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Language Techniques Exam Questions

51 pts
17 questions
1. If I know 1 thing is that I know nothing -name lang tec and effect
a) Aphorism (paradox)(a pithy statement containing some hint of truth) : Creates
uncertainty through a contradicting meaning, it casts doubt upon the reliability of the
narrator. This is a type of paradox. 1
2. Provide a good pairing for the lang tec above and justify
a) Consonance can be used to exacerbate the confusion and uncertainty through
alliteration of the harshness.
Repetition of Em dashes can also be used to further create doubt in regards to the
truth behind the statement by disrupting the flow of the sentence. 2
3. Anaphora and Epiphora are part of what broader language technique
a) Repetition (Parallelism) 3
4. Use the word anaphoric in a sentence and connect to a valid effect
The anaphoric statement in the beginning of the text places emphasis on a constant
permeating through the changes occurring later on in the sentence. This creates an effect of
consistency through change. 2 (only use anaphoric ‘part that is repeated’)
5. What language technique do I get when I combine diction and enumeration
a) Semantic field 3
6. What effect would I get if I combine 2 language techniques: enumeration and em dash
a) Asyndeton 0 (read question) creates independent and interrelated emphasis, this
creates Cumulative emphasis.
7. Give me an example of an assonance that creates a harsh effect and a consonance that
generates a gentle effect
a) Assonance: The sheer cliff bears no clear path up
Consonance: The soft sea silently crashes upon the sand. 3
8. Give definition for diacope and polysyndeton
a) Diacope: bru circular repetitive repetition
Polysyndeton: Repetition of a conjunction 1
E.g: ‘The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round’
9. What kind of effect does an asyndeton generate
a) Asyndeton is the absence of conjunctions, it is used to increase the pace of a
sentence and flow. This can be used to heighten tension. 2
10. Give effect of diction ‘infested’ and tie to morality
a) Infested is synonymous with an unwanted presence of a large number of creatures,
typically pests. When ‘infested’ is used it connotes an effect of a state of dilapidation
caused by external influence; typically worse than the original state. In terms of
morality, ‘infested’ can be used to show moral degradation of a person or group of
persons. 3
11. Give an example of high modality language that is disguised as low modality
a) ‘Do try not to die.’ (e.g: probably do this…) 3
12. What language technique is best paired with monosyllabic diction
a) Imperatives 3
13. Definition and effect of polyptoton
a) Polyptoton is the repetition of a root word in a different form in the same sentence.
This can be used to create uneasiness, discomfort or to unsettle the reader through
the repetition of the same word but with slight differences. 3 (analysis of polyptoton
can be done through analysing the differences in repetition, i.e. the imperfection)
14. Difference between ambiguity and uncertainty
a) Ambiguity is the intentional omission of information to leave the ending or result
unknown whereas uncertainty reduces the confidence in the narrator/character
himself through showing the narrator or character with little confidence. Ambiguity is
intentionally deceiving to create a double meaning, uncertainty is a general lack of
detail 0-1
15. What is the relationship between paradox and aphorism
a) An aphorism is a type of paradox whereas a paradox is not necessarily an aphorism.
An aphorism is a pithy statement that contains some truth whereas a paradox is a
contradictory statement which somehow makes sense. An example is ‘keep your
friends close but your enemies closer.’ 2
16. What is the big 4 that a lexical field directly contributes to?
a) Imagery, atmosphere, tone, mood 3
17. What type of rhetoric is the following?
98% of scientists are in consensus that climate change is a problem. Why do you think you
know better?
a) Pathos: appeal to authority. 1.5 (ethos)