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Educational Technology Impact at Negros College: A Case Study

Ram Victorio Mahinay- Research President/ Research Brainstormer
Ergie Balauro- Research Vice President/ Research Brainstormer
Hailyn Seran- Research Secretary/ Research Brainstormer
Maridel Guab- Research Treasurer/ Research Brainstormer
Edie June Dayday- Research Brainstormer
John Clarence Deguit- Research Brainstormer
John Rey Dayapan- Research Brainstormer
Reynaldo Abayle- Research Brainstormer
Meludie Celestial- Research Brainstormer
Maria Angelyn Bacane- Research Brainstormer
An Educational Thesis
Submitted to Mrs. Perla Hernandez
Negros College
In Fulfillment of the Requirements
For Research Subject
February 20, 2024
Group II
Ram Victorio Mahinay- Research President/ Research Brainstormer
Ergie Balauro- Research Vice President/ Research Brainstormer
Hailyn Seran- Research Secretary/ Research Brainstormer
Maridel Guab- Research Treasurer/ Research Brainstormer
Edie June Dayday- Research Brainstormer
John Clarence Deguit- Research Brainstormer
John Rey Dayapan- Research Brainstormer
Reynaldo Abayle- Research Brainstormer
Meludie Celestial- Research Brainstormer
Maria Angelyn Bacane- Research Brainstormer
Research Problem
“Evaluating the Impact of Educational Technology on Learning Outcomes: A
Case Study at Negros College in the Philippine Context”.
The primary objective of this research is to systematically evaluate the impact
of educational technology on learning outcomes at Negros College in the Philippine
context. By conducting a comprehensive case study, this study aims to assess the
effectiveness and influence of various educational technology tools and methods
implemented at Negros College, providing insights into the relationship between
technology integration and student learning outcomes. The research seeks to
contribute valuable findings that can inform educational practices, policy
development, and future research endeavors in the field of educational technology
within the Philippine higher education landscape..
Quantitative Research
 Questionnaire
 Checklist
Current College Students: Students who actively enrolled at Negros College,
current faculty and instructors.
The research on "Evaluating the Impact of Educational Technology on
Learning Outcomes: A Case Study at Negros College in the Philippine Context"
aims to uncover insights into the relationship between technology integration and
learning outcomes. Positive correlations may highlight the benefits, such as
improved academic performance and increased engagement. The study could
identify specific impactful technological tools and reveal challenges in integration.
Findings are expected to inform decision-making for institutions, guide professional
development, and enhance the overall learning experience. Additionally, this
research may influence educational policies and inspire future innovations in
educational technology practices.
Current college students who are actively enrolled at Negros College,
graduating Seniors, faculty and instructors.
Negros College
 3rims of long bond paper 250 each rims =750
 500 for each researcher’s for the transportation fare every meeting
 200 unplanned expenses for research
 Folder 15 long peses bweset
Research Timeline
Brainstorming and making research proposal
Submitting the research proposal for checking
Revision and enhancing the research proposal and
making the Introduction
Submitting the revised research proposal including
the Introduction
Continuation of making chapter 1 of the research
 Background of the study
 setting of the study
 theoretical/conceptual framework
Continuation of making chapter 1 of the research
 Statement of the problem
 Hypothesis of the study
Continuation of making chapter 1 of the research
 Significance of the study
Continuation of making chapter 1 of the research
 Delimitations of the study
 Definition of key terms
Goal: Submission of chapter 1 for checking
Revising the chapter 1
02-13-2024 TUESDAY
Ram Victorio Mahinay
Ergie Balauro
Hailyn Seran
Maridel Guab
Edie June Dayday
John Clarence Deguit
John Rey Dayapan
Reynaldo Abayle
Meludie Celestial
Maria Angelyn Bacane
02-19-2024 MONDAY
 Revision and enhancing the research proposal and making the Introduction
Ram Victorio Mahinay
Ergie Balauro
Hailyn Seran
Maridel Guab
Edie June Dayday
John Clarence Deguit
John Rey Dayapan
Reynaldo Abayle
Meludie Celestial
Maria Angelyn Bacane
In the dynamic landscape of contemporary education, the integration of educational
technology has emerged as a transformative force, redefining traditional teaching
paradigms. This research endeavors to delve into the profound impact of educational
technology on learning outcomes, centering its focus on a case study conducted at
Negros College within the unique context of the Philippines. As the digital
revolution continues to reshape the educational landscape, there is a pressing need
to comprehensively understand how technological tools influence student learning.
