel good about themselves, and handle their own problems
better. We should encourage them to play an active role in the community.
Answer : Purpose
People who cope by trying to fix problems tend to be emotionally ________.
Answer : Healthier
Eating too many _____ foods can lead to highs and lows in energy level, which can harm your ability to
reduce stress.
Answer : Junk
The right brain is best at expressive and creative tasks which include these tasks, except Answer : higher
level calculations
The left-side of the brain is adept at tasks that involve logic, language, and analytical thinking.
Which of these activities mostly the LEFT BRAIN is most likely involved?
Answer : playing sudoku (number puzzle game)
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The brain carefully balances and assigns specific tasks to various parts of the to maximize ___. You are
able to do multiple task at the same time.
Answer : efficiency
________ conducted experiments that examined the way the human brain's hemispheres operate both
independently and together.
Answer :Roger Sperry
The muscles on the left side of the body is controlled by the right hemisphere of the brain. While, the left
hemisphere controls the muscles on the right side of the human body.
Answer : True
The brain is divided into two, the right and the left ______.
The correct answer is: hemispheres
The _______ is mainly in charge of spatial abilities, face recognition and processing music. The right side
also helps us to comprehend visual imagery and make sense of what we see.
The correct answer is: right hemisphere
The left hemisphere is dominant in ____. It processes what you hear and handling most of the duties of
The correct answer is: language
The two main parts of the brain communicate information, such as sensory observations, to each other
through the ________ thick that connects them.
The correct answer is: corpus callosum
Unfortunately, many people are likely unaware that the left-brain/right braintheory is outdated. The idea
seems to have taken on a mind of its own within popular culture. Magazine articles to books to online
quizzes suggest that you can unleash the power of your mind if you just discover which side of your brain
is stronger or more dominant.
What that this excerpt assert about the left-brain and right-brain theory?
The correct answer is: The left-brain/right brain theory is debunked by more recent researches
The brain is a _________ structure that is difficult to explain.
Answer : Complex
The nerve fiber that connects the two parts of the brain is the corpus collosum. It allows the two
hemispheres to ____________ with each other.
Answer : Communicate
Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging shows that parts of the brain that are active by tracking the flow
of ___________ blood in the different regions of the brain.
Answer : Oxygenated
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A simple task such as naming an object requires the ___________ of the two hemispheres of the brain.
Answer : Coordination
Spatial reasoning is ___________ on the right hemisphere.
Answer : Processed
Suggesting that a person is exclusively left-brain or right is not a fact, but rather a ________. Answer :
Roger Wolcott Sperry is the _________ that pioneered the study of the specialization of the brain.
Answer : Neurobiologist
The different parts of the brain are assigned to do __________ tasks.
Answer : Specific
Brain __________ means that each hemisphere is controlled by various aspects of the brain. Answer :
__________ of the specific brain activity enables you to multitask.
Answer : Delegation
______ refers as someone's personal thoughts and feelings about one's overall condition. It is how
someone thinks about themselves, their self-concept.
Answer : subjective well-being
______ is the perception of a person to effectively perform a function or activity using a specific skills
and knowledge.
Answer :competence
Mental illness can occur when the brain, or some of its parts, is not working well.
The following are symptoms of mental illness, except
Answer :financial difficulty
Which statement is TRUE about the causes of mental illness?
Answer : It is a brain disorder.
_____ refers to the maintenance of successful mental activity.
Answer : Mental health
Choose the correct answer from the list
For Style A or the _________ thinking style prefers that knowledge and skill through the presentation of
facts, theories, numbers and data.
Answer : Analytical
Knowing your preferred thinking styles can help you to be more _________ of your own strengths.
Answer : Self Aware
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The Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument (HBDI) is an _________ tool that can determine a person’s
preferred learning style.
Answer : Assessment
Some people are preferring the _________ thinking style. Order is essential. They want a well-planned,
precise curriculum to work with.
Answer : Sequential
Those in with __________ learning styles prefer to learn through interaction and dialogues with others.
Answer : Interpersonal
Those with the __________ thinking styles are creative they look at the big picture. They have the
tendency to procrastinate.
