Should I Bulk vs Cut? The Definitive Guide | 15/04/24, 09.32 No-Nonsense Diet & Training Guides COACHING GUIDES CLIENT RESULTS BOOKS ABOUT SHOULD I BULK VS CUT (OR RECOMP)? THE DEFINITIVE GUIDE Nutrition Setup Articles • by Andy Morgan Page 1 of 49 Should I Bulk vs Cut? The Definitive Guide | 15/04/24, 09.32 This article is part of my broader nutrition setup guide. You’re welcome to read this across the articles on the site, but I’ve also made it available as a free download, which you can grab at the end. “Should I bulk or cut?” is probably the most commonly fretted over question people have. This is for a good reason. The answer to this question depends on more than just your current body composition. It’s not as simple as saying: cut if you are high in body fat, gain if you are not. There is also an interaction with how much training experience (and muscle mass) you have. There are three paths you can choose from here: 1. A cut (fat loss phase) 2. A bulk (muscle gain phase) Page 2 of 49 Should I Bulk vs Cut? The Definitive Guide | 15/04/24, 09.32 3. A slow body recomposition phase (simultaneous muscle gain and fat loss) Before you continue reading, take a moment to think which of the three paths — bulk, cut, or recomp — would be best for each of these people right now. Not so easy to say for Steve, right? We’ll get to that. BULKING VS CUTTING WHEN TO CUT — A FAT LOSS PHASE ‘Cutting’ refers to a fat loss phase. — The goal is to lean out while Page 3 of 49 Should I Bulk vs Cut? The Definitive Guide | 15/04/24, 09.32 maintaining muscle. It requires a calorie deficit and so you will lose weight overall. The typical cut — muscle mass is maintained as fat is removed. You may be able to gain some muscle during a cutting phase; however, your ability to do so decreases the leaner you get, the more advanced of a trainee you are, and the size of that calorie deficit. Any muscle gain achieved while cutting may not be Page 4 of 49 Should I Bulk vs Cut? The Definitive Guide | 15/04/24, 09.32 obvious. Those with less training experience may be able to gain muscle mass while cutting. To put it another way, the fatter you are, and the less training experience you have, the more likely you are able to achieve a degree of both. Technically you could call this body recomposition, but as weight is still lost, I still like to call it a cut to make explanations easier. Page 5 of 49 Should I Bulk vs Cut? The Definitive Guide | 15/04/24, 09.32 The sweet spot for weight loss is around 0.5% of body weight per week. » Choose to cut if you are overweight or carry a large amount of body fat, regardless of your level of training experience. For those who are reading The Nutrition Setup Guide, Thicc Thelma and Fat Freddie will choose to cut. You can use my macro calculator to calculate your calorie needs Page 6 of 49 Should I Bulk vs Cut? The Definitive Guide | 15/04/24, 09.32 for a cut. For a more nuanced look at the weight loss recommendations, see my nutrition setup guide. WHEN TO BULK — A MUSCLE GAIN PHASE ‘Bulking’ refers to a muscle gain phase. The goal is to gain muscle at a steady rate while minimizing fat gain. People typically fuck this up by either gaining weight too fast and getting fat, or by being overly sensitive to the little fat that they do regain, never allowing themselves to put on any size. I used the word “bulk” because that’s probably what you Googled. But the term implies rapid weight gain likely to put on unnecessary body fat, leaving you frustrated and forcing you to cut your gaining phase short. Thus, I prefer the term “gaining”. Page 7 of 49 Should I Bulk vs Cut? The Definitive Guide | 15/04/24, 09.32 A typical bulking phase where the weight gain is a 50-50 mix of fat and muscle. Gaining muscle requires the building of new tissue, so bulk phases take more time and require patience. Fortunately, the less advanced of a trainee you are, the faster your muscle growth rate. Page 8 of 49 Should I Bulk vs Cut? The Definitive Guide | 15/04/24, 09.32 » Choose a bulk if you are underweight or are already lean enough to see your abs and wish to get bigger. For those who are reading The Nutrition Setup Guide, Shredded Sam will choose to bulk. You can use my macro calculator to calculate your calorie needs for a bulk. The nutrition setup guide covers recommended rates of appropriate weight gain based on your training level. Page 9 of 49 Should I Bulk vs Cut? The Definitive Guide | 15/04/24, 09.32 WHEN TO CHOOSE A BODY RECOMPOSITION GOAL Body composition refers to fat loss and muscle gain at the same time. People often abbreviate this to ‘recomp’ and they typically mean to hold calories at maintenance level in an attempt to lose fat and gain muscle at the same rate, so weight remains stable. Everybody wants simultaneous muscle growth and fat loss. However, the rate at which we can achieve this diminishes with training experience, so, I would only recommend this to relatively newer trainees and those coming back from a relatively long training layoff. Page 10 of 49 Should I Bulk vs Cut? The Definitive Guide | 15/04/24, 09.32 Slow body recomposition: an equal amount of fat loss and muscle gain. I