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5G Network: Technical, Business & Regulatory Aspects

Technical, business and
regulatory aspects of 5G network
Prof. Dr. Toni Janevski
email: tonij@feit.ukim.edu.mk
“Technical, Business and Regulatory Aspects of 5G Network”, Prof. Dr. Toni Janevski
Mobile broadband evolution
“Technical, Business and Regulatory Aspects of 5G Network”, Prof. Dr. Toni Janevski
Mobile generations evolution
1G (First Generation): Analogue mobile systems, based on FDMA (Frequency
Division Multiple Access), without global roaming, used in 1980s.
2G (Second Generation): First digital mobile systems, based mainly on TDMA (Time
Division Multiple Access) and FDMA (e.g., GSM), Circuit-Switched (CS) based, with
global roaming, and telephony and SMS as main services, started at the beginning of
3G (Third Generation): First generation of mobile systems which included by default
Packet Switched (PS) domain (for Internet access, and MMS) in parallel with CS (for
voice and SMS), based on WCDMA – Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (with
TDMA/FDMA) in radio part, started at beginning of 2000s.
4G (Fourth Generation): First generation mobile systems which is all-IP by default in
access and core parts, based on OFDMA (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple
Access) with TDMA/FDMA in radio access, started at the beginning of 2010s.
5G (Fifth Generation): The Next Generation of mobile systems, which should
increase the data rates of 4G by more than 10 times with new radio interface and
new spectrum, and provide possibilities for many new emerging services in different
verticals. It is expected to be "alive" and running in 2020s.
“Technical, Business and Regulatory Aspects of 5G Network”, Prof. Dr. Toni Janevski
Mobile developments in 21st century
The telecom/ICT world globally has highest mobile rise in user penetration.
“Technical, Business and Regulatory Aspects of 5G Network”, Prof. Dr. Toni Janevski
Mobile vs. fixed broadband statistics
Mobile broadband penetration is also reaching saturation.
It is higher than fixed broadband penetration globally.
Source: ITU
“Technical, Business and Regulatory Aspects of 5G Network”, Prof. Dr. Toni Janevski
The rise of mobile generations
Mobile generations global shares
(from 2G to 5G)
Source: GSMA
J.M.C. Maxwell 1861 – invention of the electromagnetic theory
G. Marconi 1895 – start of the era of wireless
NMT (Nordic Mobile Telephony), 1981 – first
widely deployed mobile system (first
generation, 1G)
1991 - starts GSM (Global System for Mobile
communications), starts the second generation
(2G) mobile networks
2000 - starts 2G+
2002 - starts 3G
2003 – integration of wireless LAN and cellular
mobile networks
2005 – Mobile WiMAX standard
2008 – LTE standard (Long Term Evolution)
2010 – IMT-Advanced, LTE-Advanced standard
2015 - LTE-Advanced-Pro
2018 - first 5G standards are completed
2019-2020 – starts commercial 5G
“Technical, Business and Regulatory Aspects of 5G Network”, Prof. Dr. Toni Janevski
GSM/GPRS architecture the GSM first steps toward end-to-end Internet access
GSM (Global System for
Mobile communications) is
the most successful 2G
GSM core
Standardized by ETSI;
 Based on circuit-switching
and SS7 for signaling;
 ISDN-based system;
 Introduced global roaming.
Main service in all 2G mobile
systems is mobile
Packet-switching was
introduced in GSM with the
definition of GPRS, which is
noted as 2.5G.
GPRS core
IP backbone
Source: Toni Janevski, “Traffic Analysis and Design of
Wireless IP Networks”, Artech House, USA, 2003.
“Technical, Business and Regulatory Aspects of 5G Network”, Prof. Dr. Toni Janevski
The way from 2G toward 3G
The IP based access in mobile networks standardized by 3GPP started with
the implementation of GPRS (General Packet Radio System) in the
second part of 1990s.
In fact, the packet-switching in the core network was introduced in GPRS
with two network nodes:
Serving GPRS Support Node (SGSN) and
Gateway GPRS Support Node (GGSN).
