Uploaded by Barry “BengalsBaz” Millar

Exercise Strength Ratios: Weightlifting, Powerlifting, Fitness

Weight Lifting
Squat to Clean and Jerk = 131%
Snatch to Clean and Jerk = 80%
Front Squat to Clean and Jerk = 105%
Power Clean to Clean and Jerk = 85%
Power Lifting
Front Squat to Back Squat = 85%
Deadlift to Back Squat = 120%
Strict Press to Bench Press = 60%
Weighted Dip to Bench (include bodyweight) = 105%
Weighted Chin Up to Bench (include bodyweight) = 90%
Functional Fitness
Squat Clean to Bench Press = 100%
Mile Run to 400m Run = 20% slower velocity
Fran to 1 Mile Run = 50%
Unbroken Thruster (95/65lbs) to Kipping Pull Ups = 100%
GHD Sit Up to Handstand Push Up = 100%
1km Row to 800m Run = 90%