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Semester Review: Grammar & Vocabulary

Semester Review Fall 2023
VERB: action word; jump, sing, play, run, eat, etc.
NOUN: person place or thing; ex: Professor, he, they, car, Gachon University, Korea, rain, etc.
ADJECTIVE: describes a NOUN; beautiful, delicious, tired, strong, etc.
Chapter 7
Relative clauses: used to add description to the main clause
Know how to make sentences with both types of relative clauses
Who, that, which
Subject relative clause must have who, that or which
Object relative clause can, but doesn’t have to, include who, that, or which.
Ex: Subject relative clause: Joe is a professor that works at Gachon University.
Object Relative Clause: Jin Hee is a friend (who) I met in high school.
Try to remember that you can start these sentences with a definitional expression like:
He is someone who___, They are friends that____, She is a person who_____,
It is a school that____,
Phrasal Verbs: Know what these mean
1. Get along
7. work out
2. move away
8. hang out
3. settle down
4. grow up 5. break up
9. go out
Softening comments: Know how to use these expressions:
A bit, a little, kind of, sort of, in a way, probably, I guess
Responding to comments with the opposite energy using “though”
Ex: A: It is really cold outside.
B: The air is fresh though.
A : I love drinking beer.
B It isn’t good for you though.
6. turn out
Chapter 8
I wish I
(noun) wish (noun)
Remember noun wish noun!
He wishes she, they wish we, I wish my parents, etc..
What you wish for will determine what word you use to wish for it.
Could- verb
Was/were/wasn’t/weren’t- adjective
Had - noun
Didn’t have to/ didn’t – verb
Would- verb ------- (never with I wish I, only if the nouns are different, ex: I wish he
She wishes they would, etc.)
Past tense verb--- for states of being, ex. Lived, knew, spoke, played
Ex: I wish I had a lot of money.
I wish I was young again.
I wish I weren’t tired.
I wish I could sing well.
Know how to express you wishes and why you want them to come true.
Conditional expressions:
If I __(wish came true)_____________,
I would/could ____(do something—present tense verb!!)_____________.
Ex: If I had a lot of money, I would buy a house.
What would (noun) do if (noun) +
Could- verb
Was/were- adjective
Had/could have- noun
Didn’t have to – verb
Would you +(present tense verb)_________
Ex: What would you do if you had a lot of money?
Would you buy a house?
Pg. 77 lesson A is good practice for the test.
Know how to use the following expressions about giving advice:
If I were you, I’d…..
You might want to……
I would/ I wouldn’t
You should/ you shouldn’t
All of these expressions are followed by present tense verbs~!
EX: A ~ “I want to lose weight.”
B~ If I were you, I’d drink more water. You might want to exercise more.
a gym. You should quit drinking beer. I would go for walks at night.
You could join
Chapter 11
Expressions of what you think is happening:
Must be; can’t be; couldn’t be; must not be
-- very sure about opinion
May be; might be; could be;
Giving opinions about what you think is going on or how someone feels:
That-- would be,
must be, could be, might be, can’t be, couldn’t be,
Describes the situation or thing, and will often have an adjective + ing, and never an
adjective +ed
ex: That would be tiring. (adjective +ing)
You/he/they/she/the professor/etc -- would be,
must be, could be, might be, can’t be,
couldn’t be
Describes how a person feels and will often be adjective + ed, but can be adjective + ing or
a verb if you are guessing that the person is doing something.
Ex: He must be sleeping. (verb)
He must be tired. (adjective +ed)
The professor must be boring. (adjective +ing)
Know these adjectives and their forms and how to use them properly: annoying, boring,
difficult, fun, hard, irritating, exciting, fascinating, frustrating, embarrassing,
good, happy, thrilled, scary, pleased, nervous, motivated, nice, interesting,
tired, shocked, anxious, worried, jealous, surprised, disappointed
Know how to use: That must be __adjective___+ing~~~ to tell someone you understand their
Know how to use: You must be___adjective___+ed~~~~ to tell someone you understand how
they feel.
Try to use “you see” to explain something new to someone, and “I see” to let someone know
that you understand them~!
So… Let us take a look at how it all works together~!
Paul: Hey Susan, how are you doing today?
Pretty good, but traffic was kind of bad on the way to work.
I wish I could take the
subway, but the station is too far from my house.
Paul: That must be frustrating.
You could ride your bicycle to the station.
Susan: Yeah that’s true, bike riding is something that I wish I had more time to do. I don’t own
a bike though.
I just don’t have the money for a new bike right now.
If I were you I’d just rent the city bikes.
They are all over the city and then you wouldn’t
have to worry about your bike being stolen.
That’s a great idea. If I could find a rental spot by my house, I’d be able to bike to the
subway station every day.
Then I wouldn’t have to get stuck in traffic so often.
Paul: Yeah, traffic can be really annoying, but sometimes the bus is faster though, and it can be
easier to find a seat too.
I have a relaxing bus ride to work.
It is the kind of bus that has
USB ports to charge my phone too, so when I get to work or if I’m going to hang out with my
friends, my phone is still charged.
That must be nice. What are you going to do tonight? Do you have any plans?
Paul: Actually, I was going to hang out with some friends tonight.
was going out with a girl, but they just broke up.
One of my good friends
He is feeling jealous so we are going to
take him out to party.
Susan: Why did they break up?
Paul: They just weren’t getting along.
What would you do if you were fighting with your
boyfriend all the time, would you try to fix it?
Susan: No, if I wasn’t getting along with my boyfriend I wouldn’t try to make it work out.
would just end it.
There are too many people in the world that you might get along with
It is a waste of time to fight.
Paul: I wish he wasn’t so upset.
If he was in a better mood, we would be able to have a fun
time tonight. He is in a really sad and crazy mood though.
That must be hard, you must be worried.