Agri Crop Production 7 Test: Farm Tools & Equipment

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III-Central Luzon
Schools Division of Bulacan
Heritage Homes Integrated School
Heritage Homes, Marilao, Bulacan
Technology and Livelihood Education (T. L. E.) Department
First Periodical Test:
Agri Crop Production 7
Directions: Read each item carefully; write capital letter before the number that corresponds to your choice of answer. Use black ball pen.
Multiple Choices
Lesson 1 - LO1: Select and use farm tools
1. The science or practice of farming, including cultivation of the soil
for the growing of crops and the rearing of animals to provide food,
wool, and other products
A. Agriculture
C. Dressmaking
B. Handicrafts
D. Cookery
2. Which of the following is an example of digging tool?
A. Bolo
C. Grab hoe
B. Crowbar
D. Pruning shear
3. A tool that is used for cutting tall grasses and weeds
and chopping branches of trees.
A. Crowbar
C. Knives
B. Sickle
D. Bolo
4. A tool that is used for removing trash or soil, digging canals or
ditches and mixing soil media.
A. Spade
C. Pick Mattock
B. Shovel
D. Grab Hoe
5. Which tool resembles the appearance of spoon and use for
transferring soil?
A. Spade
C. Pick Mattock
B. Shovel
D. Grab Hoe
6. Which of the following is used for cleaning the ground and leveling
the topsoil?
A. Wheel borrow
C. Rake
B. Sprinklers
D. Pruning Shears
7. Which of the following is for cutting branches of planting materials
and unnecessary branches of plants.
A. Wheel borrow
C. Rake
B. Sprinklers
D. Pruning Shears
8. A tooI used for loosening the soil around the growing plants and
putting small amount of manure fertilizer in the soil.
A. Hand Trowel
C. Light Hoe
B. Hand Cultivator
D. Spading Fork
9. A tool for cutting bigger size post.
A. Pruning Shears
C. Knife
B. Axe
D. Crowbar
10. This tool for watering seedlings and young plants
A. Water pails
C. Sprinklers
B. Sprayers
D. Water Drum
11. Which of the following is for hauling water, manure and fertilizers?
A. Water pails
C. Sprinklers
B. Sprayers
D. Water Drum
12. A hand-held agricultural tool with a variously curved blade typically
used for cutting weeds.
A. Pick mattock
C. Spading Fork
B. Hand Fork
D. Sickle
13. A tool for spraying insecticides, foliar fertilizers, fungicides and
A. Insecticides
C. Sprayers
B. Wheel barrow
D. Water pails
14. A tool that is for cutting planting materials and for performing other
operations in horticulture
A. Crowbar
C. Knife
B. Sickle
D. Bolo
15. A farm tool that is used for hauling trash, manures, fertilizers,
planting materials and other equipment
A. Wheel borrow
C. Rake
B. Sprinklers
D. Pruning Shears
16. These are farm implements either pulled by a working animal or a
A. Plow
C. Rotavator
B. Harrow
D. All of the above
17. Are used for tilling and pulverizing the soil.
A. Plow
C. Rotavator
B. Harrow
D. All of the above
18. An implement mounted to a tractor used for tilling and pulverizing
the soil.
A. Plow
C. Rotavator
B. Harrow
D. All of the above
19. Farm tools are very important in agricultural crop production
because they ______?
A. Make the work easier
C. Saves time
B. Help the farmers
D. All of the above
20. A person engaged in agriculture, raising living organisms for food
or raw materials
A. Teachers
C. Parents
B. Farmers
D. Engineers
LO2: Select and operate farm equipment
21. A common farm equipment used to pull a plow and harrow in
preparing a large area of land.
A. Hand Tractor
C. Disc Plow
B. Four wheel tractor
D. Grab hoe
22. A common farm equipment used to pull disc plow and disc harrow
in preparing much bigger area of land.
