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VIT Exam Registration: Re-FAT & Arrear Notice

Office of the Controller of Examinations
Ref.No. : VIT/CoE/2022/22003,
Date: 23-Feb-2022
To: All Students (Vellore Campus)
Sub: Registration for (i) Approved Re-FATs for ALL students and
(ii) Winter 2021-22 Regular Arrear Examinations
for Timed out and present Final Year Students only
for the courses in which they have appeared and failed to clear ['F' & 'N' grades]
Debarred and students who were Absent in FAT are NOT Eligible.
Registrations are open for the Re-FAT and Regular Arrear Examinations to be Scheduled
from 4th April 2022 onwards. For UG Fresher’s Group Re-FAT will be scheduled separately
in May 2022 once they reach the campus. Both Re-FAT and Regular Arrear will be a
normal Closed Book Exam in Pen and Paper Mode. Duration of the Exam will be three
hours and max marks would be 100.
For Re-FAT approved students only for the components to which approval has been given
should be registered and they should adhere to the schedule given for Re-FAT and Regular
Arrear. Please note that there will not be any second chance what so ever be the reason
for not appearing in Re-FAT. There is no Fee for Re-FAT Process.
For Regular Arrear, Students should register for ALL the Components of a selected course.
Component wise registration is NOT permitted. For example, if a course has both theory and
laboratory components, the student should register for both theory and laboratory
components to clear the backlog, even though the student would have cleared either the
theory or laboratory component of that particular course earlier. If a course has a ‘J’
component, the student should appear for the final review again. It will be considered
equivalent to FAT for the project component of the course.
If a student fails to clear in the arrear examination, the student can once again register for
the subsequent arrear examination or for re-registration in subsequent semester again as a
complete course (all components).
For No individual component of a course is permitted once someone register for an
arrear for that course.
Regular Arrear Registration Dates
Registration Link & Online Fee Payment
[Open/Close] [available in Student login]
24-Feb-2022 to 16-March-2022
Under No circumstances late registration/ payment will be entertained.
Students should register in V-Top and make necessary payments (Rs.1000 per course
only for Arrear Courses. No need to make any payment for Re-FAT).
Kindly contact SDC for any V-Top login related issues.
Digitally signed by
Date: 2022.02.23 13:31:52 +05'30'
Controller of Examinations
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: Vice Chancellor / ProVC/ Registrar / Dean (Academics) / All Deans, Directors &Section Heads / SDC / all notice boards
eMail to : allvitians.vellore/ allstudents.vellore