Answer : Imaginative
You can conduct some personal __________ to identify your learning style.
Answer : Observations
All the four styles are _______. No one style is better than the other.
Answer : Valid
Teachers can _______ this information to help their students to learn in different ways.
Answer : Utilize
Learning styles asserts that each person can approach the same problem in _________ of ways
Answer : Variety
Many metal illness begin during childhood and persist into adolescence.
Which of these mental illness starts commonly in adolescence?
Answer : Bipolar Disorder (BD)
Which of these common mental illnesses can result from poor body image?
Answer :Eating Disorder
Many adolescents are vulnerable to mental illness. This is due to their ____ brain and continuing changes.
Answer : underdeveloped
For adolescents with ____ have fixations that are persistent, intrusive and unwanted thoughts, images or
Answer : Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Learning a new skill can build a sense of ______ in adolescents. This can help boost their confidence and
Answer : accomplishment
Adolescents can get involved in the community. They can volunteer their time and skills to different
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organizations. They will help give them a sense of ______ and connection with other people.
The correct answer is: purpose
________ a mood disorder characterized by intense and persistent negative emotions. It results to a
The correct answer is: Depression
______ is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by hyperactivity, inattention and impulsivity.
The correct answer is: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity (ADHD)
An _____ lifestyle can help adolescents with good mental health. This includes regular exercise, outdoor
activities and sports.
The correct answer is: active
Adolescents can get involved in the community. They can volunteer their time and skills to different
organizations. They will help give them a sense of ______ and connection with other people.
The correct answer is: purpose
Choose the correct answer from the list.
Teenagers are __________ to mental illness that includes bipolar disorder.
Answer : Vulnerable
Teenagers with mental illness can learn to __________ their symptoms.
Answer : Manage
A ______________ is a trained professional that can provide assistance to people diagnosed with mental
Answer : Psychiatrist
Teenagers diagnosed with mental illness can still grow up to ___________ adults.
Answer : Healthy
Mental illness can be ___________. Parents with mental illness can pass the condition to their children.
Answer : Hereditary
Teenagers that are _____________ managing their condition can become role models to others.
Answer : Succesfully
Bipolar disorder is a brain disorder that causes changes in _______, activity levels, energy, and the ability
to carry out daily tasks.
Answer : mood
_________ can provide people suffering from mental illness to cope with their condition.
Answer : Therapy
The _____________ and support of parents are important for adolescents, more so for those diagnosed
with mental illness.
Answer : Acceptance
Downloaded by Jonel Orpilla (monoyama@gmail.com)
________ and anger is a common response by teenagers when diagnosed with mental illness. Answer :
Many metal illness begin during childhood and persist into adolescence.
Which of these mental illness starts commonly in adolescence?
The correct answer is: Bipolar Disorder (BD)
Many adolescents are vulnerable to mental illness. This is due to their ____ brain and continuing changes.
The correct answer is: underdeveloped
______ is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by hyperactivity, inattention and impulsivity.
The correct answer is: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity (ADHD)
________ a mood disorder characterized by intense and persistent negative emotions. It results to a
negative impact on people's lives resulting to social, educational, personal and family difficulties.
The correct answer is: Depression
Which of these common mental illnesses can result from poor body image?
The correct answer is: Eating Disorder
For adolescents with ____ have fixations that are persistent, intrusive and unwanted thoughts, images or
The correct answer is: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
A healthy ____ is the most vital component of mental health and well-being. Adolescents should feel
positive about themselves and begin to accept their flaws.
The correct answer is: self-concept
An _____ lifestyle can help adolescents with good mental health. This includes regular exercise, outdoor
activities and sports.
The correct answer is: active
Learning a new skill can build a sense of ______ in adolescents. This can help boost their confidence and
The correct answer is: accomplishment
Adolescents can get involved in the community. They can volunteer their time and skills to different
organizations. They will help give them a sense of ______ and connection with other people.
The correct answer is: purpose
Many metal illness begin during childhood and persist into adolescence.
Which of these mental illness starts commonly in adolescence?
The correct answer is: Bipolar Disorder (BD)
The following statements is a definition of stress, except
The correct answer is: a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness
The teenage years are accompanied by many stressors and significant _____ stages.
