shour to0 CN=4 mawng 2sà cormpko The orraty ossiblaCN=4: Pypamidal TBigral CN=3 Bhow tuso zes having compa geomtay Equuilaberal Triang possibla CN=3The lirr bonds aru study fu : in ’ xas and outside Qigards R metal Lewis Lowis attachaol TDBUrded which having having cornpounds Geornatruy tho lerm n baso acid to CN=2 tho Cdonate CN2 botf sphoe compourd Caccert cocdinate cental by { corpbx that etio thoe pain molecules acng aton linaan, Rave Cornplxo) coCNi) of uhoneas whereas bond a by rd 313 and e unulsonL-L canta moto cartal of molocwles ceordinatiorn chlorides numbor compbxas complo The CN:2: the arions KoGdinate COORDINATION COMPLEXES Aupplid Liganda by cartra atorn metal An ard Co Itis 1t cenbal ligandsThe 3 sLigards sramnple 3 tio ammonia Knouwn. aniens minimum Bhow Coerrdinatibr ' SquaNe Plaran Tetrahdral g Zncl Cucli Nico ange betuen two ligarnd CN =S: The cormplbzOs Aiaving CN=5 8how tuoo poaibl gaomety Triganal bigjaamidal Squaoe Pyamidal M onge betucen tuo igad u=|20 CN=6Compaxes wttf CN=b Us \eyy commonfo transibionak matal cornple xos The b ligands are asangedl anond the Corres ot central metal ton at tño siz oglar octahodral CRYSTAL FIELD THEORY Thi tory s bascd en tho dilßeront aUrotirs than vgT, Ln vBT e bording batuican Mard L sts censidood as pwecoalart but in CFT and F s baxod on tao tho igands leckror at as pocnt tfie iss no bord betuen hon. charges and the The intactien is puely aumotionthat olectrostatic Fohuwes: both Tho cental matal ion is bu iqards which cortains lore pain of AuUGUndd s A2 type ligads axe agardad as potnt chorges Teric ligarcb'- point chagos Hhat Naubral igards- point dipola ientod towand certal metal , The attractton hatucen rmetal and igord ds purely elechosteitic odoThe colaun of tio complaxes can bo be xplainco Jin temb ofgbctronic tansition matevic The magnatic propactiod can b xplunal Feo boui of spliting tot d-orbitals un photor baecen dilteunt et St can alo eplain why some favoued than ohon for coctain because digfoanti qaometxies metals. This is Juso Aot: t:Eq orbctalsi Cdyt d2) Aaicl orbitala : Thexe orhitos hae theit lobes alorg thie a ard doubly dagarnatatec ard linited orbital) Cnon-aiol Cdey,dz,du) 2. bag orthita net alorn A2tq TheA0 oYbitals Rave thein lobes does aleg tfe azio and triply dagermated. dcap) dur dye d2 dz) In the case of contralmetal Gfee) all the 5 motals orbitals ae havirg Bama onogytoqeranatd Houaver on tfo apprcaches ligard tho ß centnal metal t igards approach tee certralmetal e all tho len frorn tfu cqual ditance Hfe energy seail be aqual to but al te ligards au not a_proaching mdtal by quo dtanca Hence, tie orbitaa lobes yng al the cis will be of lobas lying in batucon more than orbitals tree is. Tha CoroD0en of 5 dagoraate derbitals of mokal 3tons unto tuo sot ibitas Roasng toent srergiA callod cylal FielA slterg Cgstal Freld spletiry in octahactral Complres octahadral compbx Complex tRe tas eigeres metal ion s at the cantor and bigaurdls occupy te 2 Cornes R tra octahadral othec In the caae al ocahectral corploxes. as tho two Kigands appreach te metal alorg the azi, tre twrs ancicl orbitals ae opellod rere tian tag orbitals In otfon words rbita increases the than fa ruch morvee rg g