Maine Republic Email Alert No.014 “. . . that I should bear witness unto the truth.” — John 18:33 // David E. Robinson, Publisher “. . . if the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself for battle?” — I Corinthians 14:8 Acceptance For Value (A4V) VIA The IRS When you receive a presentment from a corporation it is not really a bill, it is a credit instrument that you can use as a money order per HJR 192 of June 5, 1933. Since 1933, no one in America has been able to “pay” a debt with money backed by silver or gold. Payment of debt with money backed by silver or gold is against Public Policy established by Congress. Henceforth, every “charge” of debt shall be “discharged.” The United States went bankrupt, by filing Chapter 11, in 1933. There is no gold to back up our money supply, so they used our birth certificates, which represent the future labor of our bodies, to create needed funds. We are creditors of the United States who can turn any “debt” into a “credit instrument” with which we can “pay” our debts; by endorsing it with our signature. Federal Reserve Notes (FRNs) are “debt instruments”. And you cannot “pay” a debt with more debt. It just increases the debt. Negative 10 dollars, minus negative 10 dollars = negative 20 dollars. We create money with our signature. We can discharge all debts with our signature; backed by the future commercial energy that we will produce. When you get a “presentment” — a traffic ticket, a bill, or a summons, etc. — you can “discharge” the presented “charge”. The bill (the presentment) is like a check. “Accept (the presentment) for Value”, and endorse it on the back as you would a check, and send it to the IRS, because they know what to do with it. They are pros at handling this stuff. Or why not use the voucher as a money order to “discharge” the “charge”? In other words, turn the voucher into a money order and use it to “discharge” the so-called debt. Write on the voucher-face: This is what you can do . . . When you get a presentment, you look at it and see a bill, but what it really is, is a check. So “Accept it for Value” which is your right. It is your credit being returned to you. Let me show you how to do this. Write on the presentment at an angle in red: E ACCEPTED FOR VALU VY EXEMPT FROM LE SURY DEPOSIT TO US TREA e ink) blu in (your name in cursive 9) 78 (exemption # 123456 (month/day/year) ame in caps) (charge to strawman-n (SS # 123-45-6789) Endorse the back (your name in cursive in blue ink) (authorized representative) This is discharging the debt with your signature — your “credit sign.” The bill they have sent you is not really a bill; it’s a credit return. Say someone give you a $200 dollar bill. Cool! Right? That’s a $200 dollar credit — your credit — what Uncle Sam owes you in return for his use of your credit. So why not accept the return? Why not Accept [the return of your credit] For [its] Value? (AFV or A4V). This is a money order Pay to the US Treasury (write out the amount in cursive) (add the numerical figures) (your name in cursive in blue ink) (authorized representative) (exemption # 123456789) Endorse the voucher on the back as you would any check Send it with a form 1099-A — not to the corporation that sent you the bill, but to the IRS: IRS - Treasury UCC Contract Trust 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. 20220 IRS - Stop 4440 P. O. Box 9036 Ogden, Utah 84201 IRS - CID Box 192 Covington, KY 41012 Every time you see a bill, look at it as your credit being returned to you. You can discharge any public debt that you see: credit cards, school loans, mortgages; etc. Processing may take 60-90 days. Give Yourself Credit: Money Doesn’t Grow On Trees But don’t buy anything with it. A4V is not for creating debt; A4V is only for discharging debt. Office of The Maine free State, 3 Linnell Circle, Brunswick, Maine 04011 Available from your local book retailer or from