A PROJECT REPORT “DATTA MEGHE COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Plot no 98, Cidco, Sector-3 Post Box No.15 Airoli, Navi Mumbai-400708” Submitted by, “Name of the students” Ritika Santosh Murkute Sakshi Jitendra Padwal Samarth Mahesh Varvatkar Susmita Sadashiv Mangle 2021DSIT010 2021DSIT001 2020FHIT105 2020FHIT101 Under the guidance of “Prof. S A Pawar” Department of Information Technology DattaMeghe College of Engineering, Sector-3, Airoli, Navi Mumbai – 400 708, (M.S.), INDIA 2022 -23 Datta Meghe College of Engineering (AICTE & Govt. of Maharashtra Recognized, Affiliated to University of Mumbai) Department of Information Technology CERTIFICATE This is to certify that Mr/Miss (Ritika santosh murkute, B, 15 /Sakshi jitendra padwal, B, 21 /Samarth mahesh varvatkar, B, 72 /Susmita sadashiv mangle, A, 74) of Information Technology class TE/SE have executed the Project work in the Subject Miniproject 1A/2A entitled “ Agrobased E-commerce website” carried out by them under my guidance and supervision within the institute. Signature of the Guide Signature of Head of Department Examined on: Examiner 1 Examiner 2 TABLE OF CONTENT Sr no. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Content Introduction Literature survey Problem definition Objectives Scope Proposed solution 1.Methodology 2.Planning 3.Design 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Implementation Testing Result and analysis Conclusion Future Scope References Page no. ABSTRACT Every day new technology is arriving and billions of people were connected to the Internet. Purchasing goods, groceries, clothes everything is online. He or She can able to place the order from their smartphone within a minute. But, Farmers are still lack of benefitting from the internet. As we all knew that Farmers are the backbone of our country and without them, we can't complete a day. Well, this idea is completely dedicated to farmers and helps them in generating good profitable revenue by using our platform. This is an online eCommerce platform that enables a farmer to buy or sell anything related to the agriculture and farming category by simply creating an account. Strictly all vendors are farmers since it is dedicated to them. The ultimate objective of the idea is to help a farmer with good revenue for their goods. Nowadays smartphone is like a coin in a pocket. So, it's not a big question of thinking about smartphones with a farmer. Also, most of them are already familiar with social media accounts and it is quite easy to play with our online eplatform. But there will be demo videos for each like registration, adding products, payment, etc. Safe payment gateway with a good logistic delivery partner, A farmer can do profitable business from his/her home itself. Both time and energy are also saved. 1.INTRODUCTION The internet has brought about unprecedented change in society, spanning the entire globe and crossing all boundaries. The Internet has redefined the methods of communication, education, health, and commerce, etc. Agricultural E-commerce enables good trading possibilities by supporting different business models such as multi-suppliers, e-sales, and several types of auctions. Today’s E-commerce lacks fully automated business processes and still requires a significant manual effort by users. The way people go about purchasing agricultural products is of great concern. Sometimes they have to travel far distances to obtain these products and unfortunately, sometimes the products may not be in stock. Also, the quality of the products is not guaranteed, especially the perishables. In case of any problems, the buyer cannot complain to the sellers or producer of the product. Also, various market prices cannot be compared because buyers do not have the time and resources to be visiting all agric farms. This problem can be solved if there was an electronic means of trading using a multi-agent system approach. An agent is an entity that is designed to undertake autonomous action on behalf of a user in pursuit of his desired goal. This implies that agents are intelligent and autonomous objects that are capable of behaving like human beings. Therefore agent technology is a suitable means for expanding agricultural business activities and saving costs. Agents possess some form of basic intelligence to allow decision-making or have a structured response to a given set of circumstances. These behavior patterns are acquired from or given to the agent by the user, this enables the agent to be capable of flexible actions. Allowing it to exhibit good-oriented and opportunistic behavior to meet its objective. Agriculture E-commerce: blurs the physical existence of agro-allied stores, the integrity of products is ensured, no paper money is involved in the process, distance doesn’t exist, and so on. However, for effective E-commerce site buyers, the experience must surpass the store experience, such as price comparison (buyers want a fair price). Detailed product information is one of the most important aspects of dealing with E-commerce sites. The need to incorporate an agent system into agriculture E-commerce needs to be promptly addressed. The agent system can be made responsible for autonomously aiding purchases for prospective buyers. This study, therefore, builds a framework for integrating a mobile agent system and an Agricultural. 