do not recommend a body recomp to anyone who is underweight or overweight. If you are underweight, you should bulk. If you are overweight, you need to cut; however, the less training experience you have, the more likely it is that you will gain muscle at the same time as you lean out (though you’ll Page 11 of 49 Should I Bulk vs Cut? The Definitive Guide | 15/04/24, 09.32 lose weight overall). The cutoff for the level of training experience where a recomp is unlikely to work is impossible to clearly define. If in doubt, consider giving it a shot for a couple of months. You can decide based on the outcome. Further, you are welcome to try a body recomp at any point during your training career, but when progress is hard to measure, it is hard to manage and stay motivated, so I suggest most people build their physiques over time by alternating between fat loss and muscle gain phases. » Choose a body recomp if you are relatively new to training or are coming back after a long layoff. To hold your weight stable and do a body recomp you do not need to make any further adjustment to your calorie calculation after you have estimated your total daily energy expenditure. For those who are reading The Nutrition Setup Guide, Noobie Natalie will shoot for a body recomposition goal. Use my macro calculator to calculate your calorie needs for a body recomp. Page 12 of 49 Should I Bulk vs Cut? The Definitive Guide | 15/04/24, 09.32 ADVICE IF YOU CAN’T DECIDE WHETHER TO CUT OR BULK If you are a novice trainee, and not really under or overweight (which is obviously a subjective judgment), consider the body recomp. My definition of a novice trainee has nothing to do with the length of time you’ve been hitting the gym and everything to do with how effective your training has been. If you can still make consistent, linear progress in your training loads session to session, consider yourself a novice. For everyone else, I have created the guidelines below, and that necessitates giving body-fat percentages. Unfortunately, all the means of estimating body fat have accuracy issues, so I recommend you assess your body-fat percentage using a mix of my visual guide to body-fat percentage and the US Navy method of estimating body-fat percentage. Page 13 of 49 Should I Bulk vs Cut? The Definitive Guide | 15/04/24, 09.32 You’ll find client photos from 7–30+% in my visual guide to body fat percentage grouped like this. ADVICE FOR NON-NOVICE TRAINEES » Cut–bulk phases are typically best kept in the 10–20% body fat range (add 8% for women). » Bulking phases are best capped at 20% because past this point, Page 14 of 49 Should I Bulk vs Cut? The Definitive Guide | 15/04/24, 09.32 the risk to health increases and I’d advise not bulking if you estimate yourself to be 16% body fat or above. — You want enough uninterrupted time to gain a meaningful amount of muscle before you need to cut. If this is you, get leaner first. » You can cut to any point you wish, but lower than 10% body fat (for visual reference, the majority of the clients on the results page are all 8–10% body fat) doesn’t really offer any advantage for a subsequent bulking phase. It may even be pointless to start a bulking phase at lower levels of body fat than this as the body is primed for fat regain. — The body doesn’t want to be exceptionally lean, as it is a threat to survival. » The majority of dedicated, physique-focussed clients find the sweet spot to be 10% body fat for the end of their cutting phases and 15% for the end of their bulk phases. You may find you prefer a higher range because you feel or perform better, but do not think you can do it effectively at a lower range. You will not make progress if you attempt to stay shredded lean all year round. ADVICE FOR OBESE INDIVIDUALS If you have obesity and are just starting a weight training program, I wouldn’t necessarily advise you to purposely start Page 15 of 49 Should I Bulk vs Cut? The Definitive Guide | 15/04/24, 09.32 tracking and weighing to achieve a targeted amount of energy restriction. It’s fine to adopt healthier eating habits (such as consuming more fruits, vegetables, protein, and water), but know that just becoming more active alone can give someone who was previously sedentary more finely tuned hunger signals, and body-fat percentage will go down even if muscle is gained without fat mass losses. Also, metabolic health will improve purely from resistance training without dieting. Still, if you want some ideas on how to create a calorie deficit without counting, check out my guide: What to do before you start counting calories and macros. ADVICE FOR ‘SKINNY FAT’ INDIVIDUALS Skinny fat means someone of “healthy” body weight, but who is muscularly under-developed. Sometimes you might describe this person as ‘skinny, with a potbelly.’ But most often, the appearance is not that different Page 16 of 49 Should I Bulk vs Cut? The Definitive Guide | 15/04/24, 09.32 from someone who is lean, but not muscled to the point where it’s noticeable that they lift, yet. The lean and skinny fat person can often look similar from the outside, but they are very different on the inside. How do you know the difference? Well, sometimes you don’t know just by looking. But if you’re weak and soft to the touch (despite tensing your muscles), you’re skinny fat. This happens due to inactivity, and it’s not uncommon for people to be lean down below and skinny-fat up top, depending on their hobbies (hikers, cyclists, runners, for example). I’m not a fan of the term, but I hope it helps you understand what Page 17 of 49 Should I Bulk vs Cut? The Definitive Guide | 15/04/24, 09.32 I’m referring to. If this is you, I’d recommend that you shoot for a body recomp phase. (So, hold your calorie intake at maintenance level.) You’re in a great position and should be able to make some excellent changes to your physique, strength, and feeling of wellbeing, over the course of the coming year. If you’re on the skinnier side of the skinny-fat spectrum, consider a slight calorie surplus, where you gain around 1% of your body weight per month. If you’re on the fatter side of the skinny-fat spectrum, consider cutting slowly. (A little slower than 0.5% of your body weight per week.) Page 18 of 49 Should I Bulk vs Cut? The Definitive Guide | 15/04/24, 09.32 Thigh cross-section MRI of someone overweight and also muscularly under-developed. Just calculate for a body recomp, then adjust your calorie intake based on the outcome to do this. Here’s the macro calculator. You’ll see the instructions for adjusting there. ADVICE FOR WHEN TO SWITCH BETWEEN BULKING AND CUTTING PHASES Page 19 of 49 Should I Bulk vs Cut? The Definitive Guide | 15/04/24, 09.32 Everybody reading this aspires to be jacked and lean. The way you will do that is by building and then carving your physique over back-to-back bulk and cut phases. The drive for self-improvement is universal. Training becomes a habit for life. Even if you don’t realize it now, this is the way it will be. So the natural next question is then when we should switch from bulking to cutting, and vice-versa. In short, I recommend we keep these phases in the ~10–18% body fat range. There are a few reasons for this, but first, take a look at the sketch below, showing what I mean by repeating back-toback bulk and cut phases. Page 20 of 49 Should I Bulk vs Cut? The Definitive Guide | 15/04/24, 09.32 WHEN TO STOP CUTTING AND START BULKING It’s best to avoid getting ridiculously shredded lean if the goal is to just switch to a bulking phase. You’ll be so hungry that you’ll gain weight too quickly, and you’ll be more primed for fat storage. Stop when you get to the point where you are feeling exceptionally food-deprived and hungry. This often around 8–10% for men and 16–18% for women. Page 21 of 49 Should I Bulk vs Cut? The Definitive Guide | 15/04/24, 09.32 I recommend you give yourself a minimum of 5 months for each bulk phase so that you don’t interrupt the anabolic process. You need to be lean enough when you start bulking that you aren’t unhappy with your body shortly after starting it. It was previously thought that if we aren’t reasonably lean when starting to bulk, we’ll gain a disproportionate amount of fat and little in the way of muscle. This concept is called your ‘P-ratio,’ which is simply defined as the proportion of fat to muscle you put on when gaining weight. Indeed, there is research showing that very lean people—who are naturally lean, not who dieted—gain more lean body mass during periods of overfeeding, and people with obesity gain more body fat during periods of overfeeding. However, two things that are frequently misunderstood are: 1) putting on more lean body mass when overfeeding occurs in naturally lean people who walk around lean. If you dieted to get really lean, your body if anything, is actually a bit more primed for fat storage. Also; 2) that this relationship is based on observations of individuals who aren’t resistance training. If you start lifting weights this drastically changes the game. Nutrient partitioning in your now highly active skeletal muscle is Page 22 of 49 Should I Bulk vs Cut? The Definitive Guide | 15/04/24, 09.32 much more favorable for muscle gain as you are providing a stimulus for growth and regularly depleting your muscle of energy and pushing them to become energy efficient and adapt. If it was true that individuals with a high body fat couldn’t gain muscle mass effectively, sumo wrestlers wouldn’t have the highest recorded lean body masses of any athlete…but they do. Likewise, super heavyweight powerlifters would be weaker than weight classes below them, but they aren’t. WHEN TO STOP BULKING AND START CUTTING There probably should be some limit to how high your body fat is before you decide it would be better to cut versus bulk, but it’s for logistical reasons, not “anabolic resistance”. I would recommend that don’t go beyond 20% body fat, as past this point there are increased health risks. Many people will want to stop sooner than this, but I’d advise you do not make the mistake of trying to stay lean all the time because this will limit your ability to grow. This is why I recommend a 5-month minimum. Page 23 of 49 Should I Bulk vs Cut? The Definitive Guide | 15/04/24, 09.32 SUMMARY GUIDELINES ON HOW TO CHOOSE