The correct answer is: life
What are the significant stressors among adolescents?
The correct answer is: hormonal changes, peers and sense of identity
It is crucial to encourage young people to develop ______ coping strategies. This can help them respond
productively to stress.
The correct answer is: positive
Negative coping strategies usually only produce a helpful distraction in the short term.
Which of the following is a negative coping strategy?
The correct answer is: drug and alcohol use
Downloaded by Jonel Orpilla (monoyama@gmail.com)
Resiliency is the ability to 'bounce back' from a stressful situation. A resilient person should be able to:
The correct answer is: find the people to blame
Psychologists have identified some of the factors that make someone resilient. The includes having a
positive attitude or being ________, having the ability to regulate emotions and knowing how to accept
helpful feedback.
The correct answer is: optimistic
Teens is yearning for more ________. So they might appear that they pulling away from their parents.
They are starting to assert themselves.
The correct answer is: independence
Honest and open ______ is necessary among parents and teens. This can help both parents and child can
share each other's feelings and any pressing issues.
The correct answer is: communication
Which of the following school programs facilitate the growth of student's mental health
The correct answer is: peer counseling
Youth oriented groups, like the Sagguniang Kabataan, aims to develop leadership and civic involvement
among the youth.
Which of the following statements supports this idea?
The correct answer is: Young adults need to take more responsibility to enhance their decision-making
All of these are positive affirmations, except:
The correct answer is: I am limited
Any positive or negative expectation about circumstances, events, or people that may affect a person's
behavior toward them in a manner that causes those expectations to be fulfilled
Which of the following situations shows this concept?
The correct answer is: Mary used to always fail in class. She was not smart but hardworking. She kept her
motivation high and she graduate with distinction.
__________ coping strategies target the causes of stress. It aims to reduce or remove the cause of the
The correct answer is: Problem-focused
Functional coping strategies are the following, except:
The correct answer is: wishful thinking
Around 25% of adolescents will encounter at least one significant stressors in their lives.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Which of these are most common stressors among adolescents are from
The correct answer is: interpersonal relationships and school
Stressors can result to mental health and behavioral problems which includes ____.
The correct answer is: depression, aggression and antisocial acts
Findings from research have shown that experiences handling ____ challenges are important to the
development of adolescents.
The correct answer is: manageable
The outcomes of stressful life events and daily hassles will be positive or negative depending on how
adolescents respond to them.
The correct answer is 'False'.
Downloaded by Jonel Orpilla (monoyama@gmail.com)
What coping strategies being shown by the following individuals?
Mary has a sister diagnosed with autism. Her father asked her to join a support group for teens that has a
special child as a sibling. This is where she found people she feels that can understand her. This is an
example of a ____________ coping strategy.
The correct answer is: seeking emotional support
What coping strategies being shown by the following individuals?
Louie feels that his teacher in Algebra is deliberately making his life miserable. He hates the subjects and
failing it anyways. He decided to skip his Algebra class by going to the clinic or skipping school.
The correct answer is: Escape - Behavioral avoidance
What coping strategies being shown by the following individuals?
Mina's mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. She was scared at first, but decided to find out more about
it. She browsed the internet, asked her teachers and even her friends. Mina thinks that more she knows
about it the less scared and prepared she will be.
The correct answer is: Information seeking - observation
The brain is divided into two, the right and the left ______.
The correct answer is: hemispheres
The two main parts of the brain communicate information, such as sensory observations, to each other
through the ________ thick that connects them.
The correct answer is: corpus callosum
________ conducted experiments that examined the way the human brain's hemispheres operate both
independently and together.
The correct answer is: Roger Sperry
The muscles on the left side of the body is controlled by the right hemisphere of the brain. While, the left
hemisphere controls the muscles on the right side of the human body.
The correct answer is 'True'.
The left hemisphere is dominant in ____. It processes what you hear and handling most of the duties of
The correct answer is: language
The _______ is mainly in charge of spatial abilities, face recognition and processing music. The right side
also helps us to comprehend visual imagery and make sense of what we see.
