FIN 104: INVESTMENTS AND PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLES OF PORTFOLIO PLANNING Investors benefit from holding portfolios of investments rather than single investment vehicles. As discussed earlier, a portfolio is a collection of investment vehicles assembled to meet one or more investments goals. Different investors have different objectives for their portfolios. a. Growth-oriented: a portfolio whose primary objective is long-term price appreciation b. Income-oriented: a portfolio that stresses current dividend and interest returns Portfolio Return and Standard Deviation The return on a portfolio is calculated as a weighted average of returns on the assets (investment vehicles) from which it is formed, thus the equation: Rp = (w1 x r1) + (w2 x r2) + ... + (wn x rx) = 𝑛 𝑗=1 Illustration: A. Expected Portfolio Returns Expected Return Year Asset X Asset Y 2019 8% 16% 2020 10 14 2021 12 12 2022 14 10 2023 16 8 Portfoio Return Calculation (8%x.50) + (16%x.50) = (10%x.50) + (14%x.50) = (12%x.50) + (12%x.50) = (14%x.50) + (10%x.50) = (16%x.50) + (8%x.50) = Σ (wj x rj) Expected Portfolio Return, rp 12% 12 12 12 12 B. Average Expected Portfolio Return, 2019-2023 Rp = 12+12+12+12+12/5 = 60/5 = 12% C. Standard Deviation of Expected Portfolio Returns Sp = √ (12-12)2 + (12-12)2 + (12-12)2 + (12-12)2 + (12-12)2 / 5-1 = √0/4 = 0 The standard deviation is 0, which means no variability is shown in the expected returns. How about uneven distribution of asset allocation? Take this example 1. A portfolio has two assets, Asset K and Asset Q, with 50,000 and 75,000 initial investments respectively. Asset K has recorded the following returns in the past 3 years, 12%, 15%, and 16%, whereas Asset Q has 11%, 8%, and 9%. Compute the Rp and Sp of the portfolio. Standard Deviation: A measure of risk The most common single indicator of an asset’s risk is the standard deviation, s. It measures the dispersion (variation) of returns around an asset's average or expected return. Coefficient of Variation: a relative measure of risk The coefficient of variation, CV, is a measure of the relative dispersion of an asset’s returns. It is useful in comparing the risk of assets with differing average or expected returns. Formula: or CV = S / R Coefficient of variation = standard deviation/average or expected return Exercise: Compare assets K and Q (see example 1) using SD and CV.