Sheep Farm Tour Directions: Go to the website, watch the videos, do some research, and answer the questions. 1. Why are sheep able to be housed inside and outside, no matter the weather? 2. What predators do sheep farmers worry about? 3. Why are sheep moved to different pasture segments every 3 days? (Hint: 2 reasons) 4. What 2 ways are ewes able to identify their babies? 5. In the Ewe/lamb barn, what is given to them every morning? 6. Why is it important to shear? 7. What types of products do we use wool for? 8. How is each animal identified? What information can be found linked to each animal's number? Go back to the website. Click on the puzzle piece labeled “What is the goal of a sheep farmer?” 9. List the 3 types of feed which are part of sheep’s diets. 10. What is the number 1 goal in farming sheep? 11. What does a nutritionist do? 12. What is a ration? Go back to the website. Click on the puzzle piece labeled “What are Livestock Guardian Dogs?” 13. Why did the farmers need dogs to live their heard? 14. How many guardian dogs do they have? 15. How many sheep have they lost? Go back to the website. Click on any puzzle piece you haven’t watched yet and give me a summary of the information in the video. 3-5 sentences. ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________