Later, EDGE (Enhanced Data Rates for global Evolution) added new
modulation scheme in the FDMA/TDMA-based GSM radio access network,
called GMSK (Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying), which increased the
spectral efficiency in the radio network.
The 3G standardization started within 3GPP with Release 99, completed
in 2000.
“Technical, Business and Regulatory Aspects of 5G Network”, Prof. Dr. Toni Janevski
3G standardization by 3GPP
3GPP standardized the coexistence of the domains in 3G,
Circuit-Switched domain (CS) and
 Packet-Switched domain (PS).
For the PS domain 3GPP considered two technologies, namely ATM and
However, Internet technologies have clearly won the battle with ATM and
further 3GPP releases were based on the IP paradigm.
Regarding the radio interface, the 3G was based on WCDMA radio access
technology, with bit rates up to several Mbit/s.
The typical carrier width for 3G radio interface is 5 MHz, while in 2G the spacing
between frequency carriers was 200 kHz for GSM.
 So, 3G was characterized with carriers with fixed width, something similar to 2G
(although 25 time wider bands for frequency carriers are used in 3G than in 2G
mobile networks from the 3GPP).
“Technical, Business and Regulatory Aspects of 5G Network”, Prof. Dr. Toni Janevski
UMTS Network Architecture
UMTS (Universal Mobile
Telecommunication Systems)
is a 3G standard in Europe (in
Americas 3G standard is
UMTS architecture is a hybrid
one consisting of:
 Circuit-Switched (CS)
domain, like the GSM.
 Packet-Switched (PS)
domain, like the GPRS.
Source: Toni Janevski, “Internet
Technologies for Fixed and Mobile
Networks”, Artech House, USA, 2015.
“Technical, Business and Regulatory Aspects of 5G Network”, Prof. Dr. Toni Janevski
UMTS frequency bands and access
Two different operation modes have been standardized for the UTRAN
radio interface:
UTRAN FDD (Frequency Division Duplex) mode
UTRAN TDD (Time Division Duplex) mode
1900 1920
1980 2010
Frequency band (MHz)
Frame with
n time slots
UTRA TDD (Time Division Duplex)
UTRA FDD (Frequency Division Duplex)
Source: Toni Janevski, “Traffic Analysis and Design of
Wireless IP Networks”, Artech House, USA, 2003.
“Technical, Business and Regulatory Aspects of 5G Network”, Prof. Dr. Toni Janevski
UMTS QoS attributes
Source: Toni Janevski, “Traffic Analysis and Design of Wireless IP Networks”,
Artech House Inc, Boston, USA, 2003.
“Technical, Business and Regulatory Aspects of 5G Network”, Prof. Dr. Toni Janevski
High Speed Downlink Packets Access
(HSDPA) Capabilities
HSDPA, specified in 3GPP Release 5, is a high-performance, packet-data
service that delivers peak theoretical rates of 14 Mbps.
HSDPA also has significantly lower latency measured on some networks as
low as 70 msec on the data channel.
1 PDP bearer = 1 QoS flow
1 PDP bearer = n service flows
PDP-based charging
Flow-based charging
Up to UMTS R5
UMTS R6 feature
The evolution of policy and charging in UMTS (from R5 to R6)
“Technical, Business and Regulatory Aspects of 5G Network”, Prof. Dr. Toni Janevski
High Speed Packet Access (HSPA)
With HSUPA latency (Release 7) goes below 50 msec.
HSPA (High Speed Packet Access) includes both HSDPA and HSUPA
Policy and
Service flow
SIP (Session Initiation Protocol)
The evolution of policy control and charging in UMTS R7 (the PCRF node)
“Technical, Business and Regulatory Aspects of 5G Network”, Prof. Dr. Toni Janevski
ITU's IMT-Advanced: the 4G umbrella
IMT-Advanced is in fact umbrella specification of all requirements
set to a given mobile system with aim to use 4G label on it.
The requirements for 4G radio interface are specified in ITU-R
 referred to as IMT-Advanced (International Mobile
Telecommunications – Advanced).