orbitals. sts tO.6Ao Hypckticl doqorenacy appoach ha contaal riakal ion fronSplthng'e lectror Agual disancs Fve dagorenate d-orhitals oRoß metal in absere of both ligandaoh p s The arngy dilfune betwaorn tag ancd ag crbitals is danotad hy Ao Tn an octahadyol compla tha erengy of one ntoing in taq level --o.4Ao and tfia nengy of tia artoing into o orbital =o.bAo STRONG FIELD IAND EALFIELD Filing up Hhat 1, LIGANDSee doranda upon te pet ligard. Tn a sbong sigard fisld o Ao is farge onaugh to ferce tho 2/ to ma te uthe tg obitals . npreseree limit Qpacted to ha ow spin Tn a cornplaxos. 8 weak phot aneugh to force ha entor irto to pai up and henca tRe orhital. Hence , thay will eut in N)7 IreCcN).y- S.L Low pn PAIRING ENERGY LP): The anengy reubed to cause ard 4Ris origy dopand upon tho tupia of igardl. loocnain npad umain tn tio 2arme and that wile rbital and tot will paiodup 0sily wi00 ill { PeAe: The a ise to Kow spin Cornpkr give prafoaral by achiaved anogy in cfSE CFSE: The gain and.iag rbitab is salbd filing up o tog and SPEC TROCHEMICAL ARa lignds ar s0ries in SE RIES : Tt is the aNAnged in thaerdo which ef anaNNi0g splitting to caue d'orbital. Noutrol WFL Corfiquration shong Ligard SFL t tigard leak Bigard =-0.4 Ag =-0:3Ag c toq 1 1 1 --1.64o+ P 111 -1.2A+0.6AeeDb tsg1111 11 1L 1 bag a - 2 p A + 2 A x U r . 2 Ad tH.2 A =O tag 1 1 1g 1L11 -2.4Ao t 3P F-l6dotl.2 A,=-O.4 A 24Ao t0. 6Ao 11 8 Aot P 12Ag -20Aot1.2 Ao -0. A o-l.2Ao ysis. lectron =-0.bAo tOP both Calulate the cESE Hhat Co CFSE=4A t2P and mateicl -shrong higand CFSE= linited pheten CFSE 1 -1.8A, +3P -4s45 ;Br-k CFSE 11 (i)[áuCNH)e) Cut4sdNHtg- Nguctal liprd -prb4. C4sdt; Hoo-laak ligard. FSE= O6Ao. Fe2t CFSE= 48'2d& 1 ; cl-twaak igand =-014 Ao ()CMnCeN)AT4 CFSE= Mt4satS; cN-shrong lig ard =-210 Ao+ 2p Crgptal Fiold plttirg in tolahodyal eroploscs The coodinatien rumbar o tetahedral Corrplo cetral d 4 igards coo DULargd aound, tho motal at altonate coYnOu R t0 ube Ho04 gancs axe sutod in a mannen trat troy ae befuoor o tie metal ion uill be in te diection oß be ha poining auay teafeve., tag orhitals wll he PraLAOd n onagy tran ag orhitala. t The cryst s gicld zptn oxtimatod that the smaller value se & ligards in Hote, on n c boul both e Hhat ortoang nto ortering stbilized Since tie totahadral rmagrite faold is o.bdt cystal fisld pitrg srnall ard is f ct i c al dagre I-acyHypet uhern all 5-dogeroata abaenco ap ligard. and mateic than paiuing smen) A P. only high spin Conpler s forn. d-orbtals in lectron A. The seaAon A is due to la92 numbL totahadrodquld by -orb A ard an into tsg lovel is n A is denoled by At ad ysis and thoOo pprach Barme distancefrorm tetrahedroal feld limite pheto CESE Calculotion L 5In casa asia Tetehedol Cenplere tátyahacral coriplrk rorig lA 2ashe ligardand uicak qsld ligard possos fo congiguodion becausa Hs spttig oriemy eorfiqitation t 2 --o6A+P - 0 4 t +4P ca agrabi rehetis Th£nkihon Metal orop T6 ndetand Me magrtic prepenty sf transtèn matal e shoud Cenkide e pagast on o§ mag Diamagnctism: han tfie compound has no unpattod calbd diamaght i lectren bot s faxamaanatism he copound oe unpa caliad atamagrtim : 2. Feotomagnetim: This comgound poAB) npated ardshonqly attbaciad to