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Engineering Materials Course Questionnaire Response

1) What is your major and why did you select it?
Mechanical Engineering. I selected it in case I get medically disqualified from being a
2) What are your goals for Engineering materials this semester?
Learn what I need to for the next class.
3) What can the instructor do to help you learn the course material?
Explain the material clearly.
4) Visit the week 1 checklist. Any questions on this feature?
5) Were you able to submit week 1 class work assignments?
6) The video content is a required part of the course. Were you able to open and view the 4
videos assigned for week 1?
7) Were you able to find the first two online quizzes?
8) Do you have any questions about the D2L course page, class policy, or the course in
No questions.
9) We’re going to be studying Engineering Materials this semester. What topic(s) do you
hope we will cover?
Stress/Strain graphs and how to read them. Failure analysis would also be neat.
10) Anything else you would like the instructor to know?