CSEC English SBA HASSAN BASARALLY Objectives 1. Describe the layout of the English SBA. 2. Understand the content required for the Plan of Investigation, Reflections and Group Written Report. 3. Practice marking samples from the English SBA. 4. Understand the importance and correct method of English SBA upload. 5. Identify weaker areas in the English SBA mentioned in Examination Reports. 6. Develop teacher self efficacy. Before you start… ► Ensure that the topic can have enough sub topics for each group member. ► Students should choose artefacts that are: of sufficient length, directly related to the topic and contains a language strategy. ► Encourage students to note the bibliographic information of the artefacts as soon as it is collected . Cover page ► CANDIDATE NAME: ► CANDIDATE NUMBER: ► CENTRE NAME: ► CENTRE NUMBER: ► YEAR OF EXAMINATION: ► TEACHER: ► SUBJECT: ► TOPIC: ► TERRITORY: Table of contents ► Have the students start it and add to it as the SBA progresses. PLAN OF INVESTIGATION CRITERIA BREAKDOWN Reason for choosing the topic and selection of title. 3 marks Must be well explained. ‘I find this topic interesting’:1 mark Expected benefits to you as a student of English. 3 marks Summary writing, persuasive writing, persuasive speaking, vocabulary. Research skills, knowledge of the topic: 1 mark Material to be collected. 2 marks Genre e.g. poem, song, short story, article: 1 mark Sources: newspaper, internet, textbooks 1 mark Use of the English Language skills to be used in analysing the material 2 marks Summary writing & expanded vocabulary will be used in writing reflections and group report. Persuasive writing & persuasive speaking will be used in the oral presentation. Selection of artefacts LESS DIFFICULT Poem Short story Song Article Play MORE DIFFICULT Video Audio Picture Refection 1 1. How did the student think about the issue before starting the SBA? 2. What was the main idea or issue in the 3 selected pieces? 3. What new knowledge did the student gain from each piece of material? Hints for reflection 1 ► The artefact title must be mentioned. ► Speak about each artefact separately. ► Each reflection must be 150 words Reflection 2 1. What category did the piece fall into (e.g. poem, article, and poster)? 2. What was the purpose of each piece (to persuade, to entertain, to inform, etc.)? 3. What were some of the main language techniques used by the writer in the pieces? 4. How effective were these techniques in achieving the writer’s purpose? IEE Identify Example Explain Hints for reflection 2 Choose one language device to speak about ► Registers: formal, informal, consultative, frozen, intimate ► Tone ► Mood e.g. fearful, angry, sad, calm, cheerful, peaceful, exciting, lonely etc. ► Literary devices e.g. simile, metaphor, personification, repetition Hints for reflection 2 (continued) ► Examples ► Statistics ► Structure: categorical, comparative, evaluative, sequential Reflection 3 1. What did the student learn about the topic? 2. Did the student’s research help him in any facet of his life (socially, academically, etc.)? 3. What was the student’s experience working in a group? 4. Was the group work challenging or beneficial? Does the student explain his opinion of the experience? 5. How did the student cope with group challenges? 6. Were the students able to help each other? Reflection 3 (continued ) 7. Did the student have any other experiences and how did these help them to grow? 8. Was the student able to assess, read, find and evaluate a range of research information? 9. Did the student’s writing improve? 10. Was the student’s vocabulary expanded? 11. Did the student’s self-discipline increase? Reflection 3 interpretations Reflection 3 – may be interpreted two ways ► (a) a discussion on how the completion of an SBA or SBA generally has helped the student to “become a better person’ ► (b) How doing a specific (topic) SBA has caused the improvement. {Improvement / better person may include the personal – psychological, social, physical…educational} Group written report 1. Content: 4 marks a. What different aspects of the theme did each group member investigate? b. Was it easy or hard to find pieces/artefacts? Why? c. How did the group decide what three pieces/ artefacts to use? d. How many pieces/artefacts did the group have? What are the names of the three chosen? Group written report 2. Evidence of investigation: 3 marks a. What did the group learn from each of the pieces/artefacts? b. What was the major issue in each piece/artefact? c. Title of artefact, author and year of publication (if possible). 3. Language use and vocabulary: 3 marks a. Grammar and mechanics b. Utilise vocabulary/jargon from the stimuli. Hints for group written report ► If any group member has a different report, the candidate cannot receive the same mark as the rest of the group. ► This is the only part of the SBA that spelling and grammar is penalised. ► The three artefacts must be included after the report of the SBA for each member of the group. ► Basic APA format is to be used. ► All artefacts used for the report must be included in the portfolio. ► 300 word limit. Oral presentation ► A personal response related to issue/topic/ theme/ event should be delivered orally in 3 to 5 minutes. ► The oral presentation should be delivered predominately in Standard English and in a genre of the student’s choosing, for example, drama, poetry, prose, role play, speech, argument, exposition. ► Creole is accepted in the suitable contexts and registers. Plan of oral presentation ► The student should deliver a brief overview of the presentation including the genre chosen, the sources used and a comment on the kind of language used. ► A brief plan of the Oral Presentation must be submitted in the Portfolio. ► TOPIC: ► GENRE: ► SOURCES: ► LANGUAGE TECHNIQUES: REFERENCES ► Basic APA format Uploading of samples ► Two documents are required: 1. CXC Cover sheet 2. SBA ► SBA should be typed, if it is handwritten it must be scanned in PDF format. ► You can include the CXC Cover sheet with the SBA as well. This will be useful if for some reason it cannot be viewed during moderation. SBA report The following are some comments made by moderators over the years: 1. ► Plan of Investigation There were several unnecessary ‘Introductions’ to the plan as well as bulleted lists of several ‘problems’ the students expected to occur. SBA report Plan of Investigation (continued ) ► The main area to be improved is in how the language skills would be used in the SBA. Language skills cover a wide range of speaking, writing, reading and listening. Expected responses included developing and using skills in writing genres such as report writing to provide information about the chosen topic, or narrative/descriptive/creative writing to craft a personal response to the theme. ► Candidates wrote very long reasons for choosing the topic and used most of the 100 words allocated . SBA report Plan of Investigation (continued) ► Definitions are not needed. ► English skills need to be mentioned, not general skills. ► Sources of information and genres of artefacts are required. SBA report 2. Reflections ► Students needed guidance in choosing suitable artefacts, especially visual artefacts. ► A statement on previous knowledge of the topic is required in Reflection 1. ► In writing Reflection 2 which required students to discuss the use of language in the material selected, many students failed to identify and discuss a suitable language technique. Students must be able to discuss the use of language in each artefact SBA report Reflections (continued ) ► An example of the language strategy from the artefact is needed in Reflection 2. ► There were elements of repetition in Reflection 3. ► Mention the title of artefacts. SBA report 3. Group Written Report ► Candidates need to discuss the reason for selecting the stimuli for the Written Report from the pool of artefacts the group possessed. ► Each stimuli must be discussed separately. ► The title and author of each stimuli should be mentioned. SBA report General ► Projects should have the appropriately titled sections. ► There should be evidence that there are three artefacts used for the individual sections. ► Teachers are advised against the inflation of students’ scores as the moderation exercise will result in the scores for the entire class being reduced using regression analysis. SBA report General (continued) ► Teacher must use whole numbers in scoring. ► Teachers should ensure that the SBA actually contains the sections which are to be moderated and for which they have awarded marks. Thank you QUESTIONS?