The correct answer is: right hemisphere
The _______ is mainly in charge of spatial abilities, face recognition and processing music. The right side
also helps us to comprehend visual imagery and make sense of what we see.
The correct answer is: right hemisphere
The brain carefully balances and assigns specific tasks to various parts of the to maximize ___. You are
able to do multiple task at the same time.
The correct answer is: efficiency
The right brain is best at expressive and creative tasks which include these tasks, except
The correct answer is: higher level calculations
Read this except:
Unfortunately, many people are likely unaware that the left-brain/right braintheory is outdated. The idea
seems to have taken on a mind of its own within popular culture. Magazine articles to books to online
quizzes suggest that you can unleash the power of your mind if you just discover which side of your brain
is stronger or more dominant.
What that this excerpt assert about the left-brain and right-brain theory?
The correct answer is: The left-brain/right brain theory is debunked by more recent researches
Downloaded by Jonel Orpilla (monoyama@gmail.com)
The left-side of the brain is adept at tasks that involve logic, language, and analytical thinking.
Which of these activities mostly the LEFT BRAIN is most likely involved?
The correct answer is: playing sudoku (number puzzle game)
There are two factors that affect a person development, nurture (environment) and __________ (genes,
inherited traits).
The correct answer is: nature
It is crucial to encourage young people to develop ______ coping strategies. This can help them respond
productively to stress.
The correct answer is: positive
Stressors can result to mental health and behavioral problems which includes ____.
The correct answer is: depression, aggression and antisocial acts
Which of these are most common stressors among adolescents?
The correct answer is: interpersonal relationships and school
Families, friends, peers and other people are few of the people we interact with. These _____ can also
affect our development.
The correct answer is: interpersonal relationships
_____ from parents is crucial in helping adolescents in making decisions. This can help mature into
The correct answer is: Guidance
Read and analyze the situation: Wilma is eager to prove to her parents that she attend the youth leadership
camp. It is a three-day event in another city. She is trying to tell her parents that she can take care of
She is trying to ______.
The correct answer is: gain more personal independence
He is known as the "Father of Brain Dominance". He proposed that the brain is divided into four
quadrants. He pointed out the each of us has a preference on how we think.
The correct answer is: Nedd Herrmann
Louie feels that his teacher in Algebra is deliberately making his life miserable. He hates the subjects and
failing it anyways. He decided to skip his Algebra class by going to the clinic or skipping school.
The correct answer is: Escape - Behavioral avoidance
One of the most important task in adolescence is the search for ____. They try out different roles and
personality until they find what suits them.
The correct answer is: identity
Resiliency is the ability to 'bounce back' from a stressful situation. A resilient person should be able to:
The correct answer is: find the people to blame
Downloaded by Jonel Orpilla (monoyama@gmail.com)
_____ is an early sign of maturation during adolescence. It is the sudden increase in height.
The correct answer is: growth spurt
William friends are turning into bullies. A few of their practical jokes are getting very aggressive. He
doesn't want to participate and think they are really causing more pain that fun. His friends he thinks he
just being a teacher's pet whenever he tries to stop them.
The correct answer is: form friendships that are mutually close and supportive
_______________ is the practice of turning your attention to a single point of reference. It can involve
focusing on the breath, on bodily sensations, or on a word or phrase.
The correct answer is: Meditation
Any positive or negative expectation about circumstances, events, or people that may affect a person's
behavior toward them in a manner that causes those expectations to be fulfilled
The correct answer is: Mary used to always fail in class. She was not smart but hardworking. She kept her
motivation high and she graduate with distinction.
The Department of Education implemented the School-Based Program that provides feeding programs
that primarily aims to improve the nutritional status of the beneficiaries by at least 70% at the end of 120
days. It aims to increase classroom attendance by 85% and improve the children's health and nutritional
values and behavior.
The correct answer is: Learning and development is should also address the physical needs of students.
Which of these keywords describes a person with an interpersonal thinking styles?
The correct answer is: emotional
Teenagers will try distinct roles that may be different from what is expected of them. This is the time they
try to figure out who they are. Adolescence can lead to ____.
The correct answer is: role confusion
Many metal illness begin during childhood and persist into adolescence. Which of these mental illness
starts commonly in adolescence?