2.LITERATURE SURVEY A considerable amount of research has been done on the working a performance of agricultural marketing in India, by the academicians & researchers. The literature obtained by the investigator, in the form of reports and research studies, is briefly reviewed in this part. Hoff et al. (1993) in their research paper documented that in response to the de-institutionalization of rural areas that followed state compression, the reconstruction of new agrarian institutions complementary to the market and the state is thus a fundamental element of rural development. This has taken the form of either private or cooperative organizations. Grosh (1994) believed that since the turn of the millennium, attention has shifted toward more micro level and institutional policies. In particular, contractual arrangements with downstream processors, agro exporters and retailers, often or chest rated through farmer groups, are increasingly seen as a means of overcoming the market imperfections that led to the failure of macroeconomic and sect oral adjustment policies. Reardon and Barret (2000) in their study suggest that when market reforms the commodity prices raise, stimulating an increase in production, especially of the export crops. The rise in price facilitates the establishment of super market chains, cooperatives, exportoriented schemes, processing zones and general stimulation of agro industrialization in developing countries. Sivanappan (2000) in his study stated that with modernization of existing post-harvest processing, establishment of suitable infrastructural facilities, huge amount of countries exchequer can be saved and further helps in feeding the teeming population in the country. 3.PROBLEM DEFINATION Designing an effective web application to sell and purchase and suggest farmers about agrobased product, fertilizer, agricultural equipment seeds etc. on same platform. To create a fully functional Agro-Based e-commerce website through which can sell and resell all the products related to agronomy Consumers can interact and review the products fluently. 4.OBJECTIVES The primary objective of the project is to make an E-commerce website to provide one platform for the whole buying and selling process of agronomical products online. The biggest obstacle in increasing farmers income in India are the profiteering middlemen. Commission agents, traders and wholesalers take a major chunk of profit from farmers produce. This leaves very little for the farmers, so we are building this E-commerce website to avoid the middleman and transits their profit to the farmers. The main purpose of this project is to provide income source to the small creative minds and effectively make availability of bestselling price for the products. The main goal of implementing this project in real is to provide fresh and healthy food items in the towns and cities in good price. And providing security to the business working on E-commerce. Mainly designing this E-commerce website to overcome the previously proposed systems. 5.SCOPE ● ● ● ● ● It satisfies the user requirement. It Is easy to understand by the user and operator. It is easy to operate. Have a good user interface. It is expandable. 6.PROPOSED SOLUTION This section explains the planning that went into developing this Agrobased E-commerce website as well as the methodology that it uses. The technologies that were chosen to develop this project are the most recent ones available in the industry, which results in increased functionality and productivity for the app. This project includes a variety of files, each of which fulfills a certain function inside the application. Since react is the primary technology being utilized in this project, the project makes use of the folder structure that react provides, which includes a variety of files. 6.1 METHODOLOGY: 1.The project contains files like ‘index.css’ which is basically for interface styles and the other file ‘app.js’ contains all the logic of the application. 2.Admin page is to manage list of orders. admin can delete an order or set it as delivered. 3.We created ‘product.js’ file which shows the details of products. 4.We use Node and Express. They are the popular framework to create a web server using JavaScript language. We have created a MongoDB database and save and retrieve the admin user. 5.We use mongoose package to create models and save retrieve data from database. 6.After deployment this app will go through a testing period where we will check bugs and other errors which can affect the flow of the application. 6.2 PLANNING: 1) Define Project Goal First and foremost, you should meet with your team and key stakeholders to define the ultimate goal or outcome of your project. This might be the product that is going to be developed, the service that will be provided, or the problem your project will solve. Consider the needs and expectations of all stakeholders and/or beneficiaries when determining your goals, and get their approval early on. Make sure your team members weigh in on the accuracy and feasibility of the goals you define, as well. Remember, the more of this you can figure out ahead of time, the easier your project will be to manage later. 