Plants and Animal Organ System and their Functions ● ● What organ system are you familiar with in animals? How about in Plants? Levels of Organization Atoms Organ Organ system Cells Population Organism Organelles Ecosystem Tissue 5 3 Levels of Organization Organ 1 Atoms Cells 6 Organ system 8 Population 7 Organism 2 Organelles 9 Ecosystem 4 Tissue TEKS 7.12C: Recognize levels of organization in plants and animals, including cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, and organisms. What is the basic unit of organization in plants and animals? A cell is the smallest unit of an organism. In complex organisms, cells are specialized for specific functions. TEKS 7.12C: Recognize levels of organization in plants and animals, including cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, and organisms. How do cells work together? Specialized cells do not work alone. A tissue is a group of similar specialized cells that work together to perform a specific function. Animals have four types of tissue. • Connective tissue adds support and structure. • Epithelial tissue is protective. • Muscle tissue moves body parts. • Nerve tissue relays information. (contd.) TEKS 7.12C: Recognize levels of organization in plants and animals, including cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, and organisms. How else are plants and animals organized? • An organ combines different kinds of tissues that function together. • Your brain is an organ in which nerve, connective, and epithelial tissues work together. Your heart is an organ made of muscle, nerve, connective, and epithelial tissues. • Plant organs include roots, stems, and leaves. These organs all contain the three types of plant tissues. (contd.) TEKS 7.12C: Recognize levels of organization in plants and animals, including cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, and organisms. • An organ system is a group of organs that work together to perform a major function. • Complex animals have many organ systems, such as the nervous system and the muscular system. • Plants have only two organ systems, the shoot system and the root system. (contd.) TEKS 7.12C: Recognize levels of organization in plants and animals, including cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, and organisms. • An organism is a complete living thing that relies on cells for life functions. • In a complex organism, all the cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems work together. They carry out the functions necessary for the organism’s life. Plants Parenchyma- least differentiated, most abundant Collenchymasupport Sclerenchymareinforced, tough cell walls, stop mitosis Structure: Cells Structure:tissue/specialized cells Tissues: 1.Dermal- outer, hard layer 2.Vascular- made for transport 3.Ground- everything else Specialized cells: 1.Xylem- conduct water 2.Phloem- conduct solid material such as sugar. Growth Meristem 1.embryotic stem cells that produces other cells 2.Located on tip of developmental part. Angiosperm Cross section Gas Exchange Stomata 1.Guarded by Guard Cells 2.Promote CO2 intake and H2O and O2 outtake 3.Grants need for Calvin Cycle Energy Production/Mineral transport Energy Prodcution and Distribution 1. Sugar produced by leaf through photosynthesis 2. Sugar is translocated through flow of Minerals and Water Transport 1. Root intake water and mineral 2. Aids photosyntesis 3. Symbiolotic relationship with fungi a. Mycorrhizae- increase abosorbsion b. Rhizobium- convert N to solute use Response Reproduction Pollination 1.Pollination- transfer of pollen from anther to stigma. 2.Double Fertilizationensure endosperm developes Evolution Animal s Basics - Levels of Organization Tissues → Organs → Organ Systems - tissues are made up of groups of cells - tissues work along one another in groups which makes up organs - an organ system consists of groups of organs working together Digestive System Structures -Mouth: starting point of digestion -Esophagus: gets food swallowed from the mouth -Stomach: contains the food and releases enzymes to break it down -Small intestines: uses enzymes made from the pancreas and bile made by the liver to break down food -Gallbladder: releases bile to break down fats -Large intestines: job of processing waste and drops it into the rectum and then anus for release Digestive System Function -uses enzymes to break down, absorb, and excrete food taken into the body -helps in cellular respiration by supplying sugars such as glucose Respiratory System Structures -Trachea: part of the airway that connects throat and bronchi -Bronchi: moves air from trachea to lungs -Lungs: allows oxygen to supply red blood cells and the red blood cells move around the body -Diaphragm: main component for respiration, functions with inhalation and exhalation -Gills: takes in dissolved oxygen in water to breathe (fish) -Hemoglobin: moves oxygen from lungs to tissues; moves carbon dioxide from tissues to lungs Respiratory System Function -allows us to breathe (this is needed to survive on Earth) -oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged in the process Nervous System Structures -Neuron: main feature of the brain; processes and transmits information -Axon: sends information to neurons -Dendrites: receive information from neurons -Synapse: sends information from cell to cell Nervous System Function -allows control for the body through communication within with certain parts -regulating processes in the body -coordination with other Circulatory System Structures (Blood Flow) -vena cava → right atrium → tricuspid valve → right ventricle → pulmonary artery → lungs→ pulmonary veins → left atrium → mitral valve → left ventricle → aortic valve → aorta → body Circulatory System Function -supplies the body with blood and oxygen -carbon dioxide, oxygen, nutrients are all transported throughout the body Adaptations -A 4 chambered heart is able to separate separate deoxygenated and oxygenated blood (oxygenated blood to the body and deoxygenated blood to the lungs) Excretory System Structure - Kidney: Filters the blood and creates urine - Glomerulus: Blood plasma is filtered here - Nephron: Regulates the concentration of water - Bowman’s capsule: where blood filtration starts - Loop of henle: Where blood and salts and reabsorbed into the blood - Collecting duct: collects urine from the nephron and moves it to the ureters Function - Filters the blood, keeps water balance, and excretes nitrogenous waste Muscles Structure - Muscle cells: contain protein filaments of actin and myosin - Sarcomeres: structure unit of a myofibril - Actin & myosin fibers: Actin form the thin filaments and myosin form the thick filaments - Tropomyosin regulatory protein: troponin is attached to the protein tropomyosin and lies within the groove between actin filaments in the muscle tissue Function - helps with movement Immune Structure - Lymph system: major part of the immune system - leukocytes: protect the body from infectious disease and foreign invaders - lymphocytes: a form of lymphocyte - macrophage: phagocytic cell found in the tissues or mobile white blood cell - B cells: produces antibodies - T cells: destroy t cells to hunt down and destroy cells that are infected with germs Function protects body from attacks by pathogen Reproduction Structures -Testicles: create sperm -Penis: urination and semen delivery -Glands: creates sex hormones -Sperm: reproductive cell for males -Ovaries: creates sex hormones -Eggs: reproductive cells for females -Fallopian tubes: transfers egg from ovary to uterus -Uterus: develops embryo and fetus when pregnant Function -create offspring (make sure survival is possible) -produce sex cells