This study aims to unravel the intricate relationship between educational technology
and critical educational metrics such as academic performance, student engagement,
and overall learning experiences.
The investigation takes a multifaceted approach by not only identifying specific
tools that prove most effective in the academic setting but also scrutinizing potential
challenges and barriers to successful integration. Integral to this exploration is the
solicitation of feedback from both students and faculty members, providing nuanced
qualitative insights into user experiences and preferences. By comprehensively
examining the interplay between technology and education, this research aspires to
offer more than statistical correlations; it aims to contribute detailed findings that
will inform strategic decision-making processes for educational institutions, guide
professional development initiatives for educators, and enrich the overall
educational experience for students at Negros College.
Furthermore, the implications of this research extend beyond the campus, holding
the potential to influence educational policies in the Philippines. By contributing to
the ongoing dialogue about the role of technology in education, this study aims to
shape the future of educational practices and policies, not only at Negros College
but also within the broader educational landscape of the Philippines. As educational
institutions worldwide grapple with the challenges and opportunities presented by
the integration of technology, the findings of this research aspire to contribute
valuable insights to the global discourse on innovative and effective educational
practices in the digital age.
In addition to its regional and global implications, this research carries significant
potential for fostering local collaborations and partnerships within Negros College.
By understanding the nuanced dynamics of educational technology in the context of
this institution, we can tailor recommendations and strategies that resonate with the
unique needs and aspirations of its academic community. The findings may pave the
way for collaborative initiatives between educators, students, and technology experts,
fostering an ecosystem where innovation thrives. Furthermore, as Negros College
serves as a microcosm of the broader Philippine educational landscape, the outcomes
of this research may serve as a catalyst for positive change in how technology is
integrated into teaching methodologies nationwide. Through sharing insights and
best practices, Negros College can contribute to a collective effort aimed at
enhancing the quality of education and ensuring that the benefits of educational
technology reach every corner of the Philippine educational system.
In the dynamic landscape of contemporary education, the integration of educational
technology has become a global phenomenon, reshaping traditional pedagogies and
student learning experiences (Brown & Green, 2020; OECD, 2019). Negros College,
nestled within the vibrant educational context of the Philippines, finds itself at the
intersection of this digital transformation. As the Philippine educational system
aligns itself with global advancements, there is a growing imperative for institutions
like Negros College to critically assess the impact of educational technology on
learning outcomes in their unique socio-cultural and educational setting.
The impetus for this research is rooted in recognizing the transformative potential of
educational technology within the academic sphere. Studies suggest that when
technology is strategically integrated, it has the power to enhance student
engagement, facilitate personalized learning, and improve overall academic
performance (Ertmer & Ottenbreit-Leftwich, 2013; Prensky, 2001). With the
Philippines witnessing a significant push towards a technology-driven educational
environment (DepEd, 2017), Negros College acknowledges the need for a tailored
examination of how these advancements influence its educational landscape.
This study is prompted by a dual objective: to explore the intricate dynamics between
educational technology and learning outcomes specifically at Negros College and to
contribute empirical evidence to the broader discourse on educational technology
impact in the Philippine educational context. A case study approach is chosen to
offer a detailed and contextually rich analysis (Yin, 2018). Through a comprehensive
examination, this research aims to uncover insights that not only inform Negros
College's strategic planning and instructional design but also provide valuable
contributions to the broader educational community in the Philippines and beyond.
The literature surrounding educational technology's impact on learning outcomes is
extensive, yet there is a dearth of localized studies that consider the unique cultural
and institutional aspects of Philippine higher education. This research aims to
address this gap by providing evidence-based insights that can guide Negros College
in navigating the digital landscape effectively. Moreover, it seeks to contribute to
the global conversation on best practices in integrating educational technology into
diverse educational settings, aligning with the internationalization goals of the
institution (Altbach & Knight, 2007).
