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Sermon Topics & Bible References

Gods word
Jan 11 - The Goodness of God
Mid week service
Isaiah 36:3
Jan 14 - Think Big
Gen 15:1-5
Overflow means more than enough John 10:10
Romans 8:15
Great people do little things with excellence
Jan 18 - The Order of the Spirit
John 15:7; 1John 5:4
1King 18
It is in the principles, statutes, ways of God
If Gods word abides in you, the will of God abides in you
Every promise of God comes with a premise from God
The promise is the blessing, the power
The premise is the wisdom of God, the way of God
You need to find what God has said, the will of God
Jan 21 - Largeness of heart
Knowledge, reading, expands your mind
1. God is big - Acts 26:8; Eph 3:20
○ God does not work beyond the capacity of a man
○ What will expand the capacity is walking with God
There is nothing God cannot do
Jan 28
1King 4:29
Mercy Conference
John 11:24-25; Phil3:20
5 things to know about resurrection - Death, Burial, Resurrection, Ascension, Exultation
Platforms through which saints can access resurrection power
By receiving Him and believing
Have an understanding of the implication of the revelation of Jesus
Your willingness to be a witness to the resurrection
Engaging the promises of the resurrection by faith Heb 3:1-3
What’s the problem
Our knowledge is not organized. Knowledge in the Spirit should be arranged sequentially
2Tim3:7 - Ever learning and44
never common to the knowledge of the truth
Accuracy of understanding
Don’t downplay results. Result is how Jesus is glorified Eph2:10; Eph3:10; John15:8;16;
The implication of the resurrection
1. Was a validation that Jesus was truly the son of God Romans1:2-4. Christianity began with
the resurrection; only the Christian faith has an empty tomb
2. Gave credibility to all other words that Jesus spoke Matt17:5-9. WHAT ELSE DID JESUS
3. Is the central theme of the gospel of salvation 2Cor15:17; Rom10:9-10; 2Tim2:8
4. Established the victory of Christ over sin, satan, death and the grave
5. Has allowed anyone who believes in Jesus to be a partaker of His life and destiny . The
most powerful part of the resurrection story is not what Jesus did but who He did it . I AM
A PARTAKER OF HIS DIVINE NATURE 1Cor15:56-57; 2 Peter 1-2-4
6. Gives every believer in Christ hope beyond death and the grave
What is my response ?
1. God is depending on me to take his resurrection power to the NATIONS (US)
Deut2:24 - God gives you, begin to posses it and engage in battle
God has given you things, expand your vision and engage
Feb 11
City Church
How do you know you are on vacation and not on a mission
1. What you long for
2. What you plan for
3. What you have categories for
If you are on a mission, you will welcome discomfort. That is the rule, not the exception
Feb 18
City Church
Beyond Discomfort
Souls are tied to my obedience
1. Beyond discomfort, Jesus demands my identity
2. Beyond discomfort, Jesus demands my life
There is a problem when Jesus is a means for the fame of the ministry.
What am I known for
Jesus is not a means to prop up my life. My life is to drive up the fame of Jesus
Topical preachings; expository sermons
Bible Doctrine - Pastor Ebele
1. What makes you a Christian ?
Jude 1:3; Psalm 11:3; 1Tim4:1; 13; 2Tim3:16; Titus2:1-3
2. Give attention to reading, exhortation, doctrine
What are the things a Christian must believe
The doctrine of who God is, the nature of God
The doctrine of Jesus, salvation
The doctrine of man - spirit, soul, body
The doctrine of sin
The doctrine of grace
Studying believers doctrine is what helps you become like Christ
The Apostles Creed
1. All Christian doctrine must be true and sound Titus 2:1
2. Doctrine is a foundation against false teaching 1Peter 3;15
3. Doctrine determines your behavior
1. Christ is the foundation of Christian doctrine - the son of God 1Cor3:11
2. Doctrinal differences arises from different interpretations but God wants us to believe the
same thing 1Cor3:4-6
3. The thing God wants us to believe is the word of God
4. I will study, read, share and learn the word of God
Feb 25 - Idols of the heart
Ezekiel 14:3
Surface idols - money, sex, power, family, reputation, ethnicity
Deep idols - 2 x CAS - control, comfort, approval, acceptance, security, satisfaction
Idol of Control
A. Discovering control, taking control, losing control
● James 4:13-15; Psalm 20:4, 2Chronicles 16:9;12;
● A plan becomes an idolatrous display of control when it stops you from relying on God.
