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Operations Competence Development & Assurance Procedure

Petroleum Development Oman L.L.C.
Document Title:
Operations Competence Development & Assurance
Document ID
Document Type
Engineering and Operations
Issue Date
Functional Operations Manager - UOP
January 2012
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this document may be disclosed to others or reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in
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Petroleum Development Oman LLC
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Document Authorisation
Authorised For Issue – February 2012
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Effective: Jan. 2012
ii Revision History
The following is a brief summary of the 4 most recent revisions to this document. Details of all
revisions prior to these are held on file by the issuing department.
Revision No.
Jan Vossen, UOP5S
Scope / Remarks
Added Ops. & Tech. High Grading
(2.2), and Licensing of Safety
Critical Positions (5.2).
Changed the title of the document.
Mohammad Ibrahim,
Added Section 2.2.5 and Appendix
7 – List of CBD Assessors
Del Ellbec UOP7
Additional Process Safety
Competence Requirements
Robin Norman UOP6
Added new Role and Responsibility
for CDFH (Section 4.2 Page 24)
iii Related Business Processes
Business Process (EPBM 4.0)
Maintain and Assure Facilities Integrity
iv Related Corporate Management Frame Work (CMF)
The related CMF Documents can be retrieved from the CMF Document Control Portal.
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Effective: Jan. 2012
Introduction ..........................................................................................................7
Background ...................................................................................................7
Purpose .........................................................................................................7
Distribution/Target Audience .........................................................................7
Roles and Responsibilities ............................................................................7
Changes to the Document .............................................................................8
Step-out Approval..........................................................................................8
Competence Assessment and Assurance (CA&A) ...............................................9
Scope ............................................................................................................9
Progression ...................................................................................................9
CA&A Process Guidelines ...........................................................................11
Candidate Guidance Notes and Assessment Record Book ................................ 11
Units of Competence ............................................................................................ 12
Elements of Competence ..................................................................................... 12
Evidence ............................................................................................................... 13
Sign Off ................................................................................................................. 14
Authorised Assessors ........................................................................................... 14
Assessment of Elements ...................................................................................... 14
Competence Assessment and Assurance Process .....................................14
Engineers Monitored Professional Development Scheme (EMPDS) ..................17
Scope ..........................................................................................................17
Progression .................................................................................................17
EMPDS Process Guidelines ........................................................................18
Roles and Responsibilities ................................................................................... 18
EMPDS Process ................................................................................................... 18
Competency Based Development and Progression (CBD).................................22
Scope ..........................................................................................................22
Progression .................................................................................................23
CBD Process Guidelines .............................................................................24
4.3.1 Roles and Responsibilities ................................................................................... 24
4.3.2 Self Assessment ................................................................................................... 25
4.3.3 Job Competence Profile (JCP) ............................................................................. 26
4.3.4 Self Assessment for Development ....................................................................... 27
4.3.5 Self Assessment for Progression ......................................................................... 30
4.3.6 Free Profiling ........................................................................................................ 32
4.3.7 Additional Functions ............................................................................................. 34
4.3.8 Competence Assessment Printout ....................................................................... 36
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Competence Based Assessment Process .................................................. 37
Assessment for Staff Development ...................................................................... 37
Assessment for Staff Progression ........................................................................ 40
Process Safety Requirements ........................................................................... 45
Background ................................................................................................ 45
Licensing .................................................................................................... 45
Assessment Methods ................................................................................. 45
Assessment requirements for the Role ................................................................ 45
Assessment through Portfolio Preparation ........................................................... 45
Assessment through Certification by Approved External Training Providers ....... 45
Assessment through Simulation ........................................................................... 45
Maintaining Competence ...................................................................................... 45
Not Yet Competent ............................................................................................... 46
Appendix 1 – Example of Job Group 6-7 Assessment ................................................ 47
Appendix 2 – Guidelines for Providing Documentary Evidence .................................. 49
Appendix 3 – PDO Progression Template .................................................................. 50
Appendix 4 – HSE Critical Positions ........................................................................... 51
Appendix 5 – Process Safety Competence Matrices .................................................. 52
Appendix 6 – Not Yet Competent Policy ..................................................................... 58
Appendix 7 – Authorised Assessors List ..................................................................... 60
Appendix 8 - Definitions and Abbreviations ................................................................ 63
Appendix 9 - User Feedback Page ............................................................................. 66
Figures & Tables
Figure-1: Progression Requirements ............................................................................ 9
Figure-2: Progression Path for Staff in CA&A system. ................................................ 10
Table-1: Roles & Reponsibilities (CA&A) .................................................................... 11
Figure-3: Competence Assessment and Assurance Process ..................................... 16
Figure-4: Progression Path for Graduate Staff (EMPDS). ........................................... 18
Figure-5: Simplified Overall EMPDS Process. ............................................................ 19
Figure-6: EMPDS Workflow. ....................................................................................... 20
Figure-7: Progression Path for Graduate Staff (CBD). ................................................ 23
Table-2: Roles & Responsibilties (CBD). .................................................................... 24
Table-3: Evidence Requirements. .............................................................................. 29
Figure-8: Assessment for Staff Development ............................................................. 38
Figure-9: Assessment for Staff Progression ............................................................... 41
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Ensuring staff competence is assessed and assured is an important part of PDO’s
business in the development of its staff. Within the engineering and operations
departments staff are encouraged to develop their skills and enhance their careers, with
the process recorded and monitored.
Structured schemes are in places that enable the competence of personnel joining PDO
to be assessed and developed throughout their careers. Each level of their
development is recorded and standards have to be achieved before further
advancement can be recommended.
The recognised competence development schemes currently in use are:
For Operators and Maintenance Technicians: Competence Assessment and
Assurance (CA&A)1 – JG 9 thru to 5
For Engineers: Engineers Monitored Professional Development Scheme
(EMPDS) – Graduate direct entry – JG 7 thru 5
For Engineers: Competence Based Development (CBD) – JG 4 thru to 1
Staff occupying a Safety Critical Position, as defined in the Asset Operations
Safety Case - Process Safety Competencies (PSC) -. Staff must acquire the
defined PSC for the Position. Staff meeting the requirements will be formally
licensed by CFDH as competent to function in the Position.
The purpose of this procedure is to provide the processes that require to be followed to
ensure the competence of engineering and operations staff within PDO.
Distribution/Target Audience
The procedure is intended for use by all levels of staff in Engineering and Operations
and should be used as a source of reference.
Roles and Responsibilities
Roles and responsibilities shall be covered in the specific sections of the procedure.
1 Only applies to personnel working within Operations.
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Effective: Jan. 2012
Changes to the Document
Responsibility for the upkeep of the Document shall be with the Functional Production
Manager UOP, the Owner. Changes to this document shall only be authorised and
approved by the Owner.
Users of the Document who identify inaccuracy or ambiguity can notify the Custodian or
his/her delegate and request changes be initiated. The Requests shall be forwarded to
the Custodian using the ‘User Feedback Page’ provided in this Document.
The Document Custodian on behalf of the Document Owner shall ensure review and reverification of this procedure every 3 years.
Step-out Approval
Not applicable to this procedure
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Competence Assessment and Assurance (CA&A)
This section of the procedure covers operators / technicians from basic entry Job Group
10, through to senior operators / technicians and technical specialists at Job Group 5.
Competence Assessment and Assurance (CA&A) provides PDO with a fair, consistent
and robust system of assessing and confirming Operator and Technician competence,
ensuring that they can carry out their assigned duties, correctly and safely. CA&A is
mandatory for all personnel who hold Safety Critical positions. These positions include
but are not limited to:
Control Room Operator
Production Operator
Mechanical Technician
Electrical Technician
Instrument Technician
SCADA and Metering
Technician / operator and senior technician / operator levels, referred to as candidates,
undergo structured training and are assessed for competency by an internal assessor.
Candidates are guided through the process by Candidate Guidance Notes and
Assessment Record Book which are completed by the candidate and then assessed.
CA&A together with Process Safety requirements (Chapter-5) will be used to progress
Operators / Technicians through to Supervisor Level, and Technical Specialists Level.
Promotional advancement is dependent on achieving the required percentage
competency, together with the full completion of the Process Safety requirements for
the role as detailed in the matrices of Appendix 5.
