Magellan-Elcano Expedition Notes

Westward route to spice island
Alantic ocean-sout america-pacific ocean-marianas island-pilipinas---indonesia
Magellan el cano expedition
Juan sebastian el cano - end expedition leader
3Gs God, Gold, Glory
Competion between portugal and spain
Treaty of
Ladrones island or island of the thiefs
March 16, 1521 in zamal or samar
Barter system-kalakalan
Watering place of good signs- humuno island-gold
Archipelago of st. Lazaro-philippines today (fiesta of st. Lazaro)
March 25, 1521- they left humuno island and saw two balanghay (barangay) and arrived at isla
masava with the king raja shaju, offered gold but magellan declined instead asked for money for their
Enrico is a malay
The first mass in the Philippines was when March 31, 1521
Magellan cross at Cebu
They leave the place to look for other resources
April 7, 1521 they arrived at the oldest city which is the cebu
King of cebu, through enrico, raja humabon asked magellan to pay tribute but he refused
Instead they did a blood compact (sanduguan) between magellan and humabon as a way of
April 14, 1521 king of cebu was baptized as christian and changed into king carlos and wife reina juana
April 22, 1521 all the islands inhabitants was baptized
They admitted to burnt villages for disobeying the king or magellan
Sinulog festival to honor the sto nino that magellan gave to reina
Battle of Mactan
1. Lapu reject colonization 2. lapu and humabon misunderstanding 3. zula, principal man from mactan
asked magellan to fight lapu lapu
Magellan volunteered to go in Mactan w his people. Unfortunately, lapu-lapu was prepared.
1500 vs 49 people of Magellan
Magellan has already been deteriorated but more natives attacked him with a swords and ended him