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E bussiness Assignment lv4

Let’s choose the e-commerce company: Amazon. Given its long-standing history and multifaceted
business model, it provides plenty of information to address the tasks given.
Task 1:
At first, Amazon was a web-based book retailer.
Available now: Currently, Amazon is a global retailer with a wide range of goods to choose
from, including electronics, clothing, food, and more. Such offerings as Amazon Prime,
Amazon Web Services (AWS), Amazon Fresh, and Amazon Music have been made available.
Change and development: As it quickly added features like user reviews, Amazon also rapidly
expanded its product categories. Streaming services, cloud services, food delivery, Kindle ereaders, and other innovations were also introduced.
Benefits include: - A variety of product offerings improves client retention. Cross-selling is
encouraged by the company's highly integrated offerings.
Limitations: It can be difficult to manage such a broad range of services and inventory. In the
event that the brand grows too quickly, it can lose its focus.
Task 2:
From initial contact through post-purchase services, the Amazon customer journey through
its supply chain is a multidimensional process that incorporates different stages. The
customer lifecycle map shown below highlights key steps and possible supply chain
1. Being aware
Customer Activity: Customers learn about Amazon or its product offerings from
advertisements, recommendations, or search engines.
Vulnerability in the Supply Chain: None.
2. Factor to consider
Customer Activity: The customer shops on Amazon, reads reviews of products, and contrasts
Accurate product availability and lead times are a supply chain vulnerability. Customers may
be misinformed about product availability or delivery times if stock levels are not updated in
3. Choosing/Buying:
Customer activity: The customer adds things to their shopping cart and then checks out.
After making the payment, they get an order confirmation.
Vulnerability in the Supply Chain
precise inventory management making sure the inventory is available as online.
dependable payment gateways safeguarding the financial data of customers.
4. Shipping and Delivery:
Customer activity: The customer monitors the status of their order online and awaits
Vulnerability in the Supply Chain
Delivery that is accurate and on time: Ensuring that the products are delivered to clients in a
timely manner.
Issues with logistics and third-party delivery: Customers may have a negative experience as a
result of product loss, delays, or damage while in transit.
5. Receipt/Utility:
Customer activity: The customer receives and starts using the product.
Quality and legitimacy of the products are supply chain vulnerabilities. The customer's
experience will be harmed if the product doesn't match its description or is a fake.
6. Following-purchase support:
Customers can return items, request replacements, or contact customer service with any
Threat to the Supply Chain:
Process for a successful return: ensuring efficient and timely return processing.
Replacement items are readily available, guaranteeing a painless exchange process in the
event that a product is flawed.
Reviewing and promoting:
Customer activity: Pleased customers may give Amazon positive reviews, pass along their
pleasant experiences to friends, or make additional purchases.
Supply Chain Vulnerability: None, although bad experiences during earlier phases may result
in bad reviews or turn off potential consumers.
Strategies for Reducing Supply Chain Failures:
Implement technologies that allow for real-time tracking and updating of stock levels
to prevent mismatches between the amount of stock that is presented and the
amount that is actually in stock.
Strong Supplier Relationships: Regularly evaluate and monitor suppliers to verify the
dependability and quality of the products.
Enhanced Logistics and Delivery Network: Use cutting-edge algorithms for route
optimization, make sure that the packaging is appropriate, and routinely screen
outside delivery partners.
Customer input System: Regularly collect and evaluate customer input to identify and
address recurrent problems in the supply chain.
Utilize analytics and machine learning for advanced forecasting to better correctly
predict demand and plan your inventory.
Regular employee training in supply chain management best practices will help to
reduce human error.
Regular Audit and Analysis: Conduct periodic audits of the whole supply chain to look
for weaknesses and inefficiencies, and then put the necessary remedial actions in
In order to maintain a productive supply chain that provides a seamless client
experience, Amazon (or any other e-commerce platform) must assiduously handle
these possible hazards.
Analysis of Amazon's Use of Rewards and Vouchers:
1. Gift cards or vouchers from Amazon
Use: These are prepaid stored-value cards that can be used instead of cash to make
purchases on Amazon.
Restrictions: Not redeemable for cash.
cannot be used outside of the designated region or country of purchase or for some
subscription services.
usually have a date of expiration.
2. Visa Signature Card with Amazon Rewards:
Usage: Every time a customer makes a purchase, they accumulate points that they may use
on Amazon.
Limitations: Requires approval of credit.
Interest rates and the possibility of building debt.
There could be restrictions on the use of points or an expiration date.
Advantages for Amazon;
Increased Customer Loyalty: Giving customers rewards or coupons that are exclusive to
Amazon encourages them to shop there again rather than at other retailers.
Cash Flow Upfront: When gift cards are bought, Amazon obtains money up front, but may
not have to supply products or services until the card is redeemed, which temporarily
improves cash flow.
Advantages for the Client:
Savings & Discounts: A consumer may directly save money by using rewards or redeeming
vouchers, effectively giving them discounts on purchases.
