Uploaded by Ivan Cheng

Respiratory System Exam Questions

1. Describe how the movement of the ribs alters the dimensions of the thorax
during inspiration? (4)
2. Describe the attachments and arrangement of the intercostal muscles? (6)
Intercostal muscles pass between adjacent ribs.
There are 11 pairs between ribs 1 to 12 in the intercostal space.
Intercostal muscles are arranged in 3 layers which are external intercostals (outer
layer), internal intercostals (middle layer) and innermost intercostal (deep layer).
The external intercostals attach from the inferior border of the rib above to the
superior border of the rib below.
The internal intercostals attach from inferior border of rib above to superior border of
rib below.
3. Explain how the accessory muscles assist inspiration in a breathless patient?
In a breathless patient, accessory muscles help increase the thoracic volume and
decrease intra-thoracic pressure, facilitating the entry of air into the lungs.
Sternocleidomastoid muscles help lift the sternum and clavicles, contributing to an
increase in the anterior-posterior diameter of the chest.
Scalene muscles assist in elevating the upper ribs during deep inhalation, aiding in
the expansion of the chest cavity.
4. Describe the action of the muscles used to produce forced expiration? (5)
Forced expiration is brought about by the internal intercostals and the abdominal
Contraction of the abdominal muscles causes the abdominal viscera to push up
against the diaphragm reducing the vertical diameter of the thorax.
Contraction of intercostal muscles draws ribs together, causing depression of the rib
The contraction of these muscles reduces lung volume.
Intrapulmonary pressure increases.
Gas flows out of lung from high pressure to low pressure which is the external
1. List the defence mechanisms of the respiratory system, outlining how each
contribute to maintain lung hygiene (10)
Vibrissae in nostril helps filter out large particles, pollen and dust.
Nasal turbinates contains mucus which possesses anti-bacteria enzyme to prevent
pathogens enter the lungs.
Epiglottis stops unwanted substances e.g. food to go to lungs.
Nasal mucosal contains receptors which detect irritation to stimulate the nerve to
trigger sneezing and coughing to stop irritants getting further down.
2. Describe the structure and function of the mucociliary transport system (10)
Mucociliary transport system contains 3 components which are ciliated
epithelial cells, aqueous (sol) layer and gel (sputum) layer.
Cilia is microscopic hair like process extending from the surface of a cell. It is
capable of rhythmic motion and act in unison with other cilia to cause
movement of cell or surrounding medium.
Respiratory tract ciliated epithelial cells help sweeping clean dust and germs
trapped in mucus secreted by goblet cells.
Aqueous layer is low resistance watery fluid which locates at the shaft of cilia.
It facilitates ciliary movement.
Gel layer locates on top of sol layer. It helps trap foreign particles and which
can be coughed out of the lung.
3. Describe how functioning of the MCT system may be disturbed (10)
If lung produces too much sputum, ciliary movement will decrease due to increase
thickness of gel layer. Foreign particles trapped in sputum cannot be removed
effectively as a result.
If mucus is trapping in the lung, the lung environment becomes warm and wet which
attracts bacteria, causing infection.
Cold air reduce cilia beating frequency, therefore the nose will drip
Primary ciliary dyskinesia affect the structure of cilia, causing the cilia to beat in
opposite direction. Hence mucus cannot be cough out of lung.
Anesthesia stops ciliary function temporary but the lung keep producing mucus,
causing the mucus cannot be remove from lung effectively.
Aging reduces ciliary beating frequency. Mucus cannot be removed effectively from
Infection will reduce the number of cilia as pathogens will attack ciliated epithelial
cell, reducing the beating effectiveness of cilia.
Smoking will stop cilia from beating and degenerated, causing retention of
1. A young man is admitted with a spontaneous pneumothorax, describe what
you might expect to see on his CXR (3)
Black shadow of lung
Shift of internal structures
No lung marking
2. Describe what you might expect to hear on chest auscultation (2)
Decreased or absent breathing sound
3. What immediate medical intervention will be required for a large
pneumothorax and describe how this will restore the lung mechanics (5)
Intercostal drain inserted to restore negative intrapleural pressure.
Excess air will flow out of the pleural space into the chest drain bottle and
then lung will reinflate.
