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Best Education Systems: Korea vs. Finland

The name of the article is “what are the best education systems doing right”. The article was made an
American author based in Brooklyn. The article talks about the two top educational systems, which are
south Korea and Finland and how they work and what makes them the best. The first thing they start to
talk about is about Korea. The style south Korea use is all about hard work and we are talking about
extremely hard work. The hard work It is not initiated because the parents tell them. It the Korean
society that puts all the pressure on the students. The Korean society put discipline and order above all
other. The student mentality is also school oriented. They study all year round and believe in short term
suffering for lifelong happiness. The teacher’s role is to lead the class as a community, along with large
classes it promotes peer to peer relationships.
In Finland things are vastly different. The school is not just there to teach. The school is the very center
of the community, from promoting heavily out of class activities to giving students more free time. The
mentality of the finish is that most of learning should be done outside of the class. They also consider
that in order to be successful you need to know more than one language.
The ending of the article is that America is currently about in a educational blackout. That in order to
catchup to the world we need to change our educational culture. That parents have to stop looking fo a
school that is right for there kids, and have to trust our educational system.