Uploaded by John Rick Padran

Basic Human Values: Self-Reflection Questionnaire

NAME: Padran, John Rick D.
Basic Human Values
All people have certain values and that come from within them and direct their actions. Values and
Character can differ from person to person. We may not be conscious about it but all of us manifest
our character and the things we value in the way we think, act and speak.
Complete each of the following column by writing the first thing that comes into your mind. Your
answer can be in a phrase or in a full sentence.
I know this is weird, but I really like to....
I can’t go on for a day without….
Sometimes I look back at my life and....
The world would be a better place if....
I love it when....
When I'm alone, I like to....
It's important not to....
Right now is the perfect time to...
I laugh when....
Today I learned how to...
The two most beautiful words are...
In an ideal world......
Watching the kdrama
Still not change
To all people is to be respected to each other
i am not to give up to my dream
Read the mangga in the cellphone
Know about yourself
Change my life to a better life
My friend is happy
Communicate to other and don't be shy to ask
Love yourself and love your family and friend
there would be peace and harmony among all
nations and people.
I work best when....
I am in a focused and organized environment
You would never believe me if I told you.....
That I am going to graduate to this course
I really hope that....
My mother they don't need to work and enjoy
they life
I'm fascinated by...
People who share their learning
I admire people who....
They respect towards others
I will never forget the day when....
My family bounding to tagaytay city we all
I can't stand people who...
Enjoy bullying to others
The food I will never give up is...
Adobo ni mother
The secret to a happy life is to...
Trust yourself
If I could live in another time, I would choose... I am not change to myself
The one thing I will never regret is...
To overcome my shy to other
When I have a day all to myself, I...
Sleeping to my bed and learning to cooking
I'm thankful for...
My family and my mother na still strong and
never give up
I can never stop smiling when...
I'm a little embarrassed by the fact that I know
so little about.....
If knew everything for a day I would....
Today looks like a good day to...
I can't believe I actually..... when I was
Sometimes I tend to be…
Myself is so slow learning
Inspire and motivate to others to love yourself
learning the language of english
Iam not sure what I want to become
Talking to a trusted friend