Cha’ele Species: Mirialan Advancements: 4 (Veteran) Agility: d8 Smarts: d6 Strength: d6 Spirit: d8 Vigor: d6 Pace: 6 +1d6 Parry: 6 (7 with lightsabers) Toughness: 9 (4) Power Points: 10 SKILLS: Academics d6, Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Healing d6, Intimidation d6, Fighting d8, Notice d8, Persuasion d8, Shooting d6, Stealth d4, Use Force d8. HINDRANCES: Code of Honor: Jedi (Major), Heroic (Major), Loyal (Minor), Vow: Preserve the Jedi Order (Minor) EDGES: Charismatic, Force Sensitive (Light Side), Jedi Knight, Trademark Weapons (Lightsaber). FORCE POWERS: Battle Strike, Empathy, Vital Transfer. SPECIAL ABILITIES: Mind Link – You can create a telepathic connection between yourself and others by spend 1 Mind Link point per target, lasting 30 minutes (you have 15 Mind Link Points, which regenerate the same as other Power Points). GEAR: Jedi Battle Armor - Light (Armor +4; -1 PP for Light Side Powers) Blue Lightsaber (Damage: Str+d6+8, AP 12; Mephite Crystal) NOTES: Mephite Crystal (+2 on attack rolls). Cha’ele rolls d8 to hit (adding +3 to the result) with his Blue Lightsaber and does 2d6+8 damage with AP 12. As a Jedi Knight, when he has a Lightsaber readied and he is aware of a ranged attack, the Target Number to hit him is 5 (before other modifiers are added). Once per turn (if not shaken or stunned), he may roll Shooting to redirect one failed range attack to hit a target within 6 yards of him. Droaman Species: Aleena Advancements: 4 (Veteran) Agility: d8 Smarts: d8 Strength: d6 Spirit: d6 Vigor: d6 Pace: 5 +1d4 Parry: 6 (7 with lightsaber) Toughness: 8(4) (9(4) with lightsaber) Power Points: 10 SKILLS: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d4, Fighting d8, Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Shooting d6, Stealth d8, Taunt d6, Thievery d8, Use Force d8. HINDRANCES: Code of Honor: Jedi (Major), Heroic (Major), Stubborn (Minor), Quirk: Collect Every Recipe You Can (Minor) EDGES: Danger Sense, Force Sensitive (Light Side), Jedi Knight, Thief, Trademark Weapons (Lightsaber). FORCE POWERS: Blind, Illusion, Mind Reading. SPECIAL ABILITIES: Boost (Skill) – You can Boost one of your skills by 1 die type by spending 1 Boost point, lasting 5 rounds (you have 15 Boost Points, which regenerate the same as other Power Points). GEAR: Jedi Battle Armor - Light (Armor +4; -1 PP for Light Side Powers) Purple Lightsaber (Damage: Str+d6+8, AP 12; Jenraux Crystal) NOTES: Jenraux Crystal (+1 to Toughness). Droaman rolls d8 to hit (adding +1 to the result) with his Purple Lightsaber and does 2d6+8 damage with AP 12. As a Jedi Knight, when he has a Lightsaber readied and he is aware of a ranged attack, the Target Number to hit him is 5 (before other modifiers are added). Once per turn (if not shaken or stunned), he may roll Shooting to redirect one failed range attack to hit a target within 6 yards of him. Droaman gains +1 to hit human sized targets and they suffer -1 to hit Droaman. Droon Species: Nautolan Advancements: 4 (Veteran) Agility: d8 Smarts: d6 Strength: d6 Spirit: d6 Vigor: d8 Pace: 6 +1d6 Parry: 7 (9 with lightsabers) Toughness: 11 (4) Power Points: 10 SKILLS: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d4, Healing d4, Intimidation d4, Fighting d10, Notice d4, Persuasion d4, Repair d4, Shooting d6, Stealth d4, Use Force d8. HINDRANCES: Code of Honor: Jedi (Major), Heroic (Major), Loyal (Minor), Stubborn (Minor) EDGES: Force Sensitive (Light Side), Jedi Knight, Trademark Weapons (Lightsaber and Paired Lightsabers), Two-Fisted. FORCE POWERS: Force Shield, Surge, Vital Transfer. SPECIAL ABILITIES: Aquatic – You cannot drown in oxygenated liquid and move at your full Pace when swimming. Low-Light Vision – Ignore penalties for Dim or Dark illumination (but not for Pitch Darkness). Environmental Weakness: You suffer -4 to resist the effects of Arid Climates (Heat). GEAR: Jedi Battle Armor - Light (Armor +4; -1 PP for Light Side Powers) Blue Lightsaber (Damage: Str+d6+10, AP 12; Sigil Crystal) Green Lightsaber (Damage: Str+d6+8; AP 12; Jenraux Crystal) NOTES: Jenraux Crystal (+1 Toughness), Sigil Crystal (+2 damage). Droon rolls d10+1 to hit with his Blue Lightsaber and does 2d6+11 damage with AP 12. Droon rolls d10-1 to hit with his Green Lightsaber and does 2d6+9 damage with AP 12. Droon may attack with each of his Lightsabers without suffering a Multi-Action penalty. He gains +1 to hit targets who are unarmed or armed with a single weapon. As a Jedi Knight, when he has a Lightsaber readied and he is aware of a ranged attack, the Target Number to hit him is 6 (before other modifiers are added). Once per turn (if not shaken or stunned), he may roll Shooting to redirect one failed range