2) Determine Outcomes, Objectives, and/or Deliverables After the primary goals have been established, break each down into smaller, more manageable pieces. In some industries, such as non-profit and education, these pieces are objectives or outcomes—for example, solutions to problems that have been identified for the population you’re trying to help, or learning goals that students need to achieve. In other industries, such as project management and software development, the smaller pieces may be deliverables, such as a marketing plan, or a prototype of the software. During the design phase, some organizations break down outcomes, objectives, and/or deliverables even further into the tasks and activities required to complete them. Others save the task/activity breakdown for a later phase of the project life cycle, such as during project scheduling. It’s up to your organization to decide what works best. 3) Identify Risks, Constraints, and Assumptions Now that you’ve determined what you want your project to achieve, identify anything that could stand in the way of its success. Document any risks and constraints on budget, time, or resources that could affect your team’s ability to reach goals, milestones, and outcomes. Then try to resolve as many of these problems as you can. This will help prevent delays once the project is underway. It’s also good practice to document any assumptions made during the project design phase. These will come in handy when you create a Statement of Work (SOW) and/or project schedule, and will also help you estimate costs more accurately. 4) Prepare a Visual Aid Visualizations are particularly common in the creative, construction, nonprofit, and software development verticals. However, using visualizations can be useful when managing any type of project since they provide team members and stakeholders an easily understandable snapshot of the project’s goals, outcomes, deliverables, products, services, and/or functionality. 6.3 DESIGN (DFD/UML Diagrams/ER Diagram): 7.IMPLEMENTATION 8.TESTING 10.CONCLUSION Agent-based Agric-EC is a new system that promises to change the way farms and individuals purchase agricultural products by delegating tasks involved in buying and selling to intelligent mobile agents. Also, this system promises to connect buyers and sellers in a way that ensures the integrity and visibility of valuable products to consumers, while trading partners can share a wide range of communiqué and data. In this study, price comparison was the major focus. For an effective E-commerce site, buyers’ experience must surpass the store experience such as price comparison (buyers want a fair price) and detailed product information. When implemented, the integrity, effectiveness, and efficiency of trading in the agricultural industry are ensured. It stands a better chance of generating higher revenue for the government than E-commerce. This analysis confirms that E-commerce will help the farmers in a way that they achieve some profits for their hard work. The Ecommerce System is needed to improve farming in rural society to make them aware of crops and their market prices. This type of system is also helpful for the government to get the proper information about the crops available in their respective areas. The study we made has predicted that the development and transformation of E-commerce is a creative way of controlling and market access for smallholders. We will develop a system that is easy and simple to use by every rural farmer. The project we are doing will provide maximum earnings to the farmers who do not get profits due to the wholesalers who quote their price for the crops. All these unique technologies, advanced software solutions and network reforms will help the farmers grow more and more and we strive for a better future for farmers. 11.Future Scope The world is lagging in the availability of healthy diet and vegetables due to modernization and farmers don’t get profits due to the consumer barrier. The technology and its applications can be applied across different segments in the country. ● ● ● ● ● ● Farmer or suppliers will be able to sell their products worldwide even if the quantity is low. Employment will be available to small-scale farmers and creators in India. New mechanical technologies will be introduced to the producer. Pre-processed items can be. Cities and towns can produce healthy food items with proper knowledge. All this will be done under security and proper verification. 12.REFERENCES ● Nicolaisen, Royce, 2001. "HOW WILL AGRICULTURAL E-MARKETS EVOLVE? ," Agricultural Outlook Forum 2001 33080, United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Outlook Forum. Handle: RePEc:ags:usaoon:33080 DOI: 10.22004/ag.econ.33080 ● O. Folorunso, Sushil K. Sharma, H.O.D Longe and K. Lasaki, 2006. An Agent-based Model for Agriculture E-commerce System. Information Technology Journal, 5: 230-234. DOI: 10.3923/itj.2006.230.234 URL: An Agent-based Model for Agriculture E-commerce System ● TRADING OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS THROUGH ECOMMERCE: BY: - International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology [ IJLTET] ● SEVERAL ISSUES CAUSE THE FAILURE OF E-TRADING OF AGRICUlTURAL PRODUCES: BY: - Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Science [ PEN]