Gift cards are a flexible and practical gift option because they may be given to others.
Rewards provide cardholders freedom in selecting when and how to spend their points.
Online payments using gift cards and incentives:
By inputting the special card number during the checkout process, customers can use
Amazon gift cards. The purchase is then taken from the card balance. Customers will need to
use another form of payment if the purchase is greater than the available credit on their
With the Amazon Rewards Visa Signature Card, users have the option to apply their reward
points to their purchases in addition to using the card just like any other credit card while
making online purchases.
In conclusion, Amazon's points and rewards program not only entices customers to keep
purchasing there but also gives an additional payment option that has advantages for both
the retailer and the customer.
Analyzing Amazon's Information on Data and Payment Security:
1. Privacy Notice: Amazon's Privacy Notice, which can be found in the footer of its website,
contains comprehensive information about the types of personal data they gather, how they
use it, and when they might share it. The security precautions they take to protect this data
are described in the warning.
2. Amazon's Secure Payment Options: Amazon emphasizes its commitment to securely
handle customer payment information. The Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol is used to
encrypt transactions, guaranteeing the privacy of all payment information.
3. Cookies Notice: In a detailed explanation of how it uses cookies, Amazon describes their
functions, which include user identification, preference storage, and the creation of a
customized shopping experience.
4. Conditions of Use: This section discusses the terms and conditions governing the use of
Amazon's services and includes information on the security and privacy issues pertaining to
customer data.
Information Assessment:
Detail: Amazon's privacy and security policies cover a wide range of topics, from data
collecting to use, sharing, and protection.
Personal data, transaction information, surfing habits, and more are all covered in the
content. It explains the customer's rights as well as Amazon's obligation.
Strength: Its thoroughness and clarity are its strongest points. In order to increase its trust,
Amazon additionally highlights how it complies with international privacy standards and
Important Information for Amazon:
Building Trust: The worry about data breaches and payment theft is one of the main
reasons why customers hesitate to make online purchases. Amazon fosters trust
with its users by making available thorough information about their data security
Legal Compliance: Organizations are required to declare the methods they use to
gather, utilize, and safeguard customers' personal information under data protection
rules, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Europe. As a result,
these disclosures guarantee that Amazon follows all applicable laws around the
Reducing consumer Concerns: Detailed disclosures assist in addressing consumer
questions and lowering the volume of complaints about the use and security of their
Business Reputation: In the information era, an organization's position on data
protection can have a big impact on its reputation. Amazon maintains a favorable
reputation in the public by being open about their data policies.
Building confidence, assuring compliance with the law, and upholding a positive reputation
all depend on Amazon's disclosures regarding data security and payment security. They
demonstrate the company's dedication to providing its customers with a risk-free and secure
buying experience. The most current and comprehensive information on Amazon's data
protection and security policies can always be found on their official website.
a) Since my last training data was in September 2021, I am unable to provide realtime developments for the two years prior to your present date of 2023. I can,
however, point you a few significant e-commerce projects and operations that
Amazon undertook in the years preceding 2021. To stay current on developments,
you might want to double-check with more recent sources or Amazon's official
Amazon's High-End Shops:
Amazon Luxury Stores, a new shopping experience, was introduced in 2020 and
features both well-known and up-and-coming luxury fashion and cosmetics
products. It uses a "store within a store" approach on the Amazon app and is only
accessible via invitation to U.S. Prime members.
Amazon's advantages:
Diversification: By entering the luxury market, Amazon is able to attract a wider
range of consumers and more affluent groups.
Increased Revenue: Since luxury goods often have better profit margins than more
affordable alternatives, even with lower sales volume, they can still be quite
Brand association: By partnering with upscale companies, Amazon's brand image
can be enhanced, transforming it from a convenience store to an exclusive
shopping destination.
Amazon Discover:
Amazon Explore was unveiled in 2020 and offers virtual excursions for shopping,
studying, and sightseeing. Customers can schedule live virtual events like cooking
classes and shopping excursions in far-off cities.
Amazon's advantages:
New Revenue Stream: Thanks to this initiative, Amazon was able to profit from a
new type of online experience and enter a new market.
Pandemic-Proofing: Because of the travel limitations and instructions for people to
stay at home during the pandemic, virtual experiences became more in demand,
which allowed Amazon to capitalize on this need.
Strengthening Customer Engagement: Amazon keeps people engaged on their
platform for longer and in ways more than just purchasing by providing a variety of
Both of these projects show how adaptable and dedicated Amazon is to breaking
new e-commerce ground. The business keeps coming up with new ideas and
increasing the range of services it offers, whether it's by focusing on luxury retail or
by giving virtual experiences.
I suggest consulting Amazon's annual reports, press releases, or trustworthy ecommerce news sources for the most recent developments in 2022 and 2023.