Prov16:9; 19:21
● What will happen is based on what I will plan and not what God wills
● 2 categories of people who idol control
● Planners and complainers
B. Symptoms of an idolatrous planner
You’re a poor listener, inflexible and not easily adaptable
Push for immediate answers
Irritated when your plans are challenged and aren’t bought into
Takes long to recover from a plan that didn’t work
Don’t readily admit failures
People obey you but don’t grow under you
You don’t pray enough but over rely on common sense
Prayer is exclusively dutiful and often your last resort
C. Symptoms of an Idolatrous Complainer
Prov 27:16
● Complain a lot about how you’re led irrespective of the leader
● Complain about the same things to many people
● Skew proportional reality - magnifies little problems, diminishes larger gains
● Dissatisfied with being heard until agreed with
● Conflate listening with agreeing
● Feel bitter, not happy if your complaint is adopt but on the recommendation of another
● Don’t often admit flaws in your methods
● Don’t often see complexity
● Offer compliments as a transaction that earns right to offer more complaints
D. How do we defeat it?
● Take control
● Use the failures and successes to remind yourself you’re not God. I AM NOT GOD
● Losing control in God. James 4:15
● How to lose control in God
○ Study about God
○ Worship Job 1:21. Cast your crowns before God, lift your hands and bow your heart
○ Pray Matt26:36; Luke 23:46 Jesus last word was a statement of surrender
HOD Lekki
1. To know God is to know love
HOD Lekki
Midweek 29th January
The Believers Mindset Love
Phil 2:2-7
God wants me to be like Jesus
How? Through the Holy Spirit in me Rom 5:5; Eph 5:2
9 characters of a Christian Gal 5:22-23
Walking in forgiveness - Acts13:38
Idols of Approval - 1Cor4:2-5
An idol is a good thing that has become an ultimate thing
The judgement we give, we need and receive
1. The judgment we give
● TO BE FAITHFUL is what is required to be a minister of God 1Cor4:2
● Paul is condemning CRAVING of approval
● People pleasers and Self pleasers
Symptoms of an Idolatrous People pleasers
● Obsessed with your physical appearance or your social profile
● You naturally exaggerate
● You are terrible at receiving critical feedback
● You live with a great deal of anxiety at the possibility of upsetting people
Symptoms on idolatrous self pleaser
Prov 29:23
● You have a grim view of life
● You’re unable to happy around people neither can they be happy around you
● You’ve an unwarranted level of self confidence
● You value convenient over helping others
● You lack basic empathy towards others
1Cor4:4 - Let God be your judge
● You see the image first and the identity later
When God sees me, He sees His beloved son of whom He is well pleased
Zeph 3:17; Gal6:14
10/03 City Church
Idol of satisfaction
Symptoms of Malcontent
Understanding the son of God: Lessons from a picnic
Mark 6: 35-43
Matt14:13 - Jesus also got sad
1. Life is complex, people are complex, be gracious to people
2. Because Jesus understands, he has become our advocate. Jesus understands what it
means to be like me Heb4:15
3. God did not promise me an easy life but a victorious life
4. Life is hard, the world needs you and you have a savior that can supply your needs and the
needs of everyone around you
5. Jesus cares about your cares Rom8:32
City Church - Emmanuel
Doing the impossible
Mark 6:45-56
Pursue divine direction God is telling me that what is for me is ahead and not behind
God doesn’t want me to go to the US?
Jesus went up the mountain to pray to get divine direction. Prayer enables me to do all
that He has called me to
Prayer is a lifeline
Oh what peace I forfeit and needless pain I bear, all because I don’t carry everything to
God in prayer
Pursue divine presence
Ease is not a reflection of whether you’re doing what God called you to do
The presence of difficulty is not same Qas the absence of Jesus
Don’t toil on your own
3. Pursue divine insight
● Insight is identifying there is deeper significance
● Discern what God is up to
Pursue divine power
Jesus demonstrates His power as the son of God but also on our behalf
It’s okay if you’ve gone where God didn’t ask you to go
Jesus is still going to manifest himself