L5 Nil
1. What signs of increased work of breathing might be seen whilst observing the
breathless patient? (10)
Increased use of accessory muscles e.g. scalene and SCM
Pursed lip breathing
Soft tissue recession
Active expiration
Prolong expiration
2. A patient is admitted with an acute exacerbation of bronchiectasis. Explain
what questions should be asked in a subjective assessment regarding this
patient’s symptoms? (10)
Do you feel breathless?
When did it start?
Is it getting better or worse?
What make it worse?
Does anything make the breathlessness better?
Do you find any position makes your breathlessness better?
Is your breathlessness worse at particular time?
Reason: bronchiectasis can lead to difficult in breathing and exacerbation of
bronchiectasis will make breathlessness severe.
Do you cough atm?
Do you bring phlegm when you cough? Is it difficult to …
Do you usually cough?
When do you cough?
What eases the cough?
Have you been coughing up any blood?
Reason: Patient with exacerbation of bronchiectasis may suffer from increased in
sputum and infection could lead to hemoptysis which shows patient’s bronchiectasis
has been worsened.
What is the color of sputum?
How much sputum do you cough in a day?
Is your sputum thick or runny?
Does the sputum have an unpleasant odour?  anaerobic organism
Reason: sputum color can show if there is infective exacerbation of bronchiectasis.
There is infection if the sputum is mucopurulent or purulent.
Are you aware of any tightness in your chest when you are breathing?
Is it worse when you breathe in or out?
Does anything help?
Does anything make it worse?
Reason: acute exacerbation of bronchiectasis will lead to further tightness in
Chest pain
Type of pain?
Pain score?
Aggravating factors and easing factors?
Reason: acute exacerbation of bronchiectasis will lead to increased in chest pain
1. Describe the pathophysiology of pneumonia relating it to the presenting
symptoms (10)
Symptoms of infected pneumonia are caused by invasion of lungs by microorganisms and by immune system’s response to that infection.
Organisms invade spaces between cells and between alveoli via connecting pores.
The invasion cause inflammation of the pleura which leads to cough and chest pain
as the sensory nerve is stimulated by inflammation.
At the same time, inflammation also cause fever and rigors.
In addition, haemoptysis occurs due to damage of capillaries caused by
The invasion of micro-organisms also triggers the immune system.
Neutrophils engulf and kill organisms.
WBCs activate chemical cytokines which stimulate blood vessel to dilate and allow
fluid to leak into the alveoli. The presence of inflammatory cytokines reverses
hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction (HPVC). Ventilation and perfusion mismatching
occurs as a result which leads to rapid shallow breathing.
Since there is fluid leaking into the alveoli due to the effect of cytokines,
consolidation occurs which produce bronchial breath sounds transmission from
trachea and main airways.
Due to the accumulation of fluid in lung, breath sound over pneumonic area also
Sputum production may also take places when consolidation is dissolved.
Weight loss may also occur due to pneumonia.
2. Describe the criteria necessary for gas exchange (2.5) How may these be
disrupted in pneumonia (7.5)
Criteria necessary for gas exchange are concentration, gas solubility, thickness of
alveolar membrane, surface area of alveolar membrane and coupling of ventilation
and perfusion.
Since there is no fresh inspired air reaching alveoli due to accumulation of fluid,
alveolar partial pressure exerted is reduced. Hence, concentration to facilitate
diffusion of gas is reduced,
Due to pneumonia, small amount of O2 is dissolved in fluid. Given that O2 is poorly
soluble, gas exchange is reduced.
Presence of inflammatory fluid in interstitium and exudate in alveoli increase
distance for diffusion. With disease progression alveolar membrane can become
fibrotic and thickened. Hence, gas exchange is disrupted.
Areas of consolidated lung blocked and unable to participate in gas exchange.
Surface area of alveolar membrane is reduced which decreases the rate of gas
Since pneumonic areas are consolidated and unventilated, Rate of ventilation
decreases. However, presence of inflammatory cytokines reverses hypoxic
pulmonary constriction which leads to continued perfusion. Continued perfusion of
non-ventilated airspaces produces V/Q mismatch (Shunt). Hypoxaemia occurs as a
3. Describe the physiotherapy management for a patient with a consolidated
right middle lobe pneumonia (10)
High flow O2 therapy provides patients with warmed and humidified air. It generates
back pressure to flushes dead space of the nasopharyngeal cavity allowing for better
ventilation as well as oxygenation.
Physios can also adjust patients’ positioning to maximized ventilation and perfusion.
