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Student Feedback on History Course

I learned so much about history this semester that my high school teacher simply needed to
show us. We always learned about how Abraham Lincoln was the person who freed the slaves,
but until this semester I never knew that it was a strategic move for him to win the war. I was
also really surprised learning about the battles of the Civil War because little details always get
thrown out when learning about them in high school. My favorite topic has to be the Civil War
because the video for it was very immersive.
I believe people a hundred years from now will learn about this day and age much better and
a lot more efficiently due to the advancement of technology that happens by the day. Traditional
textbooks could be replaced by multimedia experiences, providing a more engaging and
personalized understanding of historical events, cultures, and daily life. Also, advancements in
artificial intelligence may add a much deeper insight into the individual’s experiences, making
our world a lot more understanding to the future generation.
I also really like the idea of you making extra videos for the stuff that we did not get to cover
because I will definitely watch it. I also think since it isn’t a mandatory assignment for future
students maybe you could make the videos shorter like down to 20 minutes so it could be easier
to digest while still making it very detailed as always. I really enjoy the music before each video
lesson starts as well we need more of that.