 Similar approach was used for the definition of the third generation of
mobile networks (the 3G) which was named IMT-2000 (International
Mobile Telecommunications 2000).
Two technologies were accepted by ITU as 4G, which include:
 LTE-Advanced (from the 3GPP), and
 WirelessMAN-Advanced (i.e., IEEE 802.16m, also known as Mobile
WiMAX Release 2 in WiMAX Forum).
“Technical, Business and Regulatory Aspects of 5G Network”, Prof. Dr. Toni Janevski
ITU objectives in IMT-Advanced (4G)
Minimum peak bitrate
Downlink: 1 Gbit/s
Uplink: 0.05 Gbit/s
Bitrate experienced by
individual mobile device
10 Mbit/s
Peak spectral efficiency
Downlink: 15 bit/s/Hz
Uplink: 6.75 bit/s/Hz
350 km/h
User plane latency
10 msec
Connection density
100 thousand devices per
square kilometer
Traffic capacity
0.1 Mbit/s/sq. m.
Frequency bandwidth
Up to 20 MHz/carrier (up to 100
MHz aggregated)
“Technical, Business and Regulatory Aspects of 5G Network”, Prof. Dr. Toni Janevski
4G standard by 3GPP: LTE/LTE-Advanced
4G standard from 3GPP is LTE-Advanced, standardized with
3GPP Release 10 and next couple of Releases.
However, LTE (Long Term Evolution) has been standardized with
3GPP Releases 8 and 9 as predecessor of LTE-Advanced.
 The fact is that LTE is noted as 4G although it provides bitrates below
the requirements of the IMT-Advanced umbrella from ITU.
 On the other side, LTE and LTE-Advanced have the same radio
interface and spectrum utilization (in bit/s/Hz),
 with carrier aggregation standardized for LTE-Advanced which
provides the required 4G bitrates in downlink and uplink.
“Technical, Business and Regulatory Aspects of 5G Network”, Prof. Dr. Toni Janevski
3GPP Releases Timeline: from UMTS to LTE
and LTE-Advanced
High-speed access: This
includes radio access
IP core network: This includes
all controllers/gateways and
databases in the networks as
well as their interconnection.
Services: This part includes the
service overlay network which
are implemented over a given
mobile network architecture
(typical example for services is
standardization of the IP
Multimedia Subsystem – IMS).
Source: Toni Janevski, “NGN Architectures, Protocols and Services”, John Wiley & Sons, April 2014.
“Technical, Business and Regulatory Aspects of 5G Network”, Prof. Dr. Toni Janevski
LTE/LTE-Advanced Standardization 1/2
The evolution of all three parts of a mobile network (radio access
technology, core network and services) resulted in standardization of the next
step in the evolution of 3GPP in its Release 8 which brought the:
LTE in the radio part,
System Architecture Evolution (SAE) for the core network, and
IMS for the services.
So, regarding the road to 4G, Release 8 has significant importance.
The next release (Release 9) standardized the leftovers from the Release 8.
However, LTE does not satisfy all requirements set by ITU-R for the IMTAdvanced systems, particularly requirements for bit rates above 1 Gbit/s in
downlink for nomadic mobile users.
Therefore, LTE is usually referred to as 3.9G, but in reality ha been
marketed as a 4G technology, due to its similarity with LTE-Advanced (in
many aspects).
“Technical, Business and Regulatory Aspects of 5G Network”, Prof. Dr. Toni Janevski
LTE/LTE-Advanced Standardization 2/2
The road to LTE continued towards LTE-Advanced in 3GPP Release
10, which is followed by Releases 11 and 12.
Both LTE and LTE-Advanced use OFDMA (Orthogonal Frequency
Division Multiple Access) in the radio interface in downlink, and
Single Carrier FDMA (SC-FDMA) in the uplink.
As its name denotes, LTE-Advanced is advanced version of the LTE
 that also has more similarities than differences with it, such as the same
core network, the same radio access technology (on the physical layer),
and the same IMS for the services.
“Technical, Business and Regulatory Aspects of 5G Network”, Prof. Dr. Toni Janevski
LTE radio interface – layer 1
The physical (radio), protocol layer 1, is defined in a bandwidth
agnostic way, allowing it to adapt to different spectrum
It supports both FDD and TDD.