The correct answer is: Bipolar Disorder (BD)
Young people that have a sense of purpose feel good about themselves, and handle their own problems
better. We should encourage them to play an active role in the community.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Mental illness can be ___. Parents with mental illness can pass the condition to their children. The correct
answer is: hereditary
A professional trained to provide assistance building insight and understanding personal experiences.
The correct answer is: psychiatrist
Adolescence are susceptible to the effects of bullying because of their need for ___.
The correct answer is: social acceptance
Downloaded by Jonel Orpilla (monoyama@gmail.com)
Which statement differentiates the words SYMPHATIZE and EMPHATIZE?
The correct answer is: Sympathize means to feel the same as the other person, while to empathize means
to understand the feelings of others and why they feel that way
The following statements is a definition of stress, except
The correct answer is: a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness
Adolescents are often characterized by _____ behaviors and attitudes. They are too focused on their own
feelings, thinking and interests.
The correct answer is: egocentric
__________ coping strategies target the causes of stress. It aims to reduce or remove the cause of the
The correct answer is: Problem-focused
___ is also important. We also need to take time to rest, relax and take care of our physical needs.
The correct answer is: health
______ is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by hyperactivity, inattention and impulsivity.
The correct answer is: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity (ADHD)
_____is the developmental stage between puberty and adulthood.
The correct answer is: adolescence
Quadrant A are logical thinkers. They like to know and manipulate theories, numbers, data and research.
They prefer activities like data collection and reading textbooks. However, they might have difficulties
with delegating tasks and other synergistic opportunities.
The correct answer is: engineer(computer programmer)
_______ refers as someone's personal thoughts and feelings about one's overall condition. It is how
someone thinks about themselves, their self-concept.
The correct answer is: subjective well-being
____ is the use to technology in bullying which includes sending mean text messages, posting videos,
stories, or photos that ridicule someone, and spreading rumors through social networking sites.
The correct answer is: cyberbullying
It describes the level that individuals perceive control over their own behaviors and those which are
external to themselves.
The correct answer is: locus of control
_____ during the adolescent years can bring physical, psychological changes.
The correct answer is: Hormonal changes
Learning a new skill can build a sense of ______ in adolescents. This can help boost their confidence and
The correct answer is: accomplishment
Downloaded by Jonel Orpilla (monoyama@gmail.com)
Which statement is FALSE about the causes of mental illness?
The correct answer is: It is the result the environment alone.
It is a thinking disorder. A person views him/herself as inadequate, unlovable, or incompetent. This results
to negative thoughts, developing faulty assumptions and self-defeating behavior. The correct answer is:
____ is any event or situation in a person's life that results to change or discomfort.
The correct answer is: Stress
Those with the _____ thinking styles are creative they look at the big picture. They have the tendency to
The correct answer is: imaginative
______ is the combination of the characteristics or qualities, qualities and traits that form an individual.
The correct answer is: personality
Teenagers that are successfully managing their condition can become ____ to others.
The correct answer is: role models
Adolescence dominated by the need to __________ and the need to belong.
The correct answer is: stand out
It is a mood disorder characterized by intense and persistent negative emotions. It results to a negative
impact on people's lives resulting to social, educational, personal and family difficulties. The correct
answer is: Depression
Our individual experiences help shape our personality. It includes the unique and significant __________
from our childhood to the present moment.
The correct answer is: events and experiences
Adolescents can get involved in the community. They can volunteer their time and skills to different
organizations. They will help give them a sense of ______ and connection with other people.
The correct answer is: purpose
Adolescence is marked by physical, emotional and mental changes. Due to the________ changes.
The correct answer is: hormonal
What are the significant stressors among adolescents?
The correct answer is: hormonal changes, peers and sense of identity
Maria likes order. She enjoys creating patterns and often use codes to remember facts. She enjoys
activities that are clear and methodical.
You can say that she has a _____ thinking style.
The correct answer is: Systematic
Which of these statements explains the importance of knowing your preferred thinking styles?
Answer: You can maximize your strengths and try to train or augment your weaker ones
Downloaded by Jonel Orpilla (monoyama@gmail.com)