RISK ASSESSMENT & SAFE WORK PROCEDURE Use this form to document the Risk Assessment (RA) and Safe Work Procedure (SWP) for hazardous activities and processes. The information in your Safe Work Procedure (SWP) should be supported by a risk assessment. Faculty/School: Initial Issue Date: Next Review Date: RA/SWP Reference Number: Version Issue Date: RA/SWP Title: Prepared by: Responsible supervisor/s: Approved by: Name and position Approved by: Signature and date Risk Assessment Methodology Assessing the risk is a brainstorming exercise, which is most effectively carried out in a team environment with the people required to complete the activity or process. Most activities or processes are broken down into a variety of separate tasks. For each task, consider the hazards, the potential harm or negative outcomes and the conditions required for those negative outcomes to occur. Whenever assessing the health and safety risks associated with a task, always consider the following primary risk factors. The physical activities required to complete the task e.g. repetitive movement, high force, physical exertion, awkward posture The work environment e.g. lighting, work layout, traffic, thermal comfort, working in isolation The nature of the hazard itself e.g. working with chemicals, microorganisms, radiation, machinery, potentially violent clients The individual workers involved, e.g. level of training, skills, experience, health, age, physical capacity The information gathered from the risk assessment process must be used to develop a Safe Work Procedure (SWP). Equipment and processes being introduced to Building J03 (Engineering Technology Precinct) are to consider the following elements when preparing the Risk Assessment: a. PC2 requirements: What class of organisms are to be used, what processes will they be introduced to, what is the mechanism for storage, spill, loss of containment, skin contact and waste management? b. Chemicals and reagents: Is there appropriate segregation of incompatible Dangerous Goods? Will the additional volume not exceed total load limits for the area? What is the mechanism for storage, spill, loss of containment, skin contact and waste management? c. Are compressed gases being used? What are the precautions around gas monitoring and ensuring there are no potential ignition sources near the use (and storage) of flammable gases? (Users are to be aware and familiar with locations of outlets for reticulated flammable and toxic gases in their labs.) d. Use of radioactive substances must be approved and in compliance with AS 2243.4, Ionising Radiation. (As at June 2021, no radioactive work has been designed or approved for J03.) e. Laboratory equipment (communal or exclusive to a research group): SWP in place identifying all risks posed by use of the equipment. SWP to indicate management of cross-contamination, location of the equipment not posed adverse impact on neighbouring activities, logistics do not create potential for congregation of people working on different activities, cleaning practice after use, calibration and maintenance of the equipment. Users are to be trained for competence in the RISK ASSESSMENT & SAFE WORK PROCEDURE procedure. f. Laser safety considerations, including interlocking shut down, background eye checks, with appropriate training and records in place. Transportation of hazardous substances in lifts, including compressed gases and cryogens: Ensure use of the lock-out lift for the transportation of all Dangerous Goods and hazardous substances. Activity or Process: Identify who may be at risk This may include fellow workers, students, visitors, contractors, and the public Persons at risk: Location: Risk Assessment Team (Who was consulted?): Identify the activity and the location List of Legislation, Code of Practice, Australian Standards, Guidance Materials used to determine control measures Page 2 RISK ASSESSMENT & SAFE WORK PROCEDURE RISK ASSESSMENT The following risk assessment is generic for this procedure. Individuals are required to ensure a dynamic risk assessment process is applied when undertaking this procedure: 1. Review this risk assessment before commencing the procedure to determine whether additional hazards or heightened risks are present and determine whether any additional controls are required. 2. Constantly monitor the exposure to risk throughout the procedure to determine whether additional controls or actions are required. Task or scenario Hazard/s Associated harm Existing Risk Controls Residual Current Are any additional controls risk risk rating* required? rating* RISK ASSESSMENT & SAFE WORK PROCEDURE IF YOU CHANGE ANY OF THE CONDITIONS (SCALING UP/DOWN, TESTING DIFFERENT REAGENTS, ALTERING CONCENTRATION ETC.) YOU MUST REVIEW ALL ASPECTS OF THIS RISK ASSESSMENT TO DETERMINE IF ANY HAZARDS OR RISKS ARE ALTERED BY THE CHANGE OF CONDITIONS, AND IF SO, A NEW RISK ASSESSMENT MUST BE COMPLETED. EFFECTIVENESS RISK CONTROLS No ELIMINATION Can this procedure or any of the associated processes be eliminated? ☐ ☐ SUBSTITUTION Can safer alternate processes or less hazardous chemical(s) be used? ☐ ☐ Use of a specialist facility (specify): ☐ ☐ Specialist fume cupboard required (e.g. highly toxic, or fume hood with scrubber)? ☐ ☐ Other local Exhaust ventilation ☐ ☐ Is a blast shield required?** ☐ ☐ Are minimum volumes for the reaction scale being used? ☐ ☐ Roof closure necessary? ☐ ☐ Special sample storage requirements (specify below): ☐ ☐ Have ignition sources, proximity to other experiments/processes and housekeeping been considered? ☐ ☐ Other ☐ ☐ Additional approvals (after-hours, safety officer etc.) required? ☐ ☐ University Risk Assessment required for any High-Risk Chemicals?*** ☐ ☐ Does the workspace have all necessary controls in place to conduct the reaction safely? ☐ ☐ Is additional signage required for your reaction?**** ☐ ☐ Standard PPE required is lab coat, safety glasses, footwear ☐ ☐ Eye / Face protection (specify) ☐ ☐ Gloves ☐ ☐ Hearing ☐ ☐ Most ISOLATION / ENGINEERING ADMINISTRATION Least Yes PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT **N.B. A blast shield MUST be used for any reactions involving heating or pressure build-up (e.g. gas evolution) in a sealed vessel. A blast shield must also be used for any reactions involving potentially explosive chemicals (PECs). *** High-risk chemicals include any scheduled chemicals (e.g. restricted/prohibited carcinogens, scheduled poisons). **** This includes signs required for the use of scheduled carcinogens, highly toxic reagents, nanoparticles, and potentially explosive materials. SAFE WORK PROCEDURE List resources required including personal protective clothing, chemicals and equipment needed Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Lab coat/gown (full length sleeve) and trousers must be worn. Sturdy, non-absorbent footwear must be always worn in work areas. Long and loose hair should be tied back. RISK ASSESSMENT & SAFE WORK PROCEDURE Safety glasses Disposable gloves (nitrile or latex) Other PPE Equipment Chemicals and Equipment Equipment 1 Equipment 2 Chemical 1 Chemical 2 Etc. List step by step instructions or order for undertaking the task List emergency shutdown procedures List Emergency procedures for how to deal with fires, spills or exposure to hazardous substances List Clean up and waste disposal requirements List references used in the development of this SWP e.g., codes of practice List competency required – qualifications, certificates, licensing, training - e.g., course or instruction: Staff approved to assess competence for this SWP SWP Sign off sheet SWP name and version: Page 5 RISK ASSESSMENT & SAFE WORK PROCEDURE In signing this section the assessor agrees that the following persons are competent in following this RASWP. There would be an aim to have all training records associated with all Engineering SWPs available on a university platform and not require continual update of this type of table. Name Signature Date Competent Name of Assessor/Authoriser Assessor/Authoriser signature Risk Matrix Page 6