UA LABORATORY HIGH SCHOOL School Learning Area Grade Level Health 7 Quarter 3RD Duration 1 hour Date March 4, 2024 Detailed Lesson Plan in Health Most Essential Learning Competency Content Standard Performance Standard 1. Objectives Cognitive Affective Psychomotor 2. Content Area 3. Learning Resources 4. Materials Identifies situations that cause feelings of anxiety or stress LC Code/s: H7PHIIIa-b-31 Demonstrates understanding of mental health as a dimension of holistic health for a healthy life. Consistently demonstrates skills that promote mental health At the end of the lesson the learner should be able to: Identify situations that cause feelings of anxiety or stress and the common stressors that affects adolescents Express empathy and sensitivity towards the experiences of adolescents dealing with stress, fostering a supportive and non-judgmental learning environment Practice various stress management techniques that can help dealing with stress. Personal health K to 12 Curriculum Guide -HEALTH PowerPoint presentation, TV, and Online Platforms “Google meet” 5. Procedure Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities 5.1 Preliminary Greetings! Good afternoon, Activities Good afternoon, class! Ma’am! Classroom Management (Students will Arrange your chair, sit properly and arrange their chair be ready for our lesson for today. and sit properly.) Prayer May I ask the class mayor to lead the prayer? Our father who art in heaven… Amen Checking of Attendance How’s your day? I hope we all feel good. Before we will start let us check your attendance first. Please say present if you are here. Review of the past lesson Let’s review what you have learned in our previous meeting. Present, Ma’am! (Students will answer what they have learned in past lesson.) DIRECTION: Identify the following situations: Eustress or Distress. Raise your green flag if it is Eustress and red flag if it says otherwise. 2. Your mother didn’t attend your graduation. 3. You didn’t pass your exam. 4. Your mother got sick. 5. Your crush likes you back. Activity 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Green flag Red flag Red flag Red flag Green flag MOTIVATION: Direction: Everyone, please stand up. Are you familiar with the song “The Hokey Yes, Ma’am Pokey”? (The students are expected to actively participate) Link: Nursery Rhyme_The Hokey Pokey ( 5.3 Analysis Are you all energized now Yes, Ma’am. class? And now please be seated because (The students are we will start are discussion for expected to sit properly.) today. Abstraction A wide variety of circumstances, conditions and pressures can trigger stress for any one person at any moment. "These stress-causing conditions and stresses are referred to as "stressors." Stressors may come from external and/or internal causes. Internal stressors are like little worries and concerns that pop up inside our own mind and body. It's basically the stress that comes from our own thoughts, feelings, and body reactions. A. Common Internal Stressors: 1. Chronic worry - a mental habit wherein an individual is constantly worrying about things which happened and may happen to him/ her. 2. Pessimism- a tendency when an individual expects that something worse will happen and that leads to experiencing lack of hope in life. 3. Negative Self-talk- it is any inner dialogue that a person does in most of his thinking that may limit the ability to have self-confidence and avoid believing in capabilities. 4. Unrealistic expectation/ perfectionism- People who experience this tend to be not satisfied with what they accomplish. They may suffer from painful emotions when they feel that they do not produce a perfect output. 5. Rigid thinking, Lack of flexibilitythese are the kind of difficulties when an individual frequently finds it hard to cope with change. Hence, persons who experience this believe that any kind of change as a source of anxiety. 6. All or nothing attitude- a thinking that leads to holding back from achieving things in life. For instance, one may say that; if he/she can’t be the best player in the team, he will never play the sport. External stressors come from outside. They're the things happening around an individual that can make them feel stressed. These are the kinds of stressors that come from the environment or the people and situations in life. B. Common External Stressors: 1. Major life changes - one may feel stressed when a big part of his/ her life changes into something that is difficult to accept. For instance, a person may find it hard to believe that his/ her business falls near bankruptcy. 2. Work or school - a kind of stressor wherein an individual cannot handle things to deal with in the workplace or school. This includes unexpected deadlines, nature of work, society to work with and so forth. 3. Relationship difficulty - an individual may experience difficulty accomplishing things when they are facing difficulties in building harmonious relationships. For instance, they may feel stressed to handle a husband- wife relationship when quarrels always happen. 