attack to hit a target within 6 yards of him. Kal A’Dor Species: Bothan Advancements: 4 (Veteran) Agility: d10 Smarts: d4 Strength: d8 Spirit: d6 Vigor: d8 Pace: 6 +1d6 Parry: 6 Toughness: 12 (6) SKILLS: Athletics d6, Battle d4, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d8, Notice d6, Persuasion d4, Shooting d10, Stealth d8, Survival d6, Taunt d6, Thievery d6. HINDRANCES: Enemy: Hutt Gangster (Minor), Heroic (Major), Loyal (Minor), Overconfident (Major) EDGES: Combat Reflexes, Rock and Roll! SPECIAL ABILITIES: Natural Spies – You gain +2 to Notice and Hacking rolls to find hidden things. GEAR: Powered Battle Armor (Armor +6; Climbing Claws, Helmet Package, Shadowskin, Vacuum Sealing-Standard) Blaster Pistol (15/30/60; Damage 2d6; AP 2; ROF 1 (3); Mods: Rapid Recycler; Stun) Blaster Rifle (30/60/120; Damage 2d8+2; AP2; ROF 3; Mods: Computerized Interface Scope, Double Trigger, Pulse Charger, Rangefinder; Two-Handed when Stock is Extended) Vibroblade (Damage: Str+d6+2; AP4) Grenades, Fragmentation x2 (5/10/20; Damage 3d6, LBT) Grenades, Smoke x2 (5/10/20, LBT) NOTES: Climbing Claws (Climb at Pace 3), Computerized Interface Scope (Reduce Range by one category when Aiming), Double Trigger (gain +4 to attack when you Aim, rather than +2), Helmet Package (+1 to Notice checks, Low-Light Vision, and hands-free Comlink), Pulse Charger (-1 to hit, but +1 to damage per die), Rangefinder (+1 to hit in Short Range, but does not stack with Interface or Targeting Scopes), Rapid Cycler (switch from ROF 1 to ROF 3 as an Action), Shadowskin (+2 to Stealth checks), Vacuum Seals (10 hours in Vacuum/Hostile Environment). Knox, Jedi Rogue Species: Human Advancements: 4 (Veteran) Agility: d8 Smarts: d8 Strength: d6 Spirit: d8 Vigor: d6 Pace: 6 +1d6 Parry: 6 (7 with lightsabers) Toughness: 9 (4) Power Points: 10 SKILLS: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d8, Notice d8, Persuasion d8, Piloting d8, Shooting d6, Stealth d6, Thievery d6, Use Force d8. HINDRANCES: Code of Honor: Jedi Overconfident (Major) (Major), Heroic (Major), EDGES: Force Sensitive (Light Side), Jedi Knight, Trademark Weapons (Lightsaber). FORCE POWERS: Force Sight, Force Slam, Move Object. GEAR: Jedi Battle Armor - Light (Armor +4; -1 PP for Light Side Powers) Yellow Lightsaber (Damage: Str+d6+8, AP 12; Sulani Crystal) Blaster Pistol (15/30/60; Damage 2d6; AP 2; ROF 1 (3); Mods: Rapid Recycler; Stun) NOTES: Sulani Crystal (+2 to redirect missed ranged attacks). Knox rolls d8 to hit (adding +1 to the result) with his Yellow Lightsaber and does 2d6+8 damage with AP 12. As a Jedi Knight, when he has a Lightsaber readied and he is aware of a ranged attack, the Target Number to hit him is 5 (before other modifiers are added). Once per turn (if not shaken or stunned), he may roll Shooting (adding +2 to the result) to redirect one failed range attack to hit a target within 6 yards of him. Tan Niv Species: Rodian Advancements: 4 (Veteran) Agility: d10 Smarts: d6 Strength: d6 Spirit: d8 Vigor: d8 Pace: 6 +1d6 Parry: 5 Toughness: 10 (4) SKILLS: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d4, Electronics d6, Fighting d6, Hacking d8, Intimidation d6, Notice d6, Persuasion d4, Shooting d8, Stealth d8, Survival d4, Thievery d8. HINDRANCES: Greedy (Minor), Heroic (Major), Impulsive (Major), Ruthless (Minor) EDGES: Alertness, Thief SPECIAL ABILITIES: Keen Senses – You gain the Alertness Edge. GEAR: Camo Armor (Armor +4; Climbing Claws, Helmet Package, Vacuum Sealing-Standard, Whistling Birds) Blaster Pistol (15/30/60; Damage 2d6; AP 2; ROF 1 (3); Mods: Rapid Recycler; Stun) Vibroblade (Damage: Str+d6+2; AP4) Grenades, Fragmentation x2 (5/10/20; Damage 3d6, LBT) Grenades, Smoke x2 (5/10/20, LBT) NOTES: Climbing Claws (Climb at Pace 3), Helmet Package (+1 to Notice checks, Low-Light Vision, and handsfree Comlink), Rapid Cycler (switch from ROF 1 to ROF 3 as an Action), Vacuum Seals (10 hours in Vacuum/Hostile Environment), Whistling Birds (A barrage of small explosive darts fill a MBT. Roll Shooting attack, doing 2d6 damage on a hit, 3d6 on a raise). You gain +2 to Notice rolls and you gain +1 to Thievery, Athletics rolls made to climb, and Stealth rolls in urban environments. The Knight Below Model: Modified YT-2400 Transport SIZE: 14, SCALE MOD +6, WOUNDS 6, TOUGHNESS 24(6), HANDLING -2 PACE 16(vs) 6 (ss) Crew 4, Passengers 7 Energy 450, Mods 14(13) NOTES: Hyperdrive x0.75 (Nav Computer +4 to Astrogation Rolls), Backup Hyperdrive x12, HA, Speed (4), Shields (3), Weapon Mount (Second Turret) WEAPONS: Medium Laser (Dual Linked, Turret Top, +1 to Shooting) (3d10+2, AP 10, HW, 150/300/600) Medium Laser (Dual Linked, Turret Top, +1 to Shooting) (3d10+2, AP 10, HW, 150/300/600)