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Knight Below

Species: Mirialan
Advancements: 4 (Veteran)
Agility: d8
Smarts: d6
Strength: d6
Spirit: d8
Vigor: d6
Pace: 6 +1d6
Parry: 6 (7 with lightsabers)
Toughness: 9 (4)
Power Points: 10
Academics d6, Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6,
Healing d6, Intimidation d6, Fighting d8, Notice d8,
Persuasion d8, Shooting d6, Stealth d4, Use Force d8.
Code of Honor: Jedi (Major), Heroic (Major), Loyal (Minor),
Vow: Preserve the Jedi Order (Minor)
Charismatic, Force Sensitive (Light Side), Jedi Knight,
Trademark Weapons (Lightsaber).
Battle Strike, Empathy, Vital Transfer.
Mind Link – You can create a telepathic connection
between yourself and others by spend 1 Mind Link
point per target, lasting 30 minutes (you have 15
Mind Link Points, which regenerate the same as other Power Points).
Jedi Battle Armor - Light (Armor +4; -1 PP for Light Side Powers)
Blue Lightsaber (Damage: Str+d6+8, AP 12; Mephite Crystal)
Mephite Crystal (+2 on attack rolls).
Cha’ele rolls d8 to hit (adding +3 to the result) with his Blue Lightsaber and does 2d6+8 damage
with AP 12.
As a Jedi Knight, when he has a Lightsaber readied and he is aware of a ranged attack, the Target
Number to hit him is 5 (before other modifiers are added). Once per turn (if not shaken or stunned),
he may roll Shooting to redirect one failed range attack to hit a target within 6 yards of him.
Species: Aleena
Advancements: 4 (Veteran)
Agility: d8
Smarts: d8
Strength: d6
Spirit: d6
Vigor: d6
Pace: 5 +1d4
Parry: 6 (7 with lightsaber)
Toughness: 8(4) (9(4) with lightsaber)
Power Points: 10
Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d4, Fighting d8, Notice d6,
Persuasion d6, Shooting d6, Stealth d8, Taunt d6, Thievery d8,
Use Force d8.
Code of Honor: Jedi (Major), Heroic (Major), Stubborn (Minor),
Quirk: Collect Every Recipe You Can (Minor)
Danger Sense, Force Sensitive (Light Side), Jedi Knight, Thief,
Trademark Weapons (Lightsaber).
Blind, Illusion, Mind Reading.
Boost (Skill) – You can Boost one of your skills by 1 die
type by spending 1 Boost point, lasting 5 rounds (you
have 15 Boost Points, which regenerate the same as
other Power Points).
Jedi Battle Armor - Light (Armor +4; -1 PP for Light Side Powers)
Purple Lightsaber (Damage: Str+d6+8, AP 12; Jenraux Crystal)
Jenraux Crystal (+1 to Toughness).
Droaman rolls d8 to hit (adding +1 to the result) with his Purple Lightsaber and does 2d6+8 damage
with AP 12.
As a Jedi Knight, when he has a Lightsaber readied and he is aware of a ranged attack, the Target
Number to hit him is 5 (before other modifiers are added). Once per turn (if not shaken or stunned),
he may roll Shooting to redirect one failed range attack to hit a target within 6 yards of him. Droaman
gains +1 to hit human sized targets and they suffer -1 to hit Droaman.
Species: Nautolan
Advancements: 4 (Veteran)
Agility: d8
Smarts: d6
Strength: d6
Spirit: d6
Vigor: d8
Pace: 6 +1d6
Parry: 7 (9 with lightsabers)
Toughness: 11 (4)
Power Points: 10
Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d4, Healing d4,
Intimidation d4, Fighting d10, Notice d4, Persuasion d4,
Repair d4, Shooting d6, Stealth d4, Use Force d8.
Code of Honor: Jedi (Major), Heroic (Major), Loyal (Minor),
Stubborn (Minor)
Force Sensitive (Light Side), Jedi Knight, Trademark
Weapons (Lightsaber and Paired Lightsabers), Two-Fisted.
Force Shield, Surge, Vital Transfer.
Aquatic – You cannot drown in oxygenated liquid
and move at your full Pace when swimming.
Low-Light Vision – Ignore penalties for Dim or Dark
illumination (but not for Pitch Darkness).
Environmental Weakness: You suffer -4 to resist the effects of Arid Climates (Heat).
Jedi Battle Armor - Light (Armor +4; -1 PP for Light Side Powers)
Blue Lightsaber (Damage: Str+d6+10, AP 12; Sigil Crystal)
Green Lightsaber (Damage: Str+d6+8; AP 12; Jenraux Crystal)
Jenraux Crystal (+1 Toughness), Sigil Crystal (+2 damage).
Droon rolls d10+1 to hit with his Blue Lightsaber and does 2d6+11 damage with AP 12.
Droon rolls d10-1 to hit with his Green Lightsaber and does 2d6+9 damage with AP 12.
Droon may attack with each of his Lightsabers without suffering a Multi-Action penalty. He gains +1
to hit targets who are unarmed or armed with a single weapon.
As a Jedi Knight, when he has a Lightsaber readied and he is aware of a ranged attack, the Target
Number to hit him is 6 (before other modifiers are added). Once per turn (if not shaken or stunned),
he may roll Shooting to redirect one failed range attack to hit a target within 6 yards of him.