tic magnatic qiald : Rut. compowd both Hhat plaed intne get rertad in paxteulan dDe ctiÝn 4 ysts end This cavpxes alo AntifeUOmagnctim unpabud but possos ts ragnata goldis applad tee FRat ma te limit pn up. Mene, they ane xepalkd n tre migncti . Dn tranaiteon matals the aloctonic confgwt,o,phet uhich de cde tfe magnatit matals prepotiès f desat Th case prepody ranstion metals tha magnet in tho fraa, stat curd'onit ate 3d-tranattion ses; s 1 T y³ 11 111 Mn5 t Mos 171 11111 re L1113 N Most tña tanactien metals shcw pararnagnotin uDee e t herovioun andtro roagnati menent the ttal maqntic momart i S= Spin quartum Neunben For free metal ion tRo rmagntic memoint geven by thecontibutien c botr spin a Aimbital angula memertun but letho mokak conlr Cenple the- obital cortibution a ually quanthod Cstoppa due to nen-sphoical 'anviverinbnt in such' icaaes magratie miernant wss gier by fRe qin ornly koa Fe= 4szd atog To (re CeNDLT CNs a botucarn gap bq and magnotic momerd is zhng fiad ligand we no o. ba npabadHence tg and oglevel ll he Bmal. all the Splting oilR qilod up lisn gach oTbitals ard fhon ysis thay wdlipavt up., Iri Afis scaeit has 4 rpcçed and js panamag rotic Ahot wie be the magnoti mernen value tn caae § Cew spin dhigh spin dtand d cernplezes. chack rethen ) 5 Spùn lectron boet both MalkJit2) =lN3 BM peßf=)4C49) Pef-V3(342) = 4.9 BM =3rbBM * The etent g paranagrotism moaAJd in 2+ termo magnetic mornent. For Nepl otahodal No orbital Nt Centribution 4hat and me tevic limited Tefrahoral 1L 1 OPT (CAL PROPE RT)ES Cortbribcton, phetr TSOMERISMN TRANSITIONAL cOMPOUNDS molaculan rnua but The dempaund having atoms tfain o aiangemants digfenent stouctuool pheromnons KnoUn isornes ard tRe hi areiKroun as as TOrnosn. Thú ui chaniieol as follous TSernoyism stereo Teornrurn hructual Isomoism Cebrdination Tonisattsn USomsUsm tydate Lickage iLornaiim Greomatrical,optica? (rr) Cis-tran, Isomor, r coardiation iomsn: Ið tRne s, an sxchange f ligards betuuoen Re coevdinatien sphoe Thay wile give Jie to coordlinatien someism Torisctien onerism: Cornplores in uhich tRoe intonchode in the poAttien an igands insida tie Ccosdinatien sphoe and to aniens eutde the corrploz. Thay aUO called onisatien JAomes. q: CCoCNM;D,BvJSO4 CCoNHso Er CoCNH:D,BU+ so [CoCNH)s SO4)T 46y tydratesomom This type, isomemauses mslcules unto of dipostions dißferent out is clbd ysis inaide and outido tis coendination spharte and Hydata Tsornoianm lectron : CrCH5c)6] cl3 - vieleta Linkag Cr (HsCy clajcl.0 Dark raon Dxomeum: These au tRa Cocrdinatien Cempouncs tiat hove tRe ane compoAikion but both ditßer n the conractivity oß rmatal and +Ro ligands TsomeUSm. Hhat STEREOIsO MERISMm hen tuo Copoçr contain ligand coordinatod to arg centbal ion But and tre QUangornent o ligands in Apace is digferent. The tuo cornpounda is callod episomos and tRe limited Phaomoron us callod as Gaomatical eeouomeusm. iomoism; Inthis horniiam ao tho matevicl liganda py dißfeent pasittons anound cental metal Lon. I two ligard ocpy adjacont posibton tae sornos is callod Cibrisormos. dontical ligand scLuy opposite paaition to iomens ae callod tans imnbs - P ce NH NH pheter cortalr Carrplor opticl iborronisn hon tRo scastiens R ncy bo uhich