1. Master Your Future: Sprott MAcc, MBA and MFin Showcase Mar 18, 2024, 03:00 PM to 05:00 PM (MBA Career Event). 2. The event was in the undergraduate student space in Nicol Lobby and offered Pizza and refreshments along with students who are currently in the master programs attending. The purpose of the event was to inform students about the Master Programs that the Sprott School of Business was offering. 3. Based on what I learned from this event, the information has aligned by providing me with more options for what I could do after I get my undergraduate degree. An option this event has provided is to go into one of the master programs like MAcc and MFin. 4. One surprising insight that I had that challenged my previous perceptions about the business world is that even if you didn’t do an undergraduate in business you could still enter into the master’s programs. I learnt this in this event because the attending student at the event had told us that she had a biomedical undergraduate degree and was doing an MBA because she wanted to explore more business aspects of the biomedical industry. 5. Some actions that I will take after this information session are looking more into the master's programs and thinking about whether or not I would like to enter one of the master's programs after my undergraduate. A way I will stay connected to the presenters is when I see some more information sessions on the master programs that Sprott offers, I will sign up for them and learn more about the master programs.