TO CUT, BULK, OR RECOMP CATEGORY OF TRAINEE RECOMMENDATION Overweight Cut Underweight Bulk Inexperienced trainee in the 13–18% body-fat range Recomp Experienced trainee over 16% body fat Cut Experienced trainee under 16% body fat Cut or bulk, as per preference When bulking, suggested upper body fat limit to 20% switch to a cut When cutting, suggested lower body fat limit to 9–10% switch to a bulk Women, add ~8% to all these bf% numbers. Men and women have different ‘essential body fat’ levels—the body fat essential to life and physiological function (largely not subcutaneous body fat). Page 24 of 49 Should I Bulk vs Cut? The Definitive Guide | 15/04/24, 09.32 BULK VS CUT (OR RECOMP) FAQ Should you bulk or cut first? If you are underweight, you should bulk. If you are overweight, you need to cut; however, the less training experience you have, the more likely it is that you will gain muscle simultaneously as you lean out (though you’ll lose weight overall). I’ve explained the distinctions so you know what you can expect to achieve in this guide. Can you cut and bulk at the same time? Cutting means to lose weight with a focus on fat loss. Bulking meals to gain weight with a focus on muscle growth. So, it is not possible to cut and bulk simultaneously, but it is possible to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time under certain circumstances, which I explain in this guide. Is cutting better than bulking? If you currently have a lot of fat to lose, cutting is better than bulking, because it will improve your physique and improve your Page 25 of 49 Should I Bulk vs Cut? The Definitive Guide | 15/04/24, 09.32 health. Also, as fat loss can happen faster than muscle can be gained, cutting is easier to stay motivated for. For some people, it can be tricky to choose between cutting or bulking first. This is where this guide comes in. How long should you bulk before you cut? I recommend that people bulk for a minimum of five months before cutting so that the muscle-building process isn’t interrupted before a measurable amount of progress is made. There is no maximum time frame, but I recommend people don’t exceed 20% body fat for health reasons. Most physique-focussed trainees will choose to stop bulking before this. FINAL WORDS Lastly, regardless of what I say here if you feel strongly pulled towards doing something different, do it. Don’t let some guy on the internet tell you that you’re too fat to bulk or too skinny to cut if that’s what you really want to do. These are guidelines, not rules. Thank you for reading. If you found this useful, you’re sure to get a lot out of my Nutrition Setup Guide also. Download it by entering your email address in the box below. Page 26 of 49 Should I Bulk vs Cut? The Definitive Guide | 15/04/24, 09.32 ABOUT THE AUTHOR ANDY MORGAN Hi, I’m Andy Morgan. I started We do online physique coaching. ⠀ For the majority of my 20s, I fell for the scams of the fitness industry. ⠀ This site is my revenge. ⠀ For the past 12 years, I’ve written guides explaining how we get results to help readers avoid the same path of frustration. ⠀ If you have a question, don't hesitate to comment below. Page 27 of 49 Should I Bulk vs Cut? The Definitive Guide | 15/04/24, 09.32 GOT A QUESTION? ASK ME BELOW Please keep questions on topic, write clearly, concisely, and don't post diet calculations. b i link b-quote U ul ol li code spoiler 700 Ask a question Subscribe Privacy policy. 360 COMMENTS Allie April 11, 2024 19:58 Hi Andy! I’m a gal who just started lifting with a trainer for the first time 8 months ago, 3x per week. I’ve been doing recomp for the past 8 months, and have noticed huge gains in my abilities and visible muscle tone. I’m now 6’1″ 158 lbs, ~21% BF based on the visual aids. My muscle tone and growth is a lot more evident in the upper half of my body. If I want to show off the muscles I’ve been developing in my abs and lower half (especially for summer), do you recommend switching to a cut, or continuing more slowly with more weeks of recomp? Thanks! Reply Page 28 of 49 Should I Bulk vs Cut? The Definitive Guide | Andy Morgan Author 15/04/24, 09.32 April 12, 2024 07:25 Reply to Allie Hi Allie, If the speed of change with the recomp is enough for you to stay motivated, stick with it. If not, cut. Reply Zakaria Jr March 8, 2024 23:51 Hello Andy, got a question please if you can assist. I have started a weightloss journey 2 and half months ago, started from almost 30% body fat and I have put a 7 months timeline for me to reach my target fat percent. . The issue is I am starting to feel low energy. not very hard right now I am still doing good performance in my workouts but I have a feeling my performance will soon start dropping. SO I wanted to ask you, how can I keep my performance while I am going on my way in this long cut as I don’t want to lose muscle and end up skinny fat. Should I have a diet break ? and for how long ? or should I rely on pre workouts or what would you recommend ? Reply Page 29 of 49 Should I Bulk vs Cut? The Definitive Guide | Andy Morgan Author 15/04/24, 09.32 March 11, 2024 09:39 Reply to Zakaria Jr Hi Zakaria, thank you for the question. It’s natural for your energy levels to drop; you’re in a calorie deficit, which is an energy deficit. Some things that may help: 1. Increase your calorie intake. This will slow down your rate of fat loss. If you’ve been exceeding 0.5% per week, this is the first thing I would consider. 