ray angl certain thaougka ib'plarie lal tetate aithon to the loft or to the ught. This property is Kalled as optical acttvity 2ud to i t un pticaly aotve caipourd the follaoingceea touods Rotantt pPL zctatosHo ene uhich f hcRockaabsa dincctien) gi ) one ushich oatos cloclsuise doection) oetio rtateyt).kh Card the tha, PPL 4ousads Kaft loavoolateouy C-) Jh.Py Ay Pr. NtB Mror42luae2 EEFECTIYE NUCLEAR CHARGE (Zee)4 Shiclting canstart -the sQiding nto shall etooon tao nucKeus band travalorty shell ae nteining , These recuce the volue af ctraction hotuacon tRà ucleu and outeuriostThe oducron in attbacton causad by inteviring oce callod a. sCreoning hiuding ffect. Aence tae aclual nucloon change wi he dacweasod ky quantity o Callod hialdirg o sereening Conssnt Facbs afectng andzaff ard tfiot vaçahions in the peiodie table Ne.o intovhing Pand size of atoma : ysts n a gnoip when ue move from top to botfom the tncoming e wl anter in the now Sholl. There is lectren n inChease in dixtathL& boucon nucloLes and shell. n he no. o inteining alo , Jand In a incyeakOs Hence Zof more periad te boel both ncoming addod into ARe Aame sholl which aes of shrinkag Aize ot atoms Afis uiee atercen the nucleus and incease. moe atlracticn Thescofore, Zaff n a peua. gutcumest SATER's RULE! Aeeordeng to thç gule the value o 'er a gven i as elous. Ostimatet Write douon Ife alo ctvontc e tha alornant ard dovide tRe into tRsconfigattbn fellaing orhitals 1s,2S, 2p 3S, 3P, 4S sol Now Aclect tioe urich to value og be calculatad s te or thi, add up ta calarlatien to o for ctor to tre centrihutien follouoirg suo. acending Qach tupe outsicle te chasen 3ame group of choosen, innide (-1) A: A0e the offam fetfe dnible naciatele Hhat a an matevi limite pheten Zact 9 =19 Zff.=Zact =28 n clatom rcarclsssspsap Þ- 4 X0.25 +2 xo854 tDX| tha last Ffor Al Zact = |3 2x0i342 XI +8X0.85 Zof -Zact - o For or, Zact = 21 K=132s'2 pheszp4s' eds F2,95 HSAB ONCEPT CHavd oft Aciol Base Thacny) qualitatve corncopt ntoducad by poaon to xplain te Atablty o complosces ad I macharism o tfo goa cition According to tfua theov Lo's acids and Lows kaes can he tfoa cliided lectr into haxd and t aid bases. Had Lausis acid ) ebor n chaactorustis; ’SrnalR 0ze Ssto 2 both gy chaigod cat'ors ’ Higf postve chage > Empty rhitals uh tfiein alany sholl ’ Low nogntvity + low atnby Hhat > Low polarisahty Seft Lobis acid! hasactoiati; >Loae size Low postve, chaye ma te limi tncoropotaly qlod atomc orhibals ’ Raadily polaisobla Hcvd Lawts baAes! characteçsties: -’ Snall 'enc 9adii LaoKly polavisobla Saft Lois ba02: ’ Loqe lonic sadit -’ Srtoaiata alectroncqatvity ->Hghly polaoisabla 9Hb, SCN, co, RNC ,H,Rate phe HSAB Principle Aecording to HSA concert kand acids prefer bkindingto Rand kase to qiesiae to wonic Corplox ufooas t acscd pxafo hindgtosoft The large olectroragatve. diggoanca bolacon HA HB gve zikos to strong onc. cnteracton. sa The aloctronegativty of sA iàSE ae almet Sam and have loss olactvonic ndoacton .Theoeyore,tRe interaction bofeuicon MASE g SA HB ae mostly nstab t: Atoc size epesriodl Nucloat change 2.Lonsation Nuc lac chonge 3.Elochon Size, Nuclor affinity Lchag Nooshol0a Size f atars ucloan chcote Nuclea chog Stze,TE, E.A