Competency levels, promotional eligibility and Job Group are interlinked in the following
Figure-1: Progression Requirements
NOTE: The above, coupled with the ‘job basket availability’, good and consistent
performance and time in the job, determines the full scope of the competence-based
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The progression path for CA&A staff is captured in Figure-1:
New Ops.&Tech. staff, so called TOP, will start on a training contract (i.e.
a contract for a limited training period only).
Upon achieving NVQ L2 50% the staff will get a PDO contract at JG10.
When achieving NVQ L2 100% the staff is progressed to JG9, and
established as an Operator or Technician.
When achieving NVQ L3 100% the staff is progressed to JG8.
When achieving JG7 competence requirements, confirmed as site
specific competent, the staff can be progressed to JG7.
Thereafter staff may progress to JG6 as Supervisor or as Senior
Operator or Technician. The later is referred to as “Staff High Grading”.
The career development path for Ops. & Tech. is now expanded to
include JG6 and JG5 positions (see below). Note that SG6 competence
level is targeting NVQ L4 (note that formal accreditation of NVQ L4 is still
Some staff may eventually be progressed into JG5 as Supervisor, or as
Technical Specialist at JG5.
The TOPP scheme (~ 1.5 year programme) allows selected staff to make
the transition from Ops. & Tech. to CBD.
Ops. & Techs. - Capability Development & Licensing
For each “Safety Critical Position” job (JG9-1) specific competence requirements have been
defined. When a staff meets these competence requirements, and after a formal
validation/assessment, he/she will be licensed by CFDH as fully competent to function in the
Licensing is job specific, rather than JG specific, and when a staff is moving into a new
position he/she must be licensed again for the new job.
Supervisor or Technical
Supervisor or Sr.
Established as Operator/
Technician @ JG9
NVQ L3 100%
NVQ L3 100%
Generic Tech. &
Ops. Comp.Development
~ 3 yrs.
NVQ L2 100%
NVQ L2 50%
~3 -5
Confirmed as
site specific
Continued exposure and
Leadership training
(targeting NVQ L4
competence level)
~3 -5
~4 -6
Additional leadership
training and/or technical
Alternatively staff
may be developed
to JG5 via TOPP
~6 -8
Figure-2: Progression Path for Staff in CA&A system.
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CA&A Process Guidelines
Candidate Guidance Notes and Assessment Record Book
Revision: 4.0
Effective: Jan. 2012
Roles and Responsibilities
Obtaining the Assessment Record Book
Liaising with Internal Assessor to review assessment
Plan the assessments (date, time, opportunity) with
internal assessors
Completing the required units / elements and
ensuring evidence is available to substantiate
Line Supervisor /
Competent Operator /
Technician / Function
Coordinator / Assessor
Planning candidates work load to correspond with
assessment requirements
Mentoring and coaching as required
Providing witness to job competency if requested
Internal Assessor / On
Job Trainer
Register and maintain candidates portfolio
Conduct assessment on candidates and complete
feedback form
Advice on training solutions, coaching, mentoring
courses required to address competence gaps
Audit the assessment process and ensure it is
consistent and effective
Conduct quality audit on samples of assessments
Audit the Internal Assessor / On Job Trainer
Prepare documentation for external verifiers visits /
Internal Verifier
Table-1: Roles & Responsibilities (CA&A)
The candidate can elect to undertake training and shall request the relevant Candidate
Guidance Notes and Assessment Record Book. In conjunction with this action the
assessor shall open a ‘portfolio’ on the candidate in which shall be recorded the
progress and scores2 .
NOTE: This procedure shall make reference to the Assessment Record Book where
applicable. The Assessment Record Book shall always be considered the Master
Document in cases of confliction or difference.
2 The CA&A process is based on units completed, with each unit adding to the overall score
required to demonstrate competency.
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The first page of the Assessment Record Book shall contain the registration page which
must be completed by the candidate. Typically this is shown the figure below.
Units of Competence
The Assessment Record Book is for the most part, once the introductory and
explanatory information has been covered, comprises of ‘units of competence’ that the
candidate shall complete. Dependent on the level and the type of training the candidate
is undertaking he or she shall be expected to complete a required number of units.
Units of competence shall be defined as ‘mandatory’ and ‘optional’. Mandatory as the
word infers must be completed to achieve the required competency; optional are
additional and the number and type shall be dependent on the candidate and his / her
career profile or opportunities.
Elements of Competence
Each unit is made up on two or more elements of competence and is described in terms
of a task or action required to be undertaken.
For example:
‘This element is about positioning and installing equipment and components under a
range of conditions that are deemed to be complex’
Each element shall also contain ‘Standards of Performance’ which are statements of
what should be followed or observed to accomplish the task or action. Compliance to
the ‘Standards of Performance’ shall be recorded as being ‘observed [O]’, ‘simulated
[S]’, ‘inspected from produced evidence [I]’ or as a result of ‘questioning [Q]’ by the
Each element shall have an ‘Evidence Specification’ which details the amount and
type of evidence that is required in order to gain the necessary credits for that element.
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In order for the element to be performed to the standard of quality required and address
the standards of performance stated the candidate must have a degree of knowledge
and understanding. This is provided in the ‘Knowledge Specification’ within the
They should be in position to read PEFS and other process related drawings
There are various forms of evidence that can be used to confirm the competence of the
candidate. The assessor shall take the candidate through the evidence requirement for
each element in a particular unit. Typically evidence can be:
Page 13
Observance of performance of the element by the On the Job Trainer (OJT);
Inspection by the OJT of documentation;
Permits to Work or Job Method Statements;
Simulation of the element if a practical live demonstration cannot be
Question sessions by OJT on the element;
Endorsements by mentors demonstrating or overseeing the accomplishment of
the element;
Certifications from Process Safety related training or competencies e.g. risk
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Generally when considering evidence:
Study the unit and the elements required and evaluate how they fit into the
normal job role
When undertaking tasks allocated in the work environment investigate if these
can be used as evidence for a unit or element
Evaluate work completed where records have been generated and use these to
substantiate your evidence requirement
Ensure evidence is ‘current’, ‘authentic’ ‘relevant’ and an ‘indication’ of prior
learning and experience
Sign Off
On completion the element shall be signed off by the ‘Assessor’, ‘Candidate’ and the
‘Internal Verifier’ in the boxes provided.
Authorised Assessors
A list of authorised assessors can be found in Appendix 7.
Assessment of Elements
The Assessor is responsible for collecting / reviewing the evidence with the candidate
and making assessment judgements in accordance with defined standards.
The assessor shall when requested by the candidate inspect 3 the elements within a unit
and verify the candidates evidence. On completion the assessor shall produce a
feedback form which where necessary shall highlight the candidates ‘knowledge gaps’.
It shall be the candidate’s responsibility to address these gaps and request reassessment when ready.
Competence Assessment and Assurance Process
The candidate must ensure that they have completed the required period of
qualification before they can apply for Competence Training.
For Level 2 the candidate shall have minimum 12 months on site experience
after Technician Omanisation Plan (TOP) program (or for a mature recruit 3
years experience in PDO or a recognised external organisation)
For Level 3 the candidate must have a minimum of 3 years after TOP
program (or 5 years mature recruit 5 years experience in PDO or recognised
external organisation).
The candidate shall obtain an Assessment Record Book for the assessment
level that they are undertaking. The book shall be issued by the Internal
The candidate’s details are entered in to the front of the record.
3 The assessor does not coach or tutor the candidate, but will assess their competency for the
elements within a unit when the candidate indicates that they feel confident to be assessed.
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The candidate requires to have a training Portfolio (record which shall be
maintained by the internal assessor. The portfolio shall record the progress of
the candidate through the assessment.
The candidate, with guidance from the internal assessor, shall define the
mandatory and optional units that require being undertaken.
Progress through the units shall be responsibility of the candidate with
coaching and mentoring from the OJT.
The candidate shall ensure that sufficient evidence is collected on each
element for submission to the internal assessor.
On completion of each element or group of elements that make up a unit the
candidate shall request assessment from the internal assessor.
The internal assessor shall observe, simulate, inspect or question the
candidate on the element(s) and assess the candidate’s competence.
The internal assessor shall compile a ‘feedback form’ on the candidate which
shall include ‘gaps’ in the candidate’s knowledge if applicable.
Gaps identified shall be the responsibility of the candidate to address. The on
job trainer shall assist by arranging coaching and mentoring.