2. Consider upping your carb intake. This can help with training performance, which is the most important factor in mitigating muscle loss (or growing some muscle) when dieting. We recommend a fat intake of 15–25% of total calories when dieting. So if you have room, consider swapping out some fats for carbs. 3. Consider a diet break, as you have said. You’ll see my decision tree for fat loss phase troubleshooting here: How To Adjust Calories and Macros as you Diet To Keep Progressing Reply Page 30 of 49 Should I Bulk vs Cut? The Definitive Guide | Dusty 15/04/24, 09.32 February 21, 2024 09:46 Hi Andy! Fantastic content. I was wondering if you’d have a general suggestion for where I’m at. Currently 26, Male, 145 lbs, 6’0, hovering somewhere around 14% body fat. My primary goal would be to build strength while my secondary goal is to look lean and muscular visually (but not too big!) My training history: was bulking for ~6 months straight, 6-7 days of the week in the gym. Following that I replaced most of that gym time with rock climbing gym / cardio for the past year. Dropped weight from 157 peak and now hover in 142-145lb range. Still generally fit but mostly just maintained muscle, wasn’t building much. I’m implementing more weight training now. Would you suggest a recomp? Reply Andy Morgan Author February 21, 2024 11:46 Reply to Dusty Hi Dusty, thank you for the question. Try a recomp. If/when it doesn’t, choose between cutting and bulking. Reply Page 31 of 49 Should I Bulk vs Cut? The Definitive Guide | fars 15/04/24, 09.32 February 20, 2024 05:55 Hello Andy, thank you for the sophisticated and professional content…I have questions that I hope you can answer…I am very confused and hesitant about my choice…I am a beginner in the field of weightlifting. I have been training for about one year, and when I started exercising, my weight was 77 kilograms and my fat was between… 25-26% I cut slowly for a year and now I have 70 kilos and my fat is about 12-14% and my muscle mass has increased by 2 kilos. Should I bulk up or continue cutting???? Or do I take my daily need of calories without cutting or bulking??? Note that my appearance has become smaller and it is not very clear that I am lifting weights, what is your advice??? Reply Andy Morgan Author February 20, 2024 07:55 Reply to fars Hi Fars, congrats on the progress so far. Try a recomp. If that doesn’t work, ask yourself if you could regain 10 kg, with half of that being fat, and be ok with it. If not, cut. Reply Carolina January 31, 2024 01:05 Any thoughts on reverse dieting? I’ve been on a calorie deficit for so long and I can’t sustain it long term. Always tired and go back to eating more on some days. I’ve worked with coaches but they put me at 1400 – 1430 calories and it’s just not sustainable. Do you have a post on this topic? I’m on the skinny fat category and I think I probably need a break from dieting but would like to increase my metabolism. Thank you Reply Page 32 of 49 Should I Bulk vs Cut? The Definitive Guide | Andy Morgan Author 15/04/24, 09.32 January 31, 2024 10:59 Reply to Carolina Hi Carolina, thank you for the question. Reverse dieting, unfortunately, seems to be having a resurgence recently. Here’s both a debunk and what to do: Reverse Dieting — The Diet Myth That Needs To Die Reply H_Shal January 30, 2024 06:02 Hi Andy I’m a skinny fat (more on the fat side) 17 year old guy, I’ve tried cutting and going to the gym and doing a PPL split for the past 4 months, but I’ve noticed a week ago that I haven’t grown any stronger and I’ve been stuck lifting the same weight since I’ve started my journey, I’ll try to bulk for about 6 months to gain muscle and then cut down so I can get a aesthetic physique but I’m currently stuck on whether to bulk and gain muscle and how to bulk, what should I do in your opinion? Reply Page 33 of 49 Should I Bulk vs Cut? The Definitive Guide | Andy Morgan Author 15/04/24, 09.32 January 31, 2024 11:06 Reply to H_Shal Hi H_Shal, thank you for the question. First, here’s my guide: How to Bulk Without Getting Fat. Second, if it took you four months to realize you haven’t gotten any stronger, you need to be paying more attention. Either: 1) Your program was inadequate in some way, 2) Your calorie intake was insufficient to drive adaptation (this probably wasn’t the problem — given that you are 17 and selfdescribe as skinny fat, you should have made progress), or 3) You weren’t pushing hard enough. I’d bet mostly on the third, possibly the first (you check out the free training programs), but the calorie surplus will help. Reply Aliyah January 13, 2024 10:34 Hi, i’m an overweight female (77kg & 5’6), but i’m experienced in lifting. I want to cut, and was wondering if doing just cardio (and eating in a calorie deficit) would be more effective. Will lifting still be effective even though i’m experienced and won’t really see muscle growth or anything as i’ll be in a calorie deficit? I don’t want to waste my time. Thank you in advance ! Reply Page 34 of 49 Should I Bulk vs Cut? The Definitive Guide | Andy Morgan Author 15/04/24, 09.32 January 13, 2024 16:53 Reply to Aliyah Hi Aliyah, thank you for the question. This depends on how you define efficacy and success. The value of resistance training while dieting is in muscle retention. If you don’t, you’ll risk muscle loss. This may leave you feeling weak and unhappy with how you look. So, if you are looking at this from a maximal time efficiency perspective (which I do), I’d strength train (if you can). Now, regarding cardio for fat loss, my thoughts are here: Cardio For Cutting — How Much You Should Do For Fat Loss Basically, diet should be the primary driver of a calorie deficit; cardio should be used sparingly, if at all. It’s highly timeinefficient so if you have only time for one or the other, resistance train. Reply Daniel December 17, 2023 14:59 Hi Andy I have a question about the weight gain. I’ve been in a bulking phase since the beginning of November (trying to gain about 1% weight a month). This is working very well. In the last couple of weeks I have gained a little over 1% due to Christmas aperos and other celebrations. How do I deal with this? Should I eat on maintenance calories until a certain time has passed or how do I deal with it? Reply Page 35 of 49 Should I Bulk vs Cut? The Definitive Guide | Andy Morgan Author 15/04/24, 09.32 December 18, 2023 10:42 Reply to Daniel Hi Daniel, thank you for the question. Your weight fluctuating at this time is normal. It can be from fat gain but is more often a mix of water, gut content, and glycogen (WGG). 1. There is no way to tell how much you’ve gained from each in such a short time frame. 2. Eating at maintenance calories won’t achieve anything. 3. You could decide to cut calories to a calorie deficit to “clean up” the perceived fat gain, but you won’t be able to measure whether you have achieved that or whether the inevitable decrease in your weight and measurements is from the reverse effect on WGG. Plus, this will interrupt the bulking process. I recommend you simply carry on. The only battle here is in our heads — to not fuck with things. This is where the dieting and bulking games are won. Reply Page 36 of 49 Should I Bulk vs Cut? The Definitive Guide | Earin 15/04/24, 09.32 November 29, 2023 13:45 Hi Andy, Thanks for the information in the guide, I’ve signed up to your newsletter and have started reading your nutrition setup guide. Could I get some advice on what ‘phase’ I should start off with? I’m untrained (last time I worked out consistently was 4-5 years ago) and according to the US navy body fat calculator I have ~24% body fat. My BMI is 24.5, which is at the upper border of “normal” (I’m 6’0, 180lbs). I would say I’m skinny fat but I guess a bit on the upper end of that. Should I just cut for a little while then, or do a recomp phase? I know newbie gains are really powerful and I don’t want to miss out on that, but also want to get my body fat % down. Reply Andy Morgan Author November 29, 2023 17:50 Reply to Earin Hi Earin, thank you for the question. Common misconception. You won’t miss out on newbie gains from being in a deficit. You’ll gain some muscle as you lean out, and the rest will be waiting for you when you transition back into a surplus. Enjoy! Reply Rasmus November 24, 2023 06:52 Hey Andy Is it possible have succesfull recomp by counting only a protein intake and trust hunger on calories? Since my bodyweight has been pretty constant for years. Reply Page 37 of 49 Should I Bulk vs Cut? The Definitive Guide | Andy Morgan 15/04/24, 09.32 November 24, 2023 08:08 Reply to Rasmus Author Hi Rasmus, I’d say most people do exactly that! They start going to the gym and see some results. They become generally aware that protein is good, so they start eating more and keep seeing results. At no point do they think to start counting calories strictly, they use hunger as a guide. This works fine until it no longer works, at which point you’ll want to count. Reply Jim November 12, 2023 13:59 Hi Andy, I started dieting two and a half months ago and have lost 20 pounds. The problem is I lost it all in my legs, arms and shoulders. Nothing in my waist. I look worse now than before with skinny arms and legs and a big flabby gut. I’m 6 ft 220 now and considered obese. I know I need to start lifting weights, which I really never have, but after looking at your site, I’m not sure if I should continue with calorie deficit or try the recomp and eat to maintain weight so I can build up arms and legs while lifting. Reply Page 38 of 49 Should I Bulk vs Cut? The Definitive Guide | Andy Morgan Author 15/04/24, 09.32 November 13, 2023 08:27 Reply to Jim Hi Jim, thank you for the question. I can appreciate that it might feel like that, but you will have lost fat in the midsection. Given that you had a lot of fat to lose, the muscle loss will be minor, even though you weren’t training. Continue with a less aggressive calorie deficit. Let’s say you lost 5 lbs in that first week (the majority will have been water, gut content, and glycogen), and then your average has been 1.5 lbs over 10 weeks; add in 250 kcal. This will get you enough energy for your training, and you’ll be able to build muscle as you lean out. How To Adjust Calories and Macros as you Diet To Keep Progressing Make sure you start taking body measurements and bear in mind that fat will continue to be lost from your arms. This means they may get smaller overall. How To Track Body Measurements and Weight for Physique Progress Reply Matteo November 8, 2023 23:09 Hello Andy, you’re providing precise guidelines about the rate of weight loss/gain per week (from 0.5% to 2%, depending of the experience and other factors), but still have mentioned a minimum bulking phase of 5 months. Do you recommend a minimum-maximum time period for cutting, as well? Thank you again! Reply Page 39 of 49 Should I Bulk vs Cut? The Definitive Guide | Andy Morgan Author 15/04/24, 09.32 November 9, 2023 10:05 Reply to Matteo Hi Matteo, Take diet breaks as appropriate, but no, there’s no maximum (or minimum) length on a dieting phase. Cut until you’re lean enough. Reply Mehdi November 4, 2023 07:51 Hi Andy, I am a 34-year-old man with a height of 177 cm and a weight of 74. At first, I was 86 kg, and within 5 months, I reached 74 kg. Early on, I did resistance training 4–5 days per week, with cardio three days per week. I’m tired of cardio exercises, and I’m continuing resistance exercises. My goal is to reach the right body fat level, about 67 kg, and then start bulking and building muscle. I’m not losing any more weight, and it’s discouraging me. I am very eager to start the bulking program, but I need to get rid of the excess fat first. Is it a good idea to first reach 10% fat and then start bulking and building muscle? I live in Iran, and the coaches around me do not have much knowledge and give suggestions based on their experience. Can you guide me? Reply Andy Morgan Author November 4, 2023 11:05 Reply to Mehdi Hi Mehdi, The article covers my thoughts on when to end a cut and transition into a bulk. But troubleshooting fat loss seems to be your main concern. I’ve covered that here: How To Adjust Calories and Macros as you Diet To Keep Progressing Reply Page 40 of 49 Should I Bulk vs Cut? The Definitive Guide | Meg 15/04/24, 09.32 November 2, 2023 20:37 Hi Andy! I’m a 41F 27% body fat. I’m going to cut. My cut calories are about 1400. Recomp calories are about 1900. I just ran a marathon a month ago. I’m running and/or lifting 4-6 days a week. My youngest is 3 years old. I’d love to be under 20% BF. What should I do for workouts? Should I eat maybe 1700 calories? Thx – Meg Reply Andy Morgan November 4, 2023 11:08 Reply to Meg Author Hi Meg, In the fourth step of the macro calculator you’ll see an option, “Would you like to cycle your calories and macros to match the days you train?” — Click that and you’ll see how I’d set calorie intake for training and non-training days. This is of course, if you wish to cycle the calories, which is optional. To learn about that, see here: A Nutrient Timing Guide To Maximize Fat Loss and Muscle Growth Reply chris September 29, 2023 04:34 Hi… I am 130lbs 5ft 4 . Exercise 5 days a week mainly strength with 2 days cardio. I just started carb cycling to get rid of the skinny fat look. Its hard to find the right way with all this information out there. I assume i dont want to goto low on calories. My maintenance is about 1600. Doing 3 days 2100calories /280 carbs, sometimes lower / 130-150 protein and 1600 cal on off days / 130-160 carbs / protein is about the same. Reply Page 41 of 49 Should I Bulk vs Cut? The Definitive Guide | Andy Morgan Author 15/04/24, 09.32 September 29, 2023 07:54 Reply to chris Hi Chris, thank you for the comment. I’ll assume the question you haven’t asked but want to is: does this seem like a good strategy to break my cycle of frustration? No, carb cycling is irrelevant to this. It’s the cherry on the cake, and some people don’t like cherries. If this plan involves the same total weekly calories and that hasn’t been working, calorie and macro cycling isn’t going to make a meaningful difference and you need to choose between cutting and bulking. Reply chris September 29, 2023 22:32 Reply to Andy Morgan So if I dont see any difference in carb cycling i should cut first and then bulk once i am fine with my look? I am 130lbs now so I dont think I want to cut calories , I do lose quickly if I eat 14001500 consistently as I tried that for few days , 2lbs a week. Is that even safe at my weight? Reply Page 42 of 49 Should I Bulk vs Cut? The Definitive Guide | Andy Morgan Author 15/04/24, 09.32 September 30, 2023 11:18 Reply to chris Hi Chris, Which direction you go — cut or bulk — is up to you. I’ve given you the framework for how I think in the article. “I do lose quickly if I eat 1400-1500 consistently as I tried that for few days, 2lbs a week. Is that even safe at my weight?” Weight fluctuates. We can’t determine the rate of weight loss from just a week of data. Losing 2 lbs the first week isn’t unusual, and shouldn’t be taken to mean you are in a 1000 kcal daily deficit and will lose 2 lbs each week from here. You won’t. When we start dieting, we eat less, and we have a lower gut residue as a result, and the overall water balance and glycogen storage drops. That’s what you’ve seen, plus some fat loss mixed in. Have a read of my guide on how to track progress as I cover this there. Also, consider reading my Nutrition Setup Guide. Reply Page 43 of 49 Should I Bulk vs Cut? The Definitive Guide | Steve M 15/04/24, 09.32 October 9, 2023 10:25 Reply to Andy Morgan Hi Andy. I’m a 47M, 5’10”. About 16 weeks ago I was 215 and 25% BF. I’m now 195 and about 20.5% BF. BF is according to a scale, but the Navy method agrees with the current BF (initial BF may have been a drop higher). My TDEE has dropped from about 3150 to 2650 and my strength has stagnated. I’m trying to get to Thanksgiving with my cut, at which point it will be 20 weeks and I think I need a break. I lift pretty hard either 4 days (upper/lower) or 6 days (PPL) per week. I’d like to look my best come late May like everyone else. Should I go to maintenance in 4 weeks for a while then back to cutting? Or bulk for the winter and start cutting again around March? To summarize, I feel like: A. I need a break from cutting for a period, and B. I should be bulking if I’m not cutting, but C. I’m not lean enough to bulk. Thoughts? Reply Page 44 of 49 Should I Bulk vs Cut? The Definitive Guide | Andy Morgan Author 15/04/24, 09.32 October 9, 2023 11:00 Reply to Steve M Hi Steve, thank you for the question. If your goal is to look your best in May, that gives you 7 months. You’ll need at least four of those months to cut, assuming you have a target of 10-13% body fat. And while yes, you’re not really lean enough to bulk, this only gives you ~2 months to do so anyway, and you won’t achieve any meaningful amount of muscle gain from a short period of bulking. So, I’d take a month’s break from dieting. (How to Find Maintenance Calories After Dieting (or Bulking). I’d then continue to cut. You’ll then achieve your ideal level of leanness around March, and you can transition into a bulk then. This will put you in your best condition come May. Reply Dean August 12, 2023 06:01 Hi Andy, Appreciate you and this article. Can you have a look at what I'm at currently in the below link and advise what I should do? This is after 3 months of cutting at 20% deficit and lifting 3-5 times per week. 6 feet tall, 38 years old, 178.8lbs, Fat Free Bodyweight: 146lbs, 19% bodyfat. I am absolutely skinny-fat Steve. I've had the pec fat since I was like 12 years old, even when I played sports. I feel like I'm never going to lose that and perhaps I just need muscle to "displace" it. [Link removed by Andy] Reply Page 45 of 49 Should I Bulk vs Cut? The Definitive Guide | Andy Morgan Author 15/04/24, 09.32 August 12, 2023 11:47 Reply to Dean Hi Dean, appreciate the question but I can't offer to review photos. If you're struggling to decide, see the section titled, "Advice If You Can’t Decide Whether To Cut Or Bulk". Reply Chris August 5, 2023 07:51 Hi Andy what would you say would be underweight for a 6 feet tall male trainee. Thanks . Reply Andy Morgan Author August 11, 2023 12:55 Reply to Chris Hi Chris, thank you for the question and your patience. Different people have different preferences on what they wish to look like. Any definition here would be somewhat arbitrary, so I've purposefully left it open to interpretation. Reply Ritaj Mohammad July 30, 2023 06:52 Should I change my calorie intake as I lose weight while cutting by putting my new weight in the calculator? Reply Andy Morgan Author July 31, 2023 10:19 Reply to Ritaj Mohammad Hi Ritaj, No, do this: Reply Page 46 of 49 Should I Bulk vs Cut? The Definitive Guide | Jonathan 15/04/24, 09.32 July 12, 2023 15:06 I'm 20 y.o, 5' 3.39", 112 lbs, and started hitting the gym. I can't see my abs and my bmi is around 19.6 according to the bmi calculator so i'm assuming i'm skinny fat. What i would like is to weigh more as a result of muscle mass but also be more lean. What do i do 1st: bulk, cut, recomp, or maingain? Reply Andy Morgan Author July 13, 2023 13:34 Reply to Jonathan Hi Jonathan, thank you for the comment. No idea what "maingain" means, so I'll set that aside. You are arguably a little underweight, you're young, so you have plenty of potential to grow, and are relatively new to training. Bulk. Reply Frida Montes June 30, 2023 10:29 Hi Andy! I'm a Mexican nutritionist and soon to be registered dietitian. IS there a specific course, book, diploma, anything that you would recommend to learn more about this topic to help my clients? Reply Andy Morgan Author July 3, 2023 07:44 Reply to Frida Montes Hi Frida! Yes. The Muscle and Strength Pyramid books and The Diet Adjustments Manual. These will teach you all the practical elements you may be missing from your course. Reply Page 47 of 49 Should I Bulk vs Cut? The Definitive Guide | 15/04/24, 09.32 Load Rest of Comments About Recommended Resources Instagram Privacy & Terms Contact Page 48 of 49 Should I Bulk vs Cut? The Definitive Guide | 15/04/24, 09.32 Copyright © 2024 RIPPED BODY JAPAN LLC Page 49 of 49