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Personal Development 1st Quarter Exam

S.Y. 2019-2020
General Directions: Read and understand the following test items carefully. STRICTLY follow
instructions. Write your answers in your booklet.
Directions: Read each sentences carefully. Write TRUE if the statement is correct, write
FALSE if otherwise. Write your answers in CAPITAL LETTER.
_________ 1. Stress response is the same at a given time, it is the intensity and period of time that alter.
_________ 2. Children don’t experience mental health problems.
_________ 3. The mother is the first social contact of a child.
_________ 4. Heredity is a biological factor which affects the genetic makeup of a person.
_________ 5. The awareness of one’s morality is based on the idea of spiritual value.
_________ 6. Human development starts from the moment the child begins to recognize his
_________ 7. Stages of conception happens from fertilization to birth.
_________ 8. Real self is the actual self that focuses on what a person sees, acts, and thinks.
_________ 9. Sensory – motor stage begins during the birth of a child.
_________ 10. Concrete – operational stage is also called as the early adolescent stage.
_________ 12. Growth is based on quantifying changes.
_________ 13. Frontal lobe is the largest part of the cerebellum cortex.
_________ 14. Frustrations are negative effects of stress.
_________ 15. The brain is the largest part of the body.
_________ 16. People with a mental illness are violent.
_________ 17. The mentally ill cannot be trusted around children.
_________ 18. Mental illness is caused by a personal weakness.
_________ 19. The self-esteem of a person revolves on feeling good about their physical aspects.
_________ 20. Depression is a serious physical illness that negatively affects how you feel, the way you
think, and how you act.
Directions: Read the items carefully. Choose the letter of the BEST answer.
Anna is a Grade 5 pupil. She is raised in a place far from violence. She excels in all the
subject areas because of her high intellectual capacity which she inherited from her
parents. What is being implied from the given paragraph?
a. Anna is blessed with intelligence and supportive family.
b. Anna is born rich and provided with security around the day.
c. Anna is a genius child.
d. Anna is a product of both notable heredity and conducive environment.
2. The mental aspect is one of the aspects that affects the holistic development of a
person. Which of the following situations best illustrates a person having a welldeveloped mental aspect?
a. Person A is always cautious of his actions leading him to become perfectionist.
b. Person B shares his experiences to his classmates about combating depression.
c. Person C executes understanding of the lesson by remembering the topic.
d. Person D shows positive attitude for his teachers to praise him.
3. What is true about Object Permanence?
a. A child believes that nothing stays the same over a period of time.
b. Change is the only constant thing in the world.
c. An infant understand that an object continues to exist even without seeing it.
d. An object remains present unless acted by an outside force.
4. Determination is a personal resource that is usable in developing one’s personality.
Which of the following is NOT true about determination?
a. It is the result of being aware of one’s self in achieving something.
b. It is the result of having a clear vision in the mind.
c. It is focusing on achieving a specific goal.
d. Allowing oneself to continue moving in spite of the problems faced.
5. What is the first stage of human development?
a. Birth
c. Conception
b. Infancy
d. none of the above
6. Which of the following sentences DOES NOT describe development?
a. A child learns to talk at the age of 7.
b. Enan achieves 7’ ft. when he turned 21.
c. The infant starts to mumble words.
d. The toddler begins to walk with the help of his mother.
7. At what stage does physical change and sex maturation happens?
a. Puberty
c. Early Adulthood
b. Late Childhood
d. Late Adulthood
8. The awareness of what is wrong and right refers to what aspect?
a. Spiritual
c. Moral
b. Physical
d. Mental
9. Mart is a 4 year old child who keeps asking his father repeatedly about the existence
of God. He manifests curiosity of all the things that surround him. He also loves to play
pretend of superheroes. In what stage of development does Mart is in?
a. Early Childhood
c. Early Adulthood
b. Late Childhood
d. Adolescence
10. What are the 3 stages of conception?
a. germinal, zygotic, embryonic
b. embryonic, fetal, zygotic
c. fetal, zygotic, germinal
d. germinal, embryonic, fetal
11. ___________ is the complex genetic structure of an individual that makes us unique
from each other.
a. Heredity
c. Environment
b. Personality
d. Personal resources
12. Which of the following things can have an effect on the development of one’s
a. Mental and physical capabilities
b. Social and emotional capabilities
c. Sexual preference, age, gender, family background
d. All of the above
13. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
a. Enan and Mart argued that environment solely affects ones personality.
b. The strong and weak mental aspects of the individual inherited from the parents
can be developed.
c. A child who engages himself in free play is given the opportunity to release
resentments, fears, and frustrations.
d. The mother is the first social contact of a child.
14. Which of the following is NOT an aspect of the self?
a. Moral
c. Behavioural
b. Physical
d. Social
15. This refers to the consequence of the awareness of one’s self.
a. Self-awareness
c. Self-concept
b. Self-confidence
d. Self-satisfaction
16. Rita is studying in advance for her upcoming 1st Quarter Examination. She is also
bombarded with paper works that is due a day before the exam. Her parents are
expecting her to top the class. In spite of the fact that Rita is facing a lot of school works
and pressure she was able to compose herself from getting burned out. What could
best explain Rita’s personality?
a. Rita is a strong person.
b. Rita can do multitasking.
c. Rita developed a whole rounded personality.
d. Rita is competitive.