The generic radio frame for FDD and TDD has a duration of 10ms
and consists of 20 slots with a slot duration of 0.5 ms.
 Two adjacent slots form one sub-frame of length 1ms.
 So called Resource Block (RB) spans either 12 sub-carriers with a
sub-carrier bandwidth of 15 kHz, or 24 sub-carriers with a sub-carrier
bandwidth of 7.5 kHz (each over a slot duration of 0.5 ms).
“Technical, Business and Regulatory Aspects of 5G Network”, Prof. Dr. Toni Janevski
LTE radio interface
LTE radio interface is based
on OFDMA (Orthogonal
Frequency Division Multiple
Access) based on assignment
of different users over different
subcarriers over time.
A minimum Resource Block
that the LTE system can assign
to a user transmission consists
of 12 subcarriers over 14
symbols in 1.0 ms (that is two
time slots, each with duration of
0.5 ms).
“Technical, Business and Regulatory Aspects of 5G Network”, Prof. Dr. Toni Janevski
LTE radio interface – layer 2
LTE radio interface layer 2 at the eNode B has the following
 Radio Resource Management (RRM) functions:
Radio Bearer Control,
Radio Admission Control,
Connection Mobility Control,
Dynamic allocation of resources to UEs in both uplink and downlink
 IP header compression and encryption of user data stream
 Selection of MME at UE attachment
“Technical, Business and Regulatory Aspects of 5G Network”, Prof. Dr. Toni Janevski
E-UTRAN interfaces
Interfaces S1 and X2 in the LTE access network (E-UTRAN) between eNodeBs
and between eNodeBs and core nodes.
In E-UTRAN for the
first time 3GPP
introduces direct
interface between base
“Technical, Business and Regulatory Aspects of 5G Network”, Prof. Dr. Toni Janevski
LTE-Advanced radio access: Carrier
LTE-Advanced Carrier Aggregation
Source: Toni Janevski, “NGN Architectures, Protocols and Services”, John Wiley & Sons, April 2014.
“Technical, Business and Regulatory Aspects of 5G Network”, Prof. Dr. Toni Janevski
3GPP Architecture Evolution towards SAE
(System Architecture Evolution)
First move toward flat architecture was in 3GPP release 7 with the
introduction of so-called direct tunnel, and finally the flat architecture was
standardized completely in Release 8.
The main characteristic of
SAE is simplified mobile
network architecture, consisted
of only two tiers:
• Base stations (e.g.,
eNodeBs), and
• Centralized gateways.
Source: Toni Janevski, “NGN Architectures, Protocols
and Services”, John Wiley & Sons, April 2014.
“Technical, Business and Regulatory Aspects of 5G Network”, Prof. Dr. Toni Janevski
SAE Characteristics
The architecture minimizes the latency through the mobile backhaul
network (between the gateways and base stations) and at the same time
provides support for higher bit rates which are available to the mobile
users via the higher bit rates in LTE/LTE-Advanced radio interfaces.
Also, SAE provides support for interconnection with heterogeneous
access networks,
including LTE/LTE-Advanced, UMTS/HSPA, GPRS/EDGE, as well as
 mobile networks from IEEE and 3GPP2 such as WiMAX, WiFi, and cdma2000.
Such core and backhaul mobile network architecture is also used in further
3GPP releases after the Release 8, i.e.,
in Release 9 for LTE and in Releases 10-12 for LTE-Advanced.
SAE architecture suits well the all-IP nature of the LTE/LTE-Advanced.
Additionally, in SAE are separated control and user traffic (i.e., control
and user plane), meaning that different planes are serviced by different
gateways in the core network.
The main part of the SAE is so-called Evolved Packet Core (EPC), which
is the core network for LTE and LTE-Advanced radio access networks.