Kal A’Dor
Species: Bothan
Advancements: 4 (Veteran)
Agility: d10
Smarts: d4
Strength: d8
Spirit: d6
Vigor: d8
Pace: 6 +1d6
Parry: 6
Toughness: 12 (6)
Athletics d6, Battle d4, Common Knowledge d6,
Fighting d8, Notice d6, Persuasion d4, Shooting d10,
Stealth d8, Survival d6, Taunt d6, Thievery d6.
Enemy: Hutt Gangster (Minor), Heroic (Major), Loyal
(Minor), Overconfident (Major)
Combat Reflexes, Rock and Roll!
Natural Spies – You gain +2 to Notice and
Hacking rolls to find hidden things.
Powered Battle Armor (Armor +6; Climbing
Claws, Helmet Package, Shadowskin, Vacuum
Blaster Pistol (15/30/60; Damage 2d6; AP 2; ROF 1 (3); Mods: Rapid Recycler; Stun)
Blaster Rifle (30/60/120; Damage 2d8+2; AP2; ROF 3; Mods: Computerized Interface Scope,
Double Trigger, Pulse Charger, Rangefinder; Two-Handed when Stock is Extended)
Vibroblade (Damage: Str+d6+2; AP4)
Grenades, Fragmentation x2 (5/10/20; Damage 3d6, LBT)
Grenades, Smoke x2 (5/10/20, LBT)
Climbing Claws (Climb at Pace 3), Computerized Interface Scope (Reduce Range by one category
when Aiming), Double Trigger (gain +4 to attack when you Aim, rather than +2), Helmet Package
(+1 to Notice checks, Low-Light Vision, and hands-free Comlink), Pulse Charger (-1 to hit, but +1 to
damage per die), Rangefinder (+1 to hit in Short Range, but does not stack with Interface or Targeting
Scopes), Rapid Cycler (switch from ROF 1 to ROF 3 as an Action), Shadowskin (+2 to Stealth checks),
Vacuum Seals (10 hours in Vacuum/Hostile Environment).
Knox, Jedi Rogue
Species: Human
Advancements: 4 (Veteran)
Agility: d8
Smarts: d8
Strength: d6
Spirit: d8
Vigor: d6
Pace: 6 +1d6
Parry: 6 (7 with lightsabers)
Toughness: 9 (4)
Power Points: 10
Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d8,
Notice d8, Persuasion d8, Piloting d8, Shooting d6,
Stealth d6, Thievery d6, Use Force d8.
Code of Honor: Jedi
Overconfident (Major)
Force Sensitive (Light Side), Jedi Knight, Trademark
Weapons (Lightsaber).
Force Sight, Force Slam, Move Object.
Jedi Battle Armor - Light (Armor +4; -1 PP for Light Side Powers)
Yellow Lightsaber (Damage: Str+d6+8, AP 12; Sulani Crystal)
Blaster Pistol (15/30/60; Damage 2d6; AP 2; ROF 1 (3); Mods: Rapid Recycler; Stun)
Sulani Crystal (+2 to redirect missed ranged attacks).
Knox rolls d8 to hit (adding +1 to the result) with his Yellow Lightsaber and does 2d6+8 damage
with AP 12.
As a Jedi Knight, when he has a Lightsaber readied and he is aware of a ranged attack, the Target
Number to hit him is 5 (before other modifiers are added). Once per turn (if not shaken or stunned),
he may roll Shooting (adding +2 to the result) to redirect one failed range attack to hit a target
within 6 yards of him.
Tan Niv
Species: Rodian
Advancements: 4 (Veteran)
Agility: d10
Smarts: d6
Strength: d6
Spirit: d8
Vigor: d8
Pace: 6 +1d6
Parry: 5
Toughness: 10 (4)
Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d4, Electronics d6,
Fighting d6, Hacking d8, Intimidation d6, Notice d6,
Persuasion d4, Shooting d8, Stealth d8, Survival d4,
Thievery d8.
Greedy (Minor), Heroic (Major), Impulsive (Major),
Ruthless (Minor)
Alertness, Thief
Keen Senses – You gain the Alertness Edge.
Camo Armor (Armor +4; Climbing Claws, Helmet Package, Vacuum Sealing-Standard,
Whistling Birds)
Blaster Pistol (15/30/60; Damage 2d6; AP 2; ROF 1 (3); Mods: Rapid Recycler; Stun)
Vibroblade (Damage: Str+d6+2; AP4)
Grenades, Fragmentation x2 (5/10/20; Damage 3d6, LBT)
Grenades, Smoke x2 (5/10/20, LBT)
Climbing Claws (Climb at Pace 3), Helmet Package (+1 to Notice checks, Low-Light Vision, and handsfree Comlink), Rapid Cycler (switch from ROF 1 to ROF 3 as an Action), Vacuum Seals (10 hours in
Vacuum/Hostile Environment), Whistling Birds (A barrage of small explosive darts fill a MBT. Roll
Shooting attack, doing 2d6 damage on a hit, 3d6 on a raise).
You gain +2 to Notice rolls and you gain +1 to Thievery, Athletics rolls made to climb, and Stealth
rolls in urban environments.
The Knight Below
Model: Modified YT-2400 Transport
PACE 16(vs) 6 (ss)
Crew 4, Passengers 7
Energy 450, Mods 14(13)
Hyperdrive x0.75 (Nav Computer +4 to
Astrogation Rolls), Backup Hyperdrive x12,
HA, Speed (4), Shields (3), Weapon Mount
(Second Turret)
Medium Laser (Dual Linked, Turret
Top, +1 to Shooting) (3d10+2, AP
10, HW, 150/300/600)
Medium Laser (Dual Linked, Turret Top, +1 to Shooting) (3d10+2, AP 10, HW,