A. Hand Tractor
C. Disc Plow
B. Four wheel tractor
D. Grab hoe
23. Used to draw irrigation water from a source.
A. Water Pails
C. Irrigation
B. Water Pumps
D. Water Irrigation
24. It can peel the skin and remove the corn from the cob.
A. Rice Seeder
C. Thresher
B. Miller
D. Corn Dehusker
25. Machine or device for cutting grass
A. Grass Cutter
C. Miller
B. Cutter
D. Blade
26. A common farm equipment t used to plant rice seeds.
A. Thresher
C. Rice Seeder
B. Rice Harvester
D. Miller
27. A machine or tool used for separating seeds from a grain
A. Thresher
C. Rice Seeder
B. Rice Harvester
D. Miller
Lesson 2 – LO1: Perform estimation
C. Sprayers
D. Seeds
C. Sprayers
D. Seeds
C. Sprayers
D. Seeds
LO2: Perform basic workplace calculations
Find the area
31. Given: Length = 5 cm
Formula: A= l x w
A. 10 𝑐𝑚2
C. 20 𝑐𝑚2
Width = 5 cm
32. Given: Length = 8 cm
Formula: A= l x w
A. 16 𝑐𝑚2
C. 12 𝑐𝑚2
Width = 3 cm
B. 15 𝑐𝑚2
D. 25 𝑐𝑚2
B. 24 𝑐𝑚2
D. 83 𝑐𝑚2
33. Given: Base = 4 cm
Formula: A = (B x H)
A. 14 𝑐𝑚2
C. 30 𝑐𝑚2
Height = 7 cm
34. Given: Base = 10 cm
Formula: A= B x H
A. 10 𝑐𝑚2
C. 50 𝑐𝑚2
Height = 5 cm
B. 11 𝑐𝑚2
D. 25 𝑐𝑚2
B. 500 𝑐𝑚2
D. 30 𝑐𝑚2
35. Given: Base = 3 cm Top = 7 cm Height = 2 cm
Formula: A= (B + T) x H
A. 10 𝑐𝑚2
B. 15 𝑐𝑚2
C. 20 𝑐𝑚
D. 25 𝑐𝑚2
43. Done by scattering fertilizers uniformly on the soil
A. Band Application
B. Broadcast Method
C. Side dressing Application
D. Foliar Application
44. Done by digging furrows around each plant
A. Band Application
C. Side dressing Application
B. Broadcast Method
D. Foliar Application
45. Apply close to the seed or around the growing plant
A. Band Application
C. Side dressing Application
B. Broadcast Method
D. Foliar Application
46. It suck the plant juices of the plants
A. Chewing Insects
C. Farm Insects
B. Sucking Insects
D. Plant Insects
47. It bite off and eat up the leaves and other parts of the plants
A. Chewing Insects
C. Farm Insects
B. Sucking Insects
D. Plant Insects
48. Progressive yellowing and drying of leaves from the tip
A. Root Knot
C. Onion Bulb Rot
B. Downy Mildew
D. Powdery Mildew
49. Small, angular yellow spots on the upper surface of the leaves and
purplish mildew on the lower surface
A. Root Knot
C. Onion Bulb Rot
B. Downy Mildew
D. Powdery Mildew
50. Full name of your teacher in TLE 7?
A. Jessica D. Gumafelix
B. Jessica B. Gumafelix
C. Geraldine Seidel
D. Geraldine Seidel
End of Test
“Your grade speaks a lot about you as a person – your discipline and
effort to do better always.”
– Unknown
Lesson 3: LO1: Kinds of Fertilizers
36. Are substance added to the soil that are able to increase soil
A. Fertilizers
C. Insecticides
B. Garden Soil
D. Planting
37. A kind of fertilizer that is made of decayed plants and animal
A. Organic
C. Band
B. Inorganic
D. Foliar
38. Consists of commercially prepared fertilizers such as ammonium
sulfate, super-phosphate and muriate of potash.
A. Organic
C. Band
B. Inorganic
D. Foliar
39. Which of the following ways of application best describe foliar
A. Apply close to the seed or around the growing plant
B. Is done by digging furrows around each plant
C. Done by scattering fertilizers uniformly on the soil
D. Done by dissolving fertilizer in water and applying through a
40. A kind of composting that is done by digging a pit big enough to
accommodate cut grass and other dried plants in the garden.
A. Compost pit method
C. Compost dig method
B. Compost heap method
D. Compost in method
41. Organic matter are piled just on the top of the ground without
digging a pit.
A. Compost pit method
C. Compost dig method
B. Compost heap method
D. Compost in method
42. It gives a dark color to the plants and promotes their own growth.
A. Oxygen
C. Phosphorus
B. Nitrogen
D. Potassium
Prepared by:
Ms. Jessica Gumafelix
Teacher I
Checked by:
Herminia M. Montilla
High School Coordinator -Teacher III
Noted by:
Rosalina DC. Amper, Ph. D.
Principal III