“Technical, Business and Regulatory Aspects of 5G Network”, Prof. Dr. Toni Janevski
Evolved Packet Core
There are three main gateway
nodes in the EPC:
Mobility Management Entity
Serving Gateway (S-GW)
Packet Data Network Gateway,
i.e. PDN Gateway (P-GW)
There are two other important
control nodes in the EPC:
Home Subscriber Server (HSS)
Policy and Charging Rules
Function (PCRF).
“Technical, Business and Regulatory Aspects of 5G Network”, Prof. Dr. Toni Janevski
LTE/SAE Interfaces
Source: Toni Janevski, “Internet Technologies for Fixed and
Mobile Networks”, Artech House, December 2015.
“Technical, Business and Regulatory Aspects of 5G Network”, Prof. Dr. Toni Janevski
LTE protocol stack: User Plane
Source: Toni Janevski, “Internet Technologies for Fixed and Mobile Networks”, Artech House, December 2015.
“Technical, Business and Regulatory Aspects of 5G Network”, Prof. Dr. Toni Janevski
LTE Protocol stack: Control Plane
Source: Toni Janevski, “Internet Technologies for Fixed and Mobile Networks”, Artech House, December 2015.
“Technical, Business and Regulatory Aspects of 5G Network”, Prof. Dr. Toni Janevski
LTE bearers
Source: Toni Janevski, “Internet Technologies for Fixed and
Mobile Networks”, Artech House, December 2015.
“Technical, Business and Regulatory Aspects of 5G Network”, Prof. Dr. Toni Janevski
Mobility management in LTE
Evolved packet system (EPS) Session Management (ESM) is
used at LTE radio interface, which consists of two procedures:
 activation, deactivation and modification of EPS bearer contexts, and
 the request for resources (IP connectivity to a PDN or dedicated bearer
resources) by the UE
Each EPS bearer context represents an EPS bearer between the
UE and a PDN (Packet Data Network)
 Remains activated even when radio and S1 bearers (i.e. EPS
bearers) between UE and MME are temporarily released.
Mobility procedures can be divided into 2 groups:
RRC (Radio Resource Control) idle mode
RRC connected mode
“Technical, Business and Regulatory Aspects of 5G Network”, Prof. Dr. Toni Janevski
Location management in LTE
The UE location in RRC idle is
known by the Mobility
Management Entity (MME)
with the accuracy of the
tracking area
 Size of tracking area
depends upon network
Small tracking area reduces
signaling load
Tracking Area 1
New Tracking Area 2
Larger tracking area reduces
tracking area updates
Tracking area concept in
E-UTRAN is similar to
routing areas in UTRAN.
Tracking Area (TA) update
“Technical, Business and Regulatory Aspects of 5G Network”, Prof. Dr. Toni Janevski
Home eNodeB
Radio access to 3G and 4G
(i.e., EPS) services may be
provided via UTRAN or EUTRAN cellular base stations
that belong to different owners
such as home users or
business users.
The Home eNodeB (HeNB)
deployments also provide two
additional features of
 Local IP Access (LIPA)
 Selected IP Traffic Offload
Source: Toni Janevski, “NGN Architectures, Protocols and
Services”, John Wiley & Sons, April 2014.
“Technical, Business and Regulatory Aspects of 5G Network”, Prof. Dr. Toni Janevski
4G standard by IEEE: Mobile WiMAX 2.0
Mobile WiMAX is a "younger" technology compared with 3GPP
technologies, with its first release standardized as IEEE 802.16e-2005.
In general, the IEEE standardizes only lowest two OSI layers (i.e., physical
layer and data-link layer), while WiMAX Forum standardizes all protocol
layers regarding the WiMAX technology.
The first release (from WiMAX Forum) for Mobile WiMAX is Release 1.0, which
is based on the IEEE 802.16e radio interface.
Mobile WiMAX 2.0 (based on IEEE 802.16m), as 4G technology from the
IEEE, has many similarities in the radio access part with the LTEAdvanced.
Both technologies are almost at the same time period approved as 4G by ITU.
However, Mobile WiMAX entered the 3G umbrella IMT-2000 later (in October
2007), and had no significant impact on the 3G on a global scale.