At the same time, physios can adopt airway clearance techniques if productive of
Physio can also provide patients with ventilatory support, fluid resuscitation and
analgesia for chest pain.
1. Describe the role of the central chemoreceptors in the regulation of breathing
The roles of the central chemoreceptors are to control and modify ventilation on
breath-by-breath basis, feedback input to respiratory control center to later intrinsic
respiratory pattern and to maintain PaCO2 PaO2 and pH within physiological limits
regardless of activity.
When CO2 diffuses across blood brain barrier, CO2 combines with H2O in CSF and
this form carbonic acid. Carbonic acid disassociates to form bicarbonate and
hydrogen ions. pH of cerebrospinal fluid decreases due to increase concentration of
H+ ions.
Decrease in pH of cerebrospinal fluid simulates central chemoreceptors to feedback
to respiratory control center which stimulate effectors to increase the rate and depth
of ventilation until CO2/ pH levels back in normal range. Conversely when CO2 is
low, rate and depth of ventilation is reduced to allow CO2 or pH to normalize.
2. Describe the role of the peripheral chemoreceptors in the regulation of
breathing (10)
The role of peripheral chemoreceptors is to sample surrounding arterial blood. It is
sensitive to arterial hypoxemia. It also stimulates sympathetic activity, inhibit
parasympathetic activity and increase arterial blood pressure.
3. Describe the physiological consequences of delivering high dose O2 therapy
to a patient with COPD (10)
Delivering high dose O2 therapy to a patient with COPD will elevate the level of
PaCO2. Loss of hypoxic drive occurs as COPD patients with chronic hypercapnia
rely on peripheral chemoreceptors to sense arterial hypoxemia. The only
remaining drive to breathe is removed if patient given high dose O2 arterial
Reversal hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction occurs. COPD patients have areas
of lung destruction with poor ventilation with have hypoxia which leads to V/Q
mismatch. Compensatory HVC occurs in those areas. If COPD patients given
high dose O2 hypoxia in good lung tissue is reversed. Control centers also
sensed so HPVC is also reversed, leading to perfusion of non-ventilated lung and
increased V/Q mismatch.
Haldane effect also occurs as haemoglobin has strong affinity for O2. O2
transported bound to Hb. When low O2 e.g. COPD CO2 binds to Hb. If give
patient high dose O2 Hb brakes off from CO2 in preference to bind with O2. CO2
then dissolves in plasma, raising PaCO2.
A patient with an acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis is admitted to a medical
ABG’s taken on air are described below
pH 7.33
PCO2 6.8
PO2 6.8
HCO3- 30
BE +5
1. Explaining your answer, analyze the above arterial blood gas (3)
pH is acidic because it is lower than 7.35
PCO2 is higher than normal as it exceeds 6
PO2 is lower than normal which shows the patient has hypoxaemia
HCO3- is alkalotic as it is higher than 26
Change in HCO3- level is abnormal as it exceeds +2
2. Explain whether this patient is in respiratory failure (1.5)
The patient has partially compensated respiratory acidosis with hypoxaemia as the
pH is still acidic when HCO3- increased. This means it is partially compensated.
PCO2 is also high which indicated that the patient has respiratory acidosis. Patient
also has hypoxaemia as PO2 level is low.
3. With reference to the underlying pathophysiology of chronic bronchitis explain
why the patient would present with this ABG profile (5.5)
When patient has chronic bronchitis, repeated inhalation of pollutants leads to
irritation of the airway mucosa. Hyperplasia and hypertrophy of mucus glands occurs
in large airway. There are also hyperplasia of goblet cells at the expense of epithelial
cilia and excessive amount of mucus in the airways. Ciliary function reduces and
small airways become obstructed by mucus plug due to inflammation. Hence amount
of air to the lung is reduced which leads to a reduction of gaseous exchange. PO2
level decreases. Due to constriction of airway, resistant to airflow increase and WOB
also increases. There is V/Q mismatch. CO2 level therefore increases in blood which
also make the blood acidic. Increase in acidity of blood stimulates the kidney to alter
HCO3- to compensate lung dysfunction in order to maintain acid base balance.
Therefore HCO3- level is high.
Respiratory Mechanics
• What is innervated by the phrenic nerve?
Parietal pleura and diaphragm
• What factors generate pleural pressure?
