Don Honorio Ventura State University College of Social Sciences and Philosophy Bacolor, Pampanga Lesson 1: The New Normal and Global Media Culture SOCIALIZATION AND THE FORMATION OF CULTURE IDENTITY - COVID-19 - - - is a global health crisis the world is facing today. It has changed and stopped the global dynamics. Media’s role is one of the most important, it helps the government to disseminate and transmit information about Covid-19 through social media platforms such as Facebook live streaming. Media help us to be aware and well-informed of the recent development of Covid-19 and the government plans and action in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. - MEDIATED COMMUNITIES AND ACTION - - GLOBAL MEDIA CULTURE - Explores the relationship between media, culture, and globalization. Global media supports the formation of new communities such as fan pages. Tv and radio satellites are one way for the immigrants to be in close contact with their culture. THE EXPERIENCE OF MODERNITY IN A GLOBAL CULTURE - According to Hjavard, the experience of modernity loosened the bonds of locals and traditions and was greatly influenced by globalization or transnational institutions. Due to the fact of rapidly increasing media and communication technologies various collective communities had been formed. Most of these communities such as fan clubs, chat groups, and media pages are exclusively established by means of media. Interaction in this kind of community takes in abstract and symbolic character compared to the nonmediated encounters, and this notion of social action changes character as well. DEMOCRACY AND POLITICAL CULTURE - MEDIA RELEVANCE TO THE PROCESS OF CULTURAL GLOBALIZATION 1. The experience of modernity in a global culture 2. Socialization and the formation of culture identity 3. Mediated Communities and action 4. Democracy and political culture With a rapidly growing influence of media such as social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.) it become an institution for socialization and development of cultural identity. As well as global media cultures influence it also contributes to the development of local cultures to be on par with the globalized modernity. However, it is also a threat to the cultural tradition and autonomy of a community or society. - Due to globalization, multicultural societies are rapidly growing in which people of different nationalities and cultural backgrounds must coexist. o Multicultural Societies – people with different races, cultures, etc. in a same community. Globalization entails a new stratification of political and cultural spheres. o Xenophobic - prejudice against foreigners. o Racism - race determines human traits and capabilities which produce inherent superiority. o Ethnocentrism - belief that one’s culture is better than others. o Xenocentrism - belief that other culture is better than our own. GLOBAL MEDIA CULTURE PITFALL OR DOWNFALL - - - Fake news is one prevalent sample of downfall in global media culture. It also includes a high risk of inaccurate reporting and may be a platform of identity theft and loss of privacy. Fake news can be used as political propaganda and cause of panic to the people. Globalization help us learn and explore of different society, but culture cannot be disappeared just because of globalization. Most remote society cannot be easily influenced by globalization. STANDARDIZATION VS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Standardization - Process of making something conform to a standard process. It ensures that goods come with a consistent quality. Information Technology - Use for storing, retrieving, and sending information. CULTURAL HYBRIDIZATION - - A blending element of cultures. Creolization - according to Hannerz are forms of culture that do not have historical roots, but are result of global interconnections. Westernization - influence of western cultures among societies across the world. Don Honorio Ventura State University College of Social Sciences and Philosophy Bacolor, Pampanga Lesson 2: Global Democracy - Stage 5: Declining – Fertility rates transition to either below or above replacement. NINE TERMS TO REMEMBER DEMOGRAPHY - - Derived from the Greek word “demos” which means people, and “graphos” which means illustrate, draw, measure. Statistical study of human populations. It examines the size, structure, and movements of populations over space and time. Three Fundamental Aspects 1. Birth Rate 2. Death Rate 3. Migration John Graunt – Father of Demography POPULATION - Number of people inhabiting a country, city, or area. Effects of Rapid Population: poverty, crime, etc. DEMOGRAPHIC TRANSITION - A model that describes population change over time. It is based on the demographic characteristic: birth and death rate. It suggests that population grow along a predictable 5-stage model. FIVE-STAGES OF TRANSITION MODEL - - - - DEMOGRAPHIC Stage 1: High Stationary - Death and birth rates are high; population growth is typically very slow. Stage 2: Early Expanding - Low death rate; high birth rate. Stable food supply and improvements in medicine. Stage 3: Late Expanding - Birth rate fall due to the access to contraception and transition in values. Stage 4: Low Stationary – Birth and death rates are low. 1. Dependency Ratio – number of dependent people. 2. Working Age – already has work / is working 3. Life Expectancy – average age 4. Mortality Decline – decrease of death 5. Population Explosion – poverty and migration 6. Death Rate – number of deaths 7. Birth Rate – number of births 8. Morbidity Rate – number of diseases in one place and of a person. 