자기소개 (Self Introduction) 自我介绍书 * Please type or print clearly within 1 page using black ink. (in Korean or in English) 请在一页纸内用韩文或英文填写 o Your course of life, your view of life, study background, your hopes & wishes, etc (未来规划,人生观, 学历事项,本人的愿望与梦想等) o Your education and work experience, etc. (教育和社会活动经历等) o Your motivations for applying for this program (申请动机) o Reason for study in Korea (希望在韩国学习的理由) I was born and raised in a small Mongolian family. My family's future is in my hands as the eldest daughter. This motivation made me study more than the study materials given to me. It gave me the strength to overcome every difficulty I have ever faced. During my sophomore year of high school, I developed an interest in computer science and software engineering. My family was poor, but my parents never told me no when I had to buy books. Although that book won't be cheap and we won't be able to buy home supplies for that week, my parents always put education first. They are both educated, like all parents, and they wish me all the best even though they had no way to do so. That's how my parents invested me in middle school with the Cambridge program, taught all scientific and other subjects in English, and specified high school in the field of medical science, named high school of the Mongolian National University of Medical Science. This made it possible for me to complete high school with an upper intermediate level in English, resulting in a band score of 6.0 on the IELTS. While pursuing my medical interest, I participated in various competitions in various fields across a number of schools. In 2019, I won gold at the National Chemistry Team Competition, silver at the National Biology Team Competition, and bronze at the National Physics Team Competition. I was a low-key member of the student council for two years. Throughout my career, I achieved many successes and medals in Mongolia, but my failures and mistakes made me what I am today. I don't like people who sit back and laugh and judge people who have passion for what they want to do without becoming involved directly. In addition, I enjoy challenges and am interested in a variety of things, including sports and technology. Even in middle school, I built a small car with a real engine so I could drive with my friends in high school. I wasn't just attracted to physics and chemistry, but to other fields as well. My friend asked me to participate in website building for his work one day. As it turned out, I enjoyed working with the team. That's when my dream began to change. Due to my family's financial situation, I did not want to take expensive computer programming courses, so I learned it online. Initially, it wasn't as easy as I thought, but in the end, I succeeded. Even though now, I am a site builder, I genuinely would like to improve my skills appropriately in university with intelligent scholars from all over the world and experienced professors. Not only that professor, one of Hanyang University’ s alumni is my favorite actor and role model, Gang Dong-Won. He graduated mechanical engineering major in Hanyang University Erica Campus. Korea has so many opportunities such as living costs being cheaper than in any other developed country, tuition fees are affordable, scholarship opportunities are higher than in other countries, and is famous for the excellent quality of education. I have researched all kinds of scholarships and finally, I have found the Hanyang University HISP scholarship. Owing to the Covid-19 pandemic, I could not take the TOPIK exam in my home country for 2 years. Therefore, I have applied to study the Korean language at Seoul National University and successfully passed. So now I am studying the Korean language Level 5 in Korea. 학업계획 (Study Plan) 学习计划 * Please type or print clearly within 1 page using black ink. (in Korean or in English) 请在一页纸内用韩文或英文填写 Goal of study & Study Plan (学习目标与计划) o Goal of study, title or subject of research, and detailed study plan (说明自己的学习目标和将来的研究方向) I will pursue my bachelor’ s degree in computer science at Hanyang University. The normal length of the study will be about 48 months. Through these four years, my study and research time arrangement listed as follows: First-year (2022-2023) I would like to put the most effort into my first year of studying liberal arts, basics, and core courses. Because the first year has the lowest credits, I will have free time to join interesting clubs that I am interested in. Second-year (2023-2024) My goal for this year would be to learn new languages such as Japanese and Chinese in my second year. Likewise, I want to join the school volleyball team. Plus, my other goal is to attend a software industry-famous lecture. Besides, I will always pay attention to my credit and good grades.Third and Fourth years (2024-2026) I will fully own the usage of BigData, Machine Learning, Media Entertainment, IoT, Web Information Security, and Enterprise Software. And for the senior year, I wish to participate in the project-oriented latest technology and capstone design project courses that will allow students have the ability to demonstrate the knowledge and software development skills learned in the undergraduate courses. Finally, I will focus on my degree defense. 장래 계획 (Future Plan, 未来计划) * Please type or print clearly within 1 page using black ink. (in Korean or in English) 请在一页纸内用韩文或英文填写 Future Plan after Study o Future plan in Korea or another country after study in Korea (毕业后的规划) (说明毕业后在韩国或者其他国家的规划) After graduating from my undergraduate school successfully, my plan is to go back to Mongolia to find a position in software engineering in a good-quality company. I will have gained experience in dealing with situations, people, systems, and demands, which will help my future career. After having work experience, I plan to make my dream come true and build my own company in the 30s. I want to contribute and use my skills for Mongolian technology industry development and to widen the work position for everyone.