“Technical, Business and Regulatory Aspects of 5G Network”, Prof. Dr. Toni Janevski
Mobile WiMAX Architecture
The ASN is the radio
access network of
Mobile WiMAX, consisted
of Base Stations (BS) and
ASN Gateway (ASN-GW).
The CSN provides the
means for IP connectivity
between the ASN (and
mobile stations connected
to the ASN) and the
Source: Toni Janevski, “NGN Architectures, Protocols and
Services”, John Wiley & Sons, April 2014.
“Technical, Business and Regulatory Aspects of 5G Network”, Prof. Dr. Toni Janevski
Mobile WiMAX 2.0 Radio Interface
The requirements set to Mobile WiMAX 2.0 radio interface are similar to
those set to LTE-Advanced.
Also, both technologies are using the same spectrum allocations (up to
20 MHz per carrier) and can use the same frequency bands, called IMT
bands (by ITU-R).
In the downlink Mobile WiMAX 2.0 uses OFDMA (as LTE/LTE-Advanced),
but it differs in uplink from LTE-Advanced.
Mobile WiMAX uses also OFDMA in the uplink
LTE/LTE-Advanced uses SC-FDMA, which is considered more advanced for
handheld terminals because it makes easier for a mobile terminal to maintain
highly efficient transmission in the uplink and to save power.
Besides similarities in spectrum allocations and available bitrates, Mobile
WiMAX 2.0 differs from LTE-Advanced regarding the radio interface
structure (e.g., frames structure, resource blocks or units, etc.).
“Technical, Business and Regulatory Aspects of 5G Network”, Prof. Dr. Toni Janevski
Comparison of IEEE 802.16m and LTE-Advanced
IEEE 802.16m
Peak data rates (Mbit/s)
DL: > 1000 (low mobility)
DL: > 100 (high mobility)
UL: > 130
DL: > 1000
UL: > 500
Spectrum allocation
Up to 100MHz
Up to 20-100 MHz
Control plane: 100 msec
User plane:10 msec
Control plane: 50 msec
User plane: 10 msec
MIMO technique
Downlink: up to 8x8
Uplink: up to 4x4
Downlink: up to 8x8
Uplink: up to 4x8
Peak Spectral efficiency
DL: 15 (4x4) MIMO
UL: 6.75 (2x4) MIMO
DL: 30 (8x8) MIMO
UL: 15 (4x4) MIMO
Mobility support
Maximum data rates (<10 km/hr)
High performance (< 120 km/hr)
Maintain links (< 350 km/hr)
Maximum data rates (<15 km/hr)
High performance (< 120 km/hr)
Maintain links (< 350 km/hr)
Access Scheme
Cell edge spectral efficiency
DL: 0.09 (2x2)
UL: 0.05 (1x2)
DL: 0.12 (4x4)
UL: 0.07 (2x4)
Source: Toni Janevski, “NGN Architectures, Protocols and Services”, John Wiley & Sons, April 2014.
“Technical, Business and Regulatory Aspects of 5G Network”, Prof. Dr. Toni Janevski
Mobile Broadband maximum speeds
The given data rates in table below are theoretically maximums.
In practice, the available bitrates to end mobile users depend upon several factors,
such as mobility, distance from the base station, capabilities of the terminals, as well
as number of users which simultaneously are using the same mobile network.
Mobile network
(Release 8)
42 Mbit/s
11.5 Mbit/s
2x5 MHz
(Release 10)
168 Mbit/s
46 Mbit/s
2x20 MHz
(each 4x5 MHz)
LTE (Release 8)
300 Mbit/s
75 Mbit/s
2x20 MHz
3 Gbit/s
1.5 Gbit/s
2x100 MHz
Mobile WiMAX 1.5
(IEEE 802.16e)
141 Mbit/s
138 Mbit/s
2x20 MHz
WiMAX Forum
Mobile WiMAX 2.x
(IEEE 802.16m)
365 Mbit/s
376 Mbit/s
2x20 MHz
WiMAX Forum
Mobile WiMAX 2.x
(IEEE 802.16m)
>1 Gbit/s
>100 Mbit/s
2x100 MHz
WiMAX Forum
Source: Toni Janevski, “Internet Technologies for Fixed and Mobile Networks”, Artech House, December 2015.
