Changes Affecting the TOS Forum Database Structure Table Naming and Structure Table Name Changes: The names of the tables have been updated, now prefixed with the module name. For example, the old product table is now spirits_product, and product_log has been renamed to spirits_productlog. ● Primary Key Adjustments: Primary keys have been simplified. For instance, where product had product_id as its primary key, spirits_product now uses id. ● User-Related Tables: The members table has been renamed to users_user, with additional details spread across users_member, users_memberprivacysettings, and users_memberrankhistory. ● Country and Locale Handling: The origin table has changed to system_country. All tables requiring country data now have a country_id field. ● Member Activity and Ratings: Activity tables, such as spirits_productrating, now include a user_id field linking back to users_member via the id field. ● Discussion Table Migration: The discussions table in MySQL is now forum_discussion in the PostgreSQL database. ● Property Tables Overhaul: Property-related tables are now named with a property_ prefix, e.g., property_property, property_propertyhierarchy, etc. ● Examples of Table Name Changes Old Name New Name comments forum_comment discussion_extra_tags forum_discussionextratag discussion_tags forum_discussiontag discussions forum_discussion extra_tags system_extratag favorites spirits_favourite follower users_follower language system_language login_logs users_loginlog member users_user member_data users_member member_privacy_settings users_memberprivacysettings member_rank_history users_memberrankhistory language system_language login_logs users_loginlog member users_user member_data users_member member_privacy_settings users_memberprivacysettings member_rank_history users_memberrankhistory news news_news news_comments news_newscomments news_tags news_newstags notifications system_notification origin system_country product spirits_product product_affiliate spirits_productaffiliate product_change_recommendation spirits_productchangerecommend ation product_log spirits_productlog product_picture spirits_productimage product_property spirits_productproperty product_rating spirits_productrating property property_property property_hierarchy property_propertyhierarchy property_key property_propertykey property_translation property_propertytranslation tasting_property spirits_tastingproperty type_of_spirit spirits_typeofspirit type_of_spirit_translation spirits_typeofspirittranslation user_notifications system_usernotifications Table Relationships Updated Foreign Key References: Relationships have been modified to use ID references instead of string values. For example, spirits_product now uses spirit_type_id and type_of_spirit_id to link to their respective tables, such as spirits_spirittype and spirits_typeofspirit. ● Language Table Reference Changes: Tables formerly related to the language table through a language code now use a language_id, and the language table has been renamed to system_language. ● Translations Handling ● Translation Data Management: While MongoDB continues to serve as the primary store for translations, duplicate records are now also kept in the PostgreSQL database. This redundancy aims to speed up data ● retrieval for the forum. For example, spirits_product has a corresponding spirits_producttranslation table containing fields like id, product_id, language_code, and summary_text, synchronized with the MongoDB collections.