Uploaded by Nassim Tabchiche

LPWAN Networks in France: Overview

LPWAN networks in France, overview
N. Tabchiche, A. Lefrançois
Abstract—This paper provides a comprehensive exploration
of Low-Power Wide-Area Network (LPWAN) technologies, particularly focusing on their deployment and impact in France.
The study delves into the attributes of prominent LPWAN
technologies such as Sigfox, LoRa, and NB-IoT, each offering
unique advantages and being suited to specific IoT applications.
The work highlights the importance of these technologies in various industries, including their capability to provide long-range
coverage, low power consumption, cost-effectiveness, reliability,
scalability, security, and ease of deployment. Despite being in a
growth phase, LPWAN technologies have already demonstrated
their critical role in IoT applications. The paper emphasizes
the future prospects of LPWANs, predicting a global surge in
their adoption due to the increasing demand for IoT solutions.
An expectation is set for the evolution of LPWAN protocols to
meet emerging requirements, involving improvements in data
rate, latency, security, and energy efficiency. In conclusion, the
paper affirms the expected pivotal role of LPWAN networks in
driving IoT connectivity and enabling businesses to exploit the
full potential of IoT.
The increasing reliance on Internet of Things (IoT) and
Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communication has resulted in a
significant surge in industry-wide innovations [1]. IoT, a network of interconnected devices that can collect and exchange
data, and M2M, the automatic exchange of data between
machines without human intervention, have transformed the
way data is collected, processed, and used.
These advancements have been particularly revolutionary
for industries that depend on real-time data, including the
transportation, healthcare, agriculture, and manufacturing sectors. The primary driver behind these changes is the evolution
in low-power consumption and connectivity technologies, enabling the deployment of connected devices even in highly
constrained environments [2]. As such, IoT applications have
broadened, with devices now able to function in conditions
that were previously deemed impractical or unfeasible. In
today’s digital era, IoT architects have a variety of wireless
communication technologies at their disposal. The choice of
technology depends on several factors, including the desired
reach of the device, the bandwidth, coverage, power consumption, reliability, latency, and cost-effectiveness [3]. Historically,
for applications where IoT devices were deployed over large
distances, cellular connectivity technologies, such as 2G, 3G,
4G, or 5G, were utilized. This was particularly prevalent in the
industrial sector, where devices needed to transmit data over
long distances. For these use cases, M2M SIM cards, designed
for automated communication between devices, were often
used. These technologies provided the necessary coverage,
but advances in other wireless communication technologies
have introduced a wider range of possibilities, opening up
opportunities for more flexible, efficient, and cost-effective
solutions for IoT deployments.
Low-Power Wide-Area Network (LPWAN) is a type of
wireless telecommunication network designed to allow longrange communications at a low bit rate among connected
devices, such as sensors operated on a battery. As the name
suggests, these networks are characterized by their low power
requirements and wide area coverage, which are significant
advantages for IoT deployments.
The main objective of LPWAN technologies is to serve
machine-to-machine (M2M) and IoT applications that require
devices to send small amounts of data over large distances
in urban, suburban, or rural areas. This makes LPWAN a
suitable solution for applications that do not require real-time
communication but need to transmit small packets of data over
vast areas without consuming much power.
LPWAN offers low-bandwidth connectivity, usually under
200 kbps, and supports devices with low bit rates. This low
data rate is sufficient for many IoT applications where devices
need to send only occasional or small amounts of data, like
meter readings or sensor measurements.
LPWAN technology’s strength lies in its ability to cover
long distances ranging from 2 km to 1000 km, depending
on the specific technology in use and the deployment environment. This range is particularly beneficial in areas where
devices are widely dispersed, such as agricultural fields, utility
infrastructure, or city-wide deployments.
Another key feature of LPWAN technology is its power
efficiency. The devices connected through LPWAN networks
consume minimal power, making them ideal for batteryoperated or energy-harvesting devices. This reduced power
consumption leads to extended battery lifespans, sometimes
enabling devices to function for several years on a single
battery charge.
Cost is another significant advantage of LPWAN networks.
They are designed to be highly cost-effective solutions, making them more affordable than traditional mobile networks.
This cost-effectiveness makes LPWAN a viable solution for
deploying large-scale IoT applications.
Most LPWAN networks employ a star topology, where each
endpoint (device) connects directly to common central access
points (like a gateway or base station). This topology simplifies
the network design and makes the system scalable and robust
against individual node failures.
Menelaos-NT Research Report template by Zhouyan Qiu, University of Vigo
In France, the IoT connectivity landscape is shaped by three
primary LPWAN technologies: Sigfox, LoRa, and NB-IoT.