“Technical, Business and Regulatory Aspects of 5G Network”, Prof. Dr. Toni Janevski
Fixed-Mobile Convergence (FMC)
Fixed-Mobile Convergence (FMC) appeared as an option a couple of
decades ago, going back to DECT systems in 1990s, then followed by UMA
(Unlicensed Mobile Access) and GAN (Generic Access Network).
FMC is based on convergence of
different access networks to the same core and transport networks (regarding
the transport stratum),
same signaling protocols and overlay networks needed for services, and
same applications and content provided via different (i.e., heterogeneous)
mobile and fixed networks.
NGN provides generalized mobility, and FMC requirements are defined
in NGN.
The fact is that the evolution of core networks towards the generalized mobility
as well as FMC is something that is happening with the 4G mobile systems.
“Technical, Business and Regulatory Aspects of 5G Network”, Prof. Dr. Toni Janevski
IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS)
3GPP Release 8 standardized so-called common IMS as a unified standard
which implemented different requirements
from all other bodies for standardization of mobile and fixed networks, such as
ITU, 3GPP2, TISPAN, Cablelabs, etc.
ITU accepted IMS for NGN as centralized system in the service stratum.
IMS uses Session Initiation Protocol (SIP), as signaling and control
protocol for different services,
including multimedia session services and some non-session services such as
presence services and message exchange services.
Naming and addressing in IMS is based on
Private User Identities: one or more, used for registration and AAA.
Public User Identities: for requesting communications to other users (similar to
telephone numbers in PSTN or email addresses in Internet).
Both used IDs are Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs), which typically are in
the form of tel URI or SIP URI.
“Technical, Business and Regulatory Aspects of 5G Network”, Prof. Dr. Toni Janevski
IMS architecture
Main functional entities in
the IMS architecture are
three types of Call
Session Control
Functions (CSCFs):
 Proxy-CSCF (P-CSCF),
 Serving-CSCF (S-
CSCF) and
 Interrogating-CSCF (I-
Source: Toni Janevski, “Internet Technologies
for Fixed and Mobile Networks”, Artech
House, December 2015.
“Technical, Business and Regulatory Aspects of 5G Network”, Prof. Dr. Toni Janevski
IMT spectrum
(3G and 4G Mobile Broadband)
IMT (International Mobile
spectrum includes all IMT2000 (i.e., 3G) and IMTAdvanced (i.e., 4G) radio
access technologies.
Global harmonization and
recommendations for spectrum
management are delivered on ITU-R
World Radiocommunication
Conference (WRC), held on several
years distance.
Source: Toni Janevski, “NGN Architectures,
Protocols and Services”, John Wiley & Sons,
April 2014.
“Technical, Business and Regulatory Aspects of 5G Network”, Prof. Dr. Toni Janevski
The mobile broadband with bitrates comparable with the fixed
broadband access is becoming reality with the 4G mobile networks.
LTE-Advanced and Mobile WiMAX 2.0 are 4G providing higher bitrates to
end-users as well as many advances in radio network and in the core
network for higher quality of the services.
At the same time, 4G in mainly based on NGN principles for separation of
the transport entities and service entities.
The NGN functionalities are standardized for next generation mobile networks
(e.g., PCRF), and IMS is commonly adopted control and signaling platform in all
networks for service provisioning.
One may note that with the 4G deployments start the practical
implementation of NGN principles in the mobile broadband world.
However, in mobile environments this goes along with allocation of more
spectrum and mechanisms for even higher spectral efficiency to have
higher bitrates towards the future.
“Technical, Business and Regulatory Aspects of 5G Network”, Prof. Dr. Toni Janevski
Toni Janevski, “Internet Technologies for Fixed and Mobile Networks”,
Artech House, USA, November 2015.
Toni Janevski, “NGN Architectures, Protocols and Services”, John Wiley &
Sons, UK, April 2014.
“Technical, Business and Regulatory Aspects of 5G Network”, Prof. Dr. Toni Janevski