QR.Data Froqmentation and Raplicahion Data Fragmentation Data Fragnentationis the poA of disintagratin g relatond or tables nto Seeral parhihions. LH divides the alata into Sub tablesS0. dhat sUb relatond anol vaious thedata can be alistnbuteo Land sod efoiunthy Fragmantatian is the prnce S into Set of The subsets o he of dlividing a table Smallr tables table ar aalled fognents Fragmantahon an be of 3 typed ’ Horizontal Frag mentation Vutical Frogmentation Hybid FragmantaHan. FraamenBation should be alone in Such a way that the oniginal table ragments Thi's can bereconstucfeo from the s caled Ureconstuctiveness" Let vs consiolera universiy that kanps rrcorad of all ngistered stulnts in a huolnt table hain the following shema STUDENT Reg-ne Noume Oaurse Addres Semester Fees Mak Horizontal Fragmuntation Horizental Fragmantahion graups the tples of a table in accordane to table for original base felola more One haizental togmaat Each eq. valved must have all the co lurm ng of the reconstrvchvenes schema f the oletails of all stuclents of Computer scienoe OUrse need to be maintaçned at n shdent Sohoal of computer Sciena honizontally fagmented CREATE 0MP STD FROM SELEC then the databae oan be fallaus - AS STUDENT c0URSE E "Computur Science WHERE Vertical Fragmuntation The feloA or columns of gragmants in To maintan recensthuehvend dhe priman e a table Yerhoal fagmunt ation are grouped into each ragmnt should contan kuy fud) of the fable saf the fee oletais nud to be accounts Sechion, thun the fagmanted CREATE TABLE STD FEES AS Keg-no,Fees FROM 8TUDENT SELE C olatabaue maint ainad in Hhe aan be vethially Hybrid Frngmutation &t is o oombinahonof horizental cnd vortical fagaentation techniquct. the most fiexible fragnnantation tuchnique, an au. This is dee it generotek rognants uith minimal extraneous Linformaiorn. Howv reconuhvchon of the is often original on xpensive tak altornahive wys Frst gunerate a set of horizontal ragments, then gunante vethical ftag meats em One Or nore harizental fagments OR of varti cal fragmnts, then rst qeneate erate harizontal rognmants fom vetical agments. one or more of Hha ddvantags of Fragnmantatian Sina oato is stored olose to the site of Usage, effcleny of the databoe is inoreaAed Since imlevont oata is not available at dhe site. Secunihy and privaoy DisadvoantagA of of thedatabaue be maintalned Fragmentahan’ When data from different frag ments re required, acce speeds may be ey low ’ n case will nud of recursive fragmntation punaire tchaiquus. econsuchon Replicahon Data the prncu afstoringSeparatL capidofthe databae at St is two or more a populau fowlt site toleran oe techaique of sishibuteo database Commanls sed replication tehniqut include Snap shot rplicaion near -real tinne rplication pull eplicahion. Aolvountaqu of Data Ruplicatian Reliabilihy - Sn case of failure at ony site, the database. System continue to lwork sinc a copPy is Qvoilable Reducti.n in Network are availabl at another si. local capiAA of data 4ueny pncLssing an be olone koao- Sin e with reducud natuork vaage pim hurs Data updating particularty duning on be olo atnon prime hours Availabilihy of ocal aapies Quicker Rupsnse quicker uy prneLMing and thua qui cker esponse imes Simpler Trana achan RUNburof TroAachianu require eade, joind f tables located at diffrnt sites bece me simpler in natur thus they Disod vantages of Dota Replication ’ Sncreased Storage requiremants- malnting of the data is oociatud mulhiple capiea with 0noreased Storage costs. The storage space requird is in multiples af the space nquitzd fora centaliu Systum Inorasedcat and complexity of dlata updahing Each ime the dlata is upolated the update must eAect in all capies at dlifeurnt sites. This requines complex synchonization tuhniquee and praaeala Sf complex synchto ni zahionmechanisms ae nat escd, emoving data in consist anay requirs at applicahonlevel. complxcoorainaton