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Curley's Wife: Regret in 'Of Mice and Men' Essay

Nevaeh Tarsney
Mr.Bastow 1st
English 11B
9. March. 2022
Curley's wife regrets in life: Curly's wife is an interesting character in Steinbeck's Of
Mice and Men she is never referred to her real name only as Curley's wife. She talks about how
she regrets her life in certain ways but enjoys the power she has over the men on the ranch
because she is married to Curley. She talks about her regrets in life for never making it to
Hollywood and settling for Curley, everyone can relate to having regrets in life because
everyone has settled for something in their life and wish they hadn't, or everyone has done
something in their life that they regret. Curley's wife throughout the story brings up how she
could have made it Hollywood, she expresses her feelings of regretting her life in the way that
she never made it to Hollywood and married Curley.
Curley's wife was born and lived in Salines, she could have been an actor but her mom
never let her. (88) She is described as a tart, tramp, and Curley’s possession. (31-33) Her face
was heavily mad and her lips were slightly parted. (77)she was very judgy towards the men on
the ranch but more specifically she was judgy and rude to crooks the most for no reason
besides his skin color. (90)
She expresses her feelings of being lonely to Lennie when at first he didn't want to talk
to her because George told him not to. (86,87) Curley's wife tends to open up easily, especially
when she was talking to Lennie. (88,89) She expresses to Lennie how she doesn't like Lennie
and how he's not a nice fella. (89) She then went on to talk about how she only married Curley
because she never got the letter from the guy in Hollywood because she thinks her mom was
stealing them. (88)
She also married Curley because she didn't want to stay somewhere where she couldn't
make something out of herself, so the same night she never got the letter back she went and
married Curley. (88) after she confined to Lennie about how she don't actually Curley she
moves closer, and she starts to talk about how she could have been in the movies, nice clothes,
had people taking pictures of her, be on the radio, etc, when she talks about this she sounds
like she really regrets just settling for Curley because she thinks she could have really been
something. (89) I also think she likes the attention because every time she would talk to Lennie
about being a star she would look to see if she has impressed him by what she has said, she
also has Lennie play with her hair, and I think this shows the lack of attention Curley gives her.
The evidence I have presented throughout my essay supports my claim on how Curely's
wife regrets her life in some ways because she never made it to Hollywood and ended up
marrying Curley. The most important evidence that i used in my essay that supports this is when
she is talking to Lennie and she opens up easily to him about how she could've made it
Hollywood if her mom didn't steal her letters, she talks to Lennie about how she doesn't really
like Curley also how he isn't a nice fella, she only married him when she never got the letters
from the Hollywood man and so she married Curley the same night.
Word count:569