9. Fertility Rate – number of children in one family. Don Honorio Ventura State University College of Social Sciences and Philosophy Bacolor, Pampanga Islam Lesson 3: Religions Across the World - RELIGIONS - - Derived from the Latin word “religio” means obligation, bond, and reverence. A socio-cultural system of designated behaviors and practices, moral views, texts, sanctified places and other things that relates humanity to supernatural, transcendental, or spiritual elements. Set of beliefs that relate humanity to an order of existence. - RELIGIOUS BELIEFS Theism - Religious beliefs that at least one god exists. Belief in the existence of god/s. Monotheistic Religion. Believed in one god Allah and its prophet Muhammad. Qur’an is its main scripture consists of 114 books. “Submit to God”, interpretation of Islam religious practices. Ummah, Islamic community Arkan, five (5) pillars of Islam: o Shahadah - profession of faith. o Salat - daily prayers of muslim: five (5) times a day. They need to pray facing north, where the Mecca is located. o Zakat - giving of alms. They need to share their wealth to those who are in need. o Sawm - fasting during Ramadan, with the exemption of sick, elderly, and pregnant. o Hajj - every Muslims must do pilgrimage at least once in their lives to the holy city of mecca. Types of Theism: Two Factions of Muslim: - Sunni - Monotheism o Worships a single god. o They believed that a single god is responsible for everything. Polytheism o Worships two or more gods. Atheism - Denial of god/s. 10 MAJOR RELIGIONS IN THE WORLD Christianity - Most widely practiced religion in the world. Monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Bible, its main scripture consists of 66 books and divided into two parts: old and new testament. o Old Testament – Creation or beginning of everything. o New Testament – Life and Death of Jesus. - The largest branch of Islam Ahl al-sunnah or “People of the tradition” They accept the first four caliphs as the successor of Muhammad. First four caliphs: Abu Bakr, Uhmar, Uthman, Ali Shiites - Shia’tAli or “Party of Ali” Can combine their prayers three times a day. Some of its dominant regions practice Muttah marriage or temporary marriage. Hinduism - World’s oldest religion and the third largest in the world. Founded in India. No specific founder. It is henotheistic, which means they worship one God “Brahma” but still acknowledged other gods such as Vishnu (the god that protects) and shiva (the god that destroys) - - Believed in Samsara or “continuous cycle of life” and karma “the universal law of effects”. All living creatures have a soul or “atman”, and all are part of the supreme soul. They strived to achieve “dharma” or “the way of life”. “moksha” the salvation, which ends the cycle of rebirth and becomes a part of the absolute soul. They considered the cow as their sacred animal. Vedas, their main scriptures. Four parts of vedas: Rig Veda, Samaveda, Yajurveda, Atharveda Caste system, social system in India they believed you had been born in your caste based on your deed on earth. There are two primary symbols of Hinduism: swastika and om. o Swastika means good fortune. o Om, is composed of three-letter of Sanskrit and represent three sound a, u, and m. Also considered a sacred sound. o Om is often found in temples and family shrines. Buddhism - - Siddhartha Gautama (the buddha) founded Buddhism. They don’t acknowledge a supreme god or deity. They focus on achieving enlightenment. And when they achieved echelon, they will experience nirvana- highest state of enlightenment. They meditate because they believed it helps awaken the truth. They also embraced the concept of karma and reincarnation. o o o o o o Four Noble Truths Essence of buddhas teaching: o o o o - - - One of the three most ancient religions in India. Teaches the path of enlightenment through the path of non-violence. They also believed in karma and reincarnation. Jains are strict vegetarians, in fact eating roots vegetables is not allowed because removing the root will kill the plant. They can eat plants above the ground. Jains honor 24 Jinas and Tirthankaras Jinas - spiritual leaders who achieved enlightenment Mahavira, one of the most influential Jina. He is considered as 24th and final Jina. Two Sects of Jain: Digambara o o o o Buddha’s teaching: wisdom, kindness, generosity, and compassion. A way of life; a good moral conduct. Five moral percepts: o No killing of living things o Do not take what is not yours o Do not sexual misconduct o No Lying o Do not use alcohol and drugs. Eightfold Path of Buddhism - Also called as a middle way. Eight division paths to achieve enlightenment and cease suffering: o Right understanding o Right thought The truth of sufferingThe truth of the origin of suffering The truth of the end of suffering The truth of the path that free us from suffering. Jainism Dharma - Right Speech Right conduct Right livelihood Right effort Right mindfulness Right concentration Sky clad they are more conservative. They believed that only man can attain liberation. Their monks go naked, rejecting even the needs for clothing. Svetambara o o o o White clad Believed they have retained most of original scriptures. Women can attain liberation as well as man. Their clergy wears white seamless clothing. Sikhism - Founded in the Punjab region. The Sikhs call their faith Gurmat “the way of the Guru” Founded by Guru Nanak - - Adi granth or grant sahib, sacred scripture of Sikhism. Gurdwara, place of worship. Karah Prasad, sacramental food consists of equal parts of wheat