As Negros College undertakes this exploration, it underscores the importance of
evidence-based decision-making to harness the benefits of educational technology
strategically. The findings of this study are anticipated to not only refine the college's
pedagogical practices but also potentially influence educational policies at the
institutional and national levels, contributing to the ongoing dialogue on the role of
technology in shaping the future of education.
The study takes place at Negros College, a higher education institution in Ayungon,
Negros Oriental , Philippines. Established in [Year], the college is equipped with
modern facilities, classrooms, and collaborative spaces that contribute to a dynamic
learning environment. The research specifically focuses on how educational
technology is integrated into academic programs at Negros College, reflecting the
institution's commitment to staying abreast of technological advancements in
Within this physical and cultural context, the study aims to explore the unique factors
influencing the impact of educational technology on learning outcomes. The local
community's cultural diversity and the college's role as a hub for academic
excellence further enhance the significance of understanding how educational
technology interacts with the specific educational practices at Negros College.
The research on evaluating the impact of educational technology on learning
outcomes at Negros College draws on several key theoretical perspectives that
collectively provide a comprehensive lens for understanding the intricate dynamics
1. Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK): This framework,
proposed by Mishra and Koehler (2006), emphasizes the interplay between
technological knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, and content knowledge. TPACK
serves as a foundational lens for assessing how the integration of educational
technology aligns with the unique pedagogical and content requirements within
Negros College. By examining the intersection of these knowledge domains, the
research aims to uncover nuanced insights into effective technology integration.
2. Diffusion of Innovations Theory: Rogers' (1962) Diffusion of Innovations
Theory offers a lens to understand how and why individuals adopt new ideas or
technologies. Within the context of Negros College, this theory is particularly
relevant for exploring the adoption patterns and factors influencing the integration
of educational technology among faculty members and students. Understanding the
stages of adoption, innovation-decision process, and communication channels will
contribute to a more nuanced analysis.
3. Community of Inquiry Framework: Drawing on Garrison, Anderson, and
Archer's (2000) Community of Inquiry Framework, the research considers the social
and cognitive presence in online and blended learning environments. This
framework is instrumental in understanding how educational technology influences
collaborative learning and the development of a supportive community within the
academic setting of Negros College.
4. Cultural-Historical Activity Theory (CHAT): Developed by Vygotsky (1978),
CHAT focuses on the sociocultural aspects of learning. In the Philippine context,
characterized by diverse cultural influences, this theory provides a lens for
understanding how educational technology interacts with the socio-cultural
dynamics at Negros College. It explores how cultural factors shape the adoption and
integration of technology within the educational setting.
By synthesizing these theoretical frameworks, the research aims to provide a robust
foundation for analyzing the multifaceted relationships between educational
technology and learning outcomes at Negros College. Each theoretical perspective
contributes unique insights, allowing for a comprehensive understanding of the
complex dynamics at play within this specific educational context.
In the educational landscape of Negros College, the integration of educational
technology has become increasingly prevalent, reflecting a global trend towards
technologically enhanced learning environments. However, amidst this adoption, a
critical need arises to systematically evaluate the impact of educational technology
on learning outcomes. The study aims to address the following key issues:
1. Extent of Educational Technology Integration: To what extent is educational
technology integrated into the teaching and learning processes at Negros College?
This encompasses an examination of the types of technologies employed, the
frequency of use, and the level of integration across various academic disciplines.
2. Perceptions and Attitudes of Stakeholders: What are the perceptions and
attitudes of students, faculty, and administrators towards the integration of
educational technology? Understanding the viewpoints of these key stakeholders
is essential for gauging the receptiveness, challenges, and potential benefits
associated with educational technology at Negros College.
3. Impact on Student Learning Outcomes: How does the integration of
educational technology influence student learning outcomes, including academic
performance, engagement, and overall learning experiences? The research aims
to uncover the direct and indirect effects of educational technology on the
achievement and satisfaction levels of students.