Each of these technologies exhibits distinct characteristics,
deployment strategies, and advantages tailored to specific IoT
applications, making the choice of technology critical for IoT
Sigfox, a global communication service provider, offers a
simple, low-power, and cost-effective solution for IoT connectivity. Its network uses Ultra Narrow Band (UNB) radio
technology for device communication, which ensures extreme
resistance to interference in the extended signal spectrum and
large network capacity. It also has a large cell range thanks to
its low transmission speed and simple modulation techniques.
Sigfox’s main strength lies in its simplicity and its ability to
support a large number of devices over a wide area, making
it ideal for applications like environmental monitoring, utility
metering, and asset tracking where data transmission needs are
low but the reach is broad [4]. In Europe, Sigfox works in the
868MHz to 868.2MHz frequency range. The UNB technology
allows for 100Hz message width. [5]
Figure 2. LoRaWAN Frequency Bands [8]
Figure 3. NB-IoT Frequency Bands [6]
Figure 1. Sigfox Frequency Bands are divided into six Radio Configuration
(RC) regions [6]
LoRa (Long Range), on the other hand, uses a modulation technique called Chirp Spread Spectrum (CSS), which
provides an excellent balance between range, data rate, and
power consumption. It is a more flexible technology, providing
the ability to deploy both public (like city-wide networks)
and private networks (like a specific industrial site). Its
bi-directional communication capability and adaptability to
different data rates make it suitable for a variety of IoT
applications, including smart cities, agriculture, and industrial
IoT [7]. LoRa defines 10 radio channels, of which: 8 channels
for transmission speeds from 250 bps to 5.5 kbps, 1 transmission channel with a transmission speed of 11 kbps, and
1 Frequency-shift keying (FSK) channel with a transmission
speed of 50 kbps. The maximum power allowed in Europe is
+14 dBM [8].
NB-IoT (Narrowband IoT) is a cellular-based technology
that uses existing infrastructure to provide wide coverage, deep
indoor penetration, and high reliability. It has been designed
to meet the security standards of the cellular industry and
ensure secure communication. It supports a large number of
low-throughput devices, making it suitable for applications
where devices are located in hard-to-reach locations and
require infrequent data transmission. Examples include smart
metering, smart parking, and environmental monitoring [9].
The choice between Sigfox, LoRa, and NB-IoT depends on
various factors, including the specific use case, the network
coverage in the area, the cost, and power constraints. As
such, understanding the technical characteristics of these technologies and evaluating their performance against the critical
success factors for the intended IoT application is essential
[10]. This will help decision-makers and IoT developers make
informed choices about the most suitable technology for their
IoT deployments in France.
Figure 4. Comparison between LoRa, Sigfox, NB-IoT and ZETA [11]
The French Internet of Things (IoT) landscape is undergoing
substantial shifts, signified by the challenges faced by Sigfox
and the cessation of support for LoRa technology by Bouygues
Telecom. These events might initially seem to indicate an
overall weakening of the French IoT sector, but a more
nuanced interpretation is warranted.
Both Sigfox and Bouygues Telecom initially adopted analogous strategies, characterized by significant investments aimed
at constructing comprehensive connectivity ecosystems. These
ecosystems were designed to fulfill diverse customer requirements via two distinct Long-Range, Low-Power Wide Area
Network (LPWAN) technologies. However, the disparity between initial promises and on-ground realities may underpin
the prevailing sentiment of disappointment in the market and
the ensuing tribulations.
As the French IoT market matures, clients are increasingly
seeking turnkey solutions that offer tangible benefits, cost
control, and sustainability. Demonstrating scalability is crucial,
yet few providers currently satisfy this demand. The French
LPWAN market, centered on offerings from three main entities, is characterized by intense competition, thereby posing a
challenge to the reliable development of the sector.
The immediate challenge lies in establishing a substantial
return on investment (ROI) to convince customers and advocate for the adoption of extensive projects. Providers in the
LPWAN space should focus not only on infrastructure, but also
on digital use cases and monetization opportunities related to
the wealth of data generated by sensors and connected objects.
Although Smart Cities and connected territories offer significant promise for LPWAN networks, they often face obstacles due to their association with public entities and their
consequently long decision-making cycles. To exhibit tangible
ROI, IoT entities need to concentrate on use cases managed
by private companies, particularly in domains such as smart
buildings or smart industries.
The LoRaWAN network has illustrated its ability to integrate all use cases, both private and public, with an effective
management of data confidentiality and encryption. Additionally, it offers prolonged connectivity lifespans, potentially
spanning decades, in contrast to the shorter cycles of LTE-m
and NB-IoT, which typically last 5 to 10 years.
Since late 2021, the International Telecommunications
Union has recognized the LoRaWAN network as a standard,
bolstering the further development of this technology. The
characteristic ultra-low power and brevity of messages sent
over this network indicate a potential for high frugality,
making it an ideal candidate for the implementation of energyefficient and low-cost IoT devices. This technology is already
internationally prevalent and offers substantial territorial coverage alongside networks like Sigfox and emerging technologies
like NB-IoT/LTE-M.
