The following have been decided in the Laboratory Sub-committee meeting of the department and all the undergraduate students (1st to 4th year BEE and 1st to 5th year BE(EE) stusents and other non-departmental students who avail the Electrical Laboratory as a part of their curriculum) hav to follow them strictly. I. Henceforth all the application related to Laboratory arrear would be accepted through a Googgle Form ( . II. Student who missed any experiment for some genuine reasons, would be allowed for availing the arrear experiment and the permission would be granted by the Laboratory Co-ordinator on the basis of application and documents (medical report etc.) submitted by the student. III. The Laboratory Co-ordinator may take the opnion of the Laboratory Sub-committee of the department for any special cases. IV. Other than very special cases only one experiment would be allowed to be performed by the student as arrear experiment. V. The application must be submitted at least 5 days before the prescheduled arrear date of that semister.