Citric acid pineapple extracted molasses; solutionseg of fermentation Ascorbic Acid Tartaric acid leaves fresh tea fruits;berries; Citrus grape juicecrustfruits; reactionSOURCES distillation wood; of during deposited from citrus Ethanoic acid NAME ACIDOF and of -in - |-in inhypovitaminosis rancidity; -as treatment syrups;-in as pharmaceutical processing of rickeis; of acetylene as crystalline fruits an acidulant of fermentation crude sugar ORGANIC ACIDS confectionery, pH -in -asdessert -manufacture tanning a gums,resins, vitamin -manufacture Work;-printing calico(cotton volatilecloth); oils laxative(small eg meat and antioxidant photography agent soft of fo0d andpowders in in -treatment drug food effervescent salts; poisoning. stuffs as an and of ntioxidant. tablets; + a (vit jelly;* of in C; C); ceramic;-in cheese.preservation(curing); :-*confectionery beverages, -detoxifying tartarates;-in -as dose) to an adjust effervescent water prevent USES of plastics and and drink bakery industry;-in rubber -dyeing tanning; products;"gelatin silk;-solventfor to textile printing: -in laundry in