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Understanding the State: Elements & Islamic Concepts

The state is a politically organized community. "Machiavelli," wrote in his book
"Prince, "all forces which have control or authority on man state". A state is the
collection of different things like population, government, territory, etc. So, in this
topic, we will discuss the state and its essentials.
The worst state is from the English word "status" which means
Status (English)
1. Politically organized people of different territories.
2. State is a whole community of its members regarded as an organized social
(Richad L. Cole)
3. A particular portion of mankind viewed as an organized unit.
(John Burgess)
• Sovereignty
• Government
• Population
• Territory
The sovereignty is the most important and unique feature of the state. There is no
state without sovereignty. The words Sovereignty are driven from the Latin
word superneous which means supreme authority. However, it is the major
feature of a state. It should be united, permanent, comprehensive, indivisible
absolute and the most powerful authority of a state first stop there are two major
aspects of sovereignty.
• Internal sovereignty
• External sovereignty
Government is the working agency of the state. It is also a major feature of the
state. Besides sovereignty, there is a government that runs the state. The word
government is driven by the Latin word "Gubernare" which means "rule" or
"government". Government is a system or group of organized people to govern a
state or community. Government is the governing agency of the state and consists
of three main parts/bodies.
• Legislative
• Executive
• Judiciary
The whole number of people or inhabitants in a country or a region is called
population. The world population is dried from the Latin word "populous" which
means people. The state is a human institution. Hands population is the element. no
state can be imagined without population. The population is a main and basic
feature of a state. It is however difficult to fix the size of the population of a state.
The modern state is usually very in population. Some states are overpopulated and
some are population.
People cannot form a state unless they have a defined territory. The word
territory is drived from the Latin word "territorium" which means State. The
territory is land occupied by a population from a state. The territory is the material
basis of the state.
Land mountains rivers legs within its boundaries.
Territorial water extending 6 miles into sea form cost.
The other features of state:
 it means that the population and territory of the state are organized and
united under a single supreme power
 Unity is an attribute not an element.
Continuity or Permanence:
 It means that the state continues to exist for all the times
 Government changes but the state continues to exist
 The state is immortal, its laws and sovereignty are for all times
 It means that all states, whether big or small are equal in the eyes of
international law.
 It is an attribute of an external sovereignty
Islamic concept of state:
1. Nature of Islamic Polity:
In Islam, there's no strict rule on how to run a government like in the West.
Instead, the Quran and teachings of Prophet Muhammad give general
guidelines for fair leadership. But they can be adapted to fit different times
and places. This means Islamic states can be flexible in how they're
2. Sovereignty of Allah:
In Islam, Allah is the highest authority. The government's job is to follow Islamic
law (Sharia) and promote a society based on Islamic values. This means the
government serves God, not just one leader's wishes.
3. Caliphate:
The Caliphate was an old system where one leader, called the Caliph, was
seen as the successor to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in leading the Muslim
world politically. Although the Caliphate doesn't exist anymore, some
people think it should come back. But others believe that different types of
governments can still follow Islamic ideas.
4. Government by Consultation (Shura):
Leaders should talk with the people about important things. This doesn't
mean they have to have a democracy like in the West, but it means they
should let the public be involved in making decisions. Leaders should listen
to what the community thinks before making choices.
5. Obedience of Ruler:h
Muslims should follow fair leaders who rule based on Islamic teachings. But
if a leader goes against Islamic law, Muslims might need to speak up or
even stand against them.
5. Equality of all Mankind:
In Islam, everyone is seen as equal in the eyes of God. This means that no
matter your race, where you're from, or how much money you have, you
should be treated fairly and justly by the law.
7. Payment of Zakat:
Zakat is a must-do type of help given to people who don't have much. It's one of
the important things in Islam called the Five Pillars. In a good Islamic society, there
should be a way to collect and give out Zakat to those who really need it. But how
these rules are followed can change based on history, culture, and different ways
of thinking in Islam.
 Consequently, we can say that a state is a political community having an
organized population and government are defined territory and enjoys
Independence from external threats. sovereignty government population and
territory are the essentials of a state.
 The state is made for men not men for the state. (Einstein)
 A full successful state wishes happy poor. (M. Mangat)