Tendency of the chest wall to expand
Tendency of the lungs to recoil
Compliance of the lung tissue
Muscle activity of accessory muscle and intercostal muscle
• Describe the process of quiet inspiration
Respiratory muscles (diaphragm and external intercostal) contract
Which leads to increase in thoracic and lung volume
And decrease in intrapulmonary pressure
Air flows into the lungs down the pressure gradient
Airflow stops when intrapulmonary pressure is equal to atmospheric pressure
• Describe the process of quiet expiration
It is a passive process
Inspiratory muscles relax
Lung recoil
Which leads reduced thoracic and lung volume
And increased intrapulmonary pressures
Gas flows out of the lung until intrapulmonary pressure is 0
• What happens to pleural pressure with a pneumothorax?
1. Loss of negative pressure as air enters the pleural cavity, and the negative
pressure is compromised or lost.
2. Lung collapse as the introduction of air into the pleural cavity disrupts the
balance between the elastic recoil of the lung and the chest wall. The lung
may collapse or partially collapse (atelectasis) due to the loss of negative
pressure. This can result in impaired lung function and reduced oxygen
3. Shift in mediastinum as the air accumulates in the pleural space, it can cause
a shift in the mediastinum, the central part of the chest that contains the heart,
major blood vessels, and other structures. This shift can further compromise
cardiovascular function and lead to compression of vital structures.
• What may you see on a CXR?
No lung markings
Mediastinal shift
Lung Volumes & Ventilation
• What is residual volume?
The air cant expire and it remains in lung
• What volumes make vital capacity?
Inspiratory reserve volume (IRV) + Tidal volume (Vt) + Expiratory reserve volume
• What is minute ventilation?
Volume of air entering lungs each minute
• Name 2 types of dead space
Anatomical dead space
Alveolar dead space
• Describe the abnormality in Shunt
There is V/Q mismatch
Capillary flow remains normal but ventilation decrease due to blockage of airway.
• How does hypoventilation affect pH?
Hypoventilation leads to poor CO2 exertion
Partial pressure of CO2 in alveolus increases as CO2 cannot be breathe out
Partial pressure of CO2 in arterial blood also increases
When CO2 increases, more carbonic acid is formed. Hence more H+ ions are
formed due to dissociation of carbonic acid. Therefore pH decreases.
Respiratory Assessment
• Which respiratory symptoms would you ask about?
Chest pain
• What will you ask about each one?
Dysponea: onset, agg easing factors, severity and pattern
Cough: time, ease, cough when eating, wet or dry
Sputum: amount, colour, haemoptysis, viscosity, odour,
Wheeze: tightness in chest, agg and ease
Chest pain: type of pain, location, agg and ease, pain score
• What is a wheeze?
A wheeze is a high-pitched, musical or whistling sound that is produced when air
flows through narrowed or constricted airways during breathing.
• Name some causes of chest pain
Lung cancer, ischaemic heart disease and fractured rib
• Name 3 chest wall deformities
Pectus excavatum (funnel chest), pectus carination and barrel chest
• How may a breathless patient change their breathing pattern?
Accessory muscles being used
Soft tissue recession
Prolonged expiration
Active expiration
Pursed lip breathing
Gas Exchange
• Name 5 criteria required for diffusion across the alveolar membrane
• Define PaO2 and SaO2
• What is hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction?
• What is the long term consequence of HVC?
• What is the bronchiole response to CO2
• Describe pathophysiology of pneumonia
Gas Transport
• Describe the relationship between O2 and Hb
• What affects Hb affinity for O2?
• How is CO2 transported?
• Analyse this ABG:
pH 7.33 PCO2 6.7 PO2 10 HCO3- 28 BE +3
• Is this an acute or chronic problem?
Control of Breathing
• Name sensors which help regulate breathing
• What is our main drive to breath?
• Name the chemoreceptors
• Describe how central chemoreceptors become desensitized to CO2 in a patient
with chronic hypercapnia
Airways Resistance
• Describe the ANS innervation of the bronchial tree
• What is Poiseuille’s Law?
• What are the clinical consequences of increased resistance?
• What factors contribute to increased resistance in Asthma?
• What is remodelling?
• Define chronic bronchitis
• Describe pathophysiology of emphysema
• List clinical signs of COPD
• What may you hear on auscultation?
• What is hyperinflation?
• Describe the different types of respiratory failure
• Why should patients with COPD only have low flow O2?