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Medical Clinic Safety Story: Occupational Health & Safety

Safety Story – FSS, Safety Office
HRO: Pillar Safety Culture
Principle: Anticipate Risk – Every staff member is a problem solver
Value: Commit 2 Zero Harm – always strive to reduce errors and eliminate risk of harm in all that we
There was a busy medical clinic where the clinic staff worked tirelessly to provide the best possible care
to their patients, but they also understood the importance of their safety and health while at work. They
knew that creating a safe working environment was essential to maintaining quality medicine and
healthcare delivery.
One day, a nurse was working in the back office when she accidentally cut herself on a sharp piece of
equipment. She knew that one of the most significant risks of working in a medical clinic was exposure
to pathogens and bloodborne diseases. She immediately reported the incident to her supervisor who
sent her to the clinic's Occupational Health Team for evaluation and treatment.
The clinics safety management team realized that they needed to take proactive measures to prevent
future accidents and promote a culture of safety in the workplace. The Safety Office convened the
safety committee’s accident review board, which comprised members from different departments in
the clinic. The board identified and analyzed potential risks in the workplace and developed strategies to
mitigate them,
The board along with the affected employee’s department supervisor assessed if the appropriate
engineering controls, and if personal protective equipment were in place and available to the
department staff. The safety team assured that sharps containers were installed at strategic locations
throughout the clinic, and that the provided personal protective equipment such as gloves and masks to
all staff members was available, and in turn, ensured that staff were trained on how to use it effectively.
We also made sure that regular cleaning schedules and sanitizing of surfaces and equipment was being
performed to minimize the risk of infection.
To promote ongoing awareness and engagement, we conducted training sessions for the department
staff members. The training focused on promoting good occupational health practices and safety
measures to minimize accidents and exposure to hazards while on duty.
As a result, the clinic has experienced fewer incidents and accidents, and staff members feel safer and
more protected at work. The medical clinic is recognized as a model for safety and occupational health
best practices within the region, and other facilities have sought advice from us to improve their culture
of safety.
In conclusion, the medical clinic staff demonstrate that safety and occupational health are essential
elements of quality healthcare. The proactive measures ensure a safer work environment, decreasing
the likelihood of workplace accidents and promoting a healthier workplace. The clinic's culture of safety
ultimately led to better patient outcomes, improved employee satisfaction, and positive community