Unit 8 Vocabulary Words – Civil War

Unit 8
Vocabulary Words – Civil War
1. Arsenal - a place where weapons
are stored
2. Popular Sovereignty - people
living in a territory will vote to
decide about slavery in their
territory (“the people will rule”)
3. Secede - to break away from
the group
Unit 8
Vocabulary Words – Civil War
4. Union - another name for the
United States; a name for the
North in the Civil War
5. Confederacy - a name for the
group of Southern States that broke
away from the United States during
the Civil War; the Confederate
States of America
6. Preserve - to keep; to save
Unit 8
Vocabulary Words – Civil War
7. Border States - states that
allowed slavery, but remained in
the Union
8. Blockade - closing an area to
keep people and supplies from
going in and out
9. Segregation - the separation of
people based on race
Unit 8
Vocabulary Words – Civil War
10. Discrimination - an unfair
difference in the treatment of