4. Financial Problems - this is one of the stressors that entails encountering stress after an individual faced a problem in money. Paying bills, tuition fees, budget for foods and fares, and other money matters are examples of situations that often lead to stress. 5. Children and Family - for many, this stressor is often experienced for a person may feel difficulties in working for their families and in providing everything to their children. For example, a big responsibility comes to an individual after getting married and after giving birth to children who need shelter, food, education and the likes. Internal and external stressors can affect the body’s immune system to the extent that it can cause certain illnesses like the following: ILLNESSES CAUSED BY STRESS 1. Cancer - a serious disease caused by cells that are not normal and that can spread to one or many parts of the body. 2. Asthma- a physical condition that makes it difficult for someone to breathe. 3. Ulcer - a painful, sore area inside or outside of the body. 4. Diarrhea - an illness that causes you to pass waste from your body very frequently and in liquid rather than solid form. 5. Stroke - a serious illness caused when blood vessels in your brain suddenly break or blocked. 6. Migraine - a condition marked by recurrent severe headache often with nausea and vomiting. 7. Cramps - a temporary paralysis of muscles from overuse. 8. Infertility- a condition when an individual cannot produce offspring. 9. Allergies- a medical condition that causes someone to become sick after eating, touching, or breathing that is harmless to most people. 10. Heart attack- a sudden painful and dangerous condition in which your heart stops beating properly. None, Ma’am Do you have any further questions, Class? Application Direction: Fill in the box. Identify the health problems that are ( The students are connected to stress. Write your expected to answer answer in a ½ sheet of paper. base on their own understanding.) 1. A sudden painful and dangerous condition in which your heart stops beating properly. 1. Heart attack 2. Diarrhea 2. An illness that causes you to pass 3. Cancer waste from your body very 4. Ulcer frequently and in liquid rather than 5. Asthma solid form, 6. Infertility 7. Allergies 8. Stroke 9. Migraine 3. A serious disease caused by cells 10. Cramps that are not normal and that can spread to one or many parts of the body. 4. A painful, sore area inside or outside of the body. 5. A physical condition that makes it difficult for someone to breathe. 6. a condition when an individual cannot able to produce offspring. 7. A medical condition that causes someone to become sick after eating, touching, or breathing that is harmless to most people. 8. A serious illness caused when blood vessels in your brain suddenly break or blocked. 9. A condition marked by recurrent severe headache often with nausea and vomiting. 10. A temporary paralysis muscles from over use. Evaluation of Modified True or False Instructions. Read each sentence carefully. Write T if the statement expresses correct idea. If the statement is incorrect, write F. Write your answer in ¼ sheet of paper. 1. Internal stressors come from outside. They're the things happening around an individual that can make them feel stressed. 2. Happy thinking a mental habit wherein an individual is constantly worrying about things which happened and may happen to him/ her. 3. Financial Problems this is one of the stressors that entails encountering (The students will answer base on their own understanding on the lesson.) 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. T 6. F 7. F 8. T 9. T 10. T stress after an individual faced a problem in money. 4. Stressors may come from external and/or internal causes. 5. Cancer is a serious disease caused by cells that are not normal and that can spread to one or many parts of the body. 6. Asthma is a painful, sore area inside or outside of the body. 7. Ulcer is an illness that causes you to pass waste from your body very frequently and in liquid rather than solid form. 8. Heart attack is a sudden painful and dangerous condition in which your heart stops beating properly. 9. Major life changes is one may feel stressed when a big part of his/ her life changes into something that is difficult to accept. 10. Work or school is a kind of stressor wherein an individual cannot handle things to deal with in the workplace or school Assignment Direction: Think of situation in your life when you got tensed. You were probably worried, upset or disappointed at some time in your life. What is/are your reaction/s to this situation? Write your answer in ½ sheet of paper. None, Ma’am! Do you have further questions or clarifications? Thank you and goodbye, Ma’am Ellenor. Good job class! See you next meeting. Remarks Reflection Prepared by: MA. ELLENOR B. LOQUINERIO