r,-. 111ft . ~ '9,r~ ~; wance, 'ye,&s: ~ ar$in -:--'"":'C"-". ~. ~ '0. No. Fin-C-8(7)-3/98 Government of H.imachalPradesh Finance (Regulations) Department. Q-E..EJ.Q.~M§..MQ-BAN QJLM S.ubjact;- Go" ernment Itf -~~~=~"':~~:';'1 1'\' 111rt'i 1 1 2ft"., .,A/j In continuation , " t.. " I ' tQ thi~"Departmenfs ", 1/ If~4"'1 _ ~ 1 Offico Me'llorandum :>f evensed ..,.." number decide e ff dated 10tl1 April 200Z:"the Governor, Hirila"h;;:,1 Prad'?sh 'j~ pIe. that the Dearness Allowance payable to th~ to et11p:oyees Government QfHima~hal Pradesh shall be ~nc~gfrOril of the tf:!~~ Qfjp~~!Q~~~..Ql11i~~~:L-1.§!.~S.!ly'@!Yoa6.Q.Q~~. I uC? ---I ,~ 2. The term" PA V" for the purpos~9f calculation of Dearness Allc shall remain the same. 'as defined in para 2 of this Department C.M. number dated 27th .../' ~1ay, 1999 ~nd,in respect of such oRtad to retain pre-revised pay scales or whose e\',=:" c .'" . employees wr 0 hava scales have not' YEit been revised, the term "PAY" shall be the' same as defined In para 2 and not1/pelow para 2 of this Department O,M. of e"en number dated 8th Ncvember,19~ 3. 01.6.2002 The admissible ~)4\C1 DearnO$5 1!,!iO\\iance shall be paid in ca,r;h w.e.f. tQ 31..05.2002 ,. st a/'l. be and the arrear~ accru!'id from 01.01.2002 :. credited to the General PrGvid~nt Fund Accounts . of the employeE ant;i interest thereon shalf accrua from 01-07-2002. '. The Go":emment emr;/l .. who have retired or have closed their GPF Accounts sh~!J.be psfd the arrE . cash ""i, ;ir1i.';c;c In case of such Government en:tp!oyees who are; not~lipjl; ~ to 4, subscrib~ . .. , to the." Provident Fund, th~ Provident Fund Account is opened i,n his! paid through equal to the purchase of ~ationaf drawl of arrear shall b~ df'ferr ~q till he! name OR the arrear~l ) ma, Sm~fI S:3vings Certificates ?fanar .I n~ar~st Rs. .1;001- 'and. the balance amount ~e 10;U)': . may. be pr~ in cc.st.!. The option of waiting till a GPF ~cc.ount is available or purph~se of NSS certificate~ may be given to ~uch employees. . CC ", ;~ ~he lYees Ci~il ~ies'. ~. l\if'(QI .2The Dearness Allowance will continue 5 I to be a distinct elemer ~of I re:nuneration and wi!i not Pe treated as Pay. 6. The payment on account of Dearness Allowance involving fractic n of 50 paisa anq above n-i~ti te roimdsd (Iff to tile higher rupee anc the next fraction of \essthan 50 ~isa. fi1.:'.ybe igr'1;orec\. I 7. ,The~ orders are a;~pl;cab!e to regu!::i;' and work~charged em?lc of the State Government. to: \; ... 1..-(f"r -,;~o!",'.") ./" To 13thJune, 2002, 1lie Copy forwarded to :-" ' 1 ,:.lf1e Accountant Gene~a\ H.P" Shimla-~7iOO3 '""ith 20 spare copies: I 2. The Sr. Deputy Accc;...I.'\t:;;.nt Gf::ie~:li (,~&f:) H.P., Shil'nla.3 wi'~h 20 CO! 3. The Commissioner 4. 5. 6. 7. f~e'.;e!:~Je,;-i1r,~~:.::ha\ Prp:1csh, Shim.\~-z.. A\\ Heads of the Dep"rti':!'Ier~::;inHilr,::'.i"~\ F,\-",jash. The Registrar General, r:j~h Court of H.?, Si1~m\~;'1.All Sessions ~ud2~S in H.P. Pradcsh." . . All District Deput1 and Commissioner~ in \-\imacha\ 8. A\\ District Treasury Offlcet~/Treasury Officers inH.P. 9. AI\ Dcput"j contro\lers/Assis~ant contro\\ers(Fin. & Af.:r:ttS) ur,der the Adl";,in\st,rative cantro\ of Treasuries':& Accounts Organisation, Bazar, 10. The inspection Officer (T&A) Organisation, North Zone, , Dharam~::.;a. (H.P.) .", I pd . 11. TneAssi,,-iant Director, Finance Administr8tion, H.l.P .A., Fair LaWn$ Shimla. ra ;::: ~2. The. Divisional Organisor,. punjab ~ and Himacnal ! Divislcn(SSB), Directorate of Genera\ of Security, Shimla.171 904. Sa~ahali 13. Tnc Commandant, Training Centre, Directorate General of Securi (p'.J;.hahr), Shiml:;:1District. ' I Camp 14, Th.~ Cantonm;;nt Executive Offlce~, subathUJJutOgh/Dagsrai/Ka$\. (Kangra).l8akloh cantonmentJDalhQusie (Chamba). '. ~5. The Assistant Direc~or, Spec\al (DOR~!,E.RS), Shimla.