4. Faculty Preparedness and Professional Development: To what extent are
faculty members prepared and equipped to integrate educational technology
effectively? Investigating the availability and effectiveness of professional
development programs, training initiatives, and ongoing support structures for
faculty is crucial for understanding the facilitators and barriers to successful
5. Challenges and Opportunities: What are the challenges and opportunities
associated with the integration of educational technology at Negros College?
Identifying obstacles, such as infrastructural limitations or resistance to change,
alongside potential avenues for improvement will inform strategic planning for
technology integration.
6. Alignment with Institutional Goals: To what degree does the integration of
educational technology align with the overall goals and mission of Negros
College? Assessing the congruence between institutional objectives and the use
of educational technology is essential for ensuring that technological
advancements contribute to the college's overarching educational mission.
Addressing these key problem areas will provide a comprehensive understanding of
the current state of educational technology integration at Negros College and its
impact on learning outcomes. The findings will inform evidence-based
recommendations for optimizing the integration of educational technology to
enhance the overall educational experience for students and contribute to the
institutional goals of Negros College.
Null Hypothesis (H0):
There is no significant relationship between the extent of educational technology
integration at Negros College and student learning outcomes.
Alternative Hypothesis (H1):
There is a significant and positive relationship between the extent of educational
technology integration at Negros College and student learning outcomes.
These two hypotheses focus on the core relationship between the integration of
educational technology and its impact on student learning outcomes at Negros
College. The research will rigorously test these hypotheses to draw meaningful
conclusions about the effectiveness of educational technology integration in
enhancing the overall educational experience for students.
The research on evaluating the impact of educational technology on learning
outcomes at Negros College holds paramount significance for various stakeholders,
both within the institution and the broader educational community.
1. Institutional Decision-Making:
The findings of the study will provide Negros College administrators with evidencebased insights into the effectiveness of current educational technology practices.
This information is crucial for informed decision-making regarding strategic
planning, resource allocation, and further development of technology integration
2. Pedagogical Enhancement
Faculty members at Negros College stand to benefit from the study by gaining a
deeper understanding of how educational technology influences teaching and
learning. The research outcomes may inform pedagogical practices, guide
instructional design, and highlight areas for professional development to optimize
the integration of technology in the classroom.
3. Student Learning Experience:
Students are at the core of this research, and the study's findings will directly impact
their learning experiences. A comprehensive understanding of the relationship
between educational technology and learning outcomes will enable the institution to
tailor technology integration to meet the diverse needs and preferences of students,
ultimately enhancing their academic journey.
4. National Educational Discourse:
The study contributes to the broader national discourse on educational technology
within the Philippines. As the country continues to embrace technological
advancements in education, the research findings may offer insights and
recommendations applicable to other higher education institutions facing similar
challenges and opportunities.
5. Research Gap Filling:
This study addresses a notable research gap by providing localized insights into the
impact of educational technology within the Philippine higher education context.
The findings will contribute empirical evidence to the existing body of literature,
enriching the global conversation on effective technology integration in diverse
educational settings.
6. Policy Implications:
The research may have implications for educational policies, both at the institutional
and national levels. By understanding the alignment between educational technology
practices and institutional goals, policymakers can shape frameworks that foster
optimal technology integration in higher education institutions across the Philippines.
7. Professional Development Initiatives:
Faculty development programs and initiatives aimed at enhancing technological
pedagogical skills can be tailored based on the research findings. The study may
guide the creation of targeted training sessions, workshops, and support structures
to empower educators with the skills needed for effective technology integration.
In summary, the significance of this study extends beyond Negros College,
influencing institutional practices, educational policies, and contributing valuable
insights to the broader educational community in the Philippines and beyond. The
research outcomes are poised to drive positive changes in educational technology
practices, ultimately enriching the teaching and learning experiences within the
higher education landscape.
While this research aims to provide valuable insights into the impact of educational
technology on learning outcomes at Negros College, certain delimitations have been
set to refine the scope and focus of the study:
1. Institutional Focus:
The study is limited to Negros College, and the findings may not be directly
generalizable to other educational institutions. The unique characteristics,
technological infrastructure, and institutional culture of Negros College form the
specific context for this research
2. Time Frame:
The study is conducted within a specific time frame and is reflective of the
technological and educational landscape during that period. Technological
advancements or policy changes occurring after the study period may not be directly
accounted for in the findings.