flour, clarified butter, and raw sugar. Adi Granth condemns caste. Sikh Rahit Marayda, manual that specifies the duties of Sikhs Four rituals for the rites of passage: o First - birth and naming ceremony. First letter of the name is chosen to the first letter from the hymn of Guru Granth Sahib. Singh is added to the names of male and Kaur to the females. o Second rite - marriage ceremony o Third rite - initiation o Fourth rite - funeral ceremony Judaism - - World’s oldest monotheistic religion. Most Jews believed that their Messiah has not come yet-- but will one day. Synagogues, their holy place Rabis, spiritual leaders. Six-pointed star of David is the symbol Judaism. Tanakh, jewish sacred text or “The Hebrew Bible” Torah, first five books of Tanaks, outline laws for Jews to follow. Abraham, founder of Judaism. Jacob son of Isaac took the name Israel, and his children and future generation became known as Israelites. Ten commandments, revealed at Mt. Sinai. Mishnah, text that describes Jewish code of law. Talmud, collection of teachings and commentaries on Jewish law. Shabbat, day of rest and prayers to the jews. Shintoism - Confucianism - o o o Granada Massacre - Muslim kills Jewish families and mob the royal palace in Granada. First Crusade - holy wars between Christians and Muslims, and thousands of Jews were killed. Spanish Expulsion - those Jews who refused to convert in Christianity were killed. Holocaust - Nazis murdered more than 6 million Jews. Way of life propagated by K’ung Fu-Tzu. Source of value and social code of the Chinese. Advocate a strict code of ethics one should adhere to achieved the middle way of life. Five constants and Four virtues: o Benevolence o Righteousness o Ritual o Knowledge o Integrity o Filial piety o Loyalty o Contingency o Justice Taoism - - Judaism and Persecution o Polytheistic religion The way of the Gods. Kami, means God. Amaterasu, sun goddess and the most important god in Shintoism. There is no absolute right and wrong, as humans are thought to be good and evil. They believed that evil is caused by the evil spirits. They used rituals to keep the evil spirits away. Shinto Shrine, place of worship. Matsuri, means festival where they celebrate in order to show the Gods the outside world. Miko, younger woman who aided the Priests in rituals. Attributed to Lao Tzu Religion during Tang Dynasty They believed in spiritual immortality, where the spirit of the body joins the universe after the death. Its main ideas are the belief in balancing forces yin and yang; o Yin and yang show that everything in the universe is connected. Zoroastrianism - Ancient Persian religion; Arguably the world’s monotheistic faith Zoroaster, founder of Zoroastrianism Ahura Mazda,single god Avesta,sacred text Each person had the freedom to choose good or evil. Don Honorio Ventura State University College of Social Sciences and Philosophy Bacolor, Pampanga Lesson 4: Market Integration - ECONOMY - - - Sole institution that handles all the production, consumption, and trade of goods in our society or what we call “market”. Branch of social science concerned with the distribution, production, and consumption of goods and services. Study of how people allocate scarce resources for production, distribution, and consumption. THREE SECTORS OF PRODUCTION - Extract raw materials from environment. Example: agriculture, fishing Tertiary Sector - our - Secondary Sector - It focuses on manufacturing finished goods. Example: smelting, construction Tertiary Sector - The service industry. Example: entertainment, transportation, distribution. MARKET INTEGRATION - Separate markets for the same product become one single market. Goods and services that are somehow related to one another being to experience similar patterns of increase or decrease in terms of the prices of those products. Primary Sector An economic and political system in which mean of productions are privately owned. Designed by John Maynard Keynes and Harry Dexter White. Created for efficient foreign exchange system to prevent the devaluation of currencies. International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank. Key Elements of Bretton Wood System 1. 2. 3. 4. Currencies were pegged to US dollars value Agreement of Monetary Authorities Establishment of International Monetary Fund Eliminating Restrictions International Monetary Bank - - - CAPITALISM AND SOCIALISM - An economic and political systems which means of productions are publicly owned. Production and consumer prices are controlled by the government. From each according to his ability, to each according to his contribution. BRETTON WOOD SYSTEM Primary Sector - - Consumer prices are based on a free market of supply and demand. Criticized for income inequality and socioeconomic classes. To promote global economic growth and financial stability, encourage international trade, and reduce poverty around the world. It was originally created to introduce a fixed exchange rate, but when Brentwood collapsed it promoted the float exchange rate. IMF makes loans to countries that are experiencing economic distress to prevent financial crisis. World Bank - Dedicated to provide financing advice and aid for economic advancement to developing nation. - World bank approved 500 million US dollar loan for the Disaster Risk Management and 100 million US dollar for PH Covid-19 response. THE ORGANIZATION FOR ECONOMIC COOPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT (OECD) - Improve global economy and promote world trade. Provides forum in which government can share experiences and ideas to solve common problems.