Medical Ethics Review: Theories & Principles

CHLH 260 Medical Ethics: Review of Theories & Principles
Name: Will Morales
Read each statement, pick 5, and write the theory/theories (Deontological, Utilitarianism, or
Natural Law) that best describes the statement AND explain why you chose this as your answer.
1. Even though treatment could save his life, a religious family does not want their son to
undergo chemotherapy because it goes against their beliefs.
Natural law; denying treatment because of religious beliefs and allowing nature to take its
2. A patient signs a DNR; no measures should be taken to save her life.
Natural Law; Patient is denying medical treatment for their own personal reasons and
allowing nature to take its course.
3. A hospital wishes to end the medical treatment of a patient based on “medical futility.”
Deotological; Decision to end treatment is based on the science that it has been shown
that treatment will have little to no effect on the condition of the patient
4. Molly’s physician has recommended an abortion based on the poor health of the fetus.
Molly has chosen not to have the abortion because she believes that abortion is morally
Deontological; decision is judged by the moral principle of not “killing” a human
5. Opponents of animal experimentation say that it is not morally right to harm and kill
animals for human benefit.
Deontological; decision is judged by the moral principle of not harming or killing a living