The current upheavals in the IoT market represent an
opportune juncture to reassess, revamp business models, and
expedite adoption by utilizing the most appropriate solutions
to balance frugality, energy autonomy, cost, and the capacity
to deliver requisite data for expected quality of service.
Long Range Coverage: LPWAN technologies can cover
large geographic areas with minimal infrastructure, making
them ideal for applications that require extensive coverage,
such as agricultural monitoring, environmental sensing, and
asset tracking over wide areas.
Low Power Consumption: LPWAN devices are designed to
operate on low power, enabling battery-powered devices to
have long-lasting lifespans, sometimes lasting several years.
This is advantageous for industries where replacing batteries
frequently is challenging or costly,.
Cost-Effectiveness: The deployment and maintenance costs
of LPWAN networks are relatively low compared to traditional
cellular networks.
Scalability: LPWAN networks can accommodate a massive
number of connected devices, allowing for seamless scaling
as the number of IoT devices increases.
Reliability and Robustness: LPWAN technologies are designed to be robust and resistant to interference, providing
reliable connectivity even in challenging environments. .
Low Data Rate Applications: LPWAN networks are wellsuited for applications that require sporadic data transmission
or small data payloads, as they provide efficient communication for low data rate devices.
Security: LPWAN networks typically incorporate security
features, such as encryption and authentication, to protect data
transmitted over the network.
Ease of Deployment: LPWAN technologies are designed for
easy and rapid deployment, allowing businesses to quickly
implement IoT solutions without extensive infrastructure requirements.
LPWAN networks can support a wide range of applications
across various industries, this versatility allows businesses to
innovate and adapt LPWAN technology to suit their specific
LPWAN technologies are currently in a phase of dynamic
growth and development, not just in France, but around the
world. As we see a surge in the demand for IoT solutions
across various industries, LPWAN networks are primed to
take a central role in meeting this demand. These networks
offer a compelling mix of long-range communication, lowpower consumption, and cost-effectiveness that make them
well suited to a broad array of IoT applications.
As these technologies continue to mature, a key development to look forward to is the standardization of LPWAN technologies. Standardization is essential for achieving widespread
adoption and interoperability across different devices and
networks. It ensures that different LPWAN technologies can
coexist and interact seamlessly, making it easier for businesses
and organizations to deploy and manage their IoT solutions.
Standardization also promotes competition and innovation
among LPWAN providers, leading to further advancements
in the technology.
We also anticipate that LPWAN protocols will evolve
and adapt to meet emerging needs and requirements. These
innovations might include improvements in various aspects
such as data rate, latency, security, and energy efficiency. For
instance, future LPWAN networks might support higher data
rates to cater to IoT applications that require more bandwidth.
Similarly, advancements might be made in reducing latency,
enhancing security features, or improving energy efficiency.
This ongoing evolution will allow LPWAN networks to support a wider range of IoT use cases and applications.
In conclusion, LPWAN networks are poised to be a significant driver in the ongoing IoT revolution. Their unique capabilities enable them to facilitate enhanced connectivity across
vast areas, even in challenging environments. This connectivity
empowers businesses and organizations to unlock the full
potential of IoT, leading to innovative solutions and smarter,
more efficient operations. As such, LPWAN technologies are
set to play a crucial role in shaping our connected future.
The diversity of LPWAN technologies in France - Sigfox,
LoRa, and NB-IoT - offers a range of solutions tailored to
various IoT requirements. This diversity offers opportunities
for businesses to select the technology that best fits their
specific IoT deployment, considering factors such as reach,
bandwidth, coverage, power consumption, reliability, latency,
and cost-effectiveness. The low power consumption, costeffectiveness, and long-range coverage of LPWAN networks
provide an edge for applications in various industries, especially those that demand extensive coverage, low maintenance, and operational cost. This includes industries such
as agriculture, environmental monitoring, and asset tracking
over large geographical areas. Scalability and ease of deployment are critical advantages of LPWAN networks, as they
can support a massive number of devices without the need
for extensive infrastructure. These aspects make LPWAN an
attractive choice for businesses looking to rapidly expand
their IoT capabilities and presence. While the current LPWAN
technologies have already brought many advantages, the future
prospects of LPWAN networks are promising. Innovations in
data rate, latency, security, and energy efficiency will allow
LPWAN to support an even broader range of IoT use cases
and enhance their competitive edge over traditional cellular
networks. As IoT continues to gain traction worldwide, the
role of LPWAN networks in this revolution is expected to be
substantial. The standardization of LPWAN technologies will
be pivotal for widespread adoption and interoperability, facilitating the integration of diverse devices and networks across
the globe. With the right policy framework and technological
advancements, France could become a leading player in the
global IoT landscape through the strategic use of LPWAN
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