Uploaded by Avydean Acbang

Robotics 9 Reviewer: Circuits, Arduino, Control Loops

Basic Parts of a Circuit
LED Bulb - Light-Emitting Diode that lights up when electricity passes through in the correct
1.1 Cathode – the negative wire of an LED Bulb where negative wires are connected.
1.2 Anode – the positive wire of an LED Bulb where positive wires are connected.
2. Resistor – restricts the flow of electricity in a circuit, reducing the voltage and current as a
Ohms (Ω) is the symbol for resistance.
3. Pushbutton – a switch that closes a circuit when pressed.
4. Breadboard small – 30 rows, 10 columns, and two pairs of power rails.
5. Arduino Uno R3 – programmable board with 13 pins (PIN 0 – PIN 13) that output power
based on the code written.
Power Sources
9V Battery (9 Volts)
Coin Cell 3V Battery (3 Volts)
1.5V Battery (1.5 Volts)
Power Supply
Control Loops (Pre-test and Post-test)
The Control Loops has 3 Main Parts: Initialization, condition, and increment
Initialization; tells the board where to start outputting power. For example, if your first LED bulb
is connected to PIN 2, then the code for it is x = 2;. In this situation, we used the letter x to
function as the variable. However, you can use any letter or symbol, as long as it is also the
symbol you used for int x; (int; is written before the void setup() line)
(condition) instructs the board to have a limit of outputting power on the PINs. For example, if
you used PINs 2 to 6 to power five LED Bulbs, then the Arduino board will only output power for
pins 2 to 6 and not exceeding it. In this situation, the code for this will be: (x < 7) because PINs
2 to 6 is less than 7.
Increment; commands the board to keep outputting power on assigned PINs by utilizing the
(condition). It will not only power PIN 2 but also PINs 3, 4, 5, and 6. The code for this situation
is: (x++), same letter you used for the condition and initialization.
1. WHILE Loop
// this is a code format for WHILE Loop
void setup()
void loop()
while (condition)
statements; //codes to execute
// WHILE Loop
int x;
void setup()
pinMode(2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(4, OUTPUT);
pinMode(5, OUTPUT);
pinMode(6, OUTPUT);
void loop()
{ // WHILE Loop
x = 2; // initialization
while (x < 7) // condition
digitalWrite(x, 1);
digitalWrite(x, 0);
x++; // increment
2. FOR Loop
// this is a code format for FOR Loop
void setup()
void loop()
for (initialization; condition; increment;)
statements; //codes to execute
// C++ code
// FOR Loop
int x;
void setup()
pinMode(2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(4, OUTPUT);
pinMode(5, OUTPUT);
pinMode(6, OUTPUT);
void loop()
{ // FOR Loop
for (x = 2; x < 7; x++)
digitalWrite(x, 1);
digitalWrite(x, 0);
3. DO-WHILE Loop
// this is a code format for DO-WHILE Loop
void setup()
void loop()
do {
statements; //codes to execute
} while(condition);
// C++ code
// DO-WHILE Loop
int x;
void setup()
pinMode(2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(4, OUTPUT);
pinMode(5, OUTPUT);
pinMode(6, OUTPUT);
void loop()
{ // DO-WHILE Loop
x = 2;
do {
digitalWrite(x, 1);
digitalWrite(x, 0);
} while (x < 7);