Amazon's Potentials for E-Commerce and Engagement Opportunities
There are several activities, projects, or features that Amazon hasn't fully exploited despite
being a titan in the e-commerce industry. Let's examine how these could help to greatly
increase consumer involvement in two of these areas:
1. Features of Social Shopping
Overview: Shopping has become more of a social activity in the era of Instagram, TikTok, and
influencers. A number of platforms, like Instagram and Pinterest, have integrated purchasing
tools that let users buy things right from postings. Social media and e-commerce have been
integrated to make shopping more participatory, impulsive, and influenced by reliable
How Amazon Might Act:
Allow users to create more personalized profiles where they may highlight their
favorite products, wishlists, and reviews by enabling them to create curated user
profiles with wishlists and ratings. It would become more interesting and interactive
as a result.
Integrate a "social feed" so that consumers may follow their favorite influencers,
dealers, or friends and see their activity, advice, and ratings. Additionally,
announcements about impending sales or popular products might be included in this
Host live streaming shopping events where influencers or brand ambassadors
showcase products, respond to live inquiries, and provide limited-time discounts.
Benefits of Engagement
Building Community: Amazon may promote a sense of community by including social
components. Users would go to Amazon not just to shop but also to interact, share,
and learn.
Consumers frequently trust peer reviews when making informed purchases. Making
more educated purchasing decisions can be facilitated by seeing real individuals
endorse or review things.
Increased User Time: Users will browse for longer on an engaging platform, which
could result in more impulse purchases.
2. Shopping in augmented reality (AR)
Overview: Augmented reality (AR) is rapidly being used to improve online shopping
experiences. Before purchasing, it enables customers to see things in their own
surroundings. For instance, a user may "place" a piece of furniture electronically in their
living room to determine whether it looks good and works there.
What Amazon Might Do
Users can virtually "try on" apparel, eyewear, or jewelry through augmented reality
try-ons. This feature might overlay objects to convey a feeling of fit, look, and style
on the user's photo or video feed.
Home decor visualization: Using the camera on their device, users may virtually
arrange home décor objects in their rooms. They might then see whether a product
fits with their decor or in a particular location.
AR could be used to provide a 3D interactive display of the product, showcasing its
characteristics in detail, for tech gadgets or appliances.
Engagement Advantages:
Increased consumer Confidence: The ability to see things before purchasing them
can boost consumer confidence, which may result in a decrease in return rates.
Interactive Shopping: AR can turn browsing into an interactive experience, which
makes shopping more interesting and enjoyable.
Keeping Up with Technology: By utilizing augmented reality, Amazon may further
establish itself as a cutting-edge e-commerce platform that attracts customers who
are tech knowledgeable and sets standards for the sector.
In conclusion, even though Amazon is still a major player in the e-commerce industry, adding
augmented reality and social buying capabilities could help it reach new levels of customer
engagement. Maintaining user engagement in the ever moving digital era involves constant
innovation and adaptation. Both of these features meet the changing demands of the digital
consumer while also being in line with current buying trends. With its technological
expertise and enormous user base, Amazon is well-positioned to take use of these
characteristics and achieve even greater success.
This general overview relies on basic understanding of Amazon's operations and supply chain
procedures rather than a particular reference because it is meant to be a general overview. Typically,
one would turn to: for detailed insights.
Amazon's annual reports and investor relations materials.
case studies from trustworthy business journals or schools.
major business periodicals and magazines articles or features on Amazon.com.
e-commerce supplier industry publications or whitepapers
"Amazon Gift Cards." Amazon.com. The types, uses, and terms & conditions of Amazon gift cards are
covered in full here.
"Amazon Rewards Card." Amazon.com. It provides information on the rules, advantages, and
rewards program for credit card users.
Please keep in mind that while this answer provides a summary of Amazon's coupons and rewards as
of the September 2021 update, specifics may differ by area or change over time. It would be better
to consult the official Amazon website or their terms of service and policy pages directly for the most
up-to-date and comprehensive information.
"Privacy Notice." Amazon.com. Here is a thorough explanation of how Amazon utilizes and
safeguards customer data.
"Conditions of Use." Amazon.com. This provides information about the rules for using Amazon's
platform, or terms of service.
"Amazon Pay FAQ." Amazon.com. Users can learn more about Amazon Pay's security procedures and
other related information here.
Please be aware that this is a condensed review that was created using the data that was available at
the time of the last update, which was in September 2021. The official documentation, policy
updates, and user agreements on Amazon's website would need to be examined for a more
thorough study.
"Introducing Amazon Explore: New Virtual Experiences." Amazon.com. This page offers details about
the virtual reality platform that Amazon introduced.
"Introducing Amazon One – a new innovation to make everyday activities effortless." Regarding
Amazon. This source provides information about the Amazon One technology and its uses.
Despite the fact that these are the notable e-commerce initiatives launched by Amazon during the
specified time period based on the data I was last trained on, due to the rapid rate of technological
advancement, Amazon may have added new features or services beyond September 2021. For the
most recent developments, always take into account consulting Amazon's official statements or
reliable tech news sources.