3. Technological Infrastructure:
The research assumes a certain level of technological infrastructure at Negros
College. The study does not comprehensively assess the technological capabilities
or limitations of the college's infrastructure, and as such, the findings may not fully
capture the nuances of technological access and availability.
4. Subjectivity of Perceptions:
Stakeholder perceptions, including those of students, faculty, and administrators, are
inherently subjective. While efforts are made to gather diverse perspectives,
individual experiences and attitudes towards educational technology may vary,
introducing an element of subjectivity to the study.
5. External Factors:
External factors, such as broader economic conditions, global events, or societal
changes, may influence the study's context. These external factors are considered
beyond the scope of the research, and their potential impact on educational
technology integration is not systematically examined.
6. Quantitative Emphasis:
The research primarily relies on quantitative methods to analyze the relationships
between educational technology and learning outcomes. While this approach
provides valuable statistical insights, it may not capture the full richness of
qualitative aspects that qualitative research methods could explore in greater depth.
7. Causation Inference:
The research establishes associations between variables but does not claim causation.
While efforts are made to identify relationships, causation in complex educational
settings is influenced by numerous interconnected factors, and the study does not
attempt to delineate causal pathways definitively.
8. Generalization:
Findings from this study are intended to contribute to the understanding of
educational technology impact within the specific context of Negros College.
Caution should be exercised when attempting to generalize the results to different
educational levels, contexts, or institutions.
Acknowledging these delimitations is crucial for interpreting the study's findings
accurately and understanding the specific context within which the research unfolds.
While these constraints refine the scope, they also contribute to the rigor and
specificity of the study's focus on educational technology at Negros College
1. Educational Technology:
Definition: Educational technology refers to the systematic integration of digital
tools, resources, and strategies into the teaching and learning processes to enhance
educational outcomes. It encompasses the use of computers, software applications,
internet-based platforms, and other technological advancements designed to
facilitate and optimize educational practices.
2. Learning Outcomes:
Definition: Learning outcomes are observable and measurable results that
demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and competencies acquired by students through
the educational process. These outcomes reflect the tangible achievements and
growth in understanding or performance within a specific academic context.
3. Integration:
Definition: Integration, in the context of this study, refers to the purposeful
incorporation and use of educational technology within the teaching and learning
activities at Negros College. It involves the seamless blending of technological tools
with pedagogical practices to achieve enhanced educational objectives.
4. Stakeholders:
Definition: Stakeholders encompass various individuals and groups involved in or
affected by the educational processes at Negros College. This includes students,
faculty members, administrators, and other key personnel who contribute to or are
impacted by the integration of educational technology.
5. Faculty Preparedness:
Definition: Faculty preparedness denotes the readiness and proficiency of educators
at Negros College in effectively utilizing educational technology. It includes their
knowledge, skills, and comfort level with integrating technology into instructional
6. Professional Development:
Definition: Professional development refers to organized and structured activities,
workshops, training sessions, or programs aimed at enhancing the knowledge, skills,
and competencies of faculty members at Negros College related to the integration of
educational technology.
7. Challenges:
Definition: Challenges refer to obstacles, difficulties, or hindrances encountered in
the process of integrating educational technology at Negros College. These may
include technological barriers, resistance to change, resource limitations, or any
factors impeding the effective incorporation of technology in education.
8. Learning Experience:
Definition: Learning experience encompasses the overall encounter, both cognitive
and affective, that students undergo during their educational journey at Negros
College. It involves the combination of instructional methods, resources, and
interactions that contribute to the students' understanding and engagement.
9. Institutional Goals:
Definition: Institutional goals represent the overarching objectives and aspirations
of Negros College. These goals guide the mission and strategic direction of the
institution, shaping its educational philosophy, priorities, and long-term vision.
These definitions provide clarity on the key terms central to the research, ensuring a
shared understanding of the concepts integral to the study of educational technology
and its impact on learning outcomes at Negros College.