17. Harvy losses his balance and fell when he walked down on a slippery floor. What part
of the brain is concern of Harvy’s situation?
a. Cerebellum
c. Brain Stem
b. Cerebrum
d. Limbic System
18. Most teens are at high risk of suffering anxiety, eating disorder, and ____________. They
need to manage and cope up their emotions more maturely.
a. Self-confidence
c. Depression
b. Learning disorder
d. Phobia
19. Family is the center of a child’s development. Basic and essential values are learned
through the guidance of a family. Why is family considered as the building blocks of a
developing child?
a. The family is the social laboratory of a child.
b. The family is an institution where the child learns both positive and negative
c. The family provides meaningful learning experiences that help the child develop
d. All of the above.
20. _____________ is the relationship of a person’s way of thinking, talking, and behaving.
a. Mental health
c. Emotional Intelligence
b. Ideal Self
d. Psychological Health
21. It is a 3 pound organ which is responsible for the total function of a human body.
a. Heart
c. Mind
b. Brain
d. Lungs
22. Which of the following illustrates an involuntary movement of the body?
a. Inhalation & exhalation
c. Winking of the eye
b. Contraction of biceps
d. Squat siting
23. Carla is known for her competent skills in poetry and theatre. She is always invited to
perform on special occasions to showcase her artistry. Which hemisphere of the brain
does Carla dominates?
a. Right Hemisphere
c. Left Hemisphere
b. Intermediate Hemisphere d. Whole Brain Hemisphere
24. The school is an institution for learning. The school provides an opportunity to the child
to develop into a more refined individual through the different classroom instructions.
Along with this is the undeniable fact that school is also one of the stressors of every
child. What type of stressor does school belongs to?
a. Physical
c. Mental
b. Social
d. Personal
25. The desire to be treated in accordance with one’s status is one of the individual’s most
important values. Which of the following calls for this idea?
a. Self-satisfaction
c. Social acceptance
b. Self-confidence
d. Social need
26. Mental health is the condition of a person’s psychological, emotional, and social wellbeing. What can be inferred from the statement about mental health?
a. Mental health focuses solely in the ability to cope up with anxiety and stress.
b. Mental health affects the holistic performance of an individual.
c. People with mental problems are dangerous and unpredictable.
d. None of the above
27. It is considered as the basic fundamental unit of the nervous system.
a. Nerve cells
c. Neurotransmitters
b. Neurons
d. Nucleus
28. Given the stages of development, which of the following is arranged from beginning
to end?
a. Conception – Pre-natal – Birth – Old-age
b. Birth – Childhood – Infancy – Old-age
c. Fertilization – Infancy – Puberty – Old-age
d. Conception – Puberty – Childhood - Infancy
29. Which part of the brain is responsible for the executive functions of the body?
a. Brain cells
c. Cerebellum
b. Brain stem
d. Cerebrum
30. This theory infers that the brain is divided into 2 hemispheres.
a. Triune Theory
c. Brain Theory
b. Split Theory
d. Whole Brain Theory
31. “You are beloved. You are worthy. You are a gift.”
What could be BEST inferred from the given statement?
a. Every human being is unique and original.
b. Parents should always be the greatest support system of a child.
c. Everyone is given the free will to be happy.
d. To appreciate one’s value and importance in life.
32. “I see your true colours shining through. That’s why I love you so don’t be afraid to let
them show.” What is being implied from the famous song about body-esteem?
a. Real people with real heart will love the real you.
b. Don’t live your life just by pleasing others.
c. Have courage and be kind.
d. It’s okay not to be okay sometimes.
33. _________ is the extreme fear of shame, doubt, and falling short. It results from feeling
unworthy, unloved, and hopelessness.
a. Anxiety
c. Depression
b. Phobia
d. Mental disorder
34. What are the two hemispheres of the brain?
a. Right and Left Hemispheres
b. Cerebrum and Cerebellum
c. Left and Right Spheres
d. None of the above
35. Martin is introvert. He always isolate himself from his classmates especially during class
activities. Later, he manifests a change of behaviour when he starts to converse with
his classmates. He becomes more active during class discussions. What could possibly
influence Martin’s change of behaviour?
a. Martin is required by his teacher to mingle or else he will receive low grades.
b. The class supports Martin by giving him always token.
c. The environment is helpful in developing the social aspects of Martin.
d. Martin receives high grades if he speaks up.
36. Dennmark is a genius student. He excels in both science and numbers and even
excellent in linguistics. He shows competence in analytical and critical reasoning that’s
why the school always sends him to different quiz bowls. Which hemisphere dominates
more in Dennmark?
a. Left hemisphere
c. Cerebral cortex
b. Right hemisphere
d. Neo Cortex
37. Where are the lobes of brain located?
a. Cerebellum
c. Cerebral cortex
b. Limbic system
d. Neo cortex
38. The following are concerns and issues that affect teenagers in terms of interpersonal
relationship, EXCEPT
a. Career planning
c. Parental relationship
b. Social acceptance
d. Body image
39. Which of the following situations gives the greatest grief?
a. The death of a loved ones.
b. The idea of falling short.
c. The feeling of broken heartedness.
d. All of the above.
40. The following statements is a definition of stress, EXCEPT:
a. A mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness.
b. Something that causes strong feelings of worry or anxiety.
c. A state of mental or emotional strain.
d. It is a response to pressure or threat.
“Stop worrying of what lies in the future. Live in the present. Learn from the past.”
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