When the candidate is ready a re-assessment should be arranged with the
internal assessor.
The candidate shall work through the remaining requirements of the
Assessment Record Book and complete all the mandatory and optional units
/ elements.
When all mandatory and optional units are completed and accepted by the
Internal Assessor the candidate shall be considered for accreditation by the
external examination board for Certification. The achievement may also
enable the candidate to be put forward for promotion.
Candidates recommended for promotion will be nominated to the review
board and if successful shall be promoted to a new level.
Unsuccessful applications will be deferred until the next promotion board or
until the next promotion opportunity is available.
A flow chart of the “Competence Assessment and Assurance Process” is shown in Figure-3
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Has the required period been completed in
a Field Position?
- For Level 2 the candidate shall have minimum
12 months on site experience after TOP
program (or for a mature recruit 3 years
experience in PDO or an recognised external
- For Level 3 the candidate must have a
minimum of 3 years after TOP program (or 5
years mature recruit 5 years experience in
PDO or recognised external organisation)
Record Book
Does the Candidate have a Portfolio
for this training?
Assessor opens a
Portfolio on the Candidate
Coaching / guidance and
mentoring by the Line and
Candidate completes
required Units / Elements in
the Assessment Record
Candidate request Assessor
to review element(s)
Assessor conducts
assessment of element(s)
and completes Feedback
Competency Gaps identified?
Required Units / Elements completed?
Recommended for promotion
by Line?
Eligible for Promotion
Accredited by the outside
Examination Body for
Deferred to next
promotion panel or
promotion opportunity
Promotion to New Level
** Competency is only part of the
promotional requirements
Figure-3: Competence Assessment and Assurance Process
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Engineers Monitored Professional Development Scheme
The Engineers Monitored Professional Development Scheme (EMPDS) is a fit-forpurpose and accredited scheme designed to equip young Omani engineers with the
necessary competencies and skills that are considered to be sufficient for them to
perform their tasks with no or minimum assistance.
At the end of the scheme (3 to 5 years), individuals who completed their EMPD scheme
will be awarded with certificates and for individuals who have joined their respective
engineering institutes as associate members, EMPDS can be used toward their
qualification to Chartered Engineer status.
The EMPDS is considered by PDO as a key programme, with the goal to assist young
Graduates in obtaining the maximum benefit from their first exposure to the Company
and to ensure the required knowledge and skills are developed from the start of their
career in Operations / Engineering. EMPDS personnel must achieve the required
Process Safety Competencies for the position they wish to hold.
Personnel other than graduates can be considered for this scheme if they have
achieved the following criteria:
Hold a supervisory position;
A Bachelor Degree in a technical subject;
Approved by the relevant CFDH;
Have a high Current Estimated Potential (CEP);
Progression after completion of EMPDS will follow CBD as detailed in Section 3 of this
The progression path for EMPDS staff is captured in Figure-3:
Page 17
New EMPDS staff will join PDO in JG7 position;
Upon achieving 45% competency level they qualify for progression to JG6;
When achieving 75% competency level, staff qualifies for progression to JG5;
Staff must achieve 90% competency level before graduating from the EMPDS
After graduation from the EMPDS scheme, the staff moves into the CBD
system for the remainder of his career;
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Graduates - Capability Development & Accreditation
New graduates join the EMPDS scheme. Upon successful completion discipline engineers
can apply for accreditation by a recognised institute (e.g. Institute of Engineering
Technology – Electrical Engineers, IChemE – Institute of Chemical Engineering – Chemical
Engineers, IMA – Institution of Measurement and Control – Instrument Control &
Automation Engineers, ICE – Institution of Civil Engineers – Civil Engineers, IMechE –
Institute of Mechanical Engineering, IOM3 – Institute of Materials, Minerals & Mining ).
All Staff get developed and assessed
in their own discipline to at least JG3
regardless of their assignment
(gas/oil operations, line, function, or
Unfortunately there is no accreditation for “production” engineers as such, however, as
production engineers come from different disciplines they can be accredited in their
discipline (e.g. as a chemical engineer, mechanical engineer, etc).
Subject Matter Experts (SME) and Technical Experts (TE) will be nominated by PDO. For
SME an external accreditation will be required. This can be done by a university, vendor,
institute, PTE from Shell, etc. TE do not necessarily need an external accreditation.
Beyond JG3 the
SME/TE development ,
or a management path
is followed
Entry point for Ops. & Tech.
via TOPP
Discipline techn. & leadership
competencies are developed up to JG3
to a common standard.
Graduate Intake
EMPDS 2~ 3 yrs.
• Engineering
• Petr. Eng.
• C&P
• Techn. Safety
• Auditing
Broadening assignments and exchange programs to boost
intellectual capacity in Operations typically occur at JG4/3
Figure-4: Progression Path for Graduate Staff (EMPDS).
EMPDS Process Guidelines
Roles and Responsibilities
It is not the objective of this procedure to duplicate any existing material in already
published and approved, therefore for the Roles and Responsibilities associated with
EMPDS follow this link.
EPMDS Roles & Responsibilities
EMPDS Process
It is not the intention of this procedure to reproduce information already published.
A detailed description of the EMPDS process can be accessed from the following link:
PDO Engineers Monitored Professional Development Scheme
The following diagrams are intended to provide a basic overview of the EMPDS
scheme; more detailed information should be obtained via the link.
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Petroleum Development Oman LLC
Recruitment and Assignment
to Discipline
Selection of EMPDS
Candidates Inducted
in to PDO
selects Mentor
Team Leader selects
Candidate prepares
12 month (look-a-head) Plan
Plan agreed by
Coach attends
Candidate undertakes
training programme
Mentor attends
Candidate Presents
Quarterly review
CDFH attends
EMPDS Coord. attends
Ongoing Progression to
achieve recognition as
o Acquire Core Skills
o Acquire Discipline Skills
o Develop Business and
Multi-Discipline Skills
Team Leader attends
 3 to 5 Years Program
 Mandatory to All Graduate Engineers
 Made-up of 17 Disciplines
 Candidate must acquire an Overall Score of 90% and Complete
10 Quarterly Presentations to officially graduate from the scheme
 A score of 45% advances candidate to competencies of job group
6 and a score 75% to competencies of job group 5 (for a
Bachelor Degree holders) and meets promotion critieria
 Yearly graduation ceremony for Engineers completing Scheme
Figure-5: Simplified Overall EMPDS Process.
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Review planned
worksite activities
with Line
Confirm expected
deliverables from
planned training
coursers etc.
(Yearly) Plan
Liaise with Mentor
and workplace
colleagues for
Identify potential
and desired
learning and
Review Plan with
Line Supervisor
(Coach) and
agree schedule
Discuss and
agree Plan with
Finalise EMPDS
Plan and send
copy to EMPDS
Coord. for
Regularly update
and maintain
evidence file
Maintain records
of learning and
Work against
plan, attend
training courses,
achievements and
prepare for review
from Line
Supervisors and /
or Coach(es)
Propose claims
for new
competence units
and discuss with
Note Review
assessments and
Prepare and
deliver Quarterly
Agree Mentor
support to claims
for new
competence units
Forward updated
sheets to EMPDS
Coord. for
Review current
EMPDS Plan with
update or
reinitiate EMPDS
Plan as
Figure-6: EMPDS Workflow.
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With reference to the ‘Simplified Overall EMPDS Process, and the ‘EMPDS Workflow’
the following is an overview of the process.
Page 21
Graduate Engineers will be recruited by PDO and assigned a discipline
according to their degree.
Candidates will undergo an induction course during which they will be
familiarised with PDO business.
The Corporate Functional Discipline Head for the discipline that the candidate
has been appointed to will select a Mentor. The Mentors roles and
responsibilities are highlighted in Section 3.3.1.
The candidate will also be placed under the control of a Team Leader who will
normally be the area manager, delivery team leader or department manager.
The team leader will allocate a coach(es) normally Line Supervisors to assist
the candidate in accomplishing their assignments. The Team Leaders roles and
responsibilities are highlighted in Section 3.3.1.
The candidate shall be required to submit a yearly ‘look ahead’ plan. The line
supervisor (coach) will review the workplace activities planned. Deliverables
from training courses and workplace activities will be identified. The candidate
will identify potential and desired learning and development opportunities and
build them in to the Plan. Following further discussions with the Mentor and
workplace colleagues the candidate will draft the Yearly Plan which will be
discussed with the Line Supervisor and agreed with the Mentor. A copy of the
agreed plan will be sent and recorded by the EMPDS Coordinator.
The candidate will be expected to work the Yearly Plan and attend any training
courses that are identified in the Discipline Training Ladder (as approved by the
line supervisor / SPM). It is the candidate’s responsibility to maintain the log of
learning and achievements and maintain a record of ‘evidence’ which will be
required for appraisals.
At quarterly intervals the candidate will be expected to prepare and present a
review. As part of the preparation the candidate will obtain endorsements from
the Line Supervisor and / or coach(es) to enable submission of new
competencies. The claims for new competence units will be discussed by the
candidate with the mentor who will support the claims if justified. The candidate
will present their review and seek endorsement for the competency units. The
review panel will comprise, Mentor, CFDH, Team Leader, EMPDS Coordinator
and Coach(es) if required. The review panel will where applicable endorse the
new competency units, discuss progress and provide guidance to the candidate
for future progression. The Competence Development Sheets will be sent to the
EMPDS Coordinator for recording.
The candidate will review the current Yearly Plan with the Mentor and make any
necessary revisions, updates and rescheduling required as a result of quarterly
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Competency Based Development and Progression (CBD)
This section addresses the requirements for competence assessment for staff
undergoing CBD as well as those who occupy positions that have been determined as
Supervisory, or Level 2, HSE Critical Positions. The competence assessment and
assurance requirements for progression and HSE Critical positions are essentially the
same. Refer to Appendix 4 and 5 (Process Safety) for definitions.
Competency Based Development (CBD)
This is a process designed to support PDO’s business objective and develop, maintain
and deploy a competent and motivated workforce.
The key core aims of the process are:
to standardised competence for the workforce and ensure adoptions of these
standards are adhered to throughout the PDO workforce;
to make competence in PDO visible and to motivate staff to improve their
performance; and
to recognise and reward staff for skills and expertise applied in their work.
The CBD process has been mandated as the tool used for staff development and
progression and a means of achieving the above core aims.
CBD is intended to improve the development of PDO staff by specifying the
competence levels required to deliver the business targets and identifying the ways to
achieve such levels. This ensures that people focus their development in a way that
provides a sound foundation for both current jobs and future careers.
The individual will require completing a relevant Job Competence Profile (JCP) on their
current position which will be submitted to the ‘line supervisor’ as a basis for discussion.
The JCP will be used to develop the Personal Development Plan (PDP) and should
focus on the most relevant development areas identified from the JCP, together with the
Process Safety requirements for the role.
Key rules for use of CBD for Progression
The following rules should be followed:
1. Start your CBD minimum 1 year ahead of any required assessments
2. Start reviewing early on with your supervisor or assessor – minimum 6-9 months
ahead to make sure you have understood the CBD element definitions and to allow
at least 6 months to close any core skill / knowledge gaps. Do not formally send
your CBD to the supervisor until you have had a number of reviews.
3. Verify with the CFDH a minimum of 4 months (preferably earlier) before any
progression panel, again to allow time to close gaps.
4. No CFDH assessments will take place in the month prior to the progression round
due to poor planning or lack of preparation.
NOTE: It is the individual’s responsibility to work and write up and collect evidence for
the competence based development and work to close any identified gaps with the
support of the supervisor. It is not the supervisor or CFDH responsibility to write up
evidence only assess and verify.
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When the line manager considers a member of staff is ready for progression, he / she
should be recommended for the scheduled progression process. The line manager
should base the decision to promote on both a verified assessment of the skills (by
function) and competences against the relevant JCP, and on demonstrated
The CBD progression process is summarised below (Figure-7):
Competence Based Progression - identifies staff with the right competence
(both Technical competence and Process Safety competence) for progression.
Business Controls – there must be a clear business case for progression.
Proposal – gather competence assessments and evidence and get discipline
authority’s approval (CFDH & CDFP).
Panel –challenge and decide on progression proposal.
CBD covers JG5-JG1; in either Technical or in a Managerial role.
Graduates - Capability Development & Accreditation
New graduates join the EMPDS scheme. Upon successful completion discipline engineers
can apply for accreditation by a recognised institute (e.g. Institute of Engineering
Technology – Electrical Engineers, IChemE – Institute of Chemical Engineering – Chemical
Engineers, IMA – Institution of Measurement and Control – Instrument Control &
Automation Engineers, ICE – Institution of Civil Engineers – Civil Engineers, IMechE –
Institute of Mechanical Engineering, IOM3 – Institute of Materials, Minerals & Mining ).
All Staff get developed and assessed
in their own discipline to at least JG3
regardless of their assignment
(gas/oil operations, line, function, or
Unfortunately there is no accreditation for “production” engineers as such, however, as
production engineers come from different disciplines they can be accredited in their
discipline (e.g. as a chemical engineer, mechanical engineer, etc).
Subject Matter Experts (SME) and Technical Experts (TE) will be nominated by PDO. For
SME an external accreditation will be required. This can be done by a university, vendor,
institute, PTE from Shell, etc. TE do not necessarily need an external accreditation.
Beyond JG3 the
SME/TE development ,
or a management path
is followed
Entry point for Ops. & Tech.
via TOPP
Discipline techn. & leadership
competencies are developed up to JG3
to a common standard.
Graduate Intake
EMPDS 2~ 3 yrs.
• Engineering
• Petr. Eng.
• C&P
• Techn. Safety
• Auditing
Broadening assignments and exchange programs to boost
intellectual capacity in Operations typically occur at JG4/3
Figure-7: Progression Path for Graduate Staff (CBD).
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CBD Process Guidelines
Roles and Responsibilities
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Table-2: Roles & Responsibilities (CBD).
(Progression or
HSE Critical)
Line Supervisor
Page 24
Identify and agree the target Job
Job Competence Profile (JCP) as the current or aspired
future job
Complete informal Self Assessment against the target JCP.
Seek advice from Capability Advisors, mentor, peer etc.
where appropriate
Record other competences, which have been attained but
not called for in the target JCP
Discuss Self Assessment with Line Supervisor and identify /
agree gaps
Produce a Personal Development Plan (PDP) that outlines a
course of action to address competence gaps
Close gaps and maintain records of supporting evidence
Regularly review PDP with Line Supervisor
Complete formal Self Assessment against the target JCP
Ensure all 12 HSE Management Competences are
contained in the JCP for HSE Critical Positions
Review the self assessment with line supervisor and
identify GAPS
Liaise closely with line supervisor to schedule appointment
for formal assessment (CFDH or CDFP)
Provide the required supporting evidence
Agree target JCP with Individual
Review and agree Individual’s (informal) Self Assessment
(clarify / verify with other technical experts, capability
advisors as and if necessary)
Discuss and agree Individual’s PDP
Regularly review Individual's PDP revise and change as
Advise on informal Self Assessments and give examples of
suitable supporting evidence for more detailed Skill and
Mastery ratings
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Review Candidate’s supporting evidence in order to verify
the formal Self Assessment
Conduct a structured interview with the individual if they are
in a position that is HSE Critical (Level 2)
Where the supporting evidence does not support the
Candidate’s formal Self Assessment, the Assessor will
advice the shortfalls and agree suitable alternative and / or
additional supporting evidence and / or development
Record the outcome of verification for audit purposes
(including evidence)
Development Coordinator
Organise and support a team of Certified Assessors
Ensure fair and unbiased treatment of Individuals /
(CBD Process
Advise on the interpretation of competence standards and
ways of collecting evidence
Quality assure the assessment process
Maintain the efficiency of the CBD process in the
Identifying the correct JCP for a given job description or
Carry out systematic audits on the CBD Process and
identifying systematic gaps.
Endorses the creation of new Competence Standards (for
CA&A) or JCPs (for CBD)
Authorises the revision of existing Competence Standards
(for CA&A) or JCPs (for CBD).
(Progression and
HSE Critical)
Skill Pool
Discipline CFDH
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Self Assessment
Self Assessment is undertaken by the candidate to ascertain the competency level
required for his / her current or immediate career position and to identify gaps that
require to be addressed in their own competency.
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The Self Assessment page is accessed from PDO ESS under ‘My Competence’ and by
selecting ‘create Competence Assessment’. The following page shall open.
Clicking on ‘Continue’ will provide access to the Appraisal Document page. Under
normal conditions i.e. Self Assessment, the header of the page shall already be
completed as shown below with the correct Supervisor and candidate. The red *
signifies that the field is mandatory and must be completed.
Selecting ‘Perform Competence Assessment’ will access Job Competence Profile
against which the assessment shall be made.
Job Competence Profile (JCP)
JCP’s are provided on the Sapphire ESS system and maintained by the Corporate
Functional Discipline Heads (CFDH’s). JCP’s will be automatically selected for the
individual for a self assessment, but in the instances of an assessment for ‘progression’
then it may be necessary for the JCP to be selected by the candidate. Profiles may be
viewed that ‘match’ the individual’s own position or another position for which they may
want to apply for.
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Basically the JCP provides the skill elements required for the job position being
assessed and is pasted automatically in to the candidates Appraisal Document page
the candidate is then tasked with assessing his / her competence against the
requirement of the JCP skill elements for that position.
Self Assessment for Development
The appraisal document is used by the individual to identify his / her competence
against the skill elements of the JCP. Each skill element has ‘radio’ buttons alongside it
which provide competency levels. The competence levels are Awareness, Knowledge,
Skill and Mastery.
To assist the individual in understanding each requirement help is provided on the
Appraisal Document Page by clicking on ‘Info’.
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The candidate is required to study each skill element and enter the appropriate
competency level. This process shall be carried out until all the skill elements are
accounted for. Each skill element must have an entry for the complete profile to be
useful and accurate.
Each skill element is also provided with a free text info box in to which the evidence is
entered. The following are general guidelines for entering evidence information to
support the level of competence assessed:
Write the evidence in the form of references; do not include the evidence itself.
Specific Projects and Assignments
Reports, with references
Training, including assessments and accreditation achieved.
The references should directly relate to the particular skill element and to the
level of competence claimed.
The examples of competence recorded should be the clearest evidence of
competence achieved. Quality not quantity is the key.
The intent is for a concise set of references to the supporting evidence.
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Table-3: Evidence Requirements.
for Own Use
used for HSE
**More definition to the above is provided in Appendix 2
When the Competence Assessment page is completed and all elements have been
addressed the self assessment is forwarded to the nominated Supervisor for review.
Sending the assessment is effected by clicking on the ‘Send Assessment’ control button
on the menu bar. Once sent the appraisal document can no longer be edited.
Once the Supervisor has received the assessment an appointment will be arranged to
discuss the content. In the interim the assessment will be maintained and can be
accessed ‘read only and print’ via the ‘View Submitted Assessment’ link.
The Supervisor will have access to a page similar to that shown below. During or
following the interview the Supervisor shall complete the ‘Supervisor / Assessor –
Evidence / Remarks’.
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On completion the Supervisor may request further input from an Assessor in which case
the ‘Assessor’ will be selected and the assessment forwarded using the ‘Send
Assessment’ button. If no further input is required then the Supervisor will finalise the
assessment by using the ‘Complete’ button.
The self assessment will now have a Completed status in the ‘Appraisal Document
Status’ box.
Self Assessment for Progression
The appraisal document will also be used by the individual / candidate as a means of
assessing themselves for progression / promotion. The appraisal document is accessed
in the same manner as for ‘development’ but extra information is applied and the JCP is
selected to reflect the new job or position.
Once the new appraisal document has been accessed the ‘Positions / Assessor/s’
section is expanded by clicking on the
icon. This will display
The system contains JCP’s for the following categories with the prefix PDO, EP, EPN
and HSE only. The prefix X does not at the present time have JCP’s allocated to it.
NOTE: For Production Operations, HCA, programming, Maintenance & Integrity,
Production technology, Engineering CBD assessment use the *EPN* profiles not EP.
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Typing ‘PDO’ in under name and clicking on ‘Transfer’ will bring up
Scrolling down through the
pages will enable the
individual to identify the job
for which the appraisal is to
be prepared.
Highlight the respective
job to profile against and
click Transfer.
The above will be displayed. Use the dropdown alongside the entry and enter the
proposed role for the item displayed.
The current position requires to be removed. This is accomplished by placing a ‘tick’ in
the check box and clicking ‘delete’.
As the appraisal is for progression a Certified Assessor(s) will be required to be
nominated. This is achieved as follows:
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Select ‘Person’ from the dropdown under Type. In the text box Name enter the
surname or full name (surname, first) and click ‘Transfer’. Use the dropdown alongside
the entry and enter ‘Certifies Assessor’.
Selecting ‘Perform Competence Assessment’ will access JCP, in this case PDOSkillpool Manager Exploration-JG3, against which the assessment shall be made.
The JCP required for the job position being assessed is pasted automatically in to the
candidate’s appraisal document page. The candidate is then tasked with assessing his /
her competence against the requirement of the JCP skill elements for that position.
On completion of the competence assessment for the job position the appraisal
document is sent to the Supervisor and the nominated Certified Assessor. This is
achieved by clicking on the ‘Send Assessment’ link.
The appraisal document will be assessed by the Supervisor and the Assessor(s) and
official interviews will be conducted to validate the JCP and the evidence.
A candidate who meets all the criteria for the new progression shall be recommended to
their Line Manager for sponsorship.
Progression is aligned with the use of the PDO Progression Template (refer to
Appendix 3) which is completed and signed before the candidate can be recommended
for the progression board.
Free Profiling
Free profiling is provided after the Job /Position Requirements to enable the individual
to include on the competency profile skill elements / qualifications not included in the
It can also be used to build a profile where a JCP does not exist.
To access a Free Profile click on the icon ‘Add Qualification (Multiple References)’.
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Select the qualification elements from the resultant screen. Click on Transfer to upload
the elements to the appraisals page. It may require consultation with the ‘skillpool’ team
leader to determine what qualification elements should be considered as necessary.
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The completed appraisal document is the sent as detailed in 3.2.2 and 3.2.3.
Additional Functions
Additional functions are provided for competency assessment. These are in order of the
Display Personal Competence Profile – This page provides details of the individual’s
qualifications and proficiency to date in tabular format. These are additional to those
covered in the CJB. Refer to 3.2.4 – Free Profiling.
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Display Job Competency Profile – This page displays in tabular format the skill
qualifications and proficiency required for the JCP associated with the competency
being assessed.
Profile Matchup with Own Position – This page displays in tabular format the current
competency profile of the individual against that required and provides indication of
levels of training required.
Profile Matchup with Other Position – This page enable the individual to match their
current profile against that of another position and details in tabular format the gaps.
Edit Competence Assessment – Previously completed ‘Appraisal Documents’ that have
not been completed can re be re-accessed and edited. The document is accessed by
clicking on the active link in the column ‘Appraisal Document Name’.
Display Completed Assessments – A record of all completed Competence
Assessments (Appraisal Documents) is retained on the system and can be viewed and
printed as required.
View Submitted Assessments - Previously submitted ‘Appraisal Documents’ that have
not been submitted for review can re be re-accessed and reviewed. The document is
accessed by clicking on the active link in the column ‘Appraisal Document Name’ (as
shown above).
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Competence Assessment Printout
The Appraisal Document can be printed out to provide a hardcopy breakdown of the
competence assessment. The document is generated as an Adobe Acrobat ‘Web form’
which can then be printed. The first part of the form contains personal information on
the appraisal and the individual / candidate.
The second part of the form provides a breakdown of the assessment for each skill
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When used to assess a completed competence assessment the form will provide a
comparison as to what is required of the individual and what has actually been
submitted complete with evidence and the Supervisors / Assessors comments. The Job
/ Position requirements are high level entries and are shown on more details in the third
section of the form.
The form can be submitted to a manager when requesting sponsorship for progression
or simply used to define area required for improvement when developing the Job
Development Plan (JDP).
Competence Based Assessment Process
The following process should be used to complete a self assessment for development
and / or progression.
Assessment for Staff Development
Assessment for Staff Development required.
NOTE: An assessment is undertaken when current competence requires to
be measured against that required for the position / job being filled.
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Access the Sapphire ESS Login page from the PDO Home Page
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for Staff
Self Assessment
Assess Current Skills
against JCP for
Current Position
Submit completed Appraisal
Document to Line Supervisor
Does Line Supervisor require
Consult Subject Matter Experts
or Technical Authorities
Identify Competency Gaps
Personal Development
Performance Reviews
Learning and Development
Mentoring and Coaching
Figure-8: Assessment for Staff Development
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From the drop down ‘My Competence’ select ‘Create Competence Assessment’.
Ensure details on the header are correct. If Profile is incorrect refer to “CBD Profile
CBD Profile
” embedded here
Click on
relevant JCP.
and open the appraisal document with the
Complete the appraisal document and enter the evidence in the text box provided.
Once the ‘Job / Position requirements’ have been completed add ‘Free Profile’ as
NOTE: Remember to ‘save’ work regularly to prevent lose of information.
Send the ‘Appraisal Document’ to the nominated Line Supervisor and any nominated
Assessors4 by clicking on
“How to Add More Assessors
. If the Assessor is not correct refer to
How to Add More
“ embedded here.
The nominated Line Supervisor will be informed of the Appraisal Document by email
and arrange an interview with the individual.
The Line Supervisor may also refer the Appraisal Document to Subject Matter Experts
and / or Technical Authorities if advice is required on areas where they are not fully
4 The Appraisal Document can be sent to a Certified Assessor or suitably qualified person for
independent review in addition to the Line Supervisor. This requires the nominated persons
being added to the Positions and Assessors list.
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The interview between the Line Supervisor and the individual will identify any ‘gaps’ in
competency for the job / position being assessed. A print out of the Appraisal Document
will assist in the identification process.
The findings of the interview will be used to update the PDP for the individual and
identify any further training or mentoring that is required to address the gaps in the
Periodic reviews of the individual will be conducted to ensure that gaps identified are
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Assessment for Staff Progression
Learning and Development
Personal Development
Mentoring and Coaching
Performance Reviews
for Staff
Self Assessment
Assess Current Skills
against JCP for
Future Position
Submit completed Appraisal
Document to Line Supervisor &
Certified Assessors
Does the Candidate meet the required
competence for progression?
Submit completed CBD to CFDH
for Verification
Does the Candidate meet the required
competence for progression?
Sponsor recommends Candidate
to the Progression Panel
Figure-9: Assessment for Staff Progression
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Performance reviews indicate that the individual is ready for selection as a
Candidate for progression.
Access the Sapphire ESS Login page from the PDO Home Page
From the drop down ‘My Competence’ selects ‘Create Competence Assessment’.
Enter the details in the header similar to those shown below.
Select ‘Job’ and then position that is required to be assessed against. Ensure that
under ‘Role’ the correct identification is entered so that Assessors are aware of
what they are assessing against.
Assessors should be identified using ‘Type – Person’ and then by entering the
surname to locate the required assessor. The number of Assessor required will be
dependent on the type of ‘progression’.
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Click on
and open the appraisal document with the
JCP for the Job /Position being sought.
Complete the CBD elements by entering the required evidence in the text boxes
provided. Given many examples and refer to supporting evidence as necessary
especially for knowledge and skill.
Read each element carefully to understand what examples are required (if in doubt
call your supervisor / assessor / CFDH to understand the requirements).
For skill elements minimum 4-5 examples of performing the task independently are
For knowledge elements minimum 3-4 examples of performing the task with some
assistance is required.
Once the ‘Job / Position requirements’ have been completed add ‘Free Profile’ as
required to allow you to capture all your relevant experience e.g. you are now a
programmer but have good operations or maintenance experience which may be
valuable at a later date.
NOTE: Remember to ‘save’ work regularly to prevent lose of information.
The candidate will arrange interviews with the Credited/Authorised Assessor(s) and
the line Supervisor who shall decide whether the candidate has achieved the
necessary competence for the job /position being sought. Send a PDF copy of the
CBD elements and descriptions in advance of a booked discussion/meeting, to
allow preparation time for the assessor.
A number of interviews are likely to ensure the individual has understood all the
elements and to allow initial gaps to be highlighted and plans defined to close the
On completion of discussions and reviews, including closure of any major gaps
which have been approved by the assessor or supervisor then the CBD
assessment may be sent for supervisor /assessor approval in the CBD tool.
Send the ‘Appraisal Document’ to the nominated Line Supervisor and nominated
Credited /Assessors5 by clicking on
Once the supervisor or assessor(s) have added their comments to the CBD
assessment and they have formally approved that the candidate has achieved the
correct level, the CBD assessment may be sent as a PDF file to the CFDH for
verification and an appointment for a review set up by the candidate.
After CFDH verification that the candidate has achieved the correct level then the
recommendation shall be made to the sponsor [3] to conduct the necessary
procedure to progress the candidate to the ‘progression panel’.
To obtain CFDH support for the progression proposal (refer to Appendix 3 PDO
Progression Template) the CFDH will carry out a verification of the candidate’s
The verification process is as follows:
The JCP must have been assessed and signed off by line supervisor,
i.e. JCP status “Completed”
When linked to progression the completed CBD JCP has to be
5 The Appraisal Document can be sent to a Certified Assessor or suitably qualified person for
independent review in addition to the Line Supervisor. This requires the nominated persons
being added to the Positions and Assessors list.
[3] The Sponsor is usually the candidates ‘Line Supervisor’ but can be the ‘Line Manager’.
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delivered to the CFDH, in (PDF) file format, by absolute latest 1st of
December or 1st of June, to be aligned with relevant progression round
CFDH will verify competence areas and related evidence with focus on
elements with “Skill” and “Knowledge” requirements
For reported gaps the CFDH will assess improvement proposals as
established in Gap Closure - or Development Plans.
CFDH will assess if core competency requirements at “Skill” and
“Knowledge “ are sufficiently met:
a. For HSE critical positions (as per HSE case) the HSE elements at
“Skill” level will be assessed by MSE/1 or line HSE Manager.
b. As a general guideline the number of identified gaps should not
exceed 10% of the total “Skill” and “Knowledge” elements. If gaps
greater than 10% are identified then the candidate will not be sent
forwards for progression until sufficient gaps have been closed.
Based on the assessment, the CFDH will issue a Note for File, in case
progression is supported the note will include: “Based on CBD,
progression of <name> to SG x is supported”.
1. “Skill” & “Knowledge” elements require “hard” evidence
2. Clear reference to presented evidence to be included in the JCP element
text and:
a. May be included in Sapphire or
b. Files either electronically or as hard copy in a folder
Page 44
Evidence will be made available to the CFDH for the verification
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Process Safety Requirements
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Although the foregoing sections identify the competence requirements required for staff
progression, they do not capture the additional competence requirements in order to
demonstrate a sound understanding of Process Safety.
It is a mandatory requirement that each individual performing a key Process Safety role
has been deemed to be competent to do so. There are key competence requirements
within a role that must be fulfilled before the incumbent can stand alone in the role.
There are other competence requirements that the incumbent can “work towards” while
gathering knowledge and experience. There are however, specific time scales allowed
for those “working towards”, to achieve the competence; this period is presently 6
months from taking up the role
In addition all deputies shall hold the key competences for the role in which they will
All staff occupying Safety Critical Positions must be licensed as competent to function in
their respective positions. Specific competence requirements are defined in Appendix-5.
Once all competence requirements have been met, the staff will be formally “Licensed”
as competent for the position by the respective CFDH. In case the individual is moving
jobs, he/she may need to obtain additional/different competencies for the new position,
in which case he must by Licensed again for the new position.
Assessment Methods
Assessment requirements for the Role
Appendix 5 details the Process Safety requirements for each interior Operations
position. For each role there are elements shaded yellow. These elements have to be
completed prior to taking up the role. The unshaded elements can be “worked towards”
within 6 months of taking up the position.
Assessment through Portfolio Preparation
In this scenario, the candidate produces a portfolio of evidence to support the required
criteria, and is then assessed against a standard for that criterion. The approved
assessor will decide if the evidence provided is satisfactory to demonstrate
Assessment through Certification by Approved External Training Providers
In this scenario the candidate will attend an approved training program and be issued
with an assessment certificate which can be presented as evidence to the PDO
Assessor. The issue of this certificate may be subject to the requirement to complete
post training project work.
Assessment through Simulation
In this scenario, the candidate is subjected to three simulated exercises under
emergency conditions. He must satisfy the assessor that he remains in full control of a
particular emergency situation
Maintaining Competence
Continued competence will usually be demonstrated through observation during normal
work activities and evaluated by Line Supervision through normal staff appraisal
processes. There are certain Process Safety elements of competence that require
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formal re-assessment periodically. These are identified in the matrices of Appendix 5. A
person deployed to a position where they are unable to maintain their competence
profile will require re-assessment upon returning to their original position. To ensure
ongoing competence, individuals must maintain competence in and out of position.
It is incumbent upon Line Supervision to include all activities to bridge competence gaps
in the individual’s Development Plan.
Not Yet Competent
Individuals who not hold the full competency requirements a particular role are
classified as Not Yet Competent (NYC). The policy for NYC is detailed in Appendix 6
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Appendix 1 – Example of Job Group 6-7 Assessment
Action Party
L-3 Competent
CA&A records
L-3 Assessment: Discipline On Job Trainer
Assessor & Coaching
A-1 qualification + evidence of assessments carried out +
evidence of coaching carried out (individual technician/operator
coaching, knowledge sharing & other coaching conducted)
A-1 Assessment: Discipline On Job Trainer
Assessment & Coaching: Supervisor
Electr. Authority – SAEP
SAEP licence + evidence of HV/LV switching programs in PDO
electrical systems prepared and executed
Line Supervisor
Budget Monitor & Control
Opportunity for technician for budget control.
technician involvement in budget review exercise
Unusual Trouble shooting
on complex problems often
taking lead roles
Evidence of trouble shooting carried out in complex problems.
Minutes of shut-down planning meetings, records of actual
shut-down coordination.
Supervisor / Coordinator.
Evidence of Records up-dating in SAP promptly and accurately.
notification, equipment history up-date, material
procurement, correctives, follow-up actions
Confirmed by Assessor.
Maintain records
Evidence of
L-3 +: Discipline On Job Trainer
Acting as Supervisor
Evidence of acting supervisor with dates & records: hand-over,
daily log records, records of meetings etc.
CDFP/CFDH/Coordinator to assess
Lead TPR Team
Records of having been lead for TPR Team.
CDFP/CFDH/TPR Leader to assess
Reviews : HAZOP, SAFOP,
Records of involvement in activity: HAZOP, SAFOP, RCM.
CDFP to arrange opportunity.
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(Opportunity driven)
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Action Party
Specialist/expertise in at
lease least one important
Area of discipline
Records of activities involvement, trouble-shooting. ex: DWD,
Gas Compressors in Birba, Al-Noor, Harweel, HV/LV switching
in PDO electrical system,
L-3 +: Discipline On Job Trainer
Propose / develop best
practices, improvements,
Records of proposals (FCP etc|), & implementation.
New Technology.
Obtain PTW “Responsible
Applicant” licence
Line Supervisor
Support DCS & IPS, RTU
Engineering activities
Records of supporting these activities (projects, work-scope)
Dry Gas Seal Change out
Certificate of having attended the training. Evidence of having
changed out: dry gas seal, Centrifugal Gas compressors
bearing & seal assembly (capsule), Voith Coupling, Gas
Compressor/Turbine overhaul
L-3 +: Discipline On Job Trainer
It is suggested that evidence collection be candidate driven.
Evidence portfolio is to be maintained by the candidate himself.
Assessors will guide and support the candidate in collection and compilation of evidence.
Minimum documentation (check-sheet on WAM style) is to be maintained for assessments carried out for L-3+ assessments. This documentation will not be
subjected to External Verification.
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Appendix 2 – Guidelines for Providing Documentary Evidence
Little or no Documentary
Evidence is required.
No Documentation for
"Awareness"; and minimal
amount for "Knowledge"
You should use discretion
in providing any
References for these
elements – and if so, keep
it brief.
The extent of the
Documentation of
Evidence depends on the
relative importance of the
element (and its scale
level) to the decision
being made.
In cases where an
element is not key to the
challenge of the job,
References should be
brief, and you should
make sure that evidence
is directly relevant to the
element concerned.
The assessment is likely
to be critical to the
decision being made –
and therefore the
Documentation of
Evidence must be
auditable – directly
relevant and clearly
attributable where people,
roles and projects are
(For some lower level
jobs, References and
supporting Documentation
for key "Knowledge"
elements may add value
to a development
You should put your main
attention to providing clear
and relevant References
for "Skill" (and "Mastery")
level elements.
Supervisors who witness
individuals demonstrating
skills will not require much
Documentation. However
you should provide
sufficient information in
the References to cater
for those occasions where
others might review this
data independently.
Not Applicable
Generally, there is no
requirement for
Documentation for
A brief Reference in the
CBD tool will suffice.
References are normally
required for all elements
requiring "Knowledge"
level and above, with
sufficient Documentary
Evidence available on
request to allow
Assessors to make
objective assessments.
The supporting
Documentation is required
for subsequent assurance
Documentary Evidence is
required for all "Skill" (and
"Mastery") assessments –
which require a high
degree of assurance to
support the Progression
References should be – Brief and provide a clear example of competence achieved and be
entered in the Competency Document
Documentary Evidence should be – Current, Authentic, Relevant, and Sufficient (to prove
Competency) and available on request
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Appendix 3 – PDO Progression Template
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Appendix 4 – HSE Critical Positions
The base standard for this process is EP Standard EP2005 – 0120
The process and definitions are contained in the Group Yellow Guide
“Competence assurance of HSSE Critical Positions”
Incidents with consequences to the Company that have been
Rated 4 or 5 on the Group ‘Risk Assessment Matrix’ Yellow
Guide 1999 (RAM).
HSSE Critical
An HSSE Critical Position is a position that can impact
significantly on the execution of HSSE Critical Activities at the
operational level and / or management level, because it bears
responsibility for performing Level 1 and / or Level 2 HSSE
Critical Tasks as documented in the relevant HSE MS or HSE
HSSE Critical
HSSE Critical Activities can be at all organisational levels
within a company, which usually contains some elements of
the four steps of the Hazard and Effects Management
Process (HEMP) (1) Identify hazards and effects, (2) Assess
their significance (3) provide Control for hazards and effects
or (4) provide Recovery preparedness in the event that control
is lost.
HSSE Critical Task
An HSSE Critical Task is an action required for the execution
of an HSSE Critical Activity and are divided in to two levels 6
6 Level 1 HSSE Critical Tasks: Operational tasks required for the execution of HSSE Critical
Activities, where actions (or inactions) taken while performing such tasks could lead directly to a
Significant Incident. These tasks are normally associated with the Control or Recovery elements
of the Hazards and Effects Management Process (HEMP) (e.g. those HSSE Critical Tasks
performed by plant operators, technicians, vehicle drivers, aircraft pilots, ship’s captains, and
control during / after emergency, recovery from emergency, etc.). Refer to the appropriate
HSSE MS and HSE Cases to identify these tasks.
Level 2 HSSE Critical Tasks: Tasks required for the execution of HSSE Critical Activities,
where action (or inaction) while performing such tasks could lead indirectly to a Significant
Incident. These tasks include the “Identification” and “Assessment” elements of the HEMP and
are normally supervisory-related, such as identifying and assessing staffing requirements to
implement processes, and the control and recovery elements
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Appendix 5 – Process Safety Competence Matrices
The following Matrices detail the competency levels for the Process Safety Critical Positions. The
full Excel Spreadsheet can be accessed from this link - Process Safety Competence Matrices
Matrix 1 – Delivery Team Leader
Matrix 2 – Production Coordinator
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Matrix 3 – Production Supervisor
Matrix 4 – Control Room Operator
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Matrix 5 – Production Operators
Matrix 6 – Permit to Work Coordinator
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Matrix 7 – Maintenance Coordinator
Matrix 8 – Maintenance Supervisor
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Matrix 9 – Maintenance Technician – Mechanical
Matrix 10 – Maintenance Technician – Electrical
Matrix 11 – Maintenance Technician – Instrument
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Matrix 12 – Technical Custodian (Instrument), Senior Authorised Electrical Person &
Competent Authorised Person (Hoisting & Lifting)
Matrix 13 – Inspection CSR
Matrix 14 – Authorised Gas Tester
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Appendix 6 – Not Yet Competent Policy
Not Yet Competent Procedure
One of PDO’s objectives is to have a competence assured workforce. It is the policy
and objective of Management to ensure all staff performing Process safety Critical roles
are competent, in accordance with the Competency Standards and Assessment criteria
for each role and unit. This also needs to be demonstrated in accordance with the
recommendations of the Lloyds Report, and is an integral part of the agreed Safety
Case for each installation.
The Company wishes to ensure that the consequences of finding an individual to be
‘not yet competent’ are managed in a fair and consistent manner.
First Assessment
From the First Assessment, two outcomes are possible: the individual is either
assessed as Competent or Not Yet Competent.
No further action under this procedure is required.
Not Yet Competent
Anyone in a Process Safety Critical role who is assessed as being Not Yet Competent
will only be permitted to continue to perform in that role provided he/she is able to work
under the close supervision of a person who has experience of and is competent to be
engaged in such operations. Line Management will be accountable for the correct
application of this process and Operations Manager’s written authorisation for such
decisions will be required. Where a person is unable to remain in his/her normal work
role, as a consequence of close supervision not being practicable (e.g. Production
Coordinators etc) then he/she will need to be reassigned to other duties pending any
plans for reassessment.
Where medical aspects may be involved, managers may also wish to obtain specialist
advice in consultation with HR.
The employee should be interviewed by the immediate line supervisor and advised that,
following a First Assessment against the Company’s agreed standards, he/she has
been found to be Not Yet Competent.
The discussion should clearly indicate areas where performance was below the defined
standard and include an agreed plan for improvement of the individual’s competence. It
should also specify the date of the Second Assessment, ensuring adequate time and
provision for completion of competence development targets, and training where
After the interview, the individual should be given a formal note which includes all of the
above points, copied to his/her Personal file.
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Second Assessment
If after a Second Assessment an individual is assessed as Not Yet Competent, options
will include further training and development towards a Third and final Assessment, or
redeployment (including agreed redeployment at a lower job level).
A further interview should be held between employee and line supervisor, and the
individual advised that, as the required standard has not been met, he or she is still
considered Not Yet Competent. The employee should be further advised that if he/she
is still assessed as Not Yet Competent following a Third Assessment (for which a date
should be specified), and no redeployment opportunities exist, the Company may give
the employee contractual notice of termination of employment on grounds of
After the interview, the individual should be given a formal note from the Company
which includes all of the above points, copied to the individual’s Personal file.
Third Assessment
If the outcome of the Third Assessment is that the employee is assessed as being Not
Yet Competent and no redeployment options have been identified, termination of
employment may be initiated. The individual should be given contractual notice of
termination of employment, confirmed in writing, and a copy should be placed in the
employee’s Personal file.
Alternative Courses of Action
It is recognised that there may be cases where both line management and the
employee agree not to complete any stage of this Procedure, and forego the
opportunities for further assessment. In exceptional cases, where there is genuine
agreement and acceptance by both parties that nothing is to be gained by further
training and assessment, re-assignment to other duties or another position may be
considered. Alternatively, immediate termination of employment may be initiated.
If the employee wishes to appeal at any stage of this procedure he or she may do so in
accordance with the Company’s Grievance Procedure.
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Appendix 7 – Authorised Assessors List
List of Authorised Assessors for JG6 and above (incl. specialist operators and technicians
competence assessments) - CBD-Based.
The Master Excel Spreadsheet which will be maintained current can be accessed from
the following link. The Master needs be referenced if there is doubt that the correct
assessors are being used.
Competence Assessment and Assurance Assessors List
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Authorised Line Assessors for CA&A
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Appendix 8 - Definitions and Abbreviations
Page 63
Accreditation is a specific process of validation of vocational
training qualifications carried out by an awarding body. It is a
process of confirming that the qualification satisfies the
recognised criteria
An organisation that has responsibility for ensuring that
qualifications satisfy the national and industry criteria and has
been approved by the relevant lead body
The process of generating and collecting evidence of an
individual’s /candidates performance and judging it against
defined standards. In addition Assessment may take place under
simulated operational or emergency conditions.
Awarding Body
A body with the authority to award vocational qualifications and
approve organisations which can offer them
The individual employee who is enrolling for a qualification
Company Units
A grouping of company-specific standards of competence to
reflect skill areas within PDO
The ability to perform activities within an occupational role to the
specific standards in employment
A process of defining standards and measuring the competence
of employees against standards. Systems consist of standards
of competence which are subject to a structured assessment
and verification process
Illustrates key occupational, common, emergency response and
specialists skills required in PDO
Identifies skills required to meet PDO’s operational requirements
Core Units
A mandatory unit which will contribute to the achievement of a
vocational qualification
Describe the task / activities which an individual has to perform
in his / her area of work
Response Roles
PDO units which identifies the skill required in safety critical
roles in the event of an emergency or critical situation
Specifies the knowledge required to support the tasks and
activities in a unit
Evidence Direct
Evidence of output or performance demonstrated by the Candidate
and witnessed firsthand by a Certified / Qualified Assessor
Evidence Indirect
Evidence of output or performance reported ‘second-hand’ to a
Certified / Qualified Assessors from original materials and
documentation provided by the Candidate and endorsed/supported
by his / her Line Manager / Supervisor, Colleagues, Clients,
Customers, etc.
Specifies the type of evidence required to demonstrate that an
individual has met the standards specifies in each of the
performance criteria for all contexts of range. This will include
performance evidence and knowledge evidence
HSSE Critical
Refer to Appendix 4 for definition
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The process for ensuring that the assessment judgements are
applied uniformly (correctly and consistently) within
Internal Verifier
The certified person responsible for ensuring that internal
assessors / on job trainers apply the standards uniformly within
the company and conduct audits on processes and sample
assessments. Additionally involved in coaching trainee
Not Yet
The term NYC is used to describe an Individual who has been
assessed in their current job and gaps have been identified
A means of assessing where an individual is directly observed
carrying out the tasks required for the job role
Clearly defined areas of skills required to fulfil a function, for
example production operator
Offline Reviewer
Colleague or mentor of the Candidates choice who checks the
CBD self assessment and provides feedback and advice
An individual on the progression panel responsible for
distributing the Assessment to panel members and recording the
Panel outcomes in the Panel dialogue boxes in the Sapphire
Specify the level of
competence to which the activities
described in the element have to be performed, the standard
A method of assessing which could be used to support
performance evidence and collect additional evidence of
competence. For example, questioning may be used to masses
how an individual may perform in unusual situations
Specialist Units
A grouping of units designed to reflect specialist roles in a
company for example interior driving or H2S gas testing
An individual who will take responsibility for ensuring the
Candidate’s (CBD) assessment is being completed properly and
will forward assessments to the “Assessors” and eventually to
the Progression Panel
A process of ensuring that all assessments covering the same
task or activity are of the same standard.
Standards of
Defines the tasks and their associated assessment criteria for
the skills required within an occupational role
System Verifier
The certified person who has responsibility for the efficient
maintenance and running of a competence assurance and
assessment system and for the process required to monitor and
review the quality assurance.
Unit of
A grouping of standards of competence which describe key
areas of work. Units may include company units, industry units
and VQ units
The process of ensuring that units of competence and vocational
qualifications meet the need of the user, the company, the VQ
criteria for format and that they will be assessed by valid reliable
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A grouping of units that will lead to certification as a qualification.
VQ’s are subject to validation and external verification by a
recognised awarding and lead body
This person may have worked closely with an individual being
assessed and may be able to provide confirmation of (evidence)
the ability to perform a task / activity. A witness may be a line
manager, supervisor or other worker
The following abbreviations are used in this Procedure.
Page 65
Competence Assessment and Assurance
Competency Based Development
Corporate Discipline Focal Point
Corporate Functional Discipline Head
Engineers Monitored Professional Development Scheme
Employee Self Service
Health, Safety, Security and Environment
Job Competency Profile
Management System
Nor Yet Competent
Asset Integrity Process Safety Management
Operating Integrity
On The Job Trainer
Personal Development Plan
Technician Omanisation Programme
Vocational Qualification
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Appendix 9 - User Feedback Page
PR-1029 – Competence Assessment and Assurance User Feedback Page
Any user who identifies an inaccuracy, error or ambiguity is requested to notify
the custodian so that appropriate action can be taken. The user is requested
to return this page fully completed, indicating precisely the amendment(s)
Ref ID
Page Ref